219 research outputs found

    Here We Don't Speak, Here We Whistle. Mobilizing A Cultural Reading of Cognition, Sound and Ecology in the Design of a Language Support System for the Silbo Gomero.

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    This thesis presents the study of a whistled form of language known as the Silbo Gomero (Island of La Gomera, Canarian Archipelago). After fifty years of almost total extinction this form of communication has been revived, shifting from the fields where it was once used by peasant islanders and into the space of the classroom. Here, it is integrated into the curriculum of the island’s schools while providing children with a rich cultural platform that instigates linguistic and auditory experimentation. As a response to this transformation, the need to develop didactic materials is presented as one of the main challenges encountered by the community. Taking this condition as the driver of its research, this body of work draws on phonological, bioacoustic and cognitive theories to develop a formal understanding of the Silbo Gomero in a way which aims to complement the whistler’s own experience and mastery of the language by also developing an ethnographic reading of this indigenous body of knowledge and its characteristic auditory perceptual ecology. The investigation has culminated in the design of a digital application, El Laberinto del Sonido, and its active use within the educational community of the island. Finally, emphasising the practice-based nature of the research, this thesis attempts to relocate the question of intangible heritage from a focus on cultural safeguarding and transmission to one of experimentation, where an indigenous body of knowledge not only provides new exploratory paradigms in the design of didactic materials, but also contributes towards the sustainability of culturally situated forms of apprenticeship within contemporary educational contexts

    Null Objects and VP ellipsis in European and Brazilian Portuguese

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    Null Object and VP ellipsis share the property of involving the omission of the complement selected by the verb. Their occurrence across languages does not fully overlap. In Portuguese, both constructions coexist, some sentences being ambiguous between the two constructions. In this section we will outline the scope of our study, in sections 2 and 3 we will respectively analyze the properties of Null Object and VP ellipsis in European and Brazilian Portuguese, (henceforth, EP and BP). Null Object (henceforth, Null_Obj) designates the absence of the phonological expression of the necessary nominal internal complement of a verb and corresponds to a silent DP that could be recovered from a situational or linguistic context. This construction has been the topic of various studies since the eighties, in the Principles and Parameters framework. The issue emerged in the discussion of empty categories and the Null Subject Parameter, from the observation that some languages allow the complement of transitive verbs to be phonologically null. The seminal work on Null_Obj was published by Huang (1984) and it focus on Chinese, a language that allows both subjects and objects to be null. In Chinese, null subjects can be pronominal or variables, but null objects are variables bound by a discourse topic.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Wicked Problems

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    Words in Freedom:A Manifesto Machine as Critical Design

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    Desarrollo de nuevos agentes moduladores del estrés oxidativo celular como antitumorales

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    Las Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno (ROS) se generan como subproductos naturales en diversos procesos metabólicos celulares y poseen funciones esenciales en el organismo. En los últimos años se ha descubierto que las células tumorales tienen niveles elevados de ROS que promueven su crecimiento descontrolado. Sin embargo, también se sabe que este aumento del estrés oxidativo puede ser tóxico para las células En este contexto, se propone la síntesis de una serie de potenciales agentes antitumorales cuyo mecanismo de acción común es el aumento del estrés oxidativo celular. Este trabajo se centrará en la síntesis de análogos de antibióticos con grupos directores que induzcan su acumulación en las mitocondrias y la síntesis de péptidos quelantes de iones metálicos que puedan participar en la descomposición de peróxido de hidrógeno a través de la reacción de Fenton

    Estrategias metacognitivas para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes del ciclo avanzado, de educación básica alternativa público, Huaral, 2021

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    El propósito del presente estudio fue establecer la influencia de las estrategias metacognitivas para mejorar la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del ciclo avanzado, de educación básica alternativa público, Huaral- 2021. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, de nivel explicativo, diseño experimental (cuasiexperimental) y enfoque cuantitativo. La población estuvo constituido por 72 estudiantes del segundo grado del CEBA Andrés de los Reyes. La muestra fue con 40 estudiantes, 20 en el grupo control, 20 en el grupo experimental, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Como instrumento para medir la comprensión se usó la batería psicopedagógica evalúa-8, y se realizó la validez de contenido mediante juicio de expertos. También se aplicó una prueba piloto para determinar la consistencia del instrumento mediante el coeficiente KR-20 por ser ítems dicotómicos, donde se obtuvo 0.75, esto demostró que el instrumento fue aplicable; igualmente, se usó Shapiro-Wilk por ser una muestra menor a 50, dando como resultado p< 0.05, y prueba de U de Mann-Whitney 0,000 y Z= -5,434, ρ = 0,000. Los resultados evidencian, que las estrategias metacognitivas influyen sustancialmente en la mejora de la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de educación básica alternativa

    Teachers’ perspectives and practices on biodiversity web portals as an opportunity to reconnect education with nature

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    Biodiversity loss is a complex issue and a risk that education cannot overlook. Teachers play a crucial role in how biodiversity, and in particular local biodiversity, is understood. To provide insight into how to improve communication on the subject, we investigate teachers’ perspectives and social representations regarding biodiversity, their fluency in terms of Internet use, their familiarity with biodiversity web portals and perceived pedagogical usefulness of technology. A sample of 243 K–12 schoolteachers of multiple scientific domains from eight Azorean islands answered an online survey, including three free-word association tests using inductive terms such as ‘Internet’, ‘biodiversity’ and ‘familiar biodiversity portals’. Overall, the schoolteachers failed to incorporate the multidimensionality of the biodiversity concept (including natural science teachers) or to show technological fluency, and they tended not to use biodiversity web portals as tools to engage students in teaching activities. Our results indicate that teachers’ perspectives about biodiversity need to be broadened and improved and that it is worth exploring whether information and communication technology represents a window of opportunity to do so. As an example, biodiversity web portals, which are widely recognized as trustworthy information repositories, may be used to engage teachers in this endeavour.This work was supported by Portuguese funds through ‘Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.’ (FCT), under the project ‘Field Guide’ (PTDC/CED-EDG/31182/2017), the ‘FCT multi-year project 2020– 2023’ (cE3c/GBA UIDB/00329/2020) and by FEDER in 85% and Azorean Public funds in 15% through ‘Operational Program Azores 2020’, under the project AZORESBIOPORTAL–PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072). IRA was supported by FCT, under the ‘Norma Transitória’ (DL57/2016/CP1375/ CT0003).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio