171 research outputs found

    Landscape Urban Structure Design - S. Romão Sportive Park, Leiria Polis, Portugal

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    It is due to the modern movement the loss of both landscape and open spaces multifunctionality. Consequently, it merges the term of “green spaces” amorphous and residual, often void and without any appropriation, so characteristic of the contemporary city. This study is a reflexion about and a practice result of the return to these spaces multifunctionality through a landscape structure on the urban space. We want this structure to be continuous, structuring and assuring biologic processes and fluxes that occur in the landscape systems. We present the casestudy of S. Romão Sportive Park included in Polis Program of Leiria City, in Portugal. It is a system of open spaces that constitutes itself as a landscape structure, continuous and multifunctional

    The Integration and Reclamation of Quarries

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    Namúli Mount, the Identity and the Landscape of Gurué

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    This reflection arises from a look at the African landscape, the mountains and their ecosystems, the agriculture, the heritage, communities and identity. This is about the landscape, which integrates man and territory, and its multifunctionality that includes the production system (agriculture), protection (ecosystems, flows and ecological processes) and the cultural system (communities and the way they build space). This set constitutes a complex and relational system resulting in the identity of a region and the communities that inhabit it. The excessive exploitation of natural resources and the tendency towards the growth of an economy based on tourism, causes the transformation of the landscape to occur in the sense of losing its character, its culture and, consequently, its identity. The objective of this work is to identify invariants of this landscape, which can be considered in future proposals for planning and management plans for this area, in order to preserve the Gurué landscape and its identity. Through an analysis of the existing cartography and bibliography, the natural systems, their flows and processes and the cultural and heritage elements of this area were first identified and characterized. Based on this diagnostic phase, invariant elements (either natural or cultural) that determine the culture and identity of this landscape and must therefore be safeguarded and maintained, were identified. The guidelines appear later, in this sense - the preservation of fundamental values in the culture and identity of Namúli Mount and the landscape of Gurué, where it is inserted

    Functional and structural characterization of the RNase II-family of enzymes

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    Dissertation presented to obtain a Doctoral Degree in Biology by Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de LisboaRibonucleases (RNases) are ubiquitous and have a central role in the control of gene expression. They are involved in the maturation of functional RNAs as well as their degradation. RNases are also involved in quality control mechanisms and are crucial to the recycling of ribonucleotides, key cellular metabolites. Ribonucleases can be broadly classified as endoribonucleases, which cleave at sites internal to the RNA, or exoribonucleases, which remove nucleotides from either the 5' end or 3' end of the RNA molecule. Enzymes from the RNase II-family of exoribonucleases are present in all domains of life, and processively degrade RNA in the 3’ to 5’ direction with a hydrolytic activity that releases 5’-nucleotide monophosphates. They play a crucial role in RNA metabolism and have been shown to be required for normal growth and viability, virulence, mitotic control and chloroplast biogenesis.(...)Financial Support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Doctoral Grant - SFRH/BD/36024/200

    O jardim planetário: uma utopia para o século XXI?

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    O JARDIM PLANETÁRIO: UMA UTOPIA PARA O SÉCULO XXI? O actual modelo de desenvolvimento socioeconómico baseado na exploração do território com o objectivo único da maximização da sua produtividade tem contribuído para o processo de homogeneização e fragmentação da paisagem resultado da crescente urbanização, da extensão das redes de infra-estruturas de comunicação e das profundas modificações dos sistemas de utilização da terra. Face à “mundialização” daquele modelo e à ocupação do território cada vez mais dispersa e descontínua traduzida no acréscimo de vazios, de espaços abandonados, têm vindo a emergir conceitos inovadores e estratégicos que contribuindo para repensar o processo em curso procuram enquadrar a intervenção urbana e territorial contemporânea. No âmbito do actual debate sobre a necessidade de formulação de um novo modelo de ocupação e organização espacial que considere o sistema de espaços intersticiais como elemento essencial de estruturação e vertebração da paisagem urbanizada, procura-se reflectir sobre o papel e a importância do novo conceito de «jardim planetário» e da sua inter-relação com as noções emergentes de «terceira paisagem» e «jardim em movimento», «jardim da metrópole», «paisagem global» e «interscapes», na configuração de uma paisagem em que a Sociedade e a Natureza se possam desenvolver a longo prazo. Face ao exposto, procura-se responder à questão colocada por Alain Roger “(…)É legítimo abordar o planeta como se aborda um jardim? (…)” enquadrando a resposta no âmbito da teoria e da prática da Arquitectura Paisagista entendida, nas palavras de Lawrence Halprin, como a forma de arte mais global

    Holistic approach in Integrated Landscape Design. - Case Study for Montalvão Urban Park at Castelo Branco – Portugal

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    This paper is the result of a theoretical research on the concept of landscape from a more comprehensive and general view, as an introduction to Mediterranean landscape, and more specifically, Portuguese landscape, which is included in the former. Some concepts are addressed by several national and international authors in order to get to the concept of landscape that we defend – holistic and multi-functional –, within which Mediterranean landscape, and within which Portuguese landscape is a paradigm. Since landscape is identity, the development of a nation, and a reflex of their culture, we deem it fundamental for landscape to continue being an identity and sustainable in spite of the general globalisation which we are witnessing, and to continue reflecting the will of the people. Hence, on this assumption, as well as bibliographic research, we have used the Portuguese common landscape as a concept for the construction of a space with contemporary landscape – Parque Urbano de Montalvão, in Castelo Branco –, which is the object of a tender. We hereby consider that the submitted bid recognises the value, character, and essence of this place, hence contributing with all that is necessary to safeguard the region’s identity

    Understanding “Baby Boomers” and “Millennials” motivations to interact with brands on Social Media

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    The emergence and importance of social media and, in particular, social networking sites (SNS), has made it possible for an accessible integration between consumers and brands, by providing unlimited reasons for users to express, share and create content. The aim of this dissertation is to explore what motivates consumers to interact with brands on social media and to understand the relevance of those variables in explaining consumers’ loyalty toward a brand. Members of two distinct generations were studied and compared: Millennials and Baby Boomers. A scale suggested by Enginkaya and Yilmaz (2014) is analysed and comprise five different motivations: Brand Affiliation, Opportunity Seeking, Conversation, Entertainment and Investigation. Concerning brand loyalty, the scale used is proposed by Jacoby and Chestnut (1978). In terms of methodology, the study is exploratory and quantitative. An online, structured and self-administered questionnaire was performed to collect data, resulting in 324 valid responses. The main findings suggest that for Millennials, Brand Affiliation, Opportunity Seeking and Entertainment are the main motivations that drives these consumers to interact with brands. On the other hand, Conversation and Investigation are the principal motivations when concerning Baby Boomers. Additionally, it was concluded that the older generational cohort is more brand loyal when compared to its younger counterpart, where Entertainment, Opportunity Seeking and Brand Affiliation are the motivations that influence their loyalty. Concerning Millennials, Brand Affiliation is the only motivation that influences this behaviour. Lastly, theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed, where some implications for further research are therefore identified.A emergencia e importância do conceito social media e, em particular, das plataformas online, permitiu uma acessível integração entre consumidores e marcas, fornecendo inúmeras razões para os utilizadores se expressarem, partilharem e criarem conteúdo online. O objectivo desta dissertação é explorar o que motiva os consumidores para interagirem com as marcas nas redes sociais e perceber a sua relevância e influência na lealdade dos consumidores para com as marcas. Duas gerações distintas são estudadas e comparadas: Millennials e Baby Boomers. Neste estudo é analisada uma escala sugerida por Enginkaya e Yilmaz (2014) e compreende cinco motivações distintas: Brand Affiliation, Opportunity Seeking, Conversation, Entertainment e Investigation. Relativamente à lealdade, a escala usada para análise é proposta por Jacoby e Chestnut (1978). Metodologicamente, este estudo é exploratório e quantitativo. Assim, é elaborado um questionário online, estruturado e administrado individualmente por cada participante, reunindo 324 respostas válidas. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que para os Millennials, Brand Affiliation, Opportunity Seeking e Entertainment são as principais motivações que os levam a interagir com as marcas. Por outro lado, Conversation e Investigation são as motivações que mais se aplicam aos Baby Boomers. Adicionalmente, é evidenciado que os Baby Boomers são considerados mais leais comparativamente com os Millennials, em que Entertainment, Opportunity Seeking and Brand Affiliation são as motivações que influenciam a lealdade. Para os Millennials, Brand Affiliation é a única motivação que tem influencia este comportamento. Por fim, os contributos académicos e práticos são explicados, onde são posteriormente fornecidas várias recomendações para investigações futuras

    Greenways – an alternative mobility structure and an urban development strategy

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    Greenways are fundamental in establishing a continuous landscape structure. This landscape structure involves natural and cultural factors that determine flows and processes both at the ecological level, both social and aesthetic. Within the extensive range of functions that green corridors play, one should highlight the implementation of an alternative mobility structure enhancer of natural and artificial flows in the landscape. We intend to establish a strategic plan implemented through a sustainable structure, enabling to effect the flows and processes referred to in a context of natural and cultural continuity, enhancing the landscape values which is going through, giving a balanced soil occupancy considering the potential of each area faced with fast current urban growth. Our main objective is then the application of the concept of "greenway" in the municipal ecological structure, by proposing a network of corridors and the subsequent definition of different types and proposals, according to their respective potential. This aims to protect the values and natural resources, as well as forestry, agricultural and cultural areas as well as the respective integration of key systems for environmental protection and the enhancement of rural and urban areas. It is intended that they act as continuous landscape structures ensuring the multifunctionality of ecosystems and of landscape. The case study presented is the municipality of Oeiras, District of Lisbon. Portugal