5,876 research outputs found

    Welfare state evolution in Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland: towards a new paradigm?

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    DINÂMIA'CET, Outubro de 2010.In this paper we discuss welfare state reforms in Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. We analyse particularly the evolution of unemployment insurance, old-age pensions and social assistance. We investigate whether welfare state reforms can be perceived as paradigm shifts. We consider such a change entailed a decrease in social insurance relative to both social assistance and individual insurance.FC

    Molecular analysis of anterior endoderm during Xenopus development: a funtional and genomic approach

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2008Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), (SFHR/BD/10035/2002

    Optimização de Rotas: Aplicação à Recolha de Lixo do Concelho de Viseu

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    A sessão apresentada no âmbito das comemorações do Ana Mundial da Matemática, abordou o problema de organização do sistema de recolha de resíduos sólidos municipais do concelho de Viseu. A recolha de resíduos sólidos nos arredores de Viseu e na zona rural do concelho é executada pelos Serviços Municipalizados da Câmara Municipal de Viseu e efectuava-se em moldes que não serviam, nem a população abrangida, nem os funcionários da Câmara. Foi então desenvolvido um sistema de planeamento das rotas semanais ou diárias e definição do calendário das visitas a cada local, de modo a melhorar significativamente a situação então em vigor

    Omnidirectional locomotion in a quadruped robot : a CPG-based approach

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    Quadruped locomotion on rough terrain and un- predictable environments is still a challenge, where the concept of Central Pattern Generators (CPG) has brought interesting ideas. In this contribution we present a CPG design based on coupled oscillators, generating the required stepping movements of a limb for omnidirectional motion. Movements are on- line modulated through small value changes in the CPG’s parameters as required to perform the desired omnidirectional locomotion in a quadruped robot. We also present a method- ology to modulate the CPG’s parameters, reducing the control dimensionality, described in terms of the robot’s translational speed, angular velocity and walking orientation. Results show the proposed controller is well suited for the online generation and modulation of the motor patterns required to achieve the desired omnidirectional walking motion

    Robot phase entrainment on quadruped CPG controller

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    Central Pattern Generators are used in several kinds of robot locomotion, from swimming and flying, to bipeds, quadrupeds and hexapods. It is thought that this approach can yield better results in dynamical and natural environments. In this work we expand a previous quadruped locomotion controller and propose a method to couple the step cycle phase onto the locomotor CPG of a quadruped robot, creating a feedback pathway to coordinate the phases of each leg to the phase of the step cycle. This approach is tested in a simulated quadruped robot and the performed locomotion is evaluated. Results demonstrate that the proposed phase coupling synchronizes the swing step phase of ipsilateral legs to the respective step phase of the cycle and show an improvement in stability of the performed walk gait.(undefined

    Gait transition and modulation in a quadruped robot : a brainstem-like modulation approach

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    In this article, we propose a bio-inspired architecture for a quadruped robot that is able to initiate/stop locomotion; generate different gaits, and to easily select and switch between the different gaits according to the speed and/or the behavioral context. This improves the robot stability and smoothness while locomoting. We apply nonlinear oscillators to model Central Pattern Generators (CPGs). These generate the rhythmic locomotor movements for a quadruped robot. The generated trajectories are modulated by a tonic signal, that encodes the required activity and/or modulation. This drive signal strength is mapped onto sets of CPG parameters. By increasing the drive signal, locomotion can be elicited and velocity increased while switching to the appropriate gaits. This drive signal can be specified according to sensory information or set a priori. The system is implemented in a simulated and real AIBO robot. Results demonstrate the adequacy of the architecture to generate and modulate the required coordinated trajectories according to a velocity increase; and to smoothly and easily switch among the different motor behaviors.The authors gratefully acknowledge Keir Pearson for all the discussions and help. This work is funded by FEDER Funding supported by the Operational Program Competitive Factors COMPETE and National Funding supported by the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology through project PTDC/EEACRO/100655/2008

    How to increase e-mail marketing campaigns' credibility

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    Promotional e-mails are one of the most effective digital marketing tools. However, companies are still struggling with the development of e-mail marketing campaigns that are both credible and engaging. This dissertation reviewed academic and practitioners’ publications on the determinants of e-mail marketing effectiveness, namely sending details, sender and subject line and message design. Three factors were identified as being potentially relevant, but poorly understood: using brand/company name on the sender, personally addressing e-mail messages and providing the campaign’s current click-through rate (CTR) (as a measure of its social engagement). The significance of the positive effects of these variables on campaign opening rate (OR), CTR and conversion rate (CR), respectively, were experimentally confirmed through the performance of 2 A/B tests both in the health industry and a quasi-experiment on the manufacturing industry. Secondary data was collected and analysed to compare the results of both experiments with the benchmark of the respective industry. These findings can be used by brands and agencies to design more credible and engaging e-mail marketing campaigns.Os e-mails promocionais são uma das ferramentas mais efetivas de marketing digital. Contudo, as empresas ainda se debatem com o desenvolvimento de campanhas de e-mail marketing que sejam simultaneamente credíveis e atraentes. Esta dissertação reviu publicações académicas acerca de fatores que determinam a eficácia do e-mail marketing, nomeadamente os detalhes de envio, o sender e subject line e o design da mensagem. Três fatores foram identificados como relevantes mas pouco compreendidos: usar o nome da marca ou empresa no sender, direcionar pessoalmente mensagens de e-mail e fornecer informações de CTR sobre a campanha como medida de envolvimento social. A significância dos efeitos positivos destas variáveis na taxa de abertura, taxa de clicks e taxa de conversões, respectivamente, foram confirmadas experimentalmente através da realização de dois A/B testes na indústria da saúde e uma quasi-experiment na indústria da produção. Foram recolhidos e analisados dados secundários para comparar os resultados das experiências com o benchmark da indústria respectiva. Estes resultados podem ser usados por marcas e empresas de modo a criarem campanhas de e-mail marketing mais credíveis e atraentes

    Alimentação artificial em pacientes em cuidados paliativos exclusivos: opinião de acadêmicos de medicina

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    Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cuidados Intensivos e Paliativos, Florianópolis, 2017.Introdução: A indicação de alimentação artificial (AA) em cuidados paliativos (CP) exclusivos, diante da terminalidade, é um dos pontos críticos dentre as ações paliativas imperativas.Objetivo: Identificar a opinião de acadêmicos de medicina sobre AA em CP exclusivos , relacionando-a aos ciclos do curso e a literatura médica. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado em uma universidade pública brasileira, no período de 2015 a 2016. O questionário - contendo 3 argumentos contra (1, 2 e 3), e 3 a favor (4, 5 e 6), relacionados a um caso clínico fictício ,sobre a introdução de alimentação artificial em cuidados paliativos exclusivos, com respostas em escala de Likert ? foi aplicado no pré teste a 40 participantes (20 estudantes de áreas da saúde, excetuando medicina, e 20 médicos), sendo obtida a validade de face e consistência interna do instrumento ( alfa Cronbach = 0,802). Dos 600 alunos do curso de medicina, 305 aceitaram participar. As variáveis categóricas foram expressas em números absolutos e proporção, as numéricas em mediana, e a associação entre opinião e ciclo do curso com o ?2 de Pearson. Resultados: A mediana dos 305 participantes foi de 23 anos, sendo a maioria mulheres (69,8%), cursando o internato (36,1%), com crença religiosa (66,6%) e sem vivência ou experiência (66,8%). Houve associação entre opinião e ciclo do curso na maioria dos argumentos (1 a 4, p = 0,000; 5, p = 0,232; 6, p= 0,735). Opinião discordante (argumentos 1, 2 e 3 ou concordante (argumentos 4, 5 e 6), ambos consonantes aos guidelines, predominaram no internato (discordantes aos argumentos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente, [65 (59,1%), 78 (70,9%) e 81(73,6%); concordantes aos argumentos 4, 5 e 6, respectivamente, 67 (60,7%) ,93 (84,5%) e 48 (43,6%)]. Conclusões: A opinião dos alunos de medicina foi na sua maioria associada ao ciclo do curso, e a convergência com os consensos predominou entre os acadêmicos do internato.Abstract : Introduction: The artificial feeding (AF) indication in exclusive palliative care (PC) facing life´s terminality is one of the critical issues among the imperative palliative actions.Objective: Identify the opinion of medicine students about artificial feeding (AF) in exclusive palliative care (PC) relating it to the medical course cycles and its literature.Method: A cross-sectional study carried out at a Brazilian public university, from 2015 to 2016. A questionnaire - related to a fictitious clinical case about the introduction of artificial feeding in exclusive palliative care, containing 3 arguments against (1, 2 and 3) and 3 arguments for (4, 5 and 6), with answers in Likert-scale ? was applied in the pretest to 40 participants (20 of them were health care students, except medical students, and 20 physicians). The face validity and internal consistency of the instrument were obtained (alpha Cronbach = 0,802). In an amount of 600 medical students, 305 accepted to participate in this research. The categorical variables were expressed in absolute numbers and in proportion; the numerical ones in median, and the association between the opinion and the medical course cycle were also expressed with the ?2 of Pearson.Results: The median of the 305 participants were 23 years old, with the majority of women (69.8%), attending the internship (36.1%), with religious beliefs (66,6%) and without livingness or experience (66,8%). There was an association between the opinion and the medical course cycle in most of the arguments (1, 2 and 3, p = 0,000; 5 p = 5, p = 0,232; 6, p= 0,735). Discordant opinion (arguments 1, 2 and 3) or concordant one (arguments 4, 5 and 6), both in accordance with the guidelines, prevailed at the internship [discordant at arguments 1, 2 and 3, respectively, 65 (59.1%), 78 (70.9%) and 81 (73,6%); concordant at arguments 4, 5 and 6, respectively, 67 (60.7%), 93 (84.5%) and 48 (43.6%)]. Conclusions: The medical students' opinion was mostly associated with the medical course cycle and the agreement convergence predominated among internship students
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