67 research outputs found

    Glycogénose type : approche clinique, dépistage et prise en charge thérapeutique des enfants avec troubles neurocomportementaux à Kinshasa: Glycogenosis type : clinical approach, screening and therapeutic management of children with neurobehavioral disorders in Kinshasa

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    Contexte. La glycogénose de type 1 est une maladie du métabolisme intermédiaire due à une anomalie de la fonction de l‟enzyme Glucose-6-hosphatase (G6Pase). Cette enzyme intervient à l‟étape ultime de la régulation glycémique de l‟organisme en permettant à la fois le bon fonctionnement des deux voies, la glycogénolyse et la néoglucogenèse. Le déficit fonctionnel de G6Pase a pour conséquence l‟installation des épisodes d‟hypoglycémie de jeûne court avec des conséquences sur le Système Nerveux Central (SNC). L‟atteinte de ce dernier peut être à la base des anomalies entre autres des troubles neurocomportementaux.En République Démocratique du Congo, on estime que 2% d‟enfants sont handicapés ; mais les étiologies qui ont conduit à ces handicaps ne sont pas toujours élucidées.Objectifs. L‟objectif de la présente étude était d‟améliorer la prise en charge des troubles neurocomportementaux observés chez l‟enfant de la ville de Kinshasa. De façon spécifique ce travail va identifier les enfants avec troubles neurocomportementaux, puis déterminer des marqueurs cliniques et biologiques suggestifs de glycogénose type 1, confirmer ensuite le diagnostic par la biologie moléculaire et, enfin proposer des moyens thérapeutiques adéquats notamment la fécule de maïs car riche en polymère de glucose (Maïzena®).Méthodes. D‟avril 2016 à mai 2017, les enfants âgés moins ou égal à 15 ans fréquentant dans les institutions de rééducation spécialisées de la ville de Kinshasa ont été soumis à un examen clinique par des spécialistes. Il s‟est agi des enfants des centres scolaires « Villages Bondeko », « Bon Départ » à Limété et centre pour handicapés mentaux de Lemba et Mbinza IPN (Professeur MUKAU). Seuls les enfants répondant aux critères cliniques et biologiques suggestifs de Glycogénose type 1 (hyperlactacidémie associée à une hypoglycémie de jeûne court) ont bénéficié des analyses génétiques après consentement écrit et avis du Comité d‟Ethique. Les examens biologiques de base (glycémie, lactatémie, triglycéridémie) ont été réalisés en ambulatoire tandis que les analyses génétiques ont été effectuées dans le laboratoire de génétique du professeur LABRUNNE à Paris.Résultats. Cent vingt-cinq enfants ont été éligibles et seuls 45 ont bénéficié du bilan génétique. Les résultats préliminaires montrent une tendance vers la corrélation entre les troubles neurocomportementaux (retard mental, trouble de mémoire, signes autistiques) et les 7 mutations isolées décrites. Néanmoins, l‟étude se poursuit afin de proposer des signes cliniques très suggestifs de la glycogénose type 1 chez ces enfants qui ont sûrement survécu aux accès aigues mais qui portent les conséquences des épisodes insidieux et répétitifs d‟hypoglycémie. Ces signes cliniques et biologiques pourraient permettre de porter le diagnostic de glycogénose type 1 et d‟entamer le traitement par l‟administration de fécule de maïs (Maïzena) avant la confirmation par la biologie moléculaire.Conclusion. Les troubles neurocomportementaux sont d‟étiologies diverses : certaines sont bien connues (infectieuses, anomalies de caryotypes, traumatiques) mais celles liées au métabolisme intermédiaire ne sont pas suffisamment explorées. La glycogénoses type 1, par les accès d‟hypoglycémie qu‟elle entraine peut influer sur les anomalies neurocomportementales observées chez les enfants de la ville de Kinshasa. Cette étude pourra suggérer des solutions thérapeutiques pour tout nourrisson présentant des signes insidieux d‟hypoglycémie et chez les grands enfants des troubles neurocomportementaux

    Inhibition of polyploidization in Pten-deficient livers reduces steatosis

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    The tumour suppressor PTEN is a negative regulator of the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway. Liver-specific deletion of Pten in mice results in the hyper-activation PI3K/AKT signalling accompanied by enhanced genome duplication (polyploidization), marked lipid accumulation (steatosis) and formation of hepatocellular carcinomas. However, it is unknown whether polyploidization in this model has an impact on the development of steatosis and the progression towards liver cancer. Here, we used a liver-specific conditional knockout approach to delete Pten in combination with deletion of E2f7/8, known key inducers of polyploidization. As expected, Pten deletion caused severe steatosis and liver tumours accompanied by enhanced polyploidization. Additional deletion of E2f7/8 inhibited polyploidization, alleviated Pten-induced steatosis without affecting lipid species composition and accelerated liver tumour progression. Global transcriptomic analysis showed that inhibition of polyploidization in Pten-deficient livers resulted in reduced expression of genes involved in energy metabolism, including PPAR-gamma signalling. However, we find no evidence that deregulated genes in Pten-deficient livers are direct transcriptional targets of E2F7/8, supporting that reduction in steatosis and progression towards liver cancer are likely consequences of inhibiting polyploidization. Lastly, flow cytometry and image analysis on isolated primary wildtype mouse hepatocytes provided further support that polyploid cells can accumulate more lipid droplets than diploid hepatocytes. Collectively, we show that polyploidization promotes steatosis and function as an important barrier against liver tumour progression in Pten-deficient livers

    Gender differences in beliefs about health:A comparative qualitative study with Ghanaian and Indian migrants living in the United Kingdom

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    Background There is a well-established association between migration to high income countries and health status, with some groups reporting poorer health outcomes than the host population. However, processes that influence health behaviours and health outcomes across minority ethnic groups are complex and in addition, culture ascribes specific gender roles for men and women, which can further influence perspectives of health. The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative exploration of beliefs of health among male and female Ghanaian and Indian migrants and White British participants residing in an urban area within the UK. Methods Thirty-six participants (12 each Ghanaian, Indian and White British) were recruited through community settings and participated in a semi-structured interview focusing on participant’s daily life in the UK, perceptions of their own health and how they maintained their health. Interviews were analyzed using a Framework approach. Results Three super ordinate themes were identified and labelled (a) beliefs about health; (b) symptom interpretation and (c) self-management and help seeking. Gender differences in beliefs and health behaviour practices were apparent across participants. Conclusions This is the first study to undertake a comparative exploration of health beliefs among people who have migrated to the UK from Ghana and India and to compare with a local (White British) population. The results highlight a need to consider both cultural and gender-based diversity in guiding health behaviours, and such information will be useful in the development of interventions to support health outcomes among migrant populations

    Inhibition of polyploidization in Pten-deficient livers reduces steatosis

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    The tumour suppressor PTEN is a negative regulator of the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway. Liver-specific deletion of Pten in mice results in the hyper-activation PI3K/AKT signalling accompanied by enhanced genome duplication (polyploidization), marked lipid accumulation (steatosis) and formation of hepatocellular carcinomas. However, it is unknown whether polyploidization in this model has an impact on the development of steatosis and the progression towards liver cancer. Here, we used a liver-specific conditional knockout approach to delete Pten in combination with deletion of E2f7/8, known key inducers of polyploidization. As expected, Pten deletion caused severe steatosis and liver tumours accompanied by enhanced polyploidization. Additional deletion of E2f7/8 inhibited polyploidization, alleviated Pten-induced steatosis without affecting lipid species composition and accelerated liver tumour progression. Global transcriptomic analysis showed that inhibition of polyploidization in Pten-deficient livers resulted in reduced expression of genes involved in energy metabolism, including PPAR-gamma signalling. However, we find no evidence that deregulated genes in Pten-deficient livers are direct transcriptional targets of E2F7/8, supporting that reduction in steatosis and progression towards liver cancer are likely consequences of inhibiting polyploidization. Lastly, flow cytometry and image analysis on isolated primary wildtype mouse hepatocytes provided further support that polyploid cells can accumulate more lipid droplets than diploid hepatocytes. Collectively, we show that polyploidization promotes steatosis and function as an important barrier against liver tumour progression in Pten-deficient livers

    Collection, genotyping and virus elimination of cassava landraces from Tanzania and documentation of farmer knowledge

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 17 Aug 2021Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) has been a vital staple and food security crop in Tanzania for several centuries, and it is likely that its resilience will play a key role in mitigating livelihood insecurities arising from climate change. The sector is dominated by smallholder farmers growing traditional landrace varieties. A recent surge in virus diseases and awareness in the commercial potential of cassava has prompted a drive to disseminate improved varieties in the country. These factors however also threaten the existence of landraces and associated farmer knowledge. It is important that the landraces are conserved and utilized as the adaptive gene complexes they harbor can drive breeding for improved varieties that meet agro-ecological adaptation as well as farmer and consumer needs, thereby improving adoption rates. Here we report on cassava germplasm collection missions and documentation of farmer knowledge in seven zones of Tanzania. A total of 277 unique landraces are identified through high-density genotyping. The large number of landraces is attributable to a mixed clonal/sexual reproductive system in which the soil seed bank and incorporation of seedlings plays an important role. A striking divergence in genetic relationships between the coastal regions and western regions is evident and explained by (i) independent introductions of cassava into the country, (ii) adaptation to prevailing agro-ecological conditions and (iii) farmer selections according to the intended use or market demands. The main uses of cassava with different product profiles are evident, including fresh consumption, flour production, dual purpose incorporating both these uses and longer-term food security. Each of these products have different trait requirements. Individual landraces were not widely distributed across the country with limited farmer-to-farmer diffusion with implications for seed systems

    Is occupation a good predictor of self-rated health in China?

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    China's rapidly changing economic landscape has led to widening social inequalities. Occupational status in terms of occupational type and prestige may reflect these socio-structural shifts of social position and be more predictive of self-rated health status than income and education, which may only reflect more gradual acquisitions of social status over time. The goals of this study were to understand the role of occupational status in predicting self-rated health, which is well known to be associated with long-term mortality, as well as compare the occupational status to the other major socioeconomic indicators of income and education.Data from the 2010 baseline surveys of the China Family Panel Studies, which utilized multi-stage probability sampling with implicit stratification was used. Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship of various socioeconomic indicators (i.e. occupational status, income, and education) with self-rated health as the primary outcome of interest. A series of models considered the associations of occupational category or occupational prestige with self-rated health.The final sample consisted of 14,367 employed adults aged 18-60, which was nationally representative of working adults in China. We found that occupation was not a major predictor of self-rated health in China when age, ethnicity, location, marital status, physical and mental health status were controlled for, with the exception of women working in lower grade management and professional jobs (OR = 1.82, 95% CI: 1.03-3.22). In comparison, income followed by education exhibited greater association with self-rated health. The highest income group had the least probability to report poor health (In men: OR = 0.30, 95% CI: 0.21-0.43. In women: OR = 0.44, 95% CI: 0.26-0.73). People educated with junior high school had better self-rated health than those with primary and below education level (In men: OR = 0.62, 95% CI: 0.50-0.75. In women: OR = 0.53, 95% CI: 0.42-0.68). Income, education and occupation were correlated with each other.Within the context of rapid societal changes in China, income and its implications for greater healthcare access and benefits had the greatest association with self-rated health followed by education. Occupational status was not associated. Occupational categories and prestige should be better adapted to reflect China's unique sociopolitical and historical context

    New developments in anti-malarial target candidate and product profiles

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