14 research outputs found

    Das festliche Kolloquium und die Ausstellung anlƤsslich des 70. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr. Ivo Pranjković

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    U članku se daje sažet prikaz Svečanoga kolokvija u čast 70. rođendana profesora Ive Pranjkovića koji su 29. rujna 2017. organizirali Katedra za hrvatski standardni jezik i Odsjek za kroatistiku Filozofskoga fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Å irina znanstvenoga djelovanja prof. Pranjkovića utjecala je i na Å”irinu tema izlaganja, kao i na sadržaj popratne izložbe održane u Knjižnici Filozofskoga fakulteta od 27. rujna do 2. listopada 2017. Izložbom se na konkretnim primjercima knjiga, članaka, leksikona, rječnika itd. te uz popratne tekstove autora izložbe, recenzenata i kritike, zorno i nepretenciozno željela prikazati heterogenost znanstvenoga bavljenja Ive Pranjkovića.Im vorliegenden Artikel wird das festliche Kolloquium und die Ausstellung anlƤsslich des 70. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr. Ivo Pranjković dargestellt. Sowohl das feirliche Kolloquium als auch die Ausstellung hat der Lehrstuhl fĆ¼r kroatische Standardsprache der Abteilung fĆ¼r Kroatistik der Philosophischen FakultƤt der UniversitƤt in Zagreb organisiert. Im Artikel werden der Verlauf des Kolloquiums, die Themen jedes Vortrags und die Breite der wissenschaftlichen TƤtigkeit von Herrn Prof. Dr. Ivo Pranjković kurz dargestellt. Es wird auch die Ausstellung dargestellt, die in der Aula der Bibliothek der Philosophischen FakultƤt in Zagreb angestellt wurde. Aufgrund der ausgestellten Exem-plare (BĆ¼cher, Artikel, Lexikons, WƶrterbĆ¼cher etc.) und der begleitenden Texte wird die HeterogenitƤt der wissenschaftlichen TƤtigkeit von Herrn Prof. Dr. Ivo Pranjković ganz deutlich und ohne PrƤtention und Ɯbertreibungen betont und hervorgehob

    Utjecaj koncentracije digestata prilikom uzgoja na kvalitetu bioplina dobivenoga anaerobnom digestacijom vodene leće (Spirodela polyrhiza)

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    Duckweed is a widespread type of tiny free-floating plants of the flowering class. A typical representative of the family of the cowhide (Lemnaceae) is a large duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) and it is very common on Croatian inland waters. Like all other species of duckweeds, it is characterized by the possibility of vegetative and sexual reproduction and very rapid growth. It has the ability to remove nitrogen, phosphorus and some heavy metals from the substrate and is considered a very desirable raw material for biogas production for several reasons. The necessity of reducing environmental pollution of nitrates from agricultural production and the ability to grow water lenses under eutrophic conditions have sparked this research. The primary objective of the study is to determine the possibilities of continuously growing large duckweed at different concentrations of digestates for the purpose of biogas production. The secondary goal is to determine the dependence between the different digestate concentrations used for the duckweed green mass production and the quantity and quality of the biogas obtained through the anaerobic digestion process at thermophilic conditions.Vodena leća je Å”iroko rasprostranjena vrsta sitnih slobodno plivajućih biljaka iz razreda cvjetnica. Tipičan predstavnik porodice kozlačevki (Lemnaceae) je velika vodena leća (Spirodela polyrhiza) i vrlo je česta na vodenim povrÅ”inama kontinentalne Hrvatske. Kao i sve ostale vrste vodenih leća, karakterizira ju mogućnost vegetativnoga i spolnog razmnožavanja te vrlo brz rast. Smatra se vrlo poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina iz nekoliko razloga. Nužnost smanjenja zagađenja okoliÅ”a nitratima iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje te sposobnost rasta vodenih leća u eutrofnim uvjetima potaknuli su ovo istraživanje. Primarni cilj istraživanja jest utvrditi mogućnosti kontinuiranoga uzgoja velike vodene leće na različitim koncentracijama digestata, sa ciljem proizvodnje bioplina. Sekundarni je cilj utvrditi zavisnost između različitih koncentracija digestata koriÅ”tenih za proizvodnju zelene mase vodene leće te kvantitete i kvalitete bioplina dobivenog postupkom anaerobne digestije pri termofilnim uvjetima

    Potential of widespread floating aquatic plants of Bosut River in biogas production

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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi prinos bioplina i metana iz gnojovke s dodatkom tri vrste vodenih biljaka (Spirodela polyrhiza, Azolla caroliniana i Lemna minor). Uzgoj tradicionalno koriÅ”tenih biljaka (npr. kukuruz, uljana repica) za dobivanje biogoriva zahtijeva obradive povrÅ”ine, dok se vodene biljke, kao alternativa, mogu prikupiti iz prirode, a zbog jednostavne građe, brzine rasta i povoljnog kemijskog sastava mogu se bez pred-tretmana koristiti kao osnovna ili dopunska sirovina u bioplinskim postrojenjima. Četiri uzorka (kontrola i tri vrste vodenih biljaka) u tri ponavljanja povrgnuta su anaerobnoj digestiji. Različite vrste proizvode različite količine bioplina u odnosu na kontrolu (od 504,83 do 881,62 mL g-1 S.T.). Udio dobivenog metana iznosi od 57,96 do 60,63 % u zavisnosti od biljne vrste. Ovo ukazuje na izuzetan potencijal koriÅ”tenja ovih vrsta za dobivanje bioplina i metana.The aim of the study is to determine the yield of biogas and methane from slurry with the addition of three species of aquatic plants (Spirodela polyrhiza,Azolla caroliniana and Lemna ninor). Cultivation of traditionally used plants (eg.corn, oilseed rape) to produce biofuels requires arable land, while aquatic plants,as an alternative, can be collected from nature, and due to simple structure, growth rate and favorable chemical composition, they can be used as a primary or supplementary raw material in biogas plants without any pre-treatment. Four samples (control and three aquatic plant species) in three replicates were subjected to anaerobic digestion. Different species produce different amounts of biogas compared to the control (from 504.83 to 881.62 mL g-1 DM). The methane content is from 57.96 to 60.63% depending on the plant species. This indicates the tremendous potential of using these species of aquatic plants to produce biogas and methane


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    Vodena leća je sitna slobodno plivajuća vodena biljka koja nastanjuje mirne ribnjake bogate nutrijentima. Nagli reproduktivni kapacitet vodene leće može potpuno prekriti ribnjak u samo nekoliko tjedana a ta pojava ne predstavlja samo estetski problem već ljeti može izazvati i pomor riba u ribnjaku pa je stoga nužno redovito je uklanjati. U ovom radu cilj je bio utvrditi potencijal vodene leće za proizvodnju bioplina u usporedbi s kukuruznom silažom čija je uporaba u te svrhe vrlo često osporavana budući da kukuruz predstavlja jednu od glavnih žitarica u ljudskoj i prehrani životinja. Vodena leća se svrstava u drugu generaciju biogoriva te se stoga može smatrati vrlo poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina. Prinos bioplina kukuruzne silaže iznosi 180 m3/t dok su prinosi vodene leće neznatno manji, 176 m3/t. Sukladno prinosu bioplina vodene leće napravljeni su proračuni o isplativosti njezina uzgoja na ribnjacima u HR, troÅ”kovima izgradnje i proizvodnji energije u tri bioplinska postrojenja snage 1 MW pri čemu su uzeti u obzir troÅ”kovi prikupljanja, transporta i manipulacije tom sirovinom.Duckweed is a tiny free-floating aquatic plant which is typically found in quiet, nutrient rich ponds. The plants explosive reproductive capacity can make a pond completely covered in just a few weeks and this not only causes aesthetic problems, but summer fish kills are common too, so it is necessary to regularly remove it. The aim of this study was to determine the duckweed potential for biogas production compared to corn silage whose use for this purposes is often disputed because corn is one of the major cereals in human and animal nutrition. Duckweed is classified as a second generation of biofuels so it could be considered highly desirable feedstock for biogas production. The biogas yield of corn silage amounts to 180 m3/t while the yield of duckweed is slightly smaller, 176 m3/t. According to biogas yield of duckweed calculations of profitability of its cultivation on the fishponds in Croatia, construction costs and energy production in three biogas plants of 1 MW power were performed, also considering costs for collecting, transportation and manipulation of this feedstock

    Radiofrequency ablation as locoregional therapy for unresectable hepatic malignancies: initial results in 24 patients with 5-years follow-up

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    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is one treatment modality for unresectable liver metastases. Patients with hepatic malignancies (n = 24) underwent elective RFA. All tumors were ablated with a curative intent, with a margin of 1 cm, in a single session of RFA. The median diameter of tumor was 3.1 cm (range 1.7-6.9 cm). Studied patients were not candidates for resection due to multifocal hepatic disease, extrahepatic disease, proximity to major vascular structures or presence of cirrhosis with functional hepatic reserve inadequate to tolerate major hepatic resection. Complete tumor necrosis was achieved in 87.5% and tumor recurred in 3 patients (12.5%) with lesions larger than 5 cm. Distant intrahepatic recurrence was diagnosed in another 4 (16.7%). Distant metastases were found in 7 (29.2%) patients. Four of these 7 patients had also distant intrahepatic recurrence of disease. Two and 5-years survival rates were 41.7% (10 patients) and 8.3% (2 patients) respectively. RFA is safe and effective option for patients with unresectable hepatic malignancies smaller than 5 cm without distant metastatic disease. RF ablation resulted in complete tumor necrosis in 87.5% with 2 and 5-years survival rates much higher than with chemotherapy alone or only supportive therapy, when survival is measured in weeks or months. If RFA is unavailable, percutaneous ethanol injection therapy can be done but with inferior survival rates


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    Vodena leća je Å”iroko rasprostranjena vrsta sitnih slobodno plivajućih kritosjemenjača, čiji je tipičan predstavnik velika vodena leća (Spirodela polyrhiza). Česta je na vodenim povrÅ”inama kontinentalne Hrvatske, razmnožava se vegetativno i spolno te vrlo brzo povećava biomasu, pa je dobra sirovina za proizvodnju bioplina. Primarni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi mogućnosti kontinuiranog uzgoja velike vodene leće na različitim koncentracijama digestata s ciljem proizvodnje bioplina. Sekundarni cilj je utvrditi zavisnost između različitih koncentracija digestata koriÅ”tenih za proizvodnju zelene mase vodene leće te kvantitete i kvalitete bioplina dobivenog kroz postupak anaerobne digestije pri termofilnim uvjetima. Pokusima su potvrđene postavljene hipoteze da će koncentracija digestata u hranjivoj otopini utjecati na prinos zelene mase različitih vodenih leća, da se vodene leće mogu kontinuirano uzgajati na otopini digestata i da koncentracija digestata utječe na proizvodnju bioplina i metana. Vodene leće se smatraju poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina, jer usvajaju nitrate iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, koji zagađuju okoliÅ”, te zbog svoje sposobnosti rasta u eutrofnim uvjetima. Uzgoj ovih biljaka i proizvodnja bioplina vjerojatno bi smanjili iskoriÅ”tavanje obradivih povrÅ”ina za uzgoj različitih energetskih biljaka te pridonijeti zaÅ”titi okoliÅ”aDuckweeds are a widespread species of small free-floating angiosperms, whose typical representative is the large duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza). It is common on the water surfaces of continental Croatia, reproduces vegetatively and sexually and increases biomass very quickly, so it is a good raw material for biogas production. The primary goal of the research is to determine the possibilities of continuous cultivation of large duckweed at different concentrations of digestate with the aim of biogas production. The secondary goal is to determine the relationship between different concentrations of digestate used for the production of green mass of duckweed and the quantity and quality of biogas obtained through the process of anaerobic digestion under thermophilic conditions. Experiments have confirmed the hypotheses that the concentration of digestate in the nutrient solution will affect the green mass yield of different duckweeds, that duckweeds can be continuously cultivated in digestate solution and that the concentration of digestate affects biogas and methane production. Duckweeds are considered a desirable raw material for biogas production because they absorb nitrates from agricultural production, which pollute the environment, and because of their ability to grow in eutrophic conditions. The cultivation of these plants and the production of biogas would probably reduce the utilization of arable land for the cultivation of various energy plants and contribute to environmental protectio


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    Vodena leća je Å”iroko rasprostranjena vrsta sitnih slobodno plivajućih kritosjemenjača, čiji je tipičan predstavnik velika vodena leća (Spirodela polyrhiza). Česta je na vodenim povrÅ”inama kontinentalne Hrvatske, razmnožava se vegetativno i spolno te vrlo brzo povećava biomasu, pa je dobra sirovina za proizvodnju bioplina. Primarni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi mogućnosti kontinuiranog uzgoja velike vodene leće na različitim koncentracijama digestata s ciljem proizvodnje bioplina. Sekundarni cilj je utvrditi zavisnost između različitih koncentracija digestata koriÅ”tenih za proizvodnju zelene mase vodene leće te kvantitete i kvalitete bioplina dobivenog kroz postupak anaerobne digestije pri termofilnim uvjetima. Pokusima su potvrđene postavljene hipoteze da će koncentracija digestata u hranjivoj otopini utjecati na prinos zelene mase različitih vodenih leća, da se vodene leće mogu kontinuirano uzgajati na otopini digestata i da koncentracija digestata utječe na proizvodnju bioplina i metana. Vodene leće se smatraju poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina, jer usvajaju nitrate iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, koji zagađuju okoliÅ”, te zbog svoje sposobnosti rasta u eutrofnim uvjetima. Uzgoj ovih biljaka i proizvodnja bioplina vjerojatno bi smanjili iskoriÅ”tavanje obradivih povrÅ”ina za uzgoj različitih energetskih biljaka te pridonijeti zaÅ”titi okoliÅ”aDuckweeds are a widespread species of small free-floating angiosperms, whose typical representative is the large duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza). It is common on the water surfaces of continental Croatia, reproduces vegetatively and sexually and increases biomass very quickly, so it is a good raw material for biogas production. The primary goal of the research is to determine the possibilities of continuous cultivation of large duckweed at different concentrations of digestate with the aim of biogas production. The secondary goal is to determine the relationship between different concentrations of digestate used for the production of green mass of duckweed and the quantity and quality of biogas obtained through the process of anaerobic digestion under thermophilic conditions. Experiments have confirmed the hypotheses that the concentration of digestate in the nutrient solution will affect the green mass yield of different duckweeds, that duckweeds can be continuously cultivated in digestate solution and that the concentration of digestate affects biogas and methane production. Duckweeds are considered a desirable raw material for biogas production because they absorb nitrates from agricultural production, which pollute the environment, and because of their ability to grow in eutrophic conditions. The cultivation of these plants and the production of biogas would probably reduce the utilization of arable land for the cultivation of various energy plants and contribute to environmental protectio


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    Vodena leća je Å”iroko rasprostranjena vrsta sitnih slobodno plivajućih kritosjemenjača, čiji je tipičan predstavnik velika vodena leća (Spirodela polyrhiza). Česta je na vodenim povrÅ”inama kontinentalne Hrvatske, razmnožava se vegetativno i spolno te vrlo brzo povećava biomasu, pa je dobra sirovina za proizvodnju bioplina. Primarni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi mogućnosti kontinuiranog uzgoja velike vodene leće na različitim koncentracijama digestata s ciljem proizvodnje bioplina. Sekundarni cilj je utvrditi zavisnost između različitih koncentracija digestata koriÅ”tenih za proizvodnju zelene mase vodene leće te kvantitete i kvalitete bioplina dobivenog kroz postupak anaerobne digestije pri termofilnim uvjetima. Pokusima su potvrđene postavljene hipoteze da će koncentracija digestata u hranjivoj otopini utjecati na prinos zelene mase različitih vodenih leća, da se vodene leće mogu kontinuirano uzgajati na otopini digestata i da koncentracija digestata utječe na proizvodnju bioplina i metana. Vodene leće se smatraju poželjnom sirovinom za proizvodnju bioplina, jer usvajaju nitrate iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje, koji zagađuju okoliÅ”, te zbog svoje sposobnosti rasta u eutrofnim uvjetima. Uzgoj ovih biljaka i proizvodnja bioplina vjerojatno bi smanjili iskoriÅ”tavanje obradivih povrÅ”ina za uzgoj različitih energetskih biljaka te pridonijeti zaÅ”titi okoliÅ”aDuckweeds are a widespread species of small free-floating angiosperms, whose typical representative is the large duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza). It is common on the water surfaces of continental Croatia, reproduces vegetatively and sexually and increases biomass very quickly, so it is a good raw material for biogas production. The primary goal of the research is to determine the possibilities of continuous cultivation of large duckweed at different concentrations of digestate with the aim of biogas production. The secondary goal is to determine the relationship between different concentrations of digestate used for the production of green mass of duckweed and the quantity and quality of biogas obtained through the process of anaerobic digestion under thermophilic conditions. Experiments have confirmed the hypotheses that the concentration of digestate in the nutrient solution will affect the green mass yield of different duckweeds, that duckweeds can be continuously cultivated in digestate solution and that the concentration of digestate affects biogas and methane production. Duckweeds are considered a desirable raw material for biogas production because they absorb nitrates from agricultural production, which pollute the environment, and because of their ability to grow in eutrophic conditions. The cultivation of these plants and the production of biogas would probably reduce the utilization of arable land for the cultivation of various energy plants and contribute to environmental protectio

    Endomedullary radiofrequency ablation of metastatic lesion of the right femur 5 years after primary breast carcinoma: a case report

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    Metastatic tumors of the long bones usually present with severe pain refractory to analgesic therapy. Pathologic fractures of the bone may lead to the significant decrease of patient's quality of life and necessitate further surgical therapy. We present 66 year old female with metastatic left breast carcinoma (T2N0M0) diagnosed 5 years before presentation of the metastatic lesion of the right femur causing severe pain in the middle of the right upper leg. Pain persisted after palliative irradiation therapy. We performed radiofrequency ablation of the metastatic lesion of the right femur using R.I.TA. Medical System Generator. This resulted in total necrosis of the tumor mass that caused osteolysis of the internal part of the femoral cortex. First three months after RFA procedure, the pain and tenderness were absent and normal daily activities were performed without restrictions