173 research outputs found

    A Study of the Psychology of Women Characters in Vijay Tendulkar’s Sakharam Binder

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    Vijay Tendulkar is one of the most eminent playwrights of post-modern India and through his plays, has focused on the evils taking place in the society. We, as human beings are endowed with the most superior minds. We are considered to be the most intelligent beings on the planet and that, with changing times has given rise to numerous ambitions and desires. These emotions, if not fulfilled, give birth to enormous pain. We are left agitated, frustrated, unhappy and what not about our helplessness. These negative emotions bear the fruit of further animosity towards our fellow beings. In this research paper I will try to discuss the psychology of such two prominent women characters of Tendulkar’s play Sakharam Binder who show us two different sides of the same society. Keywords:Women, psyche, morals, sins, virtue

    Victorian Age and Literature

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    The Victorian age was a witness to a lot of alterations that were going to set path for upcoming generations. To become a great nation, the citizens have to endure a lot of challenges and the same happened to the people living in England in Victorian era. England was emerging as one of the most powerful nations of the world and the proof of its progression was the torment its people were undergoing. The religious beliefs were shattered and the emergence of new technological advancements bewildered people. A lot of things changed in a very little time and the result was overall social unrest and financial crisis. The rising popularity of new genres of literature encouraged people to get educated and hence increasing number of libraries. Keywords: Victorian age, technological advancements, religious beliefs, social turbulences, financial crisis, Victorian literature, emergence of novels and drama

    Social Realism in the Plays of Mahesh Dattani

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    Abstract Social realism is that branch of realism that is known to describe the realities of society. Realism emerged stronger than ever before in the Victorian period and has been known to target the follies of people and society since then. In the modern or post modern era the problems of the society have changed but their impact on people has remained same. Various writers have portrayed the harsh realities of modern day society and as the fiscal problems were transformed into moral ones, playwrights like Dattani found it their duty to present them to the readers. Dattani is known for putting forward the issues that directly concern the society. He has dealt with various subjects over the years like gender biases, discrimination towards homosexuals, greed, futility of relationships etc. He has written a number of plays including On a muggy night in Mumbai, Do the Needful, Where there’s a Will and so on.  In this paper I have tried to present my views on social realism in the plays of Dattani. I have included Seven Steps Around the Fire and Tara for my research work. Seven Steps Around the Fire throws light on the poor condition of eunuchs in the society and how they are deprived of basic rights like justice. The theme of gender bias is shared in Tara. We live in a ‘modern society’ and get carried away by all the developments around us, but Dattani through his queer observation, pulled characters from the same society we live in but never thought existed. The stereotypical answer to most of our questions is ‘That is how the society works.’ The most important thing all Indians take pride in is our rich culture and a lot of people live under the illusion that it is free from any stain of infidelity and also that we are all honest citizens who treat our relationships higher than anything else in our lives. Very few times we realize that above all we are human beings who are bound to commit mistakes. The burden on our heads is not such of our relationships but most of the times it is the concern of our social image that leads us to moral degradation. We find a lot of characters in the plays of Dattani who struggle through the same patch to arrive at a point where all can agree to their decisions and live peacefully and be respected in the society; instead they end up wearing masks for the rest of their lives. The prominent theme in all of Dattani’s plays is the unending adjustments and compromises people commit for the sake of a dignified position in the society, against all the odds. Dattani has been very successful in exposing the loopholes in the social structure of our nation and dealing with the subjects which people still feel are alien to our land. The preference of a male child in a family has always been an issue in a lot of important works but we do not expect such hideous motives in the upbeat cities of nation especially in a well educated family but this is one of the brutal realities brought out in the plays of Dattani. Dattani is a contemporary writer and wrote in an age which can be thought as a time when people are considered well educated and women are well treated but what is considered a rare incident is in fact the true picture of the society that represented the downtrodden condition of woman in the society. Dattani very skillfully presented all these follies in his plays and left us wondering whether it is the same society that we talk and read about. Underneath all the development there lies a gloom that is still untouched by knowledge and awareness. Through his plays Dattani has also tried to portray the prejudiced minds of the people who are still hardhearted and unsympathetic towards trans-genders and homosexuals and who still feel that people from another religion are ‘terrorists’. The fact that people find it difficult to accept uncommon things creates an adverse situation in our society. Dattani is among the first writers of post-colonial times and he mirrored the changing face of the nation. We can easily pick fast paced lives, well settled and rich families, in his plays, but the striking aspect lies in the fact that he is able to portray the sinister characteristics in the otherwise mundane lives and stereotyped families. The play Seven Steps Around the Fire presents two interwoven stories, one in which Uma is married to Suresh Rao, Chief Superintendent of Police. She is incapable of conceiving a child and has undergone numerous check-ups, but when once she asks her husband to consult a doctor he denies it as it would be insulting to question his masculinity and he cannot have any defect because he is a ‘Man’. The parallel story unfolds while Uma is seen working on her paper ‘Class and Gender Violence’ during which she is exposed to various mysteries related to the murder of Kamala, a eunuch. It is said that eunuchs are only invited to weddings and births but sadly none is destined for them. Kamala secretly marries Subbu Sharma, the son of a minister and when the minister finds out about this he burns Kamala to death. The Fire that acted as a witness for Kamala’s marriage became a reason for her own death. Uma meets Anarkali and Champa who were close to Kamala and keeps asking them questions regarding the murder but none of them answers her even after knowing the truth because according to them there is something bigger than the truth and that is the position of elite class in the society. Moreover we are told throughout the play that nobody cares about the murders of people who have inferior position in the society and that they are good for nothing. When the minister arranges a second marriage for Subbu, Uma invites these eunuchs to the wedding of Subbu and in the end scene we find Subbu committing suicide out of guilt on the day of his own marriage. Therefore the ‘pavitra agni’ becomes the reason for the death of two persons who could have lived happily if the society was any little hardhearted. We all strive to find love all our lives but where do these gender biases come from. The concept of trans-genders is not a western one, we read of Shikhandi in Mahabharata who became a reason for the death of Bhishma Pitamaha. Shikhandi was born in a royal family and if it was not because of him the whole epic would have been different. Eunuchs are called upon every sacred occasion and their blessings are considered necessary for all. Their pettiest expectations from the society are respect and dignity, which although they truly deserve but are deprived of. The basic qualities we all need to possess to be called human beings are humility and morality and none of them is seen when we deal with people who do not belong to our own community or are different from the common people. Love should be the primary reason to get married, but apparently the society doesn’t work that way. A society in which we live needs a class, community, and gender that can be described easily. We find Uma talking to her husband when she asks him to consult a doctor when they are not able to have children; very efficiently Suresh disposes off the request because that will hurt his masculinity. A man in this society cannot imagine being infertile. It is too much for him to face the question as it will hurt his male ego to question his fertility but it is established that a woman can be barren or have any curse on her head which makes it convenient for the society to blame her. We have always been living in a patriarchal society and the subject is strongly evident in the plays of Dattani. He portrayed the realism in our society where a man can get away with two murders if he has a strong position in the society. Dattani, through his plays not only brought to spotlight the condition of women but also the suffrage of deprived classes. We are well aware of the position of women in the society and think about it all the time but seldom have we felt empathetic towards those who belong to the minority. The class of eunuchs is not only been a deprived but a harassed one as well where they are pushed into obscene activities to earn a living and are ripped off the right to a decent living. The concept of preference of a male child over a female finds place in Dattani’s Tara. The play tells the story of two conjoined twins who are separated through surgery. It is a short play of two acts and the main characters are Chandan and Tara. The plot revolves around the surgical separation of the twins and how the parents, though well educated, put the life of male child ahead of their daughter. The surgery involves separation of siblings from lower body including their internal organs and limbs and the parents decide to give both the limbs to the son even after being well aware of the critical condition of their daughter. Chandan’s body cannot accept the leg and hence it is detached from his body in a gradual period of time. Apart from the limb the other organs are also transplanted in Chandan’s body not realizing that the resultant medical condition will lead to the gradual death of Tara. Throughout the play we find Patel making plans for Chandan’s future about how his career will bloom in and what should he study and even Tara is not left out from feeling the coldness of her father but instead of crying about it she chooses to live a happy life. Tara is portrayed as a strong, smart, intelligent girl who, if given a chance, could have achieved something great in her life. But that great could not have satisfied the parents, who wanted a male child, doesn’t matter if he was not so brilliant and smart but a boy was all that was needed in the family because he would carry the family’s name. The only mature character in the play other than Tara is Chandan who moves to London in his youth as the burden of guilt is heavy on his heart. Tara revolves around the idea of preference of a male child in the family. The Patels are well educated people living in the metropolitan cities of India but still carries the Indian spirit of the importance of a male child. Tara represents a liberal society in a rapidly developing nation but caught in the prejudiced minds of people. When the world is progressing and fighting for equal opportunities for men and women, our Indian society still finds it hard to give a girl a fair chance to win the world. We all believe that female foeticide is a heinous crime but even after giving birth there are a lot of women who are deprived of equal rights and are not given a dignified position in the society because people, no matter how modern and well to do, still think in the back of their heads that if it is a girl she cannot be equally strong, intelligent and capable as a boy. The overwhelming guilt of Dan pushes him out of the nation where he expects that his sister’s death will not haunt him any further but he cannot escape the biggest grief of his life. Tara raises the issue of preference of a male child in the ‘modern’ society. We live in a society where girls are not only at par with boys but a lot of times  ahead of them, we worship women deities but refuse to respect the human counterpart. The Indian society is full of such superficial theories where women are considered ‘Devis’, but, they never get the deserved place. Not just female foeticide, India is a land where crime against women is a common phenomenon; women are harassed, molested, tortured and burnt alive for dowry, where rape victims are blamed for wearing provocative clothes and the criminals are free to move around. India started with being a land of Sati practice and as times changed so did the crimes as well. Now no one needs a dead husband women are burnt alive for the sake of money and treated with acid on denial of marriage proposals. Centuries have passed but the condition of women in the country has not changed much, the crimes have changed faces but the intentions remain the same and Dattani focused on these issues in his plays. Social realism is that branch of realism that deals with the realism prevalent in the society. The social flaws and hypocrisies are highlighted by bringing in spotlight the sad realities that were always in front of our eyes and yet we were blind towards them. Dattani is a modern playwright and hence he not only described the old flaws but also wrote about issues like homosexuality which is still considered western and people are reluctant to talk about. Dattani has written a lot of plays where he dealt with a wide range of issues that are still affecting our society in adverse ways, may it be a preference of male child, or suppression of the voice of eunuchs, or secondary treatment towards homosexuals. Dattani presented in Tara, how a girl child is still considered a burden, an inferior person who is not even given a fair chance to survive in the world. A mother is said to be the most understanding and loving person for a child but even she chose her favorite among her own children. The play Seven Steps Around the Fire emphasizes on the condition of eunuchs in the society and how they are deprived of basic rights in the society. The play makes us question the whole system of law and order where people are not given fair trials just because they are not part of a larger community and furthermore they are given the worst deserved treatment for entering in the world of the ‘normal people’. The brutal crimes are overlooked if the people of ‘elite’ class are involved and especially when the crimes are against the downtrodden of the society. No matter we believe it or not but the reality of society even today lies in fact that even if we call it a democracy, not everyone in the society is equal, not everyone in the society are given fair chances to live, and worst of all not everyone in society are treated as human beings.   References Agrawal, Beena. Mahesh Dattani’s Plays A New Horizon in Indian Theatre. Jaipur: Book Enclave, 2011.Print.Das, Bijay Kumar. Forms and Meaning in Mahesh Dattani’s Plays. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd., 2008.Print.Dattani, Mahesh. Collected Plays. New Delhi: Penguin Publishers, 2000.Print.http://literarism.blogspot.in/2011/11/tara-mahesh-dattani.htmlhttp://makwanajayshri261011.blogspot.in/2011/03/socio-psychological-analysis-of-gender.htmlhttp://thelitroom.com/2014/04/17/where-theres-a-will-by-mahesh-dattani-presented-by-twisted-arrows/http://www.academia.edu/4264601/GENDER_DISCRIMINATION_IN_TARA_

    The Concept of Life Force in the Plays of George Bernard Shaw

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    The Victorian Age is known not only for its technological advancements but also for compromises that resulted in a battle between reason and faith. The impact of Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ was widely seen in the works of contemporary writers. While Dickens presented the crude realities of society in a serious manner, Shaw, who wrote in the later part of the century, painted the gloomy picture in color. He ridiculed the follies of society by comparing the conventional notions with the idealistic ones. He dealt with numerous subjects like war, medicine, law, politics, prostitution, love, etc. but his approach towards these themes remained alien to the society. Love, for example, was considered divine and beautiful by writers and poets before Shaw, but he exposed the motive behind falling in love and the concept of Life Force in his plays. In this research paper I am discussing the theme of Life Force in the selected plays of George Bernard Shaw and the plays I have taken for my research are Arms and the Man and Man and the Superman. Keywords: Life Force, New Drama, New Woman, love, marriage, heroine

    Crystal-Liquid Crystal Binary Phase Diagrams

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    We propose a new theoretical scheme for the binary phase diagrams of crystal-liquid crystal mixtures by a combination of a phase field model of solidification, the Flory-Huggins theory for liquid-liquid mixing and Maier-Saupe-McMillan (FH-MSM) model for nematic and smectic liquid crystal orderings. The phase field theory describes the crystal phase transition of anisotropic organic crystal and/or side chain liquid crystalline polymer crystals while the FH-MSM model explains isotropic, nematic and smectic-A phase transitions. Self-consistent calculations reveal several possible phase diagram topologies of the binary crystal-liquid crystal mixtures. The calculated phase diagrams were found to accord well to the reported experimental results. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Phase-Field Modeling on Morphological Landscape of Isotactic Polystyrene Single Crystals

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    Spatio-temporal growth of isotactic polystyrene single crystals during isothermal crystallization has been investigated theoretically based on the phase field model by solving temporal evolution of a nonconserved phase order parameter coupled with a heat conduction equation. In the description of the total free energy, an asymmetric double-well local free energy density has been adopted to represent the metastable melt and the stable solid crystal. Unlike the small molecule systems, polymer crystallization rarely reaches thermodynamic equilibrium; most polymer crystals are kinetically stabilized in some metastable states. To capture various metastable polymer crystals, the phase field crystal order parameter at the solidification potential has been treated to be supercooling dependent such that it can assume an intermediate value between zero (melt) and unity (perfect crystal), reflecting imperfect polycrystalline nature of polymer crystals. Two-dimensional simulations exhibit various single crystal morphologies of isotactic polystyrene crystals such as faceted hexagonal patterns transforming to nonfaceted snowflakes with increasing supercooling. Of particular interest is that heat liberation from the crystallizing front influences the curvature of the crystal-melt interface, leading to directional growth of lamellar tips and side branches. The landscape of these morphological textures has been established as a function of anisotropy of surface energy and supercooling. With increasing supercooling and decreasing anisotropy, the hexagonal single crystal transforms to the dense lamellar branching morphology in conformity with the experimental findings

    Children Are the Future of the Nation (With Reference to National Family Health Survey [NFHS] Round 3 and 4 I.E. 2005-06 and 2015-16)

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    The interstate variation in IMR and CMR is the focus of the study and researchers plan to investigate reasons behind the same in India. The selection of three Indian states for the study is based on the planning commission data showing regional disparities in IMR and CMR. The NFHS round 3 and 4 supported in understand various linkages and relationships between various variables. Extensive breast feeding is not directly linked with the rise or fall in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Child Mortality Rate (CMR). Other important factors like women literacy and development of the state play an important role. During the process of finding correlation between IMR, CMR and various factors affecting them, showed rising tendencies of IMR, CMR in those are areas which are economically backward, having illiteracy among women, lack of adequate diet for mother and child etc. The limitation of the study is the source of data as the NFHS round 4 phase 2 is yet to be published while there hasn’t been any research in the same field. The findings of the study are important for various stakeholders of the society so as to contribute towards the human capital development of the nation

    Ayurveda Interpretation of Kalpana: A Classical Review

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    Kalpana (formulations) is a method or process of drug preparation and these specific formulations meant for particular purposes. The knowledge of drug preparation or Kalpana helps to enhancing potency and palatability of drug. The particular dosage forms and processing techniques employed for definite purposes. Charaka Samhita mentioned concept of Samskaras (fortifications) that helps to increase potency and qualities of drugs. Acharya Harita described different types of Kashaya (Saptavidha Kashaya); similarly other ayurveda texts also mentioned various types of classical Ayurveda formulations. Present article explored Ayurvedic interpretation of Kalpana and utility of this concept

    Evaluation of constitutional chromosomal abnormalities: experience of a tertiary healthcare diagnostic laboratory in India

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    Background: Structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations contribute significantly to genetic disease. Unbalanced aberrations are associated with congenital anomalies, mental retardation and underdevelopment of secondary sexual characters while balanced structural chromosomal abnormalities contribute to an increased risk for infertility, bad obstetric history and chromosomally unbalanced offspring with multiple congenital abnormalities and intellectual impairment. Aim of the current study was to determine the prevalence and characterization of cytogenetic aberrations in 8445 cases referred during the years 2010-2013 for cytogenetic evaluation.Methods: Metaphase chromosomes from 72-hour blood lymphocyte culture were prepared for Giemsa-Trypsin-G banding. Characterization of marker chromosomes were done by M-FISH and subtle chromosomal aberrations were evaluated by targeted FISH using centromeric probes for chromosome 13,18,21, X and Y and loci specific probes for microdeletion syndromes and SRY gene.Results: Variant forms of trisomies i.e. partial trisomies were seen in cases with Edwards and Patau syndrome. Sex chromosomal abnormalities associated with puberty and reproductive problems were seen in cases with Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome and also in females with primary amenorrhea. Autosomal reciprocal translocations were the most common chromosomal changes in couples with recurrent abortions. In order to increase the diagnostic yield and evaluate variations, FISH and m-FISH were additional tests done to characterize the genetic variations.Conclusions: Along with Karyotyping SRY, XIST, SHOX9 gene analysis and Y microdeletion analysis are also critial tests to assess the possibilities for normal development or assisted reproduction in individuals with sex chromosomal abnormalities

    Discrepancy in Determination of Chi Parameters by Melting Point Depression Versus Small-Angle Neutron Scattering in Blends of Deuterated Polycarbonate and Isotactic Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)

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    The discrepancy in the chi interaction parameters of deuterated polycarbonate/isotactic poly(methyl methacrylate) blends as determined by the melting point depression approach and the small-angle scattering technique is reported. We have modified the Flory diluent theory by removing the inherent assumption of complete rejection of the solvent from the crystal solid by taking into consideration the crystal-amorphous, amorphous-crystal, and crystal-crystal interactions. The discrepancy in chi values obtained by the two methods is discussed
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