51 research outputs found

    Chemical Composition and Energy Nutritional Value of the Meat of Guinea Fowls (Numidameleagris), Fattened to different Ages

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the chemical composition and energy content of the meat of young Guinea-fowls, with different duration of the fattening period, raised in a free-range, semi-intensive production system. The authors establish the following data: dry matter content- from 27.08 to 28.82% in breast muscle and from 23.83 to 26.56% in thigh muscle; crude protein in dry matter –from 86.19to 93.54% in breastand from 82.02 to 87.84% in thigh muscle; crude fat in dry matter - from 5.64 to 7.58% in breast and from 9.02 to 11.05% in thigh muscles. The average energy content in 100 g dry matter varies from 23.7 (breast muscle, 16 weeks of age) to 25.07 kJ (thigh muscle, 24 weeks of age)

    Male fidelity expressed through rapid testosterone suppression of ultrasonic vocalizations to novel females in the monogamous California mouse

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    . (2015). Male fidelity expressed through rapid testosterone suppression of ultrasonic vocalizations to novel females in the monogamous California mouse. Hormones and Behavior, 70, 47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2015.02.003 The steroid hormone testosterone (T) is a well-known mediator of male sexual behavior in vertebrates. However, less is known about T's rapid effects on sexual behavior, particularly those involving ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs), a mode of communication that can influence mate acquisition in rodents. Using the monogamous California mouse, Peromyscus californicus, we tested whether T rapidly alters male USV production by giving T or saline injections to nonpaired (sexually naĂŻve) males and paired (paternally experienced and pair-bonded) males immediately prior to a brief exposure to an unrelated, novel female. Among non-paired males, no differences in the total number of USVs were observed; however, T increased the proportion of simple sweeps produced. Among paired males, T decreased the number of USVs produced, and this change was driven by a reduction in simple sweeps. These results suggest a differential rapid effect of T pulses between non-paired and paired males upon exposure to a novel female. Additionally, we observed a positive correlation in the production of USVs made between males and novel females, and this relationship was altered by T. Given the importance of USVs in sexual communication, our study supports an essential concept of monogamy in that mate fidelity is reinforced by decreased responsiveness to prospective mates outside of the pair bond. The central mechanism in pair bonded males that decreases their responsiveness to novel females appears to be one that T can trigger. This is among the first studies to demonstrate that T can inhibit sexually related behaviors and do so rapidly

    Visualization of the joining of ribosomal subunits reveals the presence of 80S ribosomes in the nucleus

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    In eukaryotes the 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleolus, but there appear to be mechanisms preventing mRNA binding, 80S formation, and initiation of translation in the nucleus. To visualize association between ribosomal subunits, we tagged pairs of Drosophila ribosomal proteins (RPs) located in different subunits with mutually complementing halves of fluorescent proteins. Pairs of tagged RPs expected to interact, or be adjacent in the 80S structure, showed strong fluorescence, while pairs that were not in close proximity did not. Moreover, the complementation signal is found in ribosomal fractions and it was enhanced by translation elongation inhibitors and reduced by initiation inhibitors. Our technique achieved 80S visualization both in cultured cells and in fly tissues in vivo. Notably, while the main 80S signal was in the cytoplasm, clear signals were also seen in the nucleolus and at other nuclear sites. Furthermore, we detected rapid puromycin incorporation in the nucleolus and at transcription sites, providing an independent indication of functional 80S in the nucleolus and 80S association with nascent transcripts

    The case for studying other planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres in Heliophysics

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    Heliophysics is the field that "studies the nature of the Sun, and how it influences the very nature of space - and, in turn, the atmospheres of planetary bodies and the technology that exists there." However, NASA's Heliophysics Division tends to limit study of planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres to only those of Earth. This leaves exploration and understanding of space plasma physics at other worlds to the purview of the Planetary Science and Astrophysics Divisions. This is detrimental to the study of space plasma physics in general since, although some cross-divisional funding opportunities do exist, vital elements of space plasma physics can be best addressed by extending the expertise of Heliophysics scientists to other stellar and planetary magnetospheres. However, the diverse worlds within the solar system provide crucial environmental conditions that are not replicated at Earth but can provide deep insight into fundamental space plasma physics processes. Studying planetary systems with Heliophysics objectives, comprehensive instrumentation, and new grant opportunities for analysis and modeling would enable a novel understanding of fundamental and universal processes of space plasma physics. As such, the Heliophysics community should be prepared to consider, prioritize, and fund dedicated Heliophysics efforts to planetary targets to specifically study space physics and aeronomy objectives

    New Frontiers-class Uranus Orbiter: Exploring the feasibility of achieving multidisciplinary science with a mid-scale mission

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    Expression of the transcription factor Hes3 in the mouse and human ocular surface, and in pterygium

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    Purpose: In this work we examined the presence of the neural stem cell biomarker Hairy and Enhancer of Split 3 (Hes3) in the anterior eye segment and in the aberrant growth condition of the conjunctiva pterygium. Further, we studied the response of Hes3 to irradiation. Materials and methods: Adult mouse and human corneoscleral junction and conjunctiva, as well as human pterygium were prepared for immunohistochemical detection of Hes3 and other markers. Total body irradiation was used to study the changes in the pattern of Hes3 expression. Results: The adult rodent and human eye as well as pterygium, contain a population of cells expressing Hes3. In the human eye, Hes3-expressing (Hes3+) cells are found predominantly in the subconjunctival space spanning over the limbus where they physically associate with blood vessels. The cytoarchitecture of Hes3 + cells is similar to those previously observed in the adult central nervous system. Furthermore, irradiation reduces the number of Hes3 + cells in the subconjunctival space. In contrast, irradiation strongly promotes the nuclear localization of Hes3 in the ciliary body epithelium. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a recently identified signal transduction pathway that regulates neural stem cells and glioblastoma cancer stem cells also operates in the ocular surface, ciliary body, and in pterygium
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