26 research outputs found


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    The paper is prepared according to the ‘Landscape protection and management guidelines for roads and railways’ under the order of the Ministry of Environment. One of the tasks of these guidelines is to integrate the attitudes of the politics of Lithuanian Republic and the requirements of legislation which is related to landscape protection and management into the road development system. To implement this task the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign normative documents was carried out, the main problems were formulated, the ways of solving the conflicts and changes of some Lithuanian legislation were proposed. KEY WORDS: road, road landscape, legislation

    Using space syntax method and GIS-based analysis for the spatial allocation of roadside rest areas

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    A well-grounded system of Roadside Rest Areas (RRA) for transit travellers and local inhabitants in Latvia and Lithuania is absent. To select places for the location of RRA on Latvian–Lithuanian cross-border roads space syntax method and GIS-based analysis was used. The aim of this article is to present the developed methodology, results of the performed research and to lead discussion for the further development and applicability of the methodology. The application of space syntax method to nine transit roads in Latvian–Lithuanian border zone reveals that considering both local and regional contexts three roads or their parts could be recommended for the location of RRA. For the more precise location of RRA GIS-based method was developed. This method includes the GIS capabilities of information collection, spatial analysis and multi-criteria (eight criteria were selected) evaluation. The main proposed methodical stages are: creation of the thematic GIS database; formulation of RRA sites selection criteria, division of the analysed road into intervals, and assignment of attribute data according to the criteria to the road intervals; generation of buffer zones for the analysed road and evaluation of them according the selected criteria; assignment of values provided to the buffer zones to the road intervals attribute data and total rating of roadside area potential to equip rest areas; elaboration of road buffer zone area suitable for the location of RRA

    Revealing the Unknown: Real-Time Recognition of Galápagos Snake Species Using Deep Learning

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    Real-time identification of wildlife is an upcoming and promising tool for the preservation of wildlife. In this research project, we aimed to use object detection and image classification for the racer snakes of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. The final target of this project was to build an artificial intelligence (AI) platform, in terms of a web or mobile application, which would serve as a real-time decision making and supporting mechanism for the visitors and park rangers of the Galápagos Islands, to correctly identify a snake species from the user’s uploaded image. Using the deep learning and machine learning algorithms and libraries, we modified and successfully implemented four region-based convolutional neural network (R-CNN) architectures (models for image classification): Inception V2, ResNet, MobileNet, and VGG16. Inception V2, ResNet and VGG16 reached an overall accuracy of 75%This article belongs to the Section Wildlif

    Revealing the Unknown: Real-Time Recognition of Galápagos Snake Species Using Deep Learning

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    Real-time identification of wildlife is an upcoming and promising tool for the preservation of wildlife. In this research project, we aimed to use object detection and image classification for the racer snakes of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. The final target of this project was to build an artificial intelligence (AI) platform, in terms of a web or mobile application, which would serve as a real-time decision making and supporting mechanism for the visitors and park rangers of the Galápagos Islands, to correctly identify a snake species from the user’s uploaded image. Using the deep learning and machine learning algorithms and libraries, we modified and successfully implemented four region-based convolutional neural network (R-CNN) architectures (models for image classification): Inception V2, ResNet, MobileNet, and VGG16. Inception V2, ResNet and VGG16 reached an overall accuracy of 75%This article belongs to the Section Wildlif

    The effect of roads and streets on social and spatial city structure

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    New roads and streets usually affect the social and spatial structure of cities, towns or living area. To demonstrate such effect, research on the municipal areas of Silainiai and Sargenai in Kaunas city was carried out. Two periods of time including before and after building a viaduct joining the municipal areas of Silainiai and Sargenai were investigated. The results of research showed that the spatial composition of the area had changed. Axial maps demonstrated the transformation of territory social code. Article in Lithuanian. Kelių ir gatvių poveikis miesto socialinei ir erdvinei struktūrai Santrauka. Keičiantis urbanizuoto kraštovaizdžio suplanavimui, tiesiant kelius ir gatves, neretai susiduriame su miesto socialinės ir erdvinės struktūros bei ryšių pokyčiais. Šiems pokyčiams pademonstruoti Kauno miesto dalyje atliktas tyrimas, padėjęs išsiaiškinti gatvių ir kelio poveikį tiriamosios teritorijos socialinei ir erdvinei struktūrai. Vienas iš būdų ištirti kelių ir gatvių poveikį urbanizuotų teritorijų erdvinei ir socialinei struktūrai – analizuoti pėsčiųjų judėjimo srautus. Analizuojamoje teritorijoje ištirti du laikotarpiai: iki transporto mazgo įrengimo ir jį įrengus. Atlikus tyrimą, pastebimi kraštovaizdžio kompozicijos pokyčiai, o parengti ašiniai žemėlapiai atspindi teritorijos socialinės struktūros ir ryšių transformacijas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: socialinė struktūra, erdvinė struktūra, kelias, gatvė, integracijos koeficientas, ašinis žemėlapis

    Road schemes in historic landscapes

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    The psychological environment of an individual is related to the psychological and aesthetic potential of the landscape: the beauty and attractiveness of the landscape, its semantics, history and its legends as well as leisure and cognition possibilities it offers. Historic landscapes tell the history of the country and are related to the image of the nation. Present roads are anthropogenic elements inserted into the natural environment. In the second half of the 20th–the beginning of the 21st c., with the “epoch of automobiles” having spread almost across the whole world, the dominance of geometric forms of roads was increasing in anthropogenic landscapes. Therefore, landscapes increasingly differed from urbanised modern territories. Modern engineer equipment helped overshadow heritage objects and territories and change their character. Historical landscapes became very vulnerable and visually polluted. Their survival was jeopardised. The humankind became concerned with its historical and cultural heritage and protection thereof. With this problem having emerged, an increasing attention is paid to the relations between the old and the new. Attempts are made to find a harmonious relation between objects of historical and cultural value and modern engineering structures. The article aims to analyse the relation of transport roads and their impact on historical landscapes. For this purpose, the author seeks to find out the definition of the historical landscape, to identify the relations between the road and the historical landscape, to discuss the impact of roads on landscapes and ways of regulating this impact, to review the experience of foreign states when combining roads with the historical landscape

    Attitudes of road landscape assessment and formation in Lithuanian and foreign legislation

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    Paper is prepared according to the ‘Landscape protection and management guidelines for roads and railways’ under the order of the Ministry of Environment. One of the tasks of these guidelines is to integrate the attitudes of the politics of Lithuanian Republic and the requirements of legislation which is related to landscape protection and management into the road development system. To implement this task the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign normative documents was carried out, the main problems were formulated, the ways of solving the conflicts and changes of some Lithuanian legislation were proposed

    Hedonomic Roadscapes in the Context of Urban Sprawl

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    The paper represents the research of a road landscapefrom hedonomic point of view, which is a necessary and importantpart of landscape sustainability. The proposed research methodconsists of preparative inquiry of the roadscape using Kanseiengineering and SD (semantic differential) technique, and the maininquiry using multiple linear regression analysis. The application ofthe method to the landscape of Lithuanian highways let us identifythe factors which influence the hedonomics of a road landscape