18 research outputs found

    Endoszkópos arytaenoid abdukciós lateropexia foniátriai eredményei átmeneti kétoldali gégebénulás esetén = Phoniatric outcomes of endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy in patients with transient bilateral vocal cord paralysis

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A kétoldali gégebénulások esetén kialakuló légszomj azonnali sebészeti beavatkozást tesz szükségessé. A nervus laryngeus recurrens esetleges regenerációja heteket, hónapokat vehet igénybe, előre nem jósolható meg. Az elmúlt évtizedekben a tracheotomia helyett számos nyitott és endoszkópos eljárást fejlesztettek ki a dyspnoe megszüntetésére, ugyanakkor ezek az eljárások a gégestruktúra reszekciója miatt irreverzibilis károsodást okoztak, mely a hangképzés minőségét hosszú távon gyengítette. Célkitűzés: Az endoszkópos arytenoid abdukciós lateropexia kétoldali gégebénulás esetén elfogadott reverzibilis eljárás, amely a kannaporc lateralizált helyzetben történő rögzítésével megszünteti a nehézlégzést. Célunk a hangszalagmozgások regenerációját követően a lateralizáló varrat eltávolítása után a beteg hangminőségének és légzésfunkciójának meghatározása. Módszer: Két, endoszkópos arytenoid abdukciós lateropexiával kezelt, kétoldali gégebénulásban szenvedő betegnél a hangszalagmozgások részleges, illetve teljes regenerációját követően eltávolítottuk a lateralizáló varratokat. Objektív és szubjektív módszerekkel vizsgáltuk a légzésfunkciót és a hangminőséget. Eredmények: Mindkét esetben megfelelő légzésfunkciós eredmények mellett jó hangminőséget sikerült elérni. Következtetések: Eredményeink bizonyítják a minimálisan invazív, endoszkópos arytenoid abdukciós lateropexia nagyfokú reverzibilitását. A hangszalagmozgások részleges vagy teljes visszatérése esetén a lateralizáció megszüntethető, ezt követően közel fiziológiás hangképzés észlelhető. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(29): 1188–1192. | Abstract: Introduction: Dyspnea caused by bilateral vocal cord paralysis often requires surgical intervention to prevent acute asphyxiation. The regeneration of the laryngeal nerves may last weeks or months and it is difficult to predict the outcome. In the past decades, several open and endoscopic surgical techniques have been introduced for treatment to avoid tracheostomy, however, these procedures with resection of the glottis resulted in irreversible changes in the laryngeal structure, thus the voice quality decreased over a long-term period. Aim: Endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy is an accepted reversible, minimally invasive technique that provides an immediate patent airway by the lateralisation of the arytenoid cartilage with a suture. The aim of our study was to analyze the phonatory and respiratory outcomes of this treatment concept. Method: Two patients suffering from bilateral vocal cord palsy were treated with endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy. After recovery of the vocal cord movements, the sutures were removed. Spirometric and phoniatric results of the two patients were analysed after suture removal. Results: Good spirometric parameters and normal voice quality were detected in both cases. Conclusions: These results prove the high reversibility of the minimally invasive endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy. Lateralization suture can be removed in the case of vocal cord movement recovery, and phonation may be physiological. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(29): 1188–1192

    Isolated Recovery of Adductor Muscle Function Following Bilateral Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injuries

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the phoniatric and respiratory outcomes of a subset of bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVCP) patients who were all treated with unilateral endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy (EAAL). EAAL is a nondestructive, minimally invasive glottis widening operation, which does not damage either the surgically treated or the contralateral vocal cord. Therefore, it does not impair the regeneration potential of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.Case series.Ten out of 21 BVCP patients who were treated with EAAL showed signs of isolated adduction recovery at 1 year and were chosen for this study. Functional results (objective and subjective voice analysis, spirometric measurement) and vocal cord movements were assessed preoperatively, 1 week and 1 year after EAAL. Laryngeal electromyography was performed on the 12th postoperative month.The volitional adductor movement seen on laryngoscopy was corroborated by laryngeal electromyography evaluation. Peak inspiratory flow increased significantly after EAAL. Quality-of-life scores also showed high patient satisfaction. Shimmer showed consistent improvement along with harmonic-to-noise ratio and average maximal phonation time in parallel with the improving vocal cord movement. Complex voice analysis and subjective self-evaluation tests also demonstrated significant improvement.EAAL, as a minimally invasive, nondestructive airway widening technique, does not interfere with the potential regeneration process that can still occur after BVCP, allowing for laryngeal functional recovery. It is a safe and effective treatment for BVCP that allows a simple solution with good phonatory, swallowing, and respiratory benefits by unilateral passive and reversible vocal cord lateralization.4. Laryngoscope, 2018

    Rotational thyrotracheopexy after cricoidectomy for low-grade laryngeal chrondrosarcoma

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    OBJECTIVES: The complex laryngeal functions are fundamentally defined by the cricoid cartilage. Thus, lesions requiring subtotal or total resection of the cricoid cartilage commonly warrant total laryngectomy. However, from an oncological perspective, the resection of the cricoid cartilage would be an optimal solution in these cases. The poor functional results of the few reported cases of total and subtotal cricoidectomy with different reconstruction techniques confirm the need for new approaches to reconstruct the infrastructure of the larynx post cricoidectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series review. METHODS: Four consecutive patients with low-grade chondrosarcoma were treated by cricoidectomy with rotational thyrotracheopexy reconstruction to enable the functional creation of a complete cartilaginous ring that can substitute the functions of the cricoid cartilage. The glottic structures were stabilized with endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy. Patients were evaluated with objective and subjective function tests. RESULTS: Tumor-free margins were proven; patients were successfully decannulated within 3 weeks. Voice outcomes were adequate for social conversation in all cases. Oral feeding was possible in three patients. CONCLUSION: Total and subtotal cricoidectomy can be a surgical option to avoid total laryngectomy in cases of large chondrosarcomas destroying the cricoid cartilage. The thyrotracheopexy rotational advancement technique enables the effective reconstruction of the structural deficit of the resected cricoid cartilage in cases of total and subtotal cricoidectomy. An adequate airway for breathing, swallowing, and voice production can be reconstructed with good oncological control. In cases where the pharynx is not involved, good swallowing function can also be achieved. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 4. Laryngoscope, 2016

    A halláscsökkenés vinpocetin terápiája

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    Cél: a vinpocetin terápia halláscsökkenésben történő alkalmazásának bemutatása. Anyagok és módszerek: A szerzők összefoglalják az akut és idiopátiás percepciós típusú halláscsökkenésben alkalmazott, általuk használt kivizsgálási és terápiás protokollt. Bemutatnak egy esettanulmányt, amelyben egy krónikusan progrediáló kétoldali percepciós típusú halláscsökkenésben szenvedő fiatalembernél érnek el szignifikáns javulást parenterális vinpocetin terápiával. Következtetés: Bizonyos percepciós típusú halláscsökkenések esetén a vinpocetin alkalmazása javulást eredményezhet

    A new solution for neonatal bilateral vocal cord paralysis: Endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy

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    OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Bilateral vocal cord paralysis in early childhood is a life-threatening condition, which often requires immediate intervention. One of the treatment options is a quick, reversible simple suture vocal cord lateralizing technique, whereby the arytenoid cartilage is directly lateralized to the normal abducted position. Considering pediatric laryngeal anatomy, a small endolaryngeal thread guide instrument was designed for precise suture insertion. STUDY DESIGN: New instrument validation. METHODS: Four newborns had inspiratory stridor immediately after birth; two had to be intubated. Laryngotracheoscopy revealed bilateral vocal cord paralysis. Unilateral, left-sided endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy was performed with supraglottic jet ventilation on the 4th, 5th, 5th, and 27th day of life for the four patients, respectively. RESULTS: All babies remained intubated for 3 to 7 days with an uncuffed tracheal tube. After extubation, no dyspnea or swallowing disorder occurred. A subjective quality of life questionnaire, laryngotracheoscopy, clinical growth charts, and voice analysis showed satisfactory functional results. CONCLUSIONS: Minimally invasive, quick, reversible endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy might be a more favorable solution for neonatal bilateral vocal cord paralysis than earlier treatment strategies. In one step, the airway can be maintained without the risk of any permanent damage to voice production. Good swallowing function is also preserved. The specially modified endolaryngeal thread guide instrument gives a fast and effective option for creating the lateralized arytenoid position even in the technically challenging surgical context of a neonate larynx. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 4. Laryngoscope, 2016

    Minimally invasive endoscopic treatment for pediatric combined high grade stenosis as a laryngeal manifestation of epidermolysis bullosa

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    Epidermolysis bullosa refers to a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of inherited mucocutaneous diseases. Laryngotracheal lesions are momentous regarding the risk of sudden airway obstruction. The traditional treatment is tracheostomy. This case report highlights the advantages of minimally invasive interventions. A successful combined endoscopic management of a life-threatening respiratory crisis is presented in a 4-year-old child. Combined commissure stenosis with supraglottic spread was treated by CO2 laser dissection and bilateral endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy, supplemented with mitomycin C application. Due to expectable less scarring, the combination of these modern methods may be an efficient solution in these vulnerable respiratory tracts