130 research outputs found

    Explicit representation and parametrised impacts of under ice shelf seas in the z∗ coordinate ocean model NEMO 3.6

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    Ice-shelf-ocean interactions are a major source of freshwater on the Antarctic continental shelf and have a strong impact on ocean properties, ocean circulation and sea ice. However, climate models based on the ocean-sea ice model NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) currently do not include these interactions in any detail. The capability of explicitly simulating the circulation beneath ice shelves is introduced in the non-linear free surface model NEMO. Its implementation into the NEMO framework and its assessment in an idealised and realistic circum-Antarctic configuration is described in this study. Compared with the current prescription of ice shelf melting (i.e. at the surface), inclusion of open sub-ice-shelf cavities leads to a decrease in sea ice thickness along the coast, a weakening of the ocean stratification on the shelf, a decrease in salinity of high-salinity shelf water on the Ross and Weddell sea shelves and an increase in the strength of the gyres that circulate within the over-deepened basins on the West Antarctic continental shelf. Mimicking the overturning circulation under the ice shelves by introducing a prescribed meltwater flux over the depth range of the ice shelf base, rather than at the surface, is also assessed. It yields similar improvements in the simulated ocean properties and circulation over the Antarctic continental shelf to those from the explicit ice shelf cavity representation. With the ice shelf cavities opened, the widely used "three equation" ice shelf melting formulation, which enables an interactive computation of melting, is tested. Comparison with observational estimates of ice shelf melting indicates realistic results for most ice shelves. However, melting rates for the Amery, Getz and George VI ice shelves are considerably overestimated

    Nonperturbative calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment in the Yukawa model within truncated Fock space

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    Within the covariant formulation of light-front dynamics, we calculate the state vector of a physical fermion in the Yukawa model. The state vector is decomposed in Fock sectors and we consider the first three ones: the single constituent fermion, the constituent fermion coupled to one scalar boson, and the constituent fermion coupled to two scalar bosons. This last three-body sector generates nontrivial and nonperturbative contributions to the state vector, which are calculated numerically. Field-theoretical divergences are regularized using Pauli-Villars fermion and boson fields. Physical observables can be unambiguously deduced using a systematic renormalization scheme we have developed previously. As a first application, we consider the anomalous magnetic moment of the physical fermion.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figure

    Relativistic description of electron scattering on the deuteron

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    Within a quasipotential framework a relativistic analysis is presented of the deuteron current. Assuming that the singularities from the nucleon propagators are important, a so-called equal time approximation of the current is constructed. This is applied to both elastic and inelastic electron scattering. As dynamical model the relativistic one boson exchange model is used. Reasonable agreement is found with a previous relativistic calculation of the elastic electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron. For the unpolarized inelastic electron scattering effects of final state interactions and relativistic corrections to the structure functions are considered in the impulse approximation. Two specific kinematic situations are studied as examples.Comment: (19 pages in revtex + 15 figures not included, available upon request.) report THU-93-10

    Final State Interaction in Exclusive (e,eNN)(e,e'NN) Reactions

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    Contributions of nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, meson exchange currents and the residual final state interactions (FSI) on exclusive two-nucleon knock-out reactions induced by electron scattering are investigated. All contributions are derived from the same realistic meson exchange model for the NN interaction. Effects of correlations and FSI are determined in a consistent way by solving the NN scattering equation, the Bethe-Goldstone equation, for two nucleons in nuclear matter. One finds that the FSI re-scattering terms are non-negligible even if the two nucleons are emitted back to back.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    On isovector meson exchange currents in the Bethe-Salpeter approach

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    We investigate the nonrelativistic reduction of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude for the deuteron electrodisintegration near threshold energies. To this end, two assumptions have been used in the calculations: 1) the static approximation and 2) the one iteration approximation. Within these assumptions it is possible to recover the nonrelativistic result including a systematic extension to relativistic corrections. We find that the so-called pair current term can be constructed from the PP-wave contribution of the deuteron Bethe-Salpeter amplitude. The form factor that enters into the calculation of the pair current is constrained by the manifestly gauge independent matrix elements.Comment: 15 pages, incl. 3 figures, to be published Phys. Rev.

    Impact of indirect and ohmic heating sterilization processes on quality parameters of apple puree: Application in a real industrial line

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    The aim of the present work is to investigate the impact of the production process and heat treatment technology to produce sterilized apple puree in the case of a real industrial production line. The technologies considered for the sterilisation process are traditional indirect thermal heating and ohmic heating, while the results will be expressed in terms of residual amount of vitamin C, Furfural content and finally HunterLab colour space (L, a, b value). The samples for the evaluation of the comparison parameters have been taken in 3 different steps of the production process, i.e. in the fresh product, after hot finisher (after extraction) and at the end of the line (after sterilization and bottling). It has been observed that both processes considered showed similar performance for all the various parameters evaluated, leading to a very similar final product. This result is somehow unexpected since the Ohmic technology has demonstrated in the last years to bring significant advantages in terms of preserving of nutrients and of colour stability. This could be since apple puree is a sort of homogeneous product, while the best advantages for the Ohmic heating are expected to be found in heterogeneous products containing pieces or particulate matter. But the main reason is related to the fact that in the present work the focus is on the whole process and not only on the heat treatment technology. One of the aims is to put the attention on the importance of specifically designing the whole production line: the adoption of ohmic heating or other innovative technologies to shield nutrients and colour will be wasted if the rest of the production line is not specifically designed to obtain such objectives

    Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations and Two-Nucleon Currents in Exclusive (e,eNNe,e'NN) Reactions

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    The contributions of short-range nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, various meson exchange current (MEC) terms and the influence of Δ\Delta isobar excitations (isobaric currents, IC) on exclusive two-nucleon knockout reactions induced by electron scattering are investigated. The nuclear structure functions are evaluated for nuclear matter. Realistic NN interactions derived in the framework of One-Boson-Exchange model are employed to evaluate the effects of correlations and MEC in a consistent way. The correlations correlations are determined by solving the Bethe-Goldstone equation. This yields significant contributions to the structure functions W_L and W_T of the (e,e'pn) and (e,e'pp) reactions. These contributions compete with MEC corrections originating from the π\pi and ρ\rho exchange terms of the same interaction. Special attention is paid to the so-called 'super parallel' kinematics at momentum transfers which can be measured e.g. at MAMI in Mainz.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures include

    Mean-field calculations of quasi-elastic responses in 4He

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    We present calculations of the quasi-elastic responses functions in 4He based upon a mean-field model used to perform analogous calculations in heavier nuclei. The meson exchange current contribution is small if compared with the results of calculations where short-range correlations are explicitly considered. It is argued that the presence of these correlations in the description of the nuclear wave functions is crucial to make meson exchange current effects appreciable.Comment: uuencoded file containing 7 LaTex peges plus 3 ps figures. To be published in Physical Review

    Short-range and tensor correlations in the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn) reaction

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    The cross sections for electron induced two-nucleon knockout reactions are evaluated for the example of the 16^{16}O(e,e'pn)14^{14}N reaction leading to discrete states in the residual nucleus 14^{14}N. These calculations account for the effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and include the contributions of two-body meson exchange currents as the pion seagull, pion in flight and the isobar current contribution. The effects of short-range as well as tensor correlations are calculated within the framework of the coupled cluster method employing the Argonne V14 potential as a model for a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction. The relative importance of correlation effects as compared to the contribution of the meson exchange currents depends on the final state of the residual nucleus. The cross section leading to specific states, like e.g. the ground state of 14^{14}N, is rather sensitive to the details of the correlated wave function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures include

    Quasi-Elastic Scattering in the Inclusive (3^3He, t) Reaction

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    The triton energy spectra of the charge-exchange 12^{12}C(3^3He,t) reaction at 2 GeV beam energy are analyzed in the quasi-elastic nucleon knock-out region. Considering that this region is mainly populated by the charge-exchange of a proton in 3^3He with a neutron in the target nucleus and the final proton going in the continuum, the cross-sections are written in the distorted-wave impulse approximation. The t-matrix for the elementary exchange process is constructed in the DWBA, using one pion- plus rho-exchange potential for the spin-isospin nucleon- nucleon potential. This t-matrix reproduces the experimental data on the elementary pn \rightarrow np process. The calculated cross-sections for the 12^{12}C(3^3He,t) reaction at 2o2^o to 7o7^o triton emission angle are compared with the corresponding experimental data, and are found in reasonable overall accord.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 11 postscript figures available at [email protected], submitted to Phy.Rev.