490 research outputs found

    Sur l'usage de la langue basque actuelle dans l'interprétation des toponymes

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    René Lafon responde no como toponimista sino como lingüista especializado en lengua vasca a la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué utilidad se le puede dar a la lengua vasca actual en la interpretación de los nombres de los lugares?René Lafonek, ez toponomista gisa baizik eta euskaran aditua den hizkuntzalari gisa, ondoko galderari erantzuten dio: zer erabilera eman dakioke egungo euskarari toki izenen interpretazioan?René Lafon répond non en toponymiste mais en linguiste spécialiste de la langue basque à la question: quel usage peut-on faire de la langue basque actuelle dans l'interprétation des noms de lieux?René Lafon does not answer as a toponimist but as linguist specialised in the Basque language to the following questions: what use can be given to the current Basque language in the interpretation of the placenames

    O impacto da toxicodependĂŞncia na saĂşde oral

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    A toxicodependência é um problema de saúde pública acerca do qual todo Médico Dentista deve ter conhecimento, dada a sua incidência e impacto na saúde oral. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada recorrendo-se ao motor de busca “MEDLINE/Pubmed”, utilizando-se os seguintes termos do MeSH: “toxicodependência”, “abuso de drogas”, “cannabis”, “cocaína”, “ecstasy”, “heroína” e “oral health”. Foram considerados estudos publicados entre 1987 e 2017 em Português, Francês e Inglês. Os artigos que não possuíam informação consoante estes critérios foram excluídos. Para cada uma das drogas estudadas, os efeitos gerais da droga sobre a saúde geral serão apresentados, e os efeitos que se manifestam sobre a saúde oral serão analisados e aprofundados. Esta pesquisa relaciona os desafios do diagnóstico face aos múltiplos efeitos das drogas no organismo e demonstra que este problema tem vindo a ser subestimado, sendo portanto urgente informar os Médicos Dentistas sobre a incidência, sinais e sintomas e modo de intervenção das drogas ditas ilícitas, uma vez que o confronto com o problema poderá acontecer passando despercebido caso não exista conhecimento dele.Drug addiction is a public health issue about which every Dentist should be aware of, considering its incidence and impact on oral health. The bibliographical research was concluded by means of “MEDLINE/Pubmed” research tool. The following MeSh terms were searched: “drug addiction”, “drug abuse”, “cannabis”, “cocaine”, “ecstasy”, “heroin” and “oral health”. Studies published between 1987 and 2017 in Portuguese, French and English under those terms were considered. The articles that did not match those criteria were excluded. For each of the drugs studied, the general effects were presented, and specifically the effects on oral health were analyzed more thoroughly. The present research connects the challenges of diagnosis considering the multiple effects of drugs on the body and demonstrates that the issue has been underestimated, being therefore urgent to inform Dentists about the incidence, signals and symptoms and mean of intervention of illegal drugs, considering that the problem may go unnoticed if there is not knowledge about it

    Tests comparatifs d'utilisabilité des plateformes Swissbib.ch et Data.bnf.fr

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    L’apparition des plateformes en Linked Open Data, permet d’entrevoir de nouvelles possibilités d’accès à l’information et offre de nouvelles opportunités en termes d’utilisabilité. Ainsi, ce travail est réalisé dans le cadre du projet linked.swissbib.ch qui vise à enrichir le catalogue swissbib.ch grâce au web sémantique. Le but de ce travail de bachelor est par le biais de tests comparatifs d’évaluer la satisfaction des utilisateurs vis-à-vis de ce nouveau type d’outil de recherche et la manière dont ils s’approprient ce dernier, face à l’utilisation d’un catalogue « standard » de recherche. Ainsi, ces tests se focalisent sur la plateforme data.bnf.fr développée en Linked Open Data et le méta catalogue swissbib.ch. L’objectif de cette méthode est de recueillir des données permettant la formulation de recommandations pour le développement de fonctionnalités en Linked Open Data pour la plateforme swissbib.ch. A travers ce mémoire, le processus qui a permis d’élaborer ce test dans l’objectif de répondre aux besoins du mandat est présenté de même que les résultats obtenus. Ces derniers mettent en avant le potentiel d’une plateforme en Linked Open Data face à l’utilisation d’un catalogue standard de recherche. En effet, il apparaît que la plateforme data.bnf.fr de par sa structure et ses fonctionnalités semble faciliter le processus de prise en main de l’outil et a un impact positif sur la satisfaction des utilisateurs par rapport à l’utilisation du méta catalogue swissbib.ch. Par conséquent, la plateforme data.bnf.fr semble être un modèle intéressant à suivre dans le cadre du développement de fonctionnalités en web sémantique pour swissbib.ch. Toutefois, les tests ont révélé également des éléments auxquels il faut être attentif dans une logique de structure telle qu’on peut la trouver sur data.bnf.fr. Enfin, ce travail a esquissé le potentiel de prise en main d’une plateforme LOD, notamment pour les participants n’étant pas rodés à l’utilisation des catalogues de bibliothèques. Cet aspect met en avant le potentiel du Linked Open Data afin de rendre les catalogues de bibliothèques davantage « user friendly »

    Vitreous silica distends in helium gas: acoustic vs. static compressibilities

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    Sound velocities of vitreous silica are measured under He compression in the pressure range 0-6 GPa by Brillouin light scattering. It is found that the well-known anomalous maximum in the pressure dependence of the compressibility is suppressed by He incorporation into the silica network. This shows that the elastic anomaly relates to the collapse of the largest interstitial voids in the structure. The huge difference between the static and the acoustic compressibilities indicates that the amount of incorporated helium still increases at 6 GPa.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Vegetation biomass and habitat selection by a newly introduced population of muskoxen in northern Quebec

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    Ground coverage by woody and herbaceous plant species and standing biomass of vegetation susceptible to being grazed upon were estimated in a 156 km2 area where 190 muskoxen were censused during the preceding autumn. Habitat use was estimated with droppings census. Six terrestrial habitat types were delineated on 1:32 000 aerial photographs and randomly sampled: low shrub on xeric sites (LSX; 64 km2), low shrub on mesic sites (LSM; 45 km2), bare ground (BG; 27 km2), forest-tundra (FT; 12 km2), wet meadow (WM; 2 km2) and riparian willows (RW; 1 km2). Dominant plant species varied greatly between habitat types, and only a few such as Betula glandulosa, Salix arctophila, and Polygonum viviparum were common. Tall shrubs were present only in RW where they covered most of the ground, and in FT. Low shrubs were uniformly distributed and covered 18-32% of the ground, with the exception of RW (5%). Ground cover by herbs had a similar range (i.e. 20-37%), except in RW where the mean exceeded 50%. Mosses and lichens occupied about half of the ground everywhere. Phytomass exhibited great variation within and between habitat types; extreme values averaged 892 kg*ha-1 in LSX, and 1965 kg*ha-1 in LSM. However the difference was not significant due to limited sample size and within habitat variance. Nevertheless the mass of herbaceous dicots was greater in RW than in any other habitat type. Total phytomass was 2-20 times greater in northern Québec than in Greenland. Based on droppings density, muskoxen preferred RW over BG and FT, and LSX over BG. Although the density of muskoxen in the study area was high relative to other muskox ranges, habitat quality and quantity should allow continued population growth

    Certainty in Categorical Judgment of Size

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    The certainty of judgment (or self-confidence) has been traditionally studied in relation with the accuracy. However, from an observer's viewpoint, certainty may be more closely related to the consistency of judgment than to its accuracy: consistent judgments are objectively certain in the sense that any external observer can rely on these judgments to happen. The regions of certain vs. uncertain judgment were determined in a categorical rating experiment. The participants rated the size of visual objects on a 5-point scale. There was no feedback so that there were no constraints of accuracy. Individual data was examined, and the ratings were characterized by their frequency distributions (or categories). The main result was that the individual categories always presented a core of certainty where judgment was totally consistent, and large peripheries where judgment was inconsistent. In addition, the geometry of cores and boundaries exhibited several phenomena compatible with the literature on visual categorical judgment. The ubiquitous presence of cores in absence of accuracy constraints provided insights about objective certainty that may complement the literature on subjective certainty (self-confidence) and the accuracy of judgment
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