954 research outputs found

    On Spatial Point Processes with Uniform Births and Deaths by Random Connection

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    This paper is focused on a class of spatial birth and death process of the Euclidean space where the birth rate is constant and the death rate of a given point is the shot noise created at its location by the other points of the current configuration for some response function ff. An equivalent view point is that each pair of points of the configuration establishes a random connection at an exponential time determined by ff, which results in the death of one of the two points. We concentrate on space-motion invariant processes of this type. Under some natural conditions on ff, we construct the unique time-stationary regime of this class of point processes by a coupling argument. We then use the birth and death structure to establish a hierarchy of balance integral relations between the factorial moment measures. Finally, we show that the time-stationary point process exhibits a certain kind of repulsion between its points that we call ff-repulsion

    The NGC 4013 tale: a pseudo-bulged, late-type spiral shaped by a major merger

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    Many spiral galaxy haloes show stellar streams with various morphologies when observed with deep images. The origin of these tidal features is discussed, either coming from a satellite infall or caused by residuals of an ancient, gas-rich major merger. By modelling the formation of the peculiar features observed in the NGC 4013 halo, we investigate their origin. By using GADGET -2 with implemented gas cooling, star formation, and feedback, we have modelled the overall NGC 4013 galaxy and its associated halo features. A gas-rich major merger occurring 2.7-4.6 Gyr ago succeeds in reproducing the NGC 4013 galaxy properties, including all the faint stellar features, strong gas warp, boxy-shaped halo and vertical 3.6 mum luminosity distribution. High gas fractions in the progenitors are sufficient to reproduce the observed thin and thick discs, with a small bulge fraction, as observed. A major merger is able to reproduce the overall NGC 4013 system, including the warp strength, the red colour and the high stellar mass density of the loop, while a minor merger model cannot. Because the gas-rich model suffices to create a pseudo-bulge with a small fraction of the light, NGC 4013 is perhaps the archetype of a late-type galaxy formed by a relatively recent merger. Then late type, pseudo-bulge spirals are not mandatorily made through secular evolution, and the NGC 4013 properties also illustrate that strong warps in isolated galaxies may well occur at a late phase of a gas-rich major merger.Comment: 11 pages,9 figures,accepted for publication in MNRA

    Additive spectrum preserving mappings from von Neumann algebras

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    We establish Jafarian's 2009 conjecture that every additive spectrum preserving mapping from a von Neumann algebra onto a semisimple Banach algebra is a Jordan isomorphism.Comment: 13 page

    FALCON: a concept to extend adaptive optics corrections to cosmological fields

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    FALCON is an original concept for a next generation spectrograph at ESO VLT or at future ELTs. It is a spectrograph including multiple small integral field units (IFUs) which can be deployed within a large field of view such as that of VLT/GIRAFFE. In FALCON, each IFU features an adaptive optics correction using off-axis natural reference stars in order to combine, in the 0.8-1.8 \mu m wavelength range, spatial and spectral resolutions (0.1-0.15 arcsec and R=10000+/-5000). These conditions are ideally suited for distant galaxy studies, which should be done within fields of view larger than the galaxy clustering scales (4-9 Mpc), i.e. foV > 100 arcmin2. Instead of compensating the whole field, the adaptive correction will be performed locally on each IFU. This implies to use small miniaturized devices both for adaptive optics correction and wavefront sensing. Applications to high latitude fields imply to use atmospheric tomography because the stars required for wavefront sensing will be in most of the cases far outside the isoplanatic patch.Comment: To appear in the Backaskog "Second Workshop on ELT" SPIE proceeding

    Comparison of cellulose vs. plastic cigarette filter decomposition under distinct disposal environments

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    It is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are discarded annually, making them numerically the most common type of litter on Earth. To accelerate their disappearance after disposal, a new type of cigarette filters made of cellulose, a readily biodegradable compound, has been introduced in the market. Yet, the advantage of these cellulose filters over the conventional plastic ones (cellulose acetate) for decomposition, remains unknown. Here, we compared the decomposition of cellulose and plastic cigarettes filters, either intact or smoked, on the soil surface or within a composting bin over a six-month field decomposition experiment. Within the compost, cellulose filters decomposed faster than plastic filters, but this advantage was strongly reduced when filters had been used for smoking. This indicates that the accumulation of tars and other chemicals during filter use can strongly affect its subsequent decomposition. Strikingly, on the soil surface, we observed no difference in mass loss between cellulose and plastic filters throughout the incubation. Using a first order kinetic model for mass loss of for used filters over the short period of our experiment, we estimated that conventional plastic filters take 7.5–14 years to disappear, in the compost and on the soil surface, respectively. In contrast, we estimated that cellulose filters take 2.3–13 years to disappear, in the compost and on the soil surface, respectively. Our data clearly showed that disposal environments and the use of cellulose filters must be considered when assessing their advantage over plastic filters. In light of our results, we advocate that the shift to cellulose filters should not exempt users from disposing their waste in appropriate collection systems

    An instrumented tracer for Lagrangian measurements in Rayleigh-B\'enard convection

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    We have developed novel instrumentation for making Lagrangian measurements of temperature in diverse fluid flows. A small neutrally buoyant capsule is equipped with on-board electronics which measure temperature and transmit the data via a wireless radio frequency link to a desktop computer. The device has 80 dB dynamic range, resolving milli-Kelvin changes in temperature with up to 100 ms sampling time. The capabilities of these "smart particles" are demonstrated in turbulent thermal convection in water. We measure temperature variations as the particle is advected by the convective motion, and analyse its statistics. Additional use of cameras allow us to track the particle position and to report here the first direct measurement of Lagrangian heat flux transfer in Rayleigh-B{\'e}nard convection. The device shows promise for opening new research in a broad variety of fluid systems.Comment: 14 page

    Spectroscopic Signatures for the Dark Bose-Einstein Condensation of Spatially Indirect Excitons

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    We study semiconductor excitons confined in an electrostatic trap of a GaAs bilayer heterostructure. We evidence that optically bright excitonic states are strongly depleted while cooling to sub-Kelvin temperatures. In return, the other accessible and optically dark states become macroscopically occupied so that the overall exciton population in the trap is conserved. These combined behaviours constitute the spectroscopic signature for the mostly dark Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons, which in our experiments is restricted to a dilute regime within a narrow range of densities, below a critical temperature of about 1K.Comment: 7 pages and 5 figure

    Reproducing properties of MW dSphs as descendants of DM-free TDGs

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    The Milky Way (MW) dwarf spheroidal (dSph) satellites are known to be the most dark-matter (DM) dominated galaxies with estimates of dark to baryonic matter reaching even above one hundred. It comes from the assumption that dwarfs are dynamically supported by their observed velocity dispersions. However their spatial distributions around the MW is not at random and this could challenge their origin, previously assumed to be residues of primordial galaxies accreted by the MW potential. Here we show that alternatively, dSphs could be the residue of tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs), which would have interacted with the Galactic hot gaseous halo and disk. TDGs are gas-rich and have been formed in a tidal tail produced during an ancient merger event at the M31 location, and expelled towards the MW. Our simulations show that low-mass TDGs are fragile to an interaction with the MW disk and halo hot gas. During the interaction, their stellar content is progressively driven out of equilibrium and strongly expands, leading to low surface brightness feature and mimicking high dynamical M/L ratios. Our modeling can reproduce the properties, including the kinematics, of classical MW dwarfs within the mass range of the Magellanic Clouds to Draco. An ancient gas-rich merger at the M31 location could then challenge the currently assumed high content of dark matter in dwarf galaxies. We propose a simple observational test with the coming GAIA mission, to follow their expected stellar expansion, which should not be observed within the current theoretical framework.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted by the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS
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