124 research outputs found


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    When judging the precautionary measure of ADPF nº 347/DF, minister Marco Aurélio recognized the Unconstitutional State of Affairs (USoA) of the brazilian prison system. After the decision, the doctrinal production on structural litigation increased considerably, without giving due attention to the need for theorizing about the phenomenon in the country. To contribute to this task, this paper studies the two main epistemic difficulties for the formulation of a theory of structural litigation in Brazil, namely: the dispute of paradigms about the role of the Judiciary in these processes and the use, doctrinal and jurisprudential, of a decontextualized inductive reasoning. As a methodology, in addition to the analysis of the specialized bibliography, the case ADPF nº 347/DF is studied, in which attempts are made to import USoA into the country. Finally, it is argued that Karl Popper's fallibilism makes it possible to overcome the two epistemological difficulties, serving as a starting point for the construction of a theory adequate to the brazilian reality.ao julgar a medida cautelar da ADPF nº 347/DF, o ministro Marco Aurélio reconheceu o Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional (ECI) do sistema prisional brasileiro. Após a decisão, a produção doutrinária sobre os processos estruturais aumentou consideravelmente, sem que se desse a devida atenção à necessidade de uma teorização sobre o fenômeno no País. Para contribuir com essa tarefa, o artigo estuda as duas principais dificuldades epistêmicas para a formulação de uma teoria dos processos estruturais no Brasil, quais sejam: a disputa de paradigmas sobre o papel do Judiciário nesses processos e a utilização, doutrinária e jurisprudencial, de um raciocínio indutivo descontextualizado. Como metodologia, além da análise da bibliografia especializada, estuda-se o caso ADPF nº 347/DF, na qual se tenta importar o ECI para o País. Por fim, defende-se que o falibilismo, de Karl Popper, possibilita a superação das duas dificuldades epistemológicas, servindo como ponto de partida para a construção de uma teoria adequada à realidade brasileir

    Análise da oscilação lumbo-pélvica durante a marcha em esteira ergométrica

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the lumbo-pelvic sway behavior on treadmill gait at both 1.2 m/s and 1.4 m/s speed conditions. Seven healthy subjects (four males and three females), mean age 26.2 (± 3.7) years old participated in this study. Following an adaptation period (3 minutes at self-selected speed), the treadmill speed was fitted to one of the speed conditions and the data acquisition started. For each speed condition, three acquisitions of 10 seconds duration each were made. Ten gait cycles were selected from each speed in order to analyze the data. The results showed that increasing gait speed increased the lumbo-pelvic sway and the lateral lumbar flexion. Also, the gait speed affected the pelvic rotation stability as indicated by the coefficient of variation.O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o comportamento oscilatório lumbo-pélvico durante a marcha em esteira nas velocidades 1,2 m/s e 1,4m/s. Participaram do estudo sete sujeitos sadios (quatro homens e três mulheres) com idade média de 26,2 (± 3,7) anos de idade. Após um período de adaptação (3 minutos em velocidade auto-selecionada), a velocidade da esteira foi ajustada para uma das velocidades de teste e a coleta de dados foi iniciada. Para cada condição foram realizadas três coletas com duração de 10 segundos cada. Dessas coletas, dez ciclos de marcha em cada velocidade foram selecionados para análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram que o incremento da velocidade de marcha aumentou a oscilação de obliqüidade pélvica e de flexão lateral lombar. Além disso, a velocidade de marcha afetou a estabilidade da rotação pélvica como indicado pelo coeficiente de variação (CV)

    Overview of DNA Repair in Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei, and Leishmania major

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    A wide variety of DNA lesions arise due to environmental agents, normal cellular metabolism, or intrinsic weaknesses in the chemical bonds of DNA. Diverse cellular mechanisms have evolved to maintain genome stability, including mechanisms to repair damaged DNA, to avoid the incorporation of modified nucleotides, and to tolerate lesions (translesion synthesis). Studies of the mechanisms related to DNA metabolism in trypanosomatids have been very limited. Together with recent experimental studies, the genome sequencing of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Leishmania major, three related pathogens with different life cycles and disease pathology, has revealed interesting features of the DNA repair mechanism in these protozoan parasites, which will be reviewed here


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    Objetivo: descrever a situação clínica e epidemiológica da sífilis gestacional em Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, entre os anos de 2012 e 2018.Método: estudo epidemiológico, descritivo e transversal de natureza quantitativa. Como instrumento de coleta, foram utilizados dados da ficha de notificação da sífilis gestacional cadastradas no Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o teste quiquadrado com nível de significância 5% (p<0,05).Resultados: evidenciou-se aumento dos casos de sífilis gestacional. A assistência foi oferecida a 522 pacientes, entre 19 e 29 anos (58,1%), com etnia parda (69,1%) e com ensino médio incompleto (24,5%); predominou a sífilis primária (30,8%) e alto índice de não tratamento do parceiro (57,1%). Conclusão: dentro do período estudado, houve aumento dos casos de sífilis gestacional e não tratamento do parceiro. Este estudo poderá contribuir para o planejamento de ações de prevenção primária e secundária, visando diminuir a incidência da doença e suas consequências.Objective: to describe the clinical and epidemiological situation of gestational syphilis in Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil, between the years 2012 to 2018.Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study of a quantitative nature. As a collection instrument, data from the gestational syphilis notification form registered in the Epidemiological Surveillance Department were used. For statistical analysis, the chi-square test was used, with a 5% significance level (p<0.05).Results: an increase in gestational syphilis cases was evidenced. Care was offered to 522 women, aged between 19 and 29 years (58.1%), with brown ethnicity (69.1%) and incomplete high school education (24.5%); latent syphilis predominated (58.1%), followed by primary syphilis (30.8%) and a high rate of non-treatment of the partner (57.1%).Conclusion: within the period studied, there was an increase in cases of gestational syphilis and non-treatment of the partner. This study may contribute to the planning of primary and secondary prevention actions, aiming to decrease the incidence of the disease and its consequences.Objetivo: describir la situación clínica y epidemiológica de la sífilis gestacional en Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil, entre los años 2012 y 2018. Método: estudio descriptivo y transversal de carácter cuantitativo. Se utilizaron como instrumento de recogida los datos de la ficha de notificación de sífilis gestacional registrada en el Departamento de Vigilancia Epidemiológica. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado con un nivel de significación del 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: se evidenció un aumento de los casos de sífilis gestacional. La asistencia se ofreció a 522 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 19 y los 29 años (58,1%), de etnia parda (69,1%) y con estudios secundarios incompletos (24,5%); predominó la sífilis latente (58,1%), seguida de la sífilis primaria (30,8%) y un alto índice de no tratamiento de la pareja (57,1%). Conclusión: dentro del período estudiado, hubo un aumento de los casos de sífilis gestacional y no tratamiento de la pareja. Este estudio puede contribuir a la planificación de acciones de prevención primaria y secundaria, con el objetivo de disminuir la incidencia de la enfermedad y sus consecuencias

    Short-term effects of repeated-sprint training on vertical jump ability and aerobic fitness in collegiate volleyball players during pre-season

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(6): 1040-1051, 2022. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of repeated-sprint training (RST) on vertical jump ability and aerobic power in college volleyball players. Nineteen male volleyball players, aged between 18-24 years, were randomized into the RST group (RST; n = 10) and control group (CG; n = 9). The RST included 2-3 sets of 6x30m all-out sprints, twice per week, in addition to the regular training routine. The control group performed only the regular volleyball training sessions (i.e. mainly of technical-tactical drills). All players performed a maximal graded treadmill test, vertical countermovement jump (CMJ), and repeated-vertical jump ability (RVJA) test before and after 6-weeks of the training program. The following variables were determined from the RVJA: peak (RVJApeak), average (RVJAmean), and rate of decrement (RVJADec). A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures showed an interaction effect on CMJ (F(1,17) = 6.92; p = 0.018; η2 = 0.289), RVJApeak (F(1,17) = 4.92; p = 0.040; η2 = 0.225), maximal oxygen uptake (F(1,17) = 9.29; p = 0.007; η2 = 0.353) and maximal speed attained in the treadmill test (F(1,17) = 8.66; p = 0.009; η2 = 0.337), with significant improvements only on the RST group. In conclusion, RST, twice per week, improved RVJA and aerobic power in comparison to regular skill-based volleyball training


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    A concentração letal CL (I) (50-96h) e os efeitos histopatológicos do diquate para o piauçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) foram avaliados em três experimentos conduzidos em condições de laboratório. Os peixes foram expostos às concentrações de 0; 12; 18; 24; 30; 36; 42; 48; 54; e 60 mg de diquate/L e a histologia da brânquia e do fígado avaliada nos peixes sobreviventes. A concentração letal CL (I) (50-96h) foi de 34,76 mg/L. Nos tratamentos controle, 12 e 18 mg/L as brânquias dos peixes estavam revestidas por epitélio estratificado que em intervalos regulares formaram as lamelas secundárias, constituídas por duas camadas de células epiteliais pavimentosas, células pilares, células-cloreto e células mucosas. Nos tratamentos com 24, 30, 36, 42, e 48 mg/L ocorreu hiperplasia das células de revestimento, das mucosas e das células cloreto no espaço interlamelar. No tratamento com 54 mg/L verificou-se edema subepitelial e fusão apical das lamelas secundárias. O fígado do piauçu nos tratamentos controle e 12 mg/L apresentaram arranjo cordonal dos hepatócitos. Nos tratamentos com 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 e 54 mg/L ocorreu congestão no interior dos capilares sinusóides. Nos tratamentos com 48 e 54 mg/L constatou-se a presença de grânulos de glicogênio no interior da célula, início de necrose dos hepatopâncreas, congestão e fusão celular. O diquate mostrou-se pouco tóxico para o L. macrocephalus, e as alterações histopatológicas que ocorreram na brânquia e no fígado dos peixes são reversíveis.

    Sit to stand test and handgrip strength in men and women with post-COVID-19 syndrome without invasive ventilator support: insights from a Brazilian observational study

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    Two valid tests have been used in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome (coronavirus disease 2019) due to their fast application, feasibility, and accessible procedures, facilitating data collection in large groups: the 1-minute sit-to-stand test (STS) and handgrip strength (HGS) dynamometry. The present study aimed to: i) assess the STS and HGS in men and women with post-COVID-19 syndrome who did not require invasive ventilator support; ii) correlate STS repetitions and HGS with time since the COVID-19 diagnosis. Six hundred and twenty-two men and women with post-COVID-19 syndrome who did not require invasive ventilatory support performed the STS and HGS tests at the beginning of the rehabilitation process at a Reference Hospital Centre. Women over 55 years presented significantly lower results compared to participants under 55 years. For the HGS, the median ranged from 42 to 48 kg and 70 to 81 kg for the female and male groups, respectively. The correlations of time since COVID-19 diagnosis with STS and HGS ranged from -0.16 to 0.02 (p>0.05) for women and men, respectively.The test results could be used for the initial analysis of normality ranges and comparisons with other populations. Although STS repetitions and HGS presented low and non-significant correlations with time since the COVID-19 diagnosis, some COVID-19 sequelae were not measured, so these data should be interpreted with caution

    Effects of Co-Contraction Training on Neuromuscular Outcomes of Elbow Flexors and Extensors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Co-contraction training has been proposed to improve muscle strength in the absence of external equipment, yet it is needed to elucidate the effects of co-contraction training and its applicability. Thus, we synthesized the effects of co-contraction training on elbow muscle strength, myoelectric activity, and muscle thickness. We searched papers from MEDLINE via PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Embase databases. The inclusion criteria were studies comprising adults between 18-64 years old; investigating chronic effects of co-contraction training on elbow muscles; comparing pre- and post-intervention or control values; presenting any of the outcomes; randomized, quasi-experimental, pre- and post-design; in English. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis following PRISMA recommendations. We used the revised RoB 2, ROBINS-I to verify the level of evidence. We also included a questionnaire for biomechanical studies and GRADE analysis. We extracted data independently by two investigators, considering the characteristics of study, participants and training, outcomes, and results. We calculated the effect sizes for each outcome. The analysis was carried out by combining and dividing flexors and extensors in a subgroup analysis. Comparing the experimental vs. control group, our results showed that cocontraction training increased isometric strength (SMD=0.51 [0.19, 0.83]) and agonist myoelectric activity (SMD=0.54 [0.25, 0.83]). Comparing pre- vs. post-training, co-contraction training also improved isometric strength (SMD=1.28 [0.75, 1.81]); concentric elbow extensor strength (SMD=0.64 [0.01, 1.26]); and myoelectric activity (SMD=0.46 [0.18, 0.73]). No effect was observed for muscle thickness. The co-contraction training improves muscle performance without morphological changes