709 research outputs found

    Effect of speaker age on speech recognition and perceived listening effort in older adults with hearing loss

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    Published online January 2012Purpose: Older adults exhibit difficulty understanding speech that has been experimentally degraded. Age-related changes to the speech mechanism lead to natural degradations in signal quality. We tested the hypothesis that older adults with hearing loss would exhibit declines in speech recognition when listening to the speech of older adults, compared with the speech of younger adults, and would report greater amounts of listening effort in this task. Methods: Nineteen individuals with age-related hearing loss completed speech recognition and listening effort scaling tasks. Both were conducted in quiet, when listening to high and low predictability phrases produced by younger and older speakers respectively. Results: No significant difference in speech recognition existed when stimuli were derived from younger or older speakers. However, perceived effort was significantly higher when listening to speech from older adults, as compared to younger adults. Conclusions: For older individuals with hearing loss, natural degradations in signal quality may require greater listening effort. However, they do not interfere with speech recognition – at least in quiet. Follow-up investigation of the effect of speaker age on speech recognition and listening effort under more challenging noise conditions appears warranted

    Усовершенствование учета и обработки статистических данных о чрезвычайных ситуациях в ФГКУ «17 отряд ФПС»

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    Предметом исследования является статистический учет в "17 ОФПС по Кемеровской области." Цель работы – разработать компьютерную программу на базе EXCEL по статистическим данным о чрезвычайных ситуациях и происшествиях, усовершенствовать порядок приема и передачи информации.The subject of research is the statistical recording in the "17th Federal firefighting detachment (FFD) for the Kemerovo Region". The objective of the research is to develop a computer program on EXCEL database for statistics on emergencies and accidents, improve the procedure of receiving and transmitting information

    Transport and retention of artificial and real wastewater particles inside a bed of settled aerobic granular sludge assessed applying magnetic resonance imaging

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    The removal or degradation of particulate organic matter is a crucial part in biological wastewater treatment. This is even more valid with respect to aerobic granular sludge and the impact of particulate organic matter on the formation and stability of the entire granulation process. Before the organic part of the particulate matter can be hydrolyzed and finally degraded by the microorganism, the particles have to be transported towards and retained within the granulated biomass. The understanding of these processes is currently very limited. Thus, the present study aimed at visualizing the transport of particulate organic matter into and through an aerobic granular sludge bed. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was successfully applied to resolve the different fractions of a granular sludge bed over time and space. Quantification and merging of 3D data sets allowed for a clear determination of the particle distribution within the granular sludge bed. Dextran coated super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs

    Исследование парогазовой установки, работающей на генераторном газе

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 116 страниц, 25 рисунков, 25 таблиц, 35 источников, 2 приложения. Ключевые слова: газификация угля, парогазовая установка, газотурбинная установка, генераторный газ, анализ, котел-утилизатор, показатели эффективности. Объектом исследования является ПГУ, работающая на генераторном газе. Цель работы – анализ работоспособности такой ПГУ с ГТУ, работающей на генераторном газе. В процессе исследования проводилось изучение различных способов газификации угля; производился выбор расчетной схемы ПГУ с газификацией; проводился расчет состава и характеристик генераторного газа и определение основных показателей тепловой эффективности ПГУ. В результате исследования был сделан анализ эффективности работы парогазовой установки.Final qualifying work of 116 pages, 25 figures, 25 tables, 35 sources, 2 annexes. Keywords: coal gasification combined cycle plant, a gas turbine plant, the product gas analysis, waste heat boiler, performance indicators. The object of this study is to CCGT running on syngas. The purpose of work - performance analysis of a CCGT with a gas turbine, operating on syngas. The study was carried out to study different methods of coal gasification; selects the estimated PSU circuit with gasification; conducted calculation and composition of the product gas characteristics and the definition of the main indicators of the thermal efficiency of the CCGT. The survey was made the analysis of the efficiency of the combined-cycle plant

    Внедрение корпоративной системы управления проектами для реализации стратегических проектов компании

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    В целях реализации Восточной газовой программы ООО "Газпром трансгаз Томск" разработало Стратегию развития до 2020 г. и План организационно-технических мероприятий. Для успешного выполнения перспективных задач в организации формируется новая, современная система управления - корпоративная система управления проектами. Разработана методика внедрения корпоративной системы управления проектами, состав системы, определены ключевые участники и критические факторы успеха, выполнен расчет экономической эффективности проекта