47 research outputs found

    GPR activities in Italy: a review

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    Ground-penetrating radar has been increasingly played an important role over the last 15 years in Italy due to its high reliability in assisting the assessment of the built environment for civil engineering purposes, and in being used for geophysical investigations within many other fields of application. In line with this, original works involving fundamental aspects of this technique and implementing its use more practically in a number of interesting projects have been developed over years, both under a research and an enterprise point of view. This paper will endeavour to review the current status of ground-penetrating radar activities in Italy. Efforts have been devoted to single out the most interesting national research projects, both recent and ongoing, involving ground-penetrating radar in Italy, such as the ARCHEO project in the 90s, funded by the Italian Ministry for Universities, wherein a stepped frequency ultra-wide band radar suited for archaeological surveys was manufactured. In this framework, it is worth citing another important and more recent project, European Community funded, namely, ORFEUS, which started in the late 2006 with the overall aim of providing the capability to locate buried infrastructure accurately and reliably by means of a bore-head ground-penetrating radar for horizontal directional drilling. A review on the main use of this non-destructive technique in management activities of national resources and infrastructures has been also performed, ranging from the applications made by Anas S.p.A., i.e. the main management authority for the Italian road and motorway network, up to private enterprises specialized in both services providing and ground-penetrating radar manufacturing such as, to cite a few, Sineco S.p.A. and IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A., respectively. Current national guidelines, rules or protocols to be followed during radar surveys have been also reviewed. Unlike well-established international standards such as the ASTM D 4748-98 and the ASTM D 6432-99 dealing with, respectively, thicknesses evaluation of bound layers in road pavements, and equipment, field procedures and data-interpretation for the electromagnetic evaluation of subsurface materials, it has to be noted that the Italian body of laws and rules tackles the ground-penetrating radar applications under an indirect and partial approach. Despite of such situation, national guidelines concerning utilities-detection activities as well as other theoretical and practical guidelines established by the major Italian private enterprises on this field can be also considered highly relevant. Moreover, a further focus on the activities and main devices of the major Italian ground-penetrating radar manufacturers have been thoroughly described. Under a research and innovation perspective, the most important test sites, such as the site of the University of Salento to reconstruct archaeological and urban subsurface scenarios have been listed along with the main advances reached in integrating ground-penetrating radar with other non-destructive techniques, to inform and potentially improve the possibility of new developments and collaborations

    experience of percutaneous access under ultrasound guidance in renal transplant patients with allograft lithiasis

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    Objective: Urolithiasis of the transplanted kidney has an incidence of 0.2 to 1.7%, it increases the risk of infection in immunosuppressed patients and it can lead to ureteral obstruction that is often associated with deterioration of renal function. Urolithiasis of the transplanted kidney has different characteristics compared to the native kidney, due to the absence of innervation, which does not lead to colic pain. Percutaneous approach is an optimal choice in transplant patients. Material and methods: Here we report our experience in two cadaveric transplant patients with urolithiasis. The first case was a patient of 68 years with a 20 mm stone located in the transplanted kidney pelvis and another smaller in a lower calyx. The second case was a patient of 65 years with a 15 mm stone in the distal part of the transplanted ureter. In both cases the patients were asymptomatic, but they had a reduction in urine output associated with worsening of the transplanted kidney function. The diagnosis was performed in both cases with ultrasound study, showing a severe hydronephrosis and it was confirmed by computed tomography scan. In both cases, we performed a Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Access was made after targeting the stone, through a lower pole puncture under ultrasound guidance. The first case was treated with pneumatic and laser energy, breaking stones through a nephroscope. In the second case we performed a laser lithotripsy of the ureteral stone, using a flexible videoureteroscope. At the end of both procedures a Double-J stent and a 14 Fr Malecot nephrostomy were positioned, that were removed at 6 weeks and 10 days, respectively. Results: Both patients achieved a resolution of the worsening of renal function, recovering the spontaneous diuresis. The surgical procedure using ultrasound guidance was safe and allowed quick access to the renal pelvis. Both patients experienced no bleeding or infection during hospitalization. Conclusions: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is an established safe and effective surgical treatment option for larger renal calculi in renal allografts. The ultrasound guided access to the transplanted kidney in percutaneous treatment of urolithiasis is useful and fast, minimizing patient exposure to ionizing radiation

    Integrated de novo transcriptome of Culex pipiens mosquito larvae as a resource for genetic control strategies

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    We present a de novo transcriptome of the mosquito vector Culex pipiens, assembled by sequences of susceptible and insecticide resistant larvae. The high quality of the assembly was confirmed by TransRate and BUSCO. A mapping percentage until 94.8% was obtained by aligning contigs to Nr, SwissProt, and TrEMBL, with 27,281 sequences that simultaneously mapped on the three databases. A total of 14,966 ORFs were also functionally annotated by using the eggNOG database. Among them, we identified ORF sequences of the main gene families involved in insecticide resistance. Therefore, this resource stands as a valuable reference for further studies of differential gene expression as well as to identify genes of interest for genetic-based control tools

    A challenging surgical approach to locally advanced primary urethral carcinoma: A case report and literature review

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    Primary urethral carcinoma (PUC) is a rare and aggressive cancer, often underdetected and consequently unsatisfactorily treated. We report a case of advanced PUC, surgically treated with combined approaches. A 47-year-old man underwent transurethral resection of a urethral lesion with histological evidence of a poorly differentiated squamous cancer of the bulbomembranous urethra. Computed tomography (CT) and bone scans excluded metastatic spread of the disease but showed involvement of both corpora cavernosa (cT3N0M0). A radical surgical approach was advised, but the patient refused this and opted for chemotherapy. After 17 months the patient was referred to our department due to the evidence of a fistula in the scrotal area. CT scan showed bilateral metastatic disease in the inguinal, external iliac, and obturator lymph nodes as well as the involvement of both corpora cavernosa. Additionally, a fistula originating from the right corpus cavernosum extended to the scrotal skin. At this stage, the patient accepted the surgical treatment, consisting of different phases. Phase I: Radical extraperitoneal cystoprostatectomy with iliac-obturator lymph nodes dissection. Phase II: Creation of a urinary diversion through a Bricker ileal conduit. Phase III: Repositioning of the patient in lithotomic position for an overturned Y skin incision, total penectomy, fistula excision, and "en bloc" removal of surgical specimens including the bladder, through the perineal breach. Phase IV: Right inguinal lymphadenectomy. The procedure lasted 9-and-a-half hours, was complication-free, and intraoperative blood loss was 600 mL. The patient was discharged 8 days after surgery. Pathological examination documented a T4N2M0 tumor. The clinical situation was stable during the first 3 months postoperatively but then metastatic spread occurred, not responsive to adjuvant chemotherapy, which led to the patient's death 6 months after surgery. Patients with advanced stage tumors of the bulbomembranous urethra should be managed with radical surgery including the corporas up to the ischiatic tuberosity attachment, and membranous urethra in continuity with the prostate and bladder. Neo-adjuvant treatment may be advisable with the aim of improving the poor prognosis, even if the efficacy is not certain while it can delay the radical treatment of the disease

    Metabolomics application for the design of an optimal diet

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    Precision nutrition is an emerging branch of nutrition science that aims to use modern omics technologies (genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) to assess an individual’s response to specific foods or dietary patterns and thereby determine the most effective diet or lifestyle interventions to prevent or treat specific diseases. Metabolomics is vital to nearly every aspect of precision nutrition. It can be targeted or untargeted, and it has many applications. Indeed, it can be used to comprehensively characterize the thousands of chemicals in foods, identify food by-products in human biofluids or tissues, characterize nutrient deficiencies or excesses, monitor biochemical responses to dietary interventions, track long- or short-term dietary habits, and guide the development of nutritional therapies. Indeed, metabolomics can be coupled with genomics and proteomics to study and advance the field of precision nutrition. Integrating omics with epidemiological and clinical data will begin to define the beneficial effects of human food metabolites. In this review, we present the metabolome and its relationship to precision nutrition. Moreover, we describe the different techniques used in metabolomics and present how metabolomics has been applied to advance the field of precision nutrition by providing notable examples and cases

    In vivo migration of labeled autologous natural killer cells to liver metastases in patients with colon carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Besides being the effectors of native anti-tumor cytotoxicity, NK cells participate in T-lymphocyte responses by promoting the maturation of dendritic cells (DC). Adherent NK (A-NK) cells constitute a subset of IL-2-stimulated NK cells which show increased expression of integrins and the ability to adhere to solid surface and to migrate, infiltrate, and destroy cancer. A critical issue in therapy of metastatic disease is the optimization of NK cell migration to tumor tissues and their persistence therein. This study compares localization to liver metastases of autologous A-NK cells administered via the systemic (intravenous, i.v.) versus locoregional (intraarterial, i.a.) routes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A-NK cells expanded ex-vivo with IL-2 and labeled with (111)In-oxine were injected i.a. in the liver of three colon carcinoma patients. After 30 days, each patient had a new preparation of (111)In-A-NK cells injected i.v. Migration of these cells to various organs was evaluated by SPET and their differential localization to normal and neoplastic liver was demonstrated after i.v. injection of (99m)Tc-phytate. RESULTS: A-NK cells expressed a donor-dependent CD56(+)CD16(+)CD3(- )(NK) or CD56(+)CD16(+)CD3(+ )(NKT) phenotype. When injected i.v., these cells localized to the lung before being visible in the spleen and liver. By contrast, localization of i.a. injected A-NK cells was virtually confined to the spleen and liver. Binding of A-NK cells to liver neoplastic tissues was observed only after i.a. injections. CONCLUSION: This unique study design demonstrates that A-NK cells adoptively transferred to the liver via the intraarterial route have preferential access and substantial accumulation to the tumor site

    Acute Delta Hepatitis in Italy spanning three decades (1991–2019): Evidence for the effectiveness of the hepatitis B vaccination campaign

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    Updated incidence data of acute Delta virus hepatitis (HDV) are lacking worldwide. Our aim was to evaluate incidence of and risk factors for acute HDV in Italy after the introduction of the compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 1991. Data were obtained from the National Surveillance System of acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA). Independent predictors of HDV were assessed by logistic-regression analysis. The incidence of acute HDV per 1-million population declined from 3.2 cases in 1987 to 0.04 in 2019, parallel to that of acute HBV per 100,000 from 10.0 to 0.39 cases during the same period. The median age of cases increased from 27 years in the decade 1991-1999 to 44 years in the decade 2010-2019 (p < .001). Over the same period, the male/female ratio decreased from 3.8 to 2.1, the proportion of coinfections increased from 55% to 75% (p = .003) and that of HBsAg positive acute hepatitis tested for by IgM anti-HDV linearly decreased from 50.1% to 34.1% (p < .001). People born abroad accounted for 24.6% of cases in 2004-2010 and 32.1% in 2011-2019. In the period 2010-2019, risky sexual behaviour (O.R. 4.2; 95%CI: 1.4-12.8) was the sole independent predictor of acute HDV; conversely intravenous drug use was no longer associated (O.R. 1.25; 95%CI: 0.15-10.22) with this. In conclusion, HBV vaccination was an effective measure to control acute HDV. Intravenous drug use is no longer an efficient mode of HDV spread. Testing for IgM-anti HDV is a grey area requiring alert. Acute HDV in foreigners should be monitored in the years to come

    Data for 'Integrated de novo transcriptome of Culex pipiens mosquito larvae as a resource for genetic control strategies'

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    Transcriptome sequencing of diflubenzuron (DFB) insecticide resistant and susceptible Culex pipiens mosquitoes from Greece and Italy. This work focuses on assessing whether metabolic resistance due to the over expression of detoxifying genes (e.g cytochrome-P450s, glutathione-S-transferases, ABC transporters) co-occus in DFB resistant Culex pipiens mosquitoes

    Innervation of equine airways

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    Equine obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or heaves or recurrent airway obstruction, is a common equine pulmonary disease similar to human asthma and/or CODP. Since bronchospasm and inflammation are the key features in heaves, the purpose of this paper is to review the contribution of neural mechanism that may be relevant to this disease. Equine airway receive cholinergic and adrenergic innervation, as well as observed in many species. It was suggested that the autonomic neural control in asthma might be defective with an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory pathways, resulting in excessively twitchy airways. Moreover, the recognition that, in addition to classical adrenergic and cholinergic pathway there are non-adrenergic-non-cholinergic inhibitory (iNANC) and excitatory (eNANC) innervation and many mediators, which have potent effects on airway function, has revived interest in neural control of airway.[...