8 research outputs found

    Belt separation system under slat in fattening pig housing: Effect of belt type and extraction frequency

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    The efficiency of manure separation by a conveyor belt under a partially slatted floor for fattening pigs was determined for two types of belts, a flat belt with an incline of up to 6° transversely and a concave belt with an incline of up to 1° longitudinally. A 31.20% and 23.75% dry matter content of the solid fraction was obtained for the flat and concave belt, respectively. The flat belt was more efficient at 6° than other slope angles. The residence time of the manure on the two belt types influenced the separation efficiency from a live weight of 63.00 kg upwards. The quantity of residue produced with this system was reduced to 25–40% with respect to a pit system under slat. This could mean a remarkable reduction in costs of storage, transport and application of manure

    Laboratorio de Bienestar Porcino: Primeros Resultados y Primeras Conclusiones

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    La puesta en marcha del Laboratorio de Bienestar Porcino comenzó con una iniciativa de un grupo de investigadores de la E.T.S.I. Agrónomos de Madrid (UPM) que, con el apoyo y financiación de la empresa Tragsa, desarrolló un modelo de alojamiento para cebo de cerdos que incluía un sistema patentado de separación in situ de heces y orina

    Comparison of Dry Mater Content of Pig Faeces in Two Belt Separation Systems

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    The average production of slurry per animal per day lies between 3 and 7 kg during a period of swine fattening. Spain is the world’s fourth largest producer of pork. The size of farms and their density are growing faster and faster. Therefore, slurry management is becoming an environmental problem due to air and soil pollution. Separating faeces and urine improves waste management and reduces the levels of environmental pollution. Since 1999 different systems aimed at this separation have been developed. In 2001, Vazquez et al. designed and patented a new integrated system for waste management in pig housing, based on a special, adjustable floor conveyor belt under a partial slat, to avoid slurry production. A fullsize system has been built and installed at the Pig Welfare Laboratory, a pig fattening facility for a maximum of 240 animals located in Madrid, Spain. The separation system is based on the direct harvest of faeces and urine by means of a belt placed under the partial slats of the pen. Two types of belt were made for two types of handling. One of them is a flat belt of 0.6 m x 14 m with the possibility of up to 8° slope side to side and up to 2° lengthways. The other is a conventional belt with longitudinal inclination from 0º to 8º. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of both belts comparing the characteristics of solids collected during a fattening period. Every fortnight samples of 250 cm3 were taken and the percentage of dry matter was measured. This assessment took into account the interior and exterior temperatures registered in the laboratory. This study shows the technical feasibility of the patented system. Keywords. Environmental, Swine, Manure, Separation system, Belt

    Laboratorio de Bienestar Porcino: Primeros Resultados y Primeras Conclusiones

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    La puesta en marcha del Laboratorio de Bienestar Porcino comenzó con una iniciativa de un grupo de investigadores de la E.T.S.I. Agrónomos de Madrid (UPM) que, con el apoyo y financiación de la empresa Tragsa, desarrolló un modelo de alojamiento para cebo de cerdos que incluía un sistema patentado de separación in situ de heces y orina

    Separación in situ de heces y orina mediante cinta de deyecciones bajo slat en alojamiento de cebo de ganado porcino

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    Se analizan los resultados de producción de heces y orina en dos ciclos de cebo completo con 168 animales utilizando un sistema de cinta de separacion de heces y orina bajo slat, patentado por parte de los miembros del equipo. Se estudia la influencia del tipo de cinta, de la inclinación de la misma y frecuencia de extracción. Tambien se controló la temepratura del aire tanto a la entrada como a la salida del alojamiento. Con el sistema se logra una eficaz separación de heces y orina, con una disminución notable en la producción de ambos residuos. La ventilaci¿on forzada permite reducir la cantidad de residuos generados

    Fosa de purines vs separación in situ de heces y orina en porcino de cebo: producción de purín y de estiércol

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar, en un alojamiento de cebo de porcino con enrejillado parcial (Laboratorio de Bienestar Porcino), la producción de residuos con un sistema tradicional de fosa de purines frente a un sistema de separación in situ con cinta plana. La fosa se vació cada cinco semanas, y la cinta se vació dos veces al día a lo largo del periodo de cebo. Ambos sistemas tuvieron el mismo tipo de ventilación por extracción bajo suelo. La cantidad de residuos generados con la separación in situ fue el 70,50% de la correspondiente al sistema tradicional, que, a su vez, fue sensiblemente menor que la habida en las explotaciones comerciales. El sistema de ventilación por extracción bajo suelo fue muy eficiente para la evaporación de agua de las deyecciones y la consecuente reducción de la cantidad de residuos generados; asimismo, los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que la separación in situ permitió una notable reducción adicional de dicha cantidad, en comparación con el sistema tradicional

    Effect of environmental temperature, floor type and breed on skatole and indole concentrations in fat of females, immuno-castrated and entire males

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    The present study was divided in two different trials. The aim of the first trial was to determine if the thresholds of detection of skatole and indole are achieved in females and in males vaccinated against the GnRF housed in two different type of floors and subject to control or high environmental temperatures. The aim of the second trial was to assess the effect of sire (Duroc crossbreed and Pietrain crossbreed) and heat stress on the concentration of skatole and indole in entire males. In the first trial, the animals subjected to heat stress on a concrete floor were found to be dirtier and to present higher skatole and indole concentrations than did animals from the control treatment in 100% slatted floors. In the second trial, although the animals were dirtier when subjected to high temperatures, no effect of the temperature was found in skatole/indole concentrations. The Duroc pigs were dirtier and had higher skatole and indole concentrations than did Pietrain pigs. It is concluded that even females or vaccinated males can reach values of skatole/indole close to the thresholds of sensory detection under conditions of dirtiness and heat stress. However, the relationship between heat, dirtiness and skatole/indole concentrations in fat were not confirmed in trial 2 using entire males.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Efecto del sistema de alimentación sobre los resultados técnicos, calidad de la canal, de la carne y de la grasa de cerdos ibéricos

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    La presente tesis doctoral pretende ampliar conocimientos de los sistemas de producción y tecnología asociada del cerdo Ibérico. Los trabajos de campo fueron llevados a cabo en el CIA ‘El Dehesón del Encinar’ (Oropesa, Toledo, España) con cerdos Ibéricos de la estirpe Torbiscal. En los dos primeros experimentos, utilizando dos grupos de cerdos, se estudió el efecto de la restricción de la alimentación en premontanera sobre las características de la canal y sobre la composición de la grasa al sacrificio de los cerdos posteriormente cebados en montanera. Los animales restringidos en premontanera crecieron significativamente menos que los no restringidos durante dicho periodo, y manifestaron un crecimiento compensatorio durante la montanera. Este crecimiento compensatorio no fue suficiente, y los animales restringidos llegaron con pesos significativamente inferiores al sacrificio, aunque esto no supuso diferencias para las características de la canal entre ambos grupos de animales. También al sacrificio, los animales restringidos durante la premontanera tuvieron concentraciones significativamente diferentes de ácidos grasos, sobre todo en la capa interna de la grasa subcutánea y en la fracción de lípidos polares de la grasa intramuscular; asimismo, tuvieron mayores concentraciones de tocoferoles en el músculo Longissimus dorsi. En un tercer experimento, utilizando cuatro grupos de animales, se estudió el efecto del tiempo de estancia de los cerdos en montanera exclusiva sobre las características de la canal y de la grasa al sacrificio. La duración de la montanera afectó significativamente al crecimiento, a los pesos y porcentajes de los productos del despiece y al perfil de ácidos grasos de la grasa subcutánea. Los animales cebados con pienso en confinamiento tuvieron mayor crecimiento, mejor calidad de la canal, y peor calidad de grasa que los otros tres grupos de animales que se acabaron en montanera exclusiva durante 46, 83 y 111 días. En el último experimento se evaluó si la impedancia bioeléctrica es un método adecuado para realizar un estudio tisular de los jamones de cerdos Ibéricos, aspecto especialmente relevante para la industria. La impedancia bioeléctrica resultó ser un método no invasivo adecuado, que puede ser aplicado para predecir la composición tisular de los jamones, aunque se necesitan más ensayos antes de llevar este método a la práctica cotidiana de la industria. ABSTRACT This Thesis aims to expand knowledge on production systems and technology associated to Iberian pigs. Fieldwork was conducted in the CIA ‘El Dehesón del Encinar’ (Oropesa, Toledo, Spain) with Iberian pigs Torbiscal line. In first two experiments, using two groups of pigs, the effect of feed restriction during the period previous to free-range fattening on growth and carcass characteristics in Iberian pigs finished under free-range conditions was studied. The pigs fed low feeding levels during the period previous to free-range finishing period, had significantly lower growth than those feed with a high level during that period, and showed a compensatory growth during free-range period. However, this compensatory growth was not enough to reach the same weight than the animals fed with a high level, and the slaughter weights were significantly different, although no differences were observed for the carcass characteristics between both groups of pigs. At slaughter, animals fed low feeding levels during the period previous to free-range finishing period, had significantly different fatty acid proportions, especially in the inner backfat layer and in polar lipids fraction of the intramuscular fat; also, the tocopherol concentration found in Longissimus dorsi muscle from pigs fed low feeding levels was higher than those fed high feeding levels. In a third experiment, using four groups of animals, the effect of duration under freerange exclusive conditions on carcass and fat characteristics at slaughter was studied. The growth, weights and percentages of carcass cuts, and fatty acid profile of the backfat were significantly affected by the duration under free-range exclusively conditions. The animals fed in confinement with concentrate diets during the whole fattening period had high growth, better carcass quality and worse fat quality than the other three groups of animals fed under free-range exclusive conditions during 46, 83 and 111 days. In the last experiment, it assessed whether the bioelectrical impedance is a suitable method for perform a tissue study of Iberian pig hams, particularly important aspect for industry. The bioelectrical impedance has proved to be a non-invasive suitable method, which can be applied to predict the tissues composition of the hams, but more trials are needed before carrying this method to everyday practice in the industry