34 research outputs found

    La consolidación contable en el ámbito cooperativo

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    Cooperativist integration, an example of the sixth cooperative principle of inter-cooperation, means the concentration of cooperative enterprises. Of the different means of organization that are covered by the legislation on cooperatives, cooperative groups appear to be a similar concept to that of groups of corporations. However, there are actually significant differences between the two concepts due to the very nature of cooperative groups in the light of the cooperative formula as an independent entity. This paper analyses, on the one hand, to what degree it would be possible to transfer the principles that govern groups of corporations to the concept of cooperative groups and, on other hand, in what conditions and under what assumptions a cooperative enterprise could be a member of a mixed group consisting of cooperatives and other types of corporation. Our second objective will then be to determine, in this case, the requirements in terms of preparing consolidated annual accounts, if cooperative enterprises could be brought within the scope of consolidation, especially as a result of the new concept of “horizontal groups”, which has arisen as a consequence of the modification of company legislation in Spain prior to its adaptation to international accounting legislation.Cooperativist integration, cooperative groups, accounting consolidation, horizontal groups.

    Los procesos concursales en sociedades cooperativas. Especificidades en la información económico-financiera

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    The Law 22/2003, of July 9, Bankruptcy, has filled a need for bankruptcy reform legislation widely defendant in our country, motivated by the archaic and dispersal of the previous rules. The core budget of the new legislation, which eliminates the duality of treatment based on the legal nature of the debtor, is based on the concept of insolvency, understood as the state property that does not allow the debtor regularly meet their obligations. In assessing the creditworthiness business plays a vital role the economic and financial information transmitted through the financial statements, which presents certain specificities in the case of cooperative societies derived, among others, including their financial structure. This paper examines the impact that in bankruptcy situations have some substantive aspects of the cooperative from a financial point of view, as the nature of their own funds or accounting qualification of social capital.Contest creditors, cooperatives, social capital, equity, insolvency, economic information - financial.

    Sustainable Management of Contemporary Art Galleries: A Delphi Survey for the Spanish Art Market

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    [EN] The art market operates in a very different way from conventional economic markets, ranging from its behaviors of supply and demand, the trading of goods, and the economic agents intervening in it. In addition, it is a highly unregulated market, with very little standardized information in economic terms. This paper focuses on art galleries, which are the most influential intermediaries in the Spanish primary contemporary fine-art market and perform a role that goes beyond the mere distribution of works of art. This study develops and applies a prospective methodology based on the subjective information compiled by experts, known as the Delphi method, to identify and evaluate the factors that determine the current situation and future outlook for Spanish contemporary art galleries. The results show, on one hand, that the method employed constitutes a valid option to provide reliable information. In addition, they show that the survival of these organizations will depend on their ability to adapt to the changing conditions of the economic environment, reactivating and internationalizing demand, and redirecting their business model towards sustainable management by implementing appropriate business management models and techniques.Mateos-Ronco, A.; Peiró Torralba, N. (2019). Sustainable Management of Contemporary Art Galleries: A Delphi Survey for the Spanish Art Market. Sustainability. 11(2):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11020541S115112Baumol, W. J. (1985). Unnatural Value: Or Art Investment as Floating Crap Game. Journal of Arts Management and Law, 15(3), 47-60. doi:10.1080/07335113.1985.9942162Ginsburgh, V., & Jeanfils, P. (1995). Long-term comovements in international markets for paintings. European Economic Review, 39(3-4), 538-548. doi:10.1016/0014-2921(94)00060-dChanel, O. (1995). Is art market behaviour predictable? European Economic Review, 39(3-4), 519-527. doi:10.1016/0014-2921(94)00058-8Gérard-Varet, L.-A. (1995). On pricing the priceless: Comments on the economics of the visual art market. European Economic Review, 39(3-4), 509-518. doi:10.1016/0014-2921(94)00057-7Holub, H. W., Hutter, M., & Tappeiner, G. (1993). Light and shadow in art price computation. Journal of Cultural Economics, 17(1), 49-69. doi:10.1007/bf00820767Beckert, J., & Rössel, J. (2013). THE PRICE OF ART. European Societies, 15(2), 178-195. doi:10.1080/14616696.2013.767923Schönfeld, S., & Reinstaller, A. (2007). The effects of gallery and artist reputation on prices in the primary market for art: a note. Journal of Cultural Economics, 31(2), 143-153. doi:10.1007/s10824-007-9031-1Abdullah, A., Khadaroo, I., & Napier, C. J. (2018). Managing the performance of arts organisations: Pursuing heterogeneous objectives in an era of austerity. The British Accounting Review, 50(2), 174-184. doi:10.1016/j.bar.2017.10.001Komarova, N., & Velthuis, O. (2017). Local contexts as activation mechanisms of market development: contemporary art in emerging markets. Consumption Markets & Culture, 21(1), 1-21. doi:10.1080/10253866.2017.1284065Landeta, J., Matey, J., Ruíz, V., & Galter, J. (2008). Results of a Delphi survey in drawing up the input–output tables for Catalonia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 75(1), 32-56. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2007.01.005Hayes, T. (2007). Delphi study of the future of marketing of higher education. Journal of Business Research, 60(9), 927-931. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2006.12.009Okoli, C., & Pawlowski, S. D. (2004). The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications. Information & Management, 42(1), 15-29. doi:10.1016/j.im.2003.11.002Maguire, J. S., & Matthews, J. (2012). Are we all cultural intermediaries now? An introduction to cultural intermediaries in context. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 15(5), 551-562. doi:10.1177/1367549412445762JOY*, A., & SHERRY, JR.‡, J. F. (2003). Disentangling the paradoxical alliances between art market and art world. Consumption Markets & Culture, 6(3), 155-181. doi:10.1080/1025386032000153759Mateos-Ronco, A., & Server Izquierdo, R. J. (2011). Drawing up the official adjustment rules for damage assessment in agricultural insurance: Results of a Delphi survey for fruit crops in Spain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(9), 1542-1556. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.04.003Webler, T., Levine, D., Rakel, H., & Renn, O. (1991). A novel approach to reducing uncertainty: The group Delphi. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 39(3), 253-263. doi:10.1016/0040-1625(91)90040-mSTRAUSS, H. J., & ZEIGLER, L. H. (1975). The Delphi Technique and Its Uses In Social Science Research*. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 9(4), 253-259. doi:10.1002/j.2162-6057.1975.tb00574.xRowe, G., Wright, G., & Bolger, F. (1991). Delphi: A reevaluation of research and theory. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 39(3), 235-251. doi:10.1016/0040-1625(91)90039-iWoudenberg, F. (1991). An evaluation of Delphi. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 40(2), 131-150. doi:10.1016/0040-1625(91)90002-wTuroff, M. (1970). The design of a policy Delphi. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2(2), 149-171. doi:10.1016/0040-1625(70)90161-7Landeta, J., Barrutia, J., & Lertxundi, A. (2011). Hybrid Delphi: A methodology to facilitate contribution from experts in professional contexts. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(9), 1629-1641. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.03.009Nowack, M., Endrikat, J., & Guenther, E. (2011). Review of Delphi-based scenario studies: Quality and design considerations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(9), 1603-1615. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.03.006Rowe, G., & Wright, G. (2011). The Delphi technique: Past, present, and future prospects — Introduction to the special issue. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(9), 1487-1490. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.09.002Rowe, G., & Wright, G. (1999). The Delphi technique as a forecasting tool: issues and analysis. International Journal of Forecasting, 15(4), 353-375. doi:10.1016/s0169-2070(99)00018-7Dajani, J. S., Sincoff, M. Z., & Talley, W. K. (1979). Stability and agreement criteria for the termination of Delphi studies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 13(1), 83-90. doi:10.1016/0040-1625(79)90007-6Chaffin, W. W., & Talley, W. K. (1980). Individual stability in Delphi studies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 16(1), 67-73. doi:10.1016/0040-1625(80)90074-8Rowe, G., Wright, G., & McColl, A. (2005). Judgment change during Delphi-like procedures: The role of majority influence, expertise, and confidence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 72(4), 377-399. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2004.03.004Curioni, S. B., & Rizzi, E. M. R. (2016). Two realms in confrontation: consensus or discontinuity? An exploratory study on the convergence of critical assessment and market evaluation in the contemporary art system. Museum Management and Curatorship, 31(5), 440-459. doi:10.1080/09647775.2016.1227571Estadística de Financiación y Gasto Público en Cultura http://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/servicios-al-ciudadano/estadisticas/cultura/mc/culturabase/gasto-publico/resultados-gasto-publico.htmlPrinz, A., Piening, J., & Ehrmann, T. (2014). The success of art galleries: a dynamic model with competition and information effects. Journal of Cultural Economics, 39(2), 153-176. doi:10.1007/s10824-014-9217-2Wróblewski, Ł., Dziadzia, B., & Dacko-Pikiewicz, Z. (2018). Sustainable Management of the Offer of Cultural Institutions in the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services—Barriers and Conditions. Sustainability, 10(9), 3253. doi:10.3390/su1009325

    Risk Management Tools for Sustainable Agriculture: A Model for Calculating the Average Price for the Season in Revenue Insurance for Citrus Fruit

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    [EN] Risk management in agriculture is at the heart of major reforms in many OECD countries and European agricultural policies. Price risks, which are generally not insurable per se, have been covered by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which has been shaped as a system of protection against market shocks and an instrument for income stabilization. However, there is an increasing propensity to combine the use of public and private risk management tools as well. In Spain, revenue insurance has not yet developed in the same way as other risk coverage insurance, although it is an upcoming target of agricultural insurance policies with the aim of ensuring income stability for agricultural producers. This paper presents the results of the methodology used to draw up a composition index or model of the average price for the season or representative market field price to be used for revenue insurance purposes in citrus fruit. High explanatory power regression models and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were used. The results show that the average price for the season obtained reliably represents the market field prices in the country's various producer areas.This research was funded by Agroseguro, Agrupacion Espanola de Entidades Aseguradoras de los Seguros Agrarios Combinados, S.A.Mateos-Ronco, A.; Server Izquierdo, RJ. (2020). Risk Management Tools for Sustainable Agriculture: A Model for Calculating the Average Price for the Season in Revenue Insurance for Citrus Fruit. Agronomy. 10(2):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10020198125102Iyer, P., Bozzola, M., Hirsch, S., Meraner, M., & Finger, R. (2019). Measuring Farmer Risk Preferences in Europe: A Systematic Review. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71(1), 3-26. doi:10.1111/1477-9552.12325Meuwissen, M. P. M., Mey, Y. de, & van Asseldonk, M. (2018). Prospects for agricultural insurance in Europe. Agricultural Finance Review, 78(2), 174-182. doi:10.1108/afr-04-2018-093Pennings, J. M. E., & Wansink, B. (2004). Channel Contract Behavior: The Role of Risk Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, And Channel Members’ Market Structures. The Journal of Business, 77(4), 697-724. doi:10.1086/422633Turvey, C. G. (2011). Whole Farm Income Insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 79(2), 515-540. doi:10.1111/j.1539-6975.2011.01426.xThompson *, S. R., Schmitz, P. M., Iwai, N., & Goodwin, B. K. (2004). The real rate of protection: the income and insurance effects of agricultural policy. Applied Economics, 36(16), 1851-1858. doi:10.1080/0003684042000279744Walters, C., & Preston, R. (2017). Net income risk, crop insurance and hedging. Agricultural Finance Review, 78(1), 135-151. doi:10.1108/afr-05-2017-0036Janowicz-Lomott, M., Łyskawa, K., & Rozumek, P. (2015). Farm Income Insurance as an Alternative for Traditional Crop Insurance. Procedia Economics and Finance, 33, 439-449. doi:10.1016/s2212-5671(15)01727-xMateos-Ronco, A., & Server Izquierdo, R. J. (2011). Drawing up the official adjustment rules for damage assessment in agricultural insurance: Results of a Delphi survey for fruit crops in Spain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(9), 1542-1556. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.04.003Goodwin, B. K., & Hungerford, A. (2014). Copula‐Based Models of Systemic Risk in U.S. Agriculture: Implications for Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Contracts. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(3), 879-896. doi:10.1093/ajae/aau08

    Methodologies for remote learning in higher education: experiences and results in accounting teaching

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    [EN] Global health crisis has drastically changed teaching-learning processes at all educational levels. In the Spanish educational system this has meant a shift from face-to-face to remote learning. In the light of this situation, the learning process needs to develop new activities and roles for students and teachers. Both must acquire new skills that affect concepts and attitudes about the teaching and learning processes, within the framework of traditional training projects. Remote learning implies collaborative work between students and teachers. Teachers need to choose the best methods to achieve the learning objectives, in the framework of the relevant academic profile and characteristics of skills training. In addition, they must take into account the structural and organisational conditions required to perform these activities (remote learning, the use of new technologies, etc.).This paper describes the author’s experience in designing learning methodologies to teach a social science subject, Accounting, on the Business Administration degree at Universitad Politècnica de València, in a lockdown context. First, we describe the methodology designed to adapt the course from face-to-face teaching to online classes. Then, we analyse the main challenges and difficulties that arose. Finally, we present the assessment results and the conclusions obtained from comparing them to outcomes from previous academic years.[ES] Como consecuencia de la crisis sanitaria, el sistema universitario español tuvo que modificar su modalidad de enseñanza de un sistema fundamentalmente presencial a otro remoto, desarrollado mediante la utilización intensiva de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC). En esta nueva situación, tanto profesores como alumnos, en un trabajo colaborativo, tuvieron que adoptar nuevos roles y habilidades en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pero en el marco de los proyectos tradicionales de formación. Los docentes debieron elegir las metodologías más adecuadas para alcanzar los objetivos de aprendizaje, en el contexto del perfil académico, las habilidades profesionales y las condiciones estructurales y organizativas para desarrollar estas actividades (aprendizaje remoto, uso de las TIC, etc). Este trabajo describe la experiencia del autor en el diseño de metodologías de aprendizaje en la docencia de una ciencia social, contabilidad, en el Grado de ADE de la Universitat Politècnica de València, en la situación de confinamiento. Se describe la metodología diseñada para adaptar la asignatura de una docencia presencial a una remota, analizando los principales retos y dificultades encontradas. Finalmente, se presenta la evaluación de los resultados y las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de su comparación con los resultados de cursos académicos previos.Mateos Ronco, AM. (2022). Metodologías para el aprendizaje a distancia en educación universitaria: experiencias y resultados en la docencia de contabilidad. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1219-1227. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.159261219122

    La gestión basada en las actividades en cooperativas citrícolas: un enfoque integrador de las prácticas empresariales

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    Today’s economic scenario makes it necessary for citrus fruit cooperatives to adopt business practices which will achieve a competitive advantage and thus guarantee their continued activity. The cooperative sector has traditionally been unaffected by business management techniques, focusing on specific aspects of management. However, many advantages can be obtained from integrated management of a cooperative with regard to the quality and quantity of the information required for taking decisions. This study considers the use of a management system based on activities as a vehicle for the integrated management of business practices in citrus fruit cooperatives. It suggests a methodology for applying the system and analyses its potential for achieving a competitive advantage.activities, business management, costs, citrus fruit cooperatives, performance, cost driver.

    Developing a performance management model for the implementation of TQM practices in public education centres

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    [EN] Achieving excellence in public education centre management is a means to attain higher quality in education. This can be reached by implementing performance management. This paper proposes a comprehensive management tool, in the form of a balanced scorecard (BSC), for non-university public education centres, using the European Foundation for Quality Management excellence model as a framework for the implementation, evaluation and improvement of quality. This management system brings total quality management practices to education centres and is specifically designed to cater for their individual requirements. In our study, a strategic map of these organisations was devised after cause-and-effect relationships were identified based on their strategic objectives, and after defining the different areas in which action was required. The Delphi method enabled us to obtain a set of indicators which were identified by experts as being particularly relevant for measuring performance and monitoring strategy. Based on a qualitative analysis of the results, a BSC was drawn up. Its validity and reliability were proved by the high level of consensus reached by the experts. This tool will lead to improved efficiency in the management of educational centres, and is a valuable instrument to better understand factors that determine the performance of educational management and the achievement of excellent results.Mateos Ronco, AM.; Hernandez Mezquida, JM. (2016). Developing a performance management model for the implementation of TQM practices in public education centres. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 1-33. doi:10.1080/14783363.2016.1216309S13

    Determinants of financing decisions and management implications: evidence from Spanish agricultural cooperatives

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    [EN] The unique characteristics of agricultural cooperatives are likely to affect the availability of the funding they can access. This paper analyses the determining factors behind the financing decisions made in these cooperatives, and the management and organisational implications these decisions have for these entities. Financial information obtained from a sample of 106 Spanish agricultural cooperatives was used to calculate the variables that modelled the research hypotheses, which were then introduced into regression models to determine which ones had a significant effect on their financing decisions. According to the economic theory of cooperativism, the results show that these entities come closer to the pecking order theory, i.e. policies that maximise the prices received by members to the detriment of the entity's self-financing abilities, coupled with restrictions on cooperatives' equity capital that may lead them to use debt to fund growth. The results also show positive relationships between cooperatives' indebtedness and other factors, such as investments in non-current assets, liquidity and cooperative size in terms of turnover per member.Mateos-Ronco, A.; Guzmán-Asunción, S. (2018). Determinants of financing decisions and management implications: evidence from Spanish agricultural cooperatives. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 21(6):701-721. https://doi.org/10.22434/IFAMR2016.0178S70172121

    Bioeconomía y modelos productivos sostenibles en organizaciones de agricultores: una revisión (póster)

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    La aprobación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en 2015, en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas, ha marcado un punto de inflexión, a nivel académico y en las políticas de investigación y transferencia, en relación a la presión medioambiental y la necesidad de desarrollar economías sostenibles. Uno de los retos expresados por la Unión Europea en relación con la bioeconomía se centra en la agricultura sostenible. La misión fundamental de las cooperativas agroalimentarias actualmente es aglutinar la oferta y ejercer de vehículo transmisor de las demandas del mercado. Son un agente que puede tener un rol indiscutible en la transición hacia modelos productivos más sostenibles. Este trabajo presenta una revisión de la literatura para identificar experiencias de transformación agro-sostenible en organizaciones de agricultores y el papel que estas organizaciones tienen en la transición hacia una economía sostenible. Los resultados evidencian la inexistencia de estándares o normas para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad agraria en las explotaciones. Además, el papel de las cooperativas como entidades impulsoras de estrategias agro-sostenibles es evidente, al incentivar la adopción de dichas estrategias por los productores agrarios, si bien se detectan diferencias en los resultados relativos al tipo de prácticas fomentadas

    Diseño de herramientas para la gestión de riesgos en la agricultura: el precio testigo en un seguro de ingresos en cítricos (póster)

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    La liberalización de los intercambios agrarios ha originado un incremento de la volatilidad de los precios percibidos por los agricultores. El seguro agrario es uno de los instrumentos más eficaces para la gestión de los riesgos de producción. Sin embargo, los seguros de ingresos todavía no han sido objeto en España de un desarrollo similar al alcanzado por otros seguros de coberturas, aunque constituyen un objetivo inminente de las políticas de seguros agrarios. Este trabajo forma parte de las investigaciones prospectivas realizadas para evaluar la viabilidad de nuevas líneas de aseguramiento de ingresos en el sistema español de seguros agrarios. Para el desarrollo de un seguro que garantice los ingresos de un productor agrario es preciso conocer la variabilidad de los precios de venta en origen. A efectos de la cobertura de ingresos este es el precio testigo (PT) de campaña o precio en origen. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar una metodología que permita formular un índice o modelo de composición del PT de campaña para utilizar a efectos del seguro de ingresos en cítricos, a partir de los análisis estadísticos de las cotizaciones de precios en los mercados nacionales, tanto en origen como en destino