177 research outputs found

    On the solitons of the Chern-Simons-Higgs model

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    Several issues concerning the self-dual solutions of the Chern-Simons-Higgs model are addressed. The topology of the configuration space of the model is analysed when the space manifold is either the plane or an infinite cylinder. We study the local structure of the moduli space of self-dual solitons in the second case by means of an index computation. It is shown how to manage the non-integer contribution to the heat-kernel supertrace due to the non-compactness of the base space. A physical picture of the local coordinates parametrizing the non-topological soliton moduli space arises .Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, to appear in The European Physical Journal

    One-dimensional solitary waves in singular deformations of SO(2) invariant two-component scalar field theory models

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    In this paper we study the structure of the manifold of solitary waves in some deformations of SO(2) symmetric two-component scalar field theoretical models in two-dimensional Minkowski space. The deformation is chosen in order to make the analogous mechanical system Hamilton-Jacobi separable in polar coordinates and displays a singularity at the origin of the internal plane. The existence of the singularity confers interesting and intriguing properties to the solitary waves or kink solutions.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figure

    Perfectly invisible PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric zero-gap systems, conformal field theoretical kinks, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetry

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    We investigate a special class of the PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric quantum models being perfectly invisible zero-gap systems with a unique bound state at the very edge of continuous spectrum of scattering states. The family includes the PT\mathcal{PT}-regularized two particle Calogero systems (conformal quantum mechanics models of de Alfaro-Fubini-Furlan) and their rational extensions whose potentials satisfy equations of the KdV hierarchy and exhibit, particularly, a behaviour typical for extreme waves. We show that the two simplest Hamiltonians from the Calogero subfamily determine the fluctuation spectra around the PT\mathcal{PT}-regularized kinks arising as traveling waves in the field-theoretical Liouville and SU(3)SU(3) conformal Toda systems. Peculiar properties of the quantum systems are reflected in the associated exotic nonlinear supersymmetry in the unbroken or partially broken phases. The conventional N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetry is extended here to the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 nonlinear supersymmetry that involves two bosonic generators composed from Lax-Novikov integrals of the subsystems, one of which is the central charge of the superalgebra. Jordan states are shown to play an essential role in the construction.Comment: 33 pages; comments and refs added, version to appear in JHE

    On a family of (1+1)-dimensional scalar field theory models: kinks, stability, one-loop mass shifts

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    In this paper we construct a one-parametric family of (1+1)-dimensional one-component scalar field theory models supporting kinks. Inspired by the sine-Gordon and Ï•4\phi^4 models, we look at all possible extensions such that the kink second-order fluctuation operators are Schr\"odinger differential operators with P\"oschl-Teller potential wells. In this situation, the associated spectral problem is solvable and therefore we shall succeed in analyzing the kink stability completely and in computing the one-loop quantum correction to the kink mass exactly. When the parameter is a natural number, the family becomes the hierarchy for which the potential wells are reflectionless, the two first levels of the hierarchy being the sine-Gordon and Ï•4\phi^4 models.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Annals of Physic

    Self-Dual Vortices in Abelian Higgs Models with Dielectric Function on the Noncommutative Plane

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    We show that Abelian Higgs Models with dielectric function defined on the noncommutative plane enjoy self-dual vorticial solutions. By choosing a particular form of the dielectric function, we provide a family of solutions whose Higgs and magnetic fields interpolate between the profiles of the noncommutative Nielsen-Olesen and Chern-Simons vortices. This is done both for the usual U(1)U(1) model and for the SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) semilocal model with a doublet of complex scalar fields. The variety of known noncommutative self-dual vortices which display a regular behaviour when the noncommutativity parameter tends to zero results in this way considerably enlarged

    Quantum-induced interactions in the moduli space of degenerate BPS domain walls

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    In this paper quantum effects are investigated in a very special two-scalar field model having a moduli space of BPS topological defects. In a (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional space-time the defects are classically degenerate in mass kinks, but in (3+1)(3+1) dimensions the kinks become BPS domain walls, all of them sharing the same surface tension at the classical level. The heat kernel/zeta function regularization method will be used to control the divergences induced by the quantum kink and domain wall fluctuations. A generalization of the Gilkey-DeWitt-Avramidi heat kernel expansion will be developed in order to accommodate the infrared divergences due to zero modes in the spectra of the second-order kink and domain wall fluctuation operators, which are respectively N×NN\times N matrix ordinary or partial differential operators. Use of these tools in the spectral zeta function associated with the Hessian operators paves the way to obtain general formulas for the one-loop kink mass and domain wall tension shifts in any (1+1)(1+1)- or (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional NN-component scalar field theory model. Application of these formulae to the BPS kinks or domain walls of the N=2N=2 model mentioned above reveals the breaking of the classical mass or surface tension degeneracy at the quantum level. Because the main parameter distinguishing each member in the BPS kink or domain wall moduli space is essentially the distance between the centers of two basic kinks or walls, the breaking of the degeneracy amounts to the surge in quantum-induced forces between the two constituent topological defects. The differences in surface tension induced by one-loop fluctuations of BPS walls give rise mainly to attractive forces between the constituent walls except if the two basic walls are very far apart. Repulsive forces between two close walls only arise if the coupling is approaches the critical value from below.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures, to appear in JHE

    Higgs phase in a gauge U(1)\mathbf{U}(1) non-linear CP1\mathbf{CP}^1-model. Two species of BPS vortices and their zero modes

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    In this paper zero modes of fluctuation are dissected around the two species of BPS vortices existing in the critical Higgs phase, where the scalar and vector meson masses are equal, of a gauged U(1)\mathbb{U}(1) nonlinear CP1\mathbb{CP}^1-model. If 2πn2\pi n, n∈Zn\in \mathbb{Z}, is the quantized magnetic flux of the two species of BPS vortex solutions, 2n2n linearly independent vortex zero modes for each species are found and described. The existence of two species of moduli spaces of dimension 2n2n of these stringy topological defects is thus locally shown.Comment: 17 pages, 28 figure

    δ−δ′\delta-\delta^\prime generalized Robin boundary conditions and quantum vacuum fluctuations

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    The effects induced by the quantum vacuum fluctuations of one massless real scalar field on a configuration of two partially transparent plates are investigated. The physical properties of the infinitely thin plates are simulated by means of Dirac-δ−δ′\delta-\delta^\prime point interactions. It is shown that the distortion caused on the fluctuations by this external background gives rise to a generalization of Robin boundary conditions. The TT-operator for potentials concentrated on points with non defined parity is computed with total generality. The quantum vacuum interaction energy between the two plates is computed using the TGTGTGTG formula to find positive, negative, and zero Casimir energies. The parity properties of the δ−δ′\delta-\delta^\prime potential allow repulsive quantum vacuum force between identical plates.Comment: 21 pages and 11 figures. PhysRev
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