41 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic optimization subsumed in stability phenomena

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    [EN]In the present paper the possibility of an energetic self-optimization as a consequence of thermodynamic stability is addressed. This feature is analyzed in a low dissipation refrigerator working in an optimized trade-off regime (the so-called Omega function). The relaxation after a perturbation around the stable point indicates that stability is linked to trajectories in which the thermodynamic performance is improved. Furthermore, a limited control over the system is analyzed through consecutive external random perturbations. The statistics over many cycles corroborates the preference for a better thermodynamic performance. Endoreversible and irreversible behaviors play a relevant role in the relaxation trajectories (as well as in the statistical performance of many cycles experiencing random perturbations). A multi-objective optimization reveals that the well-known endoreversible limit works as an attractor of the system evolution coinciding with the Pareto front, which represents the best energetic compromise among efficiency, entropy generation, cooling power, input power and the Omega function. Meanwhile, near the stable state, performance and stability are dominated by an irreversible behavior

    Compartmental Learning versus Joint Learning in Engineering Education

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    [EN]Sophomore students from the Chemical Engineering undergraduate Degree at the University of Salamanca are involved in a Mathematics course during the third semester and in an Engineering Thermodynamics course during the fourth one. When they participate in the latter they are already familiar with mathematical software and mathematical concepts about numerical methods, including non-linear equations, interpolation or differential equations. We have focused this study on the way engineering students learn Mathematics and Engineering Thermodynamics. As students use to learn each matter separately and do not associate Mathematics and Physics, they separate each matter into different and independent compartments. We have proposed an experience to increase the interrelationship between different subjects, to promote transversal skills, and to make the subjects closer to real work. The satisfactory results of the experience are exposed in this work. Moreover, we have analyzed the results obtained in both courses during the academic year 2018–2019. We found that there is a relation between both courses and student’s final marks do not depend on the course

    Optimization induced by stability and the role of limited control near a steady state

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    [EN]A relationship between stability and self-optimization is found for weakly dissipative heat devices. The effect of limited control on operation variables around an steady state is such that, after instabilities, the paths toward relaxation are given by trajectories stemming from restitution forces which improve the system thermodynamic performance (power output, efficiency, and entropy generation). Statistics over random trajectories for many cycles shows this behavior as well. Two types of dynamics are analyzed, one where an stability basin appears and another one where the system is globally stable. Under both dynamics there is an induced trend in the control variables space due to stability. In the energetic space this behavior translates into a preference for better thermodynamic states, and thus stability could favor self-optimization under limited control. This is analyzed from the multiobjective optimization perspective. As a result, the statistical behavior of the system is strongly influenced by the Pareto front (the set of points with the best compromise between several objective functions) and the stability basin. Additionally, endoreversible and irreversible behaviors appear as very relevant limits: The first one is an upper bound in energetic performance, connected with the Pareto front, and the second one represents an attractor for the stochastic trajectoriesJunta de Castilla y León, SA017P17 ; Universidad de Salamanca, 2017/X005/1 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1140503

    Energetic Self-Optimization Induced by Stability in Low-Dissipation Heat Engines

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    [EN]The local stability of a weakly dissipative heat engine is analyzed and linked to an energetic multiobjective optimization perspective. This constitutes a novel issue in the unified study of cyclic energy converters, opening the perspective to the possibility that stability favors self-optimization of thermodynamic quantities including efficiency, power and entropy generation. To this end, a dynamics simulating the restitution forces, which mimics a harmonic potential, bringing the system back to the steady state is analyzed. It is shown that relaxation trajectories are not arbitrary but driven by the improvement of several energetic functions. Insights provided by the statistical behavior of consecutive random perturbations show that the irreversible behavior works as an attractor for the energetics of the system, while the endoreversible limit acts as an upper bound and the Pareto front as a global attractor. Fluctuations around the operation regime reveal a difference between the behavior coming from fast and slow relaxation trajectories: while the former are associated to an energetic self-optimization evolution, the latter are ascribed to better performances. The self-optimization induced by stability and the possible use of instabilities in the operation regime to improve the energetic performance might usher into new useful perspectives in the control of variables for real engines.University of Salamanca Contract No. 2017/X005/1 ; Junta de Castilla y León Project No. SA017P17 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11405032)

    Continuous power output criteria and optimum operation strategies of an upgraded thermally regenerative electrochemical cycles system

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    [EN]In order to utilize the low-grade thermal energy efficiently, a more realistic model of thermally regenerative electrochemical cycles system with continuous power output is proposed in which the heat transfer irreversibility, external heat leakage and non-ideal regeneration losses are taken into account. Besides, the symmetry of cells, which is necessary for a practical thermally regenerative electrochemical cycles system operated at steady state, is considered. Analytic expressions for the efficiency and power output of the system are derived. The design and operation criteria of the system for achieving continuous power output are obtained. The general performance characteristics and the optimally operating regions of several parameters are reported. The influences of the external heat leakage on the system performance and the upper and lower bounds of efficiency at maximum power output at different situations are evaluated and discussed.National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11405032) and Junta de Castilla y Leon under project SA017P17. Universidad de Salamanca contract 2017/X005/1

    The equivalent low-dissipation combined cycle system and optimal analyses of a class of thermally driven heat pumps

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    [EN]The performance characteristics, operation, and design strategies of a class of thermally driven heat pumps are investigated due to their important roles in the efficient utilization of low-grade thermal energy. In order to establish a more generic thermodynamic model of thermally driven heat pumps mainly including absorption, adsorption, and ejector heat pumps, low-dissipation assumption is adopted. Accordingly, the associated dissipation parameters accounting for the specific information on the irreversibilities in each heat-transfer process are introduced rather than specifying heat-transfer law. Based on the proposed model, the theoretical results of the coefficient of performance and heat load are derived with regard to two key parameters denoting the size ratio of the two involved subsystems and the matching deviation from reversible limit. The performance characteristics and the optimally operating regions of the whole system are determined and the differences between thermally driven heat pump and refrigerator are highlighted. The proposed model and obtained results further develop the low-dissipation mode

    Towards a Sustainable Future through Renewable Energies at Secondary School: An Educational Proposal

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    [EN]A compilation of innovative educational activities to work on concepts related to the production of electrical energy is presented. To approach the real-life secondary education curriculum, they are grouped to be performed during a week denominated Renewable Energy Week: an educational proposal aimed to promote the respect for the environment through the insight on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and renewable energy sources. The students would build and perform low-cost experiments so as to deeply understand the essence of energetic transformations, as well as electricity generation. Learning by discovery, collaborative learning and experimentation, are the methodological pillars that characterize Renewable Energy Week, since they have been proven to be efficient methodologies to promote students’ learning. Innovative techniques for pupils evaluation are employed, including a rubric, Socrative application and a set of sheets regarding experiments. Through this educational proposal, the students are expected to achieve a deep understanding of some key concepts related to electricity and awaken their interest in scientific subjects, making them conscious of the transition to sustainable development that our planet urgently requires. At the same time, this project offers to teachers a series of experiments and innovative activities to work on the SDG in Physics, Chemistry and Technology subjects.University of Salamanca through Innovation and teaching improvement project ID 2019/16