199 research outputs found

    Reversible supramolecular assembly at specific DNA sites: Ni-promoted, bivalent DNA binding with designed peptide and bipyridylbisbenzamidine components

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    At specific DNA sites, nickel(II) salts promote the assembly of designed components, namely a bis(histidine)-modified peptide that is derived from a bZIP transcription factor and a bis(benzamidine) unit that is equipped with a bipyridine. This programmed supramolecular system with emergent properties reproduces some key characteristics of naturally occurring DNA-binding proteins, such as bivalence, selectivity, responsiveness to external agents, and reversibility.We are thankful for support from Spanish grants (SAF2010-20822-C02 and CTQ2012-31341), Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00006), the Xunta de Galicia (GRC2013-041, INCITE09 209084PR, and PGIDIT08CSA-047209PR), the ERDF, and the European Research Council (Advanced Grant 340055). J.M. and M.I.S. thank the Spanish MCINN for their Ph.D. fellowships.S

    Ruthenium bipyridyl complexes as photocleavable dimerizers: deactivation of DNA-binding peptides using visible light

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    We report a photolabile biselectrophilic Ru(II) complex that can be used for homo- or heterodimerization of cysteine-containing peptides. The resulting dimers can be efficiently disassembled by long-wavelength light. As proof-of-concept, we describe the preparation of homo- and heterodimeric bZIP peptides whose DNA-binding properties can be turned off using visible lightSpanish MINECO. Grant Numbers: SAF2010-20822-C02-01/02, CTQ2010-20714-C02-01/BQU, CSD2007-00006 ERDF Xunta de Galicia. Grant Numbers: GRC2010/12, GR2013-041, INCITE09 209084PR, EM2013/036 European Research Council. Grant Number: 340055 CAM. Grant Number: S2009/PPQ-1634, AVANCA

    Sylvatic rabies and the perception of vampire bat activity in communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    An outbreak of sylvatic rabies was reported in indigenous communities located in the Ecuadorian Amazon in November 2011. The objective of this study was to analyze family dwelling characteristics and other sociodemographic factors associated with the perception of an increase in hematophagous bat bites in humans and domestic animals to assist the implementation of intervention policies in the region. A total of 381 households from communities covered by the outbreak response activities were surveyed. Despite being associated with poorer dwelling conditions, the possession of domestic animals is associated with the perception of an increase in bat bites among animals. Better dwelling conditions, use of protective measures, access to electricity, and no domestic animals are variables associated with the perception of a rise in attacks on humans. The analysis of perceptions of bite frequency is fundamental to improve the effectiveness of vaccination programs and strategies to promote the adoption of preventive measures against rabies among the populationEn Ecuador se reportó un brote de rabia selvática en comunidades indígenas amazónicas en noviembre de 2011. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar las características de las viviendas de las familias, añadiendo aspectos sociodemográficos asociados a la percepción del aumento de mordeduras de murciélagos hematófagos en humanos y en ganado, con el fin de implementar políticas de intervención en la zona. Fueron encuestados 381 jefes de familia de las comunidades incluidas en el programa de primera intervención de vacunación. La posesión de ganado conduce a un aumento en la percepción de las mordeduras de murciélago en los animales y estas personas tienen casas con las peores condiciones de vivienda, donde pueden entrar y habitar murciélagos, mientras que las familias que tienen mejores condiciones de vivienda, con protección, electricidad y sin ganado perciben un aumento en los ataques a humanos. El análisis de la percepción de frecuencia de mordeduras es fundamental para lograr una adhesión a las medidas de prevención y vacunació


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    Fifteen new records of marine algae fromthe Oaxaca‘s coasts, Mexico are reported:Audouinella microscopica (Nägeli)Woelkerling, A. saviana (Meneghini)Woelkerling; Titanoderma dispar (Foslie)Woelkerling, Y. Chamberlain et P.C. Silva,Gelidium microdentatum Dawson,Gracilaria pachydermatica Setchell etGardner, G. tepocensis (Dawson) Dawson,Microphyllum crispum (W. Taylor)Dawson, Dasya sinicola var abyssicola(Dawson) Dawson, Ceramiumhamatispinum Dawson, Cryptopleuracorallinara (Nott) Gardner, Hincksiarallsiae (Vickers) P.C. Silva, Colpomeniaramosa W. Taylor, Rosenvingea floridana(W. Taylor) W. Taylor, Cladophora sericea(Hudson) Kützing and Rhizocloniumafricanum Kützing.Data concerning to the morphology,reproductive stage, habitat and thelocalities are presented. Audouinellamicroscopica, Gracilariapachydermatica, G. tepocensis, Dasyasinicola var. abyssicola, Cryptopleuracorallinara, Colpomenia ramosa andRosenvingea floridana were reported forfirst time for the mexican Pacific Tropical.Se citan 15 nuevos registros de algas marinas para las costas de Oaxaca; Audouinellamicroscopica (Nägeli) Woelkerling, A.saviana (Meneghini) Woelkerling;Titanoderma dispar (Foslie) Woelkerling,Y. Chamberlain et P.C. Silva, Gelidiummicrodentatum Dawson, Gracilariapachydermatica Setchell et Gardner, G.tepocensis (Dawson) Dawson,Microphyllum crispum (W. Taylor) Dawson,Dasya sinicola var abyssicola (Dawson)Dawson, Ceramium hamatispinumDawson, Cryptopleura corallinara, (Nott)Gardner, Hincksia rallsiae (Vickers) P.C.Silva, Colpomenia ramosa W. Taylor,Rosenvingea floridana (W. Taylor) W.Taylor, Cladophora sericea (Hudson)Kützing y Rhizoclonium africanumKützing. Cada especie se presenta con datos relativos a su morfología, estadioreproductivo, hábitat y las localidadesen que se ubicaron. Audouinellamicroscopica, Gracilaria pachydermatica,G. tepocensis, Dasya sinicola var.abyssicola, Cryptopleura corallinara,Colpomenia ramosa y Rosenvingeafloridana representan nuevos registros parael Pacífico tropical de México


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    B e n t h i c a l g a e s a m p l e s o f f a m i l ySphacelariaceae were taken in severallocalities in the Mexico’s Pacific andAtlantic shores; between 1979 and1996. Also herbarium specimens arehoused i n d i f f e r e n t s h e r b a r i a w e r eexaminated to check the informationa b o u t t h i s f a m i l y, m o r e o v e r a n dextensive bibliographic revision of thefamily Sphacelariaceae (Sphacelariales,Phaeophyta) previously recorded inthe Mexico’s shores was realizated.The family Sphacelariaceae contains onegenus: Sphacelaria Lyngbye and six species;S. brachygonia Montagne, S. californica Sauvageau ex Setchell et Gardner, S. fusca(Hudson) S.F. Gray, S. novae-hollandiaeSonder, S. rigidula Kützing and S.tribuloides Meneghini; these species aredistributed in temperate and warm watersof Mexican Pacific and Atlantic shores, oneof them, S. rigidula is widely distributedfrom Ensenada, Baja California to BahíaTangolunda, Oaxaca in the Pacific andfrom Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Rooto Monte Pío, Veracruz in the Atlantic.Morphological description, reproductivestage, sustrate, tidal level, distributionrange, drawings, wave exposure, and keyfor determinations are included.Se realizaron campañas de muestreo de 1979a 1996 a lo largo de las costas del Pacífico yAtlántico de México, así mismo seefectuaron análisis de los ejemplaresdepositados en herbarios ficológicosnacionales y extranjeros con el fin de obtenerlos registros y corroborar su determinación.Se realizó una extensa recopilación y revisiónbibliográfica de las especies de la familiaSphacelariaceae (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyta)para las costas mexicanas.El análisis de esta información mostró quela familia Sphacelariaceae se encuentra representada por un género: SphacelariaLyngbye y seis especies; Sphacelariabrachygonia Montagne, S. californicaSauvaugeau ex Setchell et Gardner, S.fusca (Hudson) S. F. Gray, S. novaehollandiae Sonder, S. rigidula Kützing yS. tribuloides Meneghini; estas especiesocurren en aguas templadas y tropicales delas costas del Pacífico y Atlántico de México. S. rigidula es la que presenta el intervalo de distribución más amplio; desde Ensenada, Baja California hasta BahíaTangolunda, Oaxaca en el Pacífico y deMonte Pío, Veracruz, hasta Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo en el Atlántico. Losespecímenes recolectados sólo presentaron propágulos y no se evidenció la Cada especie se presenta con datos relativosa sus características morfoanátomicas,estadio reproductivo, sustrato, nivel demarea, distribución, esquemas en cámaraclara, clave dicotómica de determinación yrelación de ejemplares representativosexaminados

    Synthetic peptides caged on histidine residues with a bisbipyridyl ruthenium(II) complex that can be photolyzed by visible light

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Mosquera, J., Sánchez M. I., Mascareñas, J. L., Vázquez, M. E. (2015), Synthetic Peptides Caged on Histidine Residues with a Bisbipyridyl Ruthenium (II) Complex that Can Be Photolyzed by Visible Light. ChemComm., 51, 5501-5504[doi: 10.1039/C4CC08049A]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with RSC Terms and Conditions for self-archivingWe report a light-sensitive histidine building block for Fmoc/tBu solid-phase peptide synthesis in which the imidazole side chain is coordinated to a ruthenium complex. We have applied this building block for the synthesis of caged-histidine peptides that can be readily deprotected by irradiation with visible light, and demonstrated the application of this approach for the photocontrol of the activity of Ni(II)-dependent peptide nucleasesWe are thankful for the support given by the Spanish grants SAF2013-41943-R and CTQ2012-31341, the Xunta de Galicia GRC2013-041, the ERDF and the European Research Council (Advanced Grant 340055). Support of COST Action CM1105 is kindly acknowledged. J.M. and M.I.S. thank the Spanish MCINN for their PhD fellowships. Thanks also to Professor Eric C. Long at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis for sharing his structural data of the RGH(Ni) complex with the DNA. We are also grateful to Prof. Wajih Al-Soufi, from the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, for his help in the construction of the LED photolysis apparatus

    El género Dictyopteris J. V. Lamouroux (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) en las costas de México

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    An extensive bibliographic revision of the genus Dictyopteris (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) previously recorded in the Mexicos shores was realizated. We checked herbariums specimens that are housed in different herbaria for getting the information on this genus. Also, some samples of Dictyopteris were carried out in sixty localities from Ensenada, Baja California to Bahia San Agustin, Oaxaca in the Pacific coast and from Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas to Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo at Atlantic coast of Mexico from 1988 to 2003. Analysis of this information showed us that this genus contains eight species; moreover, D. delicatula J.V. Lamouroux and D. polypodioides (De Candolle) J.V. Lamouroux are distributed for both coasts at the Pacific and Atlantic shores of Mexico. Reproductive structures of Dictyopteris jamaicensis W. Taylor are described for first time and Dictyopteris jolyana Oliveira and Furtado is a new record from the Mexican Caribbean. Morphological descriptions, cytology, reproductive stage, drawings, keys for determination, specimens examinated and distinctive characteristics of each taxon are includedSe llevó a cabo una extensa revisión bibliográfica y de ejemplares de herbario de las especies asignadas al género Dictyopteris (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) que han sido registradas para las costas de México, así como treinta campañas de recolección de material biológico de 1988 a 2003 en 60 localidades comprendidas desde Ensenada, Baja California a Bahía de San Agustín, Oaxaca en la costa del Pacífico y de Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas hasta Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, en la costa del Atlántico de México. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el género Dictyopteris se encuentra representado por ocho especies: D. delicatula J.V. Lamouroux y D. polypodioides (De Candolle) J.V. Lamouroux, se distribuyen en ambas costas de México. Se registran por primera vez estructuras reproductoras de Dictyopteris jamaicencis W. Taylor y se cita por primera vez a Dictyopteris jolyana Oliveira y Furtado, para las costas del Caribe de México. Cada especie se acompaña con datos sobre su morfología, citología, estado reproductivo, esquemas en cámara clara, claves dicotómicas para su determinación, ejemplares representativos examinados y características distintivas para cada taxa


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    This paper described the thalli of Choreonema thuretii(Bornet) Schmitz and Titanoderma pustulatum var. confine (P. et H. Crouan) Y. Chamberlain; its habitat, tidallevel, reproductive stage and its distribution of theMexico’s coast.Choreonema thuretii is reported for first time fromOaxaca and Titanoderma pustulatum var. confine isreported from the northwest Coast of Baja California,México. In the Mexican’s herbariums We not foundspecimens of Titanoderma; however, during this reviewWe found new data and plants of Titanoderma in theherbarium ENCB and also We collected some samples inBaja California’s shores.En este trabajo se describen en forma detallada lostalos de Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) Schmitz yTitanoderma pustulatum var confine (P. et H. Crouan) Y.Chamberlain; así como su habitat, nivel de marea, estadíoreproductivo y su distribución en las costas de México.Choreonema thuretii se registra por primera vez parael litoral de Oaxaca, mientras que Titanoderma pustulatumvar. confine se cita para la costa noroccidental de BajaCalifornia, México. En los herbarios mexicanos no seencontraba representado este taxa, hasta que se realizó undetallado análisis de varios ejemplares donde crece comoepífito, así como la revisión de colectas exhaustivas realizadas en las costas de Baja California