17 research outputs found

    Varovanje okolja v Alpah in Himalaji

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    Vpliv nezakonite trgovine s prepovedanimi drogami na mednarodno, regionalno in nacionalno varnost

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    Številne razsežnosti nezakonite trgovine s prepovedanimi drogami močno vplivajo na mednarodno, regionalno in nacionalno varnost ter financiranje transnacionalnih kriminalnih in terorističnih združb. Pri tem sta zlasti pomembna dva tipična primera dobro organizirane proizvodnje in trgovanja s prepovedanimi drogami (Avganistan in Kolumbija). V strokovni in laični javnosti se v zadnjem času vse pogosteje pojavlja vprašanje o smiselnosti prohibicije prepovedanih drog, zlasti ker naj bi bila ta pomemben dejavnik spodbujanja terorizma in organiziranega kriminala. Vse več poznavalcev namreč ugotavlja, da se tradicionalni ukrepi v boju proti trgovini z drogami niso izkazali za učinkovite, zato je vprašanje glede prohibicije še toliko bolj na mestu

    Environmental parameters and fertilisers as factors affecting the salicylic acid and total polyphenol contents in sport turfgrasses

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    In 2019, we conducted a field experiment to test the effects of three different granular fertilizers on the salicylic acid and total phenolic contents in five different sport turfgrass mixtures under natural conditions. It was one of the first experiments assessing the natural resistance of sport turfgrass in Europe. In five terms, before and after fertilizers applications, we randomly collected turfgrass samples within each plot for chemical analyses. The turfgrass mixtures did not affect the average contents of salicylic acid and total polyphenols. The average contents of both compounds were influenced by the date of evaluation and fertilization scheme. The average content of salicylic acid was significantly the lowest under fertilization scheme C. The highest level of salicylic acid was detected on 18th June under scheme A and the lowest on 28th May, where the salicylic acid content ranged from 0.01 ± 0.00 mg.g−1 under scheme A to 0.017 ± 0.00 mg.g−1 under scheme B and 0.006±0.00 mg.g−1 under scheme C. The content of total polyphenols was higher under fertilization schemes B and C. We conclude that the method of fertilization exerts a certain effect on the salicylic acid and total polyphenol contents in turfgrass mixtures, which also depends on environmental factors

    Performance of symmetric double flat fan nozzles against fusarium head blight in durum wheat

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    Four types of nozzles were tested on large-scale trials with a 40 m2^2 plot unit size. The Avi Twin 110-01 (80 L ha1^{−1}), 110-02 (160 L ha1^{−1}), 110-03 (240 L ha1^{−1}), and 110-04 (320 L ha1^{−1}) symmetric double fan injector nozzles were tested during the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 growing seasons. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of spray nozzles with regard to deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation in durum wheat grains. Artificial inoculation with Fusarium spp. was performed after durum heads were protected with fungicide. The percentage of heads covered with fungicide droplets, grain yield, yield-related traits, technological quality parameters, and concentrations of DON were determined. Compared to the control (without fungicide treatment), the Avi Twin 04 nozzle caused a reduction of 45.0% in the DON concentration on average across both growing seasons. This positively corresponded to the percentage of heads covered with fungicide droplets, which was highest when this nozzle was utilized. In both trial years, the DON reduction caused by the 110-04 twin nozzle was higher than that caused by the 110-01 nozzle. Treatment with the 110-04 nozzle more effectively improved the grain yield, 1000-kernel weight, and test weight compared to treatment with the 110-01 nozzle and the untreated control. The differences in technological quality were less pronounced when different spray nozzles were used.

    Five invasive alien plant powders, Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst.) wood ash and diatomaceous earth against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) adults

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    We tested the insecticidal efficacy of different powders as surface treatment against the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) adults. We have applied dusts from five invasive alien plant species (Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea, Amorpha fruticosa, Rhus typhina, Ailanthus altissima) and two inert dusts, i.e. wood ash from Norway Spruce (Picea abies) and commercial product SilicoSec® (as diatomaceous earth). Mortality was evaluated from 1st till 7th day after exposure, at 20 and 25 °C, two values of relative humidity and two doses (20 and 40 g/m2^2). After Day 7, alive beetles were placed into clean Petri dishes, and mortality counts were measured from 8th till 14th day. In general, we have detected poor efficacy of plant powders against S. oryzae. SilicoSec® at 20 g/m2^2 caused 100 % mortality at 25 °C and 55% RH, after seven days. Wood ash (13.46% SiO2_2) was less effective in comparison to SilicoSec® (79.48% SiO2_2), as approx. 60% mortality was recorded at the same conditions. We have detected that leaves of A. altissima and flowers od S. gigantea are rich with polyphenols (like catechin hydrate), on average almost 17 mg/g in S. gigantea flowers. Flowers and leaves of Solidago species are also rich with essential oil, like beta-copaene. The results of our research indicate that the powders of invasive plants are closer to fragrant roses in controlling S. oryzae adults, while the gun for this pest is only diatomaceous earth. To improve the effectiveness of invasive plant products, we suggest testing their independent effectiveness in liquid form as well as combinations of their essential oils with inert dusts

    Civil society Involvement in drug policy: good practice collection.

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    1. Bulgaria 1.1. An example of strategic cooperation: Setting up a working group to discuss a platform for change in drug policy in Bulgaria p.4 1.2. An example of media advocacy actions: Advocacy for medical cannabis in Bulgaria p.5 2. Ireland 2.1. An example of CSO leadership: Supporting the implementation of supervised injecting facilities in Ireland 8 2.2. An example of a coalition: CityWide and Decriminalisation in Ireland p.8 2.3. An example of a CSO active on the national level: The National Family Support Network (NFSN) in Ireland p.10 3. Italy 3.1. An example of implementing involvement mechanisms: The Regional Working Group on the Piemonte Harm Reduction Basic Levels of Care Protocol in Italy p.12 3.2. An example of consultation: CS-Government Dialogue Session on the Italian position at UNGASS 2016 p.14 3.3. A result of strategic planning: The inclusion of Harm Reduction as a prevention pillar in the new National AIDS Plan in Italy p.17 4. The Netherlands 4.1. An example of successful civil society involvement: The preparation of the process towards UNGASS 2016 in the Netherlands p.20 4.2. An example of the importance of CSOs capacities: The organisation of shelter and social support for people experiencing homelessness and substance use disorder in Amsterdam, Netherlands p.23 4.3. An example of how CSO monitoring and expertise can inform drug policy: Mainline & The Ministry of Health Welfare & Sports in the Netherlands p.25 5. Portugal 5.1. An example of good practice of CSI in national drug policy: The decision making process in Portugal p.28 5.2. An example of CSO cooperation and struggle for funding: The organisation of harm reduction services in Portugal p.28 5.3. An example of how CSO knowledge and experience foster CSI: APDES and the National Forum of Civil Society (FNSC) in Portugal p.29 6. Slovenia 6.1. An example for active participation: CS involvement in national drug policy in Slovenia p.3

    Vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami

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    Kot vsi drugi otroci s težavami pri učenju, tudi otroci z vedenjskimi težavami že pred usmeritvijo potrebujejo ustrezno podporo in pomoč v vrtcu oziroma v šoli. Pravočasna strokovna pomoč učiteljev in šolske svetovalne službe bi pri nekaterih učencih lahko odpravila njihove težave in usmeritev (v skupino otrok čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami) morda ne bi bila potrebna. Tudi za ostale skupine OPP, kot je na primer skupina otrok s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami idr., bi bilo treba pripraviti konceptualne podlage in dopolniti obstoječe podzakonske akte. Poudariti torej velja, da podporo in pomoč v vrtcu ali šoli potrebujejo tudi otroci s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami, da bi lahko preprečevali, omejevali oziroma odpravili nadaljnji razvoj njihovih težav, čeprav učencev, ki imajo prehodne težave na področju čustvovanja in vedenja, ne usmerjamo. Da bi v šolskem sistemu bolj uspešno kot doslej uresničevali načelo inkluzije, je treba okrepiti in spodbujati delo vrtcev in šol (vzgojiteljev, učiteljev, svetovalne službe), tako da bo vsem otrokom, ki pomoč in podporo potrebujejo, ta zagotovljena v integriranem pedagoškem prostoru, torej da bo, če je le mogoče, vključena v redne pedagoške in vzgojne dejavnosti

    Vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami

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    Kot vsi drugi otroci s težavami pri učenju, tudi otroci z vedenjskimi težavami že pred usmeritvijo potrebujejo ustrezno podporo in pomoč v vrtcu oziroma v šoli. Pravočasna strokovna pomoč učiteljev in šolske svetovalne službe bi pri nekaterih učencih lahko odpravila njihove težave in usmeritev (v skupino otrok čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami) morda ne bi bila potrebna. Tudi za ostale skupine OPP, kot je na primer skupina otrok s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami idr., bi bilo treba pripraviti konceptualne podlage in dopolniti obstoječe podzakonske akte. Poudariti torej velja, da podporo in pomoč v vrtcu ali šoli potrebujejo tudi otroci s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami, da bi lahko preprečevali, omejevali oziroma odpravili nadaljnji razvoj njihovih težav, čeprav učencev, ki imajo prehodne težave na področju čustvovanja in vedenja, ne usmerjamo. Da bi v šolskem sistemu bolj uspešno kot doslej uresničevali načelo inkluzije, je treba okrepiti in spodbujati delo vrtcev in šol (vzgojiteljev, učiteljev, svetovalne službe), tako da bo vsem otrokom, ki pomoč in podporo potrebujejo, ta zagotovljena v integriranem pedagoškem prostoru, torej da bo, če je le mogoče, vključena v redne pedagoške in vzgojne dejavnosti

    The Influence of the Spraying Pressure of an Injector Asymmetric Double Nozzle with Variable Flow on Head Fungicide Coverage, Yield, Grain Quality, and Deoxynivalenol Content in Winter Wheat

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    Spraying parameters are important factors when spraying wheat heads against fusarium head blight (FHB) to control the deoxynivalenol level in the grain and to obtain high and quality yields. In 2019 and 2020, field trials were conducted in order to establish the effect of the spraying pressure (2 bar, 4 bar, and 6 bar) of special nozzles with a variable flow rate Agrotop VR 1.5 on the head fungicide coverage, yield parameters, and the deoxynivalenol (DON) value in the grain. The coverage of the front and rear sides of wheat heads increased with the increase of spraying pressure from 2 to 6 bar. In 2019, when the infection with FHB was more severe, no significant differences appeared in the yield and the hectoliter weight at a lower spraying pressure, while the DON value at this pressure approached the maximum permissible level. In that year, the DON value exponentially fell with the increase of spraying pressure. In 2019, the thousand grain weight was higher at the spraying pressure of 6 bar than at the pressures of 2 and 4 bar. The results show that also a lower spraying pressure (2 bar) and a volume application rate (117 L/ha) below the recommended one suffice to retain the DON value in the grain below the maximum permissible level, even in years with more severe infection