25 research outputs found

    Decoupling management and technological innovations: Resolving the individualism-collectivism controversy

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    This study aims to resolve the contradictory previous research findings on the relationship between individualism–collectivism and innovation. We draw on innovation theory and relate to the difference between non-technological (management) and technological innovation types as well as to the distinction between exploration and exploitation (invention and commercialization of technological innovations). Using Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2006 micro data for innovation at the organizational level in 13 countries – along with Hofstede (1980, 2001), GLOBE (2005), and Schwartz (2006) scores for individualism–collectivism – we apply Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The results indicate that individualism is positively related to the invention phase, whereas collectivism is beneficial for the commercialization of innovative ideas. Furthermore, in collectivistic cultures, management innovation plays a more important stimulating role in enhancing technological innovation than it does in individualistic ones. This provides the managers with an idea of when innovation processes in their companies would be more favorable versus detrimental

    Understanding meaningful work in the context of technostress, Covid-19, frustration and corporate social responsibility

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    COVID-19 and digitalization represent important sources of many employees’ frustrations. In this paper, we address the question of how employees can achieve meaningful work in such a challenging and frustrating context. Specifically, we investigate whether employees’ negative experiences related to technology use, that is, techno-invasion, leads to frustration and in turn reduces employee perceptions of meaningful work. In addition, we examine corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a potential remedy that could mitigate these negative effects. The results of our four-wave longitudinal study of 198 working professionals collected during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic did not find support for a proposed negative direct effect of techno-invasion on meaningful work. However, we did find support that perceived CSR moderates the indirect relationship between techno-invasion and meaningful work, mediated by frustration: For low levels of CSR, techno-invasion results in higher levels of frustration, in turn reducing meaningful work. High levels of CSR buffer this negative indirect effect. Implications for research and practice dealing with digitalization, meaningful work, and CSR are discussed

    The road to the future:A multi-technique bibliometric review and development projections of the Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) research

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    This study examines the evolution of leader–member exchange (LMX) research. We apply bibliometrics to analyze the extant literature published from the beginning of the construct development, complementing existing qualitative and metaanalytic reviews of the LMX field. We use a combination of three bibliometric techniques—document co-citation analysis, co-word analysis, and bibliographic coupling. Our approach enables us to identify the most influential topics, determine the underlying structure and development of the field by interpreting bibliometric results against the backdrop of the invisible colleges framework, as well as detect emerging topics. We conclude by providing important theoretical and methodological implications, suggesting the emergence of new sub-fields and future opportunities for new connections among specific existing sub-streams of LMX, leadership, and management research

    A bibliometric review of the leadership development field:How we got here, where we are, and where we are headed

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    The development of leaders and leadership is a formative research area and a considerable industry in practice. Existing reviews are often restricted in scope or by subjective inclusion of topics or documents which limits integrative implications for the leader/ship development (LD) field. We address theoretical and methodological limitations by mapping the LD field with a comprehensive, objective, and integrative review. To do so we employed three bibliometric approaches, historiography, document co-citation, bibliographic coupling, and included 2,390 primary and 78,178 secondary documents. We show patterns in the evolution of the LD field, followed by four central observations about the current state and trends in LD. To shift the science and practice of LD we develop tangible suggestions for future research within the three research directions: (1) Pursuing research within the current framing of LD, (2) Striving for frame-breaking LD research, and (3) How We Can Get There – Transforming LD Research

    The role of organizational context in fostering employee proactive behavior: The interplay between HR system configurations and relational climates

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    Emphasizing the role of the organizational context and adopting a multilevel approach, we propose that the interplay between HR system configurations and relational climates has a cross-level effect on employee proactive behavior. Using a sample of 211 employees in 25 companies, we show that the laissez-faire context - featuring a combination of a weak compliance HR configuration and a strong market-pricing relational climate - is better suited for fostering employee proactive behavior than the nurturing context, which is characterized by a strong HR commitment configuration and a strong communal-sharing relational climate. We also found that combining a strong HR commitment configuration with a weak communal-sharing climate is associated with more employee proactivity. We discuss what our findings suggest about the interaction between HR system configurations and organizational climate dimensions and about their role in influencing individual-level outcomes

    Using heterogeneous camera-trapping sites to obtain the first density estimates for the transboundary Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population in the Dinaric Mountains

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    Estimating abundance of wild animal populations is crucial for their management and conservation. While spatial capture-recapture models are becoming increasingly common to assess the densities of elusive species, recent studies have indicated potential bias that can be introduced by unaccounted spatial variation of detectability. We used camera-trapping data collected in collaboration with local hunters from a transnational population survey of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Slovenia and Croatia, to provide the first density estimate for the threatened Eurasian lynx population in the Northern Dinaric Mountains. Population density was 0.83 (95% CI: 0.60-1.16) lynx/100 km(2), which is comparable to other reintroduced Eurasian lynx populations in Europe. Furthermore, we showed that baseline detection rate was influenced by the type of site used, as well as by sex of the individual and local behavioural response. Scent-marking sites had on average a 1.6- and 2.5-times higher baseline detection rate compared to roads and other locations, respectively. Scent-marking behaviour is common for several mammals, and selecting sites that attracts the targeted species is used to increase detection rates, especially for rare and cryptic species. But we show that the use of different location types for camera trapping can bias density estimates if not homogenously distributed across the surveyed area. This highlights the importance of incorporating not only individual characteristics (e.g., sex), but also information on the type of site used in camera trapping surveys into estimates of population densities

    Povezava avtentičnega in transformacijskega vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev: moderacijski vpliv psihološkega opolnomočenja

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    Članek preučuje moderacijski vpliv psihološkega opolnomočenja na povezavo avtentičnega in transformacijskega vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev. Hipoteze razvijemo in empirično preizkusimo z uporabo multiple regresijske analize na vzorcu 126 zaposlenih v mednarodnem tehnološkem podjetju. Rezultati kažejo, da psihološko opolnomočenje nastopa kot moderator povezave vodenja z inovativnim vedenjem sledilcev tako pri avtentičnem, kot pri transformacijskem vodenju. Prispevek raziskave vidimo v širjenju nabora raziskav o povezovanju vodenja in inovativnosti, primerjavi povezave dveh teorij vodenja z inovativnostjo ter v boljšem razumevanju moderacijskih procesov, s katerimi vodje spodbujajo inovativno vedenje sledilcev. V diskusiji obravnavamo teoretične prispevke, priporočila za prakso, omejitve in priložnosti za prihodnje raziskovanje

    Decoupling management and technological innovations: Resolving the individualism-collectivism controversy

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    This is the authors' final and accepted version of the article, post refereeing. Publisher's version is available at www.sciencedirect.comThis study aims to resolve the contradictory previous research findings on the relationship between individualism–collectivism and innovation. We draw on innovation theory and relate to the difference between non-technological (management) and technological innovation types as well as to the distinction between exploration and exploitation (invention and commercialization of technological innovations). Using Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2006 micro data for innovation at the organizational level in 13 countries – along with Hofstede (1980, 2001), GLOBE (2005), and Schwartz (2006) scores for individualism–collectivism – we apply Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The results indicate that individualism is positively related to the invention phase, whereas collectivism is beneficial for the commercialization of innovative ideas. Furthermore, in collectivistic cultures, management innovation plays a more important stimulating role in enhancing technological innovation than it does in individualistic ones. This provides the managers with an idea of when innovation processes in their companies would be more favorable versus detrimental