716 research outputs found

    Giant hernia patient, particular aspects in treatment and surgical approach - case presentation

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Victor Babeș”, Clinica I Chirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă „Pius Brinzeu”, Timișoara, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Herniile abdominale gigante sunt patologii mai rar întalnite în zilele noastre, dar pot ridica probleme deosebite în terapie. Scopul: Prezentarea unui caz particular al unui pacient cu hernie de linie albă abdominală voluminoasă. Material şi metode: Pacient obez, cunoscut cu hipertensiune arterială, insuficiență venoasă cronică, ce prezintă hernie de linie albă abdominală gigantă cu dimensiunile aproximative 30/35/15cm, cu leziuni locale cutanate tegumentare de decubit, afirmativ debutată în urmă cu peste 10 ani, se interenază în clinica noastră pentru tratament electiv. La tentativa de cură chirurgicală a defectului parietal prin procedeu anatomic, se constată o scădere bruscă a saturației de oxigen (sub 90%), impunandu-se repararea herniei cu material protetic. S-a practicat cura chirurgicală cu plasă de substituție din polipropilenă, reanatomizare. Rezultate: Evoluția post operatorie a fost favorabilă, pacientul fiind externat în ziua 8 postoperator. Procedeele chirurgicale certificate în literatura de specialitate trebuiesc adaptate particularității cazurilor. Concluzii: Managementul pacienților cu hernii ventrale voluminoase este complex, atât din punct de vedere operator, cat și medical, și necesită în multe cazuri colaborare interdisciplinară, controlul afecțiunilor asociate și schimbarea stilului de viață fiind aspecte fundamentale ce influențează evoluția cazului.Introduction: Giant abdominal hernias are rare nowadays, but in those cases, treatment could be difficult. Aim: Presentation of a particular case of giant ventral hernia. Material and methods: Obese, hypertensive patient, with chronic venous insufficiency, presents giant ventral hernia associated with local skin lesions (approximate dimensions 30/35/15 centimeters), with over ten years of evolution. At the attempt of anatomically procedure hernia repair, oxygen saturation decrease occurs (<90%), so we performed substitution mesh hernia repair, anatomically closure. Results: Favorable postoperative evolution. The patient was discharged after 8 post-operative days surgically cured. Surgical procedures and technique had to be adapted to each particular case. Conclusions: Patients with giant ventral hernias treatment is complex, from surgical and medical view. Interdisciplinary medical team could be required. Related diseases and weight control are important aspects for a good outcome

    Cryostripping – 10 years of experience in chronic venous disease treatment

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    Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea avantajelor cryostripping-ului în tratamentul bolii venoase cronice (BVC). Materiale și metode. Studiul a inclus 1327 pacienți dispensarizați în Compartimentul de Flebologie din cadrul Clinicii I Chirurgie SCJUT, în perioada septembrie 2013 – aprilie 2023, l-a care s-a practicat cura BVC prin cryostripping. Am analizat avantajele tehnice, durata și costurile intervenției, perioada de spitalizare, rezultatele postoperatorii, fezabilitatea metodei. Datele obținute au fost comparate cu cele rezultate în urma safenectomiei clasice. Rezultate. Avantajele tehnice ale metodei constau într-o incizie proximală mai mică, comparativ cu operația clasică, și lipsa necesității contrainciziei distale. Durata medie a intervenției a fost 41 ± 12.8 minute, iar costurile consumabilelor de 52 ± 10 €/intervenție. Perioada medie de spitalizare a fost 1.05±0.41 zile. Rezultatele postoperatorii au fost favorabile, rata complicațiilor precoce fiind redusă (echimoze Ø < 2cm - 33,23%; hematom - 2,11%; tromboză venoasă profundă - 0,15%; parestezii tranzitorii 3.01%). Comparativ cu safenectomia clasică, costurile consumabilelor/intervenție sunt similare, iar durata intervenției, perioada de spitalizare și rata complicațiilor sunt statistic semnificativ mai reduse. Un avantaj al metodei este faptul că cryosondele se pot steriliza, fiind reutilizabile, din punct de vedere economic, tehnica pretându-se atât în spitalele de stat, cât și în clinicile private. Concluzii. Cryostripping-ul este o procedură chirurgicală radicală, fiind o modalitate eficientă pentru tratamentul BVC și aducând un număr mare de avantaje comparativ cu safenectomia clasică.Aim of study. Presenting cryostripping advantages in chronic venous disease (CVD) treatment. Materials and methods. The study included 1327 patients diagnosed with CVD admitted in the Phlebology Department, 1st Surgical Department, Emergency County Hospital Timișoara, between September 2013 and April 2023, which were operated using cryostripping as surgical procedure. The technical advantages of the procedure, the duration and costs of the intervention, the hospitalization period, the post-operative results, and the feasibility of the method were analyzed. The obtained data were compared with those resulting from patients operated by classic saphenectomy. Results. The technical advantages of the method consist in a smaller proximal incision, compared to the classic operation. Distal counterincision is not necessary, either. The average duration of the intervention was 41 ± 12.8 minutes, and the costs of consumables were about 52 ± 10 €/intervention. The average hospitalization period was 1.05±0.41 days. The post-operative results were favourable, early complications rate being reduced (ecchymoses Ø < 2cm - 33.23%; hematoma - 2.11%; deep vein thrombosis - 0.15%; transient paresthesias 3.01%). Compared to classic saphenectomy, the costs of consumables/intervention are similar, intervention time, hospitalization period and complication rate being statistically significantly lower. An advantage of the method is the fact that the cryo-probes can be sterilized, being reusable; from the economic point of view, the technique perfectly fits in both state hospitals and private clinics. Conclusions. Cryostripping is a radical surgical procedure which brings a significant number of advantages compared to the classic saphenectomy, being an effective alternative in CVD treatment

    Conceiving, designing, implementing and operating an EDI engineering employability learning toolkit to aid graduate employment

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    Society 5.0 strives to achieve UNESCO Sustainability Goals, addressing world wide society inequalities. However, both AI-driven and traditional recruitment systems have historically perpetuated biases that have resulted in the underrepresentation of women and GLOBAL MAJORITY individuals in the engineering industry. In response, Canterbury Christ Church University has established a new equality, diversity, and inclusive (EDI) engineering, design, and technology education provision and adopted CDIO framework. The engineering programmes seek to create an industry-ready stickable talent pipeline that addresses regional and international skills gaps. Therefore, develop engineers capabilities and competence and practice for in the workplace in developing EDI engineered solutions and EDI in their practice with colleagues. Consequently, there is a pressing need for an Employability (EL) Learning Toolkit with a focus on EDI; that supports engineering talent to develop their EDI in practice with colleagues; assist them in securing meaningful employment; educates the next generation of engineering recruiters in recruiting EDI talent to the workforce. This paper presents the findings of a quantitative research study conducted on employers' perceptions of the recruitment and employment process for graduates. The objective of this research is to inform the conception, design, implementation, and operation of a prototype Employability Learning Toolkit with an EDI engineering focus. This toolkit aims to build upon the previous research and development of the Canterbury Christ Church University's Future 360 initiative, demonstrating the university's dedication to fostering inclusivity in the engineering sector

    The minimally invasive approach for lower limbs varicose veins ussing cryostripping. 1st surgical clinic emergency county hospital Timișoara experience

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Victor Babeș”, Clinica I Chirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă „Pius Brinzeu”, Timișoara, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Boala venoasă cronică afectează o mare parte din populație, consecințele acesteia având importante repercursiuni negative asupra calității vieții acestor pacienți. Scopul: Prezentarea din punct de vedere al conduitei terapeutice, al abordului chirurgical și al evoluției a unor cazuri operate în Clinica I Chirurgicală a Spitalului Județean de Urgență din Timișoara prin tehnica cryostripping. Material şi metode: Studiu retrospectiv analizând 250 de pacienți diagnosticați cu varice hidrostatice ale membrelor inferioare în stadiul CEAP C2-C4b, operați în clinică în perioada 2013-2018. Au fost analizate complicațiile, tratamentele medicamentoase asociate, perioada de spitalizare. Rezultate: Evoluțiile post-operatorii au fost favorabile, cu complicații minime rare (hematoame superficiale de mici dimensiuni), cu perioadă de spitalizare medie de 3 zile, cu un bun raport cost-eficiență si reintegrare socio-profesională rapidă a pacienților. Comparativ cu tehnicile clasice, metoda cryostripping completată cu flebectomii etajate prezintă o diminuare semnificativă a complicațiilor (hematoame, durere, cicatrici vicioase). Concluzii: Tehnica cryostripping reprezintă “gold standard-ul” actual în tratamentul intervențional al varicelor mebrelor inferioare, cazurile în care s-a practicat această operație evoluând cu rezultate foarte bune.Introduction: Chronic vein disease affects a large part of population and it’s consequences have important negative repercussions for those patient’s life quality. Aim: Therapeutical management, surgical approach and evolution presentation for cases that were operated on in the 1st Surgical Clinic, Emergency County Hospital, Timișoara using cryostripping technique. Materials and method: A retrospective study analysis for 250 patients diagnosed with lower limbs varicose veins (C2-C4b due CEAP classification) that were operated on in the clinic due 2013-2018. We analized the complications, associated medication, hospitalization period. Results: Favorable evolutions, with rare small complications (low dimension superficial hematomas), with an average hospitalization period about 3 days, with a great cost-effective ratio and fast socio-professional reintegration for those patients. Compared with classic techniques, the cryostripping method completed with serially flebectomys brings an important reduction of complications (hematoma, pain, keloid scars). Conclusions: Nowadays the cryostripping technique represents the “gold standard” of operative treatment in lower limbs varicose veins, and brings great results for the patients that were treated in this way

    Medial Temporal Arterio-Venous Malformation: Case Report

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    We introduce an uncommon case of small arterio-venous malformation (AVM) on a critical location. A young woman with left anterior medial temporal AVM was referred to our department in comatose state. We decided to treat this case by open surgery. Secondary hydrocephalus occurred and a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt was inserted. The postoperative course was with no complications, and the patient was discharged in good state and six months later she resumed her activity. The case is of interest in the light of the decision-making process, and the techniques and surgical skills for the surgery of arterio-venous malformations on this critical location

    Determination of the photodisintegration reaction rates involving charged particles: systematical calculations and proposed measurements based on Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP)

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    Photodisintegration reaction rates involving charged particles are of relevance to the p-process nucleosynthesis that aims at explaining the production of the stable neutron-deficient nuclides heavier than iron. In this study, the cross sections and astrophysical rates of (g,p) and (g,a) reactions for about 3000 target nuclei with 10<Z<100 ranging from stable to proton dripline nuclei are computed. To study the sensitivity of the calculations to the optical model potentials (OMPs), both the phenomenological Woods-Saxon and the microscopic folding OMPs are taken into account. The systematic comparisons show that the reaction rates, especially for the (g,a) reaction, are dramatically influenced by the OMPs. Thus the better determination of the OMP is crucial to reduce the uncertainties of the photodisintegration reaction rates involving charged particles. Meanwhile, a gamma-beam facility at ELI-NP is being developed, which will open new opportunities to experimentally study the photodisintegration reactions of astrophysics interest. Considering both the important reactions identified by the nucleosynthesis studies and the purpose of complementing the experimental results for the reactions involving p-nuclei, the measurements of six (g,p) and eight (g,a) reactions based on the gamma-beam facility at ELI-NP and the ELISSA detector for the charged particles detection are proposed, and the GEANT4 simulations are correspondingly performed. The minimum required energies of the gamma-beam to measure these reactions are estimated. It is shown that the direct measurements of these photonuclear reactions within the Gamow windows at T_9=2.5 for p-process are fairly feasible and promising at ELI-NP. The expected experimental results will be used to constrain the OMPs of the charged particles, which can eventually reduce the uncertainties of the reaction rates for the p-process nucleosynthesis.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. C accepte

    Venous leg ulcer – prevalence, clinical and economic considerations, treatment

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    Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea prevalenței ulcerului venos activ la pacienții din Compartimentul de Flebologie (CF), precum și a implicațiilor clinice, terapeutice și economice asociat tratamentului acestei afecțiuni. Materiale și metode. Studiul a urmărit retrospectiv toți pacienții internați în CF, Clinica I Chirurgicală SCUJT cu diagnosticul de insuficiență venoasă cronică în perioada ianuarie 2017 - decembrie 2022. Am analizat procentul pacienților aflați în stadiul clinic C6 al bolii, măsurile terapeutice, perioada de spitalizare. Rezultate. Din cele 618 internări realizate pentru diagnosticul menționat, 67 de pacienți (10.84%) prezentau ulcer venos activ. Conform antibiogramei, cele mai multe suprainfecții ale leziunilor au fost prin colonizare cu Pseudomonas spp.. Unele leziuni au fost deosebit de grave, fiind extinse circumferențial. Referitor la treatment, în 20 de cazuri s-a practicat debridarea leziunii, întreruperea refluxului venos fiind realizată în timpul doi; în 15 cazuri s-a realizat întreruperea refluxului venos per primam, ulcerația vindecându-se ulterior sub tratament conservator; în 27 cazuri s-a practicat grefarea leziunii prin plastie cu piele liberă despicată, cu întreruperea refluxului venos; în 5 cazuri s-a aplicat doar tratamentul conservator cu bandaj elasto-compresiv, ablația refluxului venos practicându-se ulterior, după închiderea ulcerației. Perioada medie de spitalizare a fost 21.3 zile (cu un maxim de 89 zile), fiind de aproximativ cinci ori mai mare comparativ cu cea a cazurilor aflate în stadiile C2-C4 (4.38 zile), implicit costurile tratamentului per pacient fiind semnificativ mai mari. Concluzii. Insuficiența venoasă cronică neglijată este încă frecvent întâlnită. Tratamentul în stadiile incipiente ale bolii este de preferat, prevenindu-se astfel complicațiile și scăzând considerabil costurile de spitalizare.Aim of study. Evaluation of the prevalence of active venous leg ulcers in patients admitted in the Phlebology Department (PD), as well as the clinical, therapeutic and economic implications associated in its treatment. Materials and methods. This retrospective study analyzed all the patients diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency which were admitted in the PD of the 1st Surgical Clinic, Emergency County Hospital Timișoara, between January 2017 and December 2022. The percentage of patients which presented active venous leg ulcers, the therapeutic measures and the hospitalization period were analyzed. Results. From the total number of admissions (618 cases) made in the established time period, 67 patients (10.84%) presented active venous ulcers. According to the antibiogram, Pseudomonas spp. was the most frequent germ involved in lesions infection. Some lesions were particularly serious, being circumferentially extended. Regarding treatment, in 20 cases debridement of the lesion was performed, venous reflux ablation being subsequently carried out; in 15 cases, venous reflux ablation was performed as first intention, the ulceration being subsequently healed under conservative treatment; in 27 cases, skin grafts were applied, with venous reflux ablation; in 5 cases, conservative treatment with elasto-compressive bandages was applied,venous reflux ablation being performed after ulceration closure. The average hospitalization period was 21.3 days (with a maximum of 89 days), being approximately five times longer compared to that of cases in C2-C4 stages (4.38 days), implicitly treatment costs per patient being significantly higher. Conclusions. Neglected chronic venous insufficiency is still common. Treatment in the early stages of the disease is preferable, thus preventing complications and considerably reducing hospitalization costs