399 research outputs found


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    There are practical and pedagogical reasons for the increasing role of online assessment in higher education. This study examines student performance on paper-based and online examinations, varying both examination settings and proportions of questions coded by a modified Bloom’s taxonomy, to inform the effective and sustainable assessment of first year students in an introductory human physiology course. Student performance was analysed across three delivery formats of a mid-semester multiple choice assessment of the same concepts. Delivery formats were either i) invigilated paper examination with questions presented in random order across three versions of the paper, ii) online non-invigilated with answers in random order and questions presented individually in random order with no ability to backtrack or, iii) online non-invigilated with answers in random order and questions presented individually in random order and the ability to backtrack. Allowing students to backtrack appeared to improve student time-management, with more students completing all questions in the examination with these settings. Questions classified according to a modified Bloom’s taxonomy showed student performance in lower-level Bloom’s questions was significantly higher in online formats, especially when backtracking was allowed. Performance in higher level questions did not vary across formats. As such an ‘open book’ online assessment can provide similar rigor and discriminating power as an invigilated assessment if consideration is given to adjusting towards a higher proportion of questions assessing higher order learning

    Targeting the bioscience-practice nexus to facilitate learning in first year nursing students

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    A sound understanding of bioscience, and an ability to use knowledge in solving complex problems are required for proficient nursing practice. This paper describes the continuing development of a bioscience course designed specifically to engender these attributes in first year nursing students. Face to face teaching hours were divided equally between lectures (to introduce the topic to inexperienced learners) and problem based interactive tutorials (to teach the skill of applying knowledge of basic scientific concepts to clinical case scenarios). The difficulty of finding sufficient teaching staff with a strong scientific and clinical background was addressed by using a large group interactive format for tutorials, without any negative impact on the perceived level of support provided to students

    The invisible academics

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    Education focused academics are not considered to be “teaching only” but also do not fit the traditional “research and teaching” classification, falling somewhere in between with a typical workload of 80% teaching and 20% research. There is a lack of reliable data on the numbers and demographics of education focused academics in Australian universities; our own experience suggests a majority are female and clustered in lower level academic positions that may be fixed term. Education focused academics take on a disproportionately high teaching load, often coordinating large first year service-taught courses, mentoring casual teaching staff and acting as facilitators of student engagement. Career pathways are not well defined, and promotion beyond senior lecturer level is hampered by a lack of relevant and specific performance and promotion guidelines. The research role of education focused academics is not well supported particularly in the area of scholarship of teaching and learning, which can be seen as inferior to discipline-based research

    Strategies for Enhancing Communication Between Students, Academics and Researchers Participating in Large-Scale Undergraduate Research Projects

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    Spreading the word about science and inspiring people to connect with the processes and outcomes of science, whether as researchers, educators, students, industry professionals or consumers, is essential in forging stronger links among scientists and with the communities that stand to benefit from their work. How do we nurture inspirational scientific communication in the context of university undergraduate science education, particularly in large cohort settings that are often more mind-numbing than soul-stirring? Communicating your own discoveries effectively is the zenith of scientific endeavour. We have developed a large-scale original research experience for second or third year undergraduate biomedical science students. The students undertake ‘mini’ projects and present their research outcomes verbally, visually and in a written format suitable for journal publication. This helps students understand how science works and develops their ability to explain scientific concepts to their peers and others. To promote ‘original research’ to students in ways that inspire and motivate participation, we have also evolved strategies to help instructors and researchers communicate successfully with large student cohorts, including a wiki for secure data storage, FAQ sheets and databases of bioinformatics tools. Introduction of the research experience has improved survey scores overall and on items relating to communication. These strategies are applicable to any course seeking to introduce students to the practice of research and communication of research outcomes. Our experience suggests optimal multidimensional communication may be best achieved through instructors, researchers and students working together to develop effective stratagems for surviving and thriving in the information-dense, digital world

    RAL GTPases drive intestinal stem cell function and regeneration through internalization of WNT signalosomes

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    Ral GTPases are RAS effector molecules and by implication a potential therapeutic target for RAS mutant cancer. However, very little is known about their roles in stem cells and tissue homeostasis. Using Drosophila, we identified expression of RalA in intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and progenitor cells of the fly midgut. RalA was required within ISCs for efficient regeneration downstream of Wnt signaling. Within the murine intestine, genetic deletion of either mammalian ortholog, Rala or Ralb, reduced ISC function and Lgr5 positivity, drove hypersensitivity to Wnt inhibition, and impaired tissue regeneration following damage. Ablation of both genes resulted in rapid crypt death. Mechanistically, RALA and RALB were required for efficient internalization of the Wnt receptor Frizzled-7. Together, we identify a conserved role for RAL GTPases in the promotion of optimal Wnt signaling, which defines ISC number and regenerative potential

    Tau Oligomer–Containing Synapse Elimination by Microglia and Astrocytes in Alzheimer Disease

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    Importance: Factors associated with synapse loss beyond amyloid-β plaques and neurofibrillary tangles may more closely correlate with the emergence of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer disease (AD) and be relevant for early therapeutic intervention. // Objective: To investigate whether accumulation of tau oligomers in synapses is associated with excessive synapse elimination by microglia or astrocytes and with cognitive outcomes (dementia vs no dementia [hereinafter termed resilient]) of individuals with equal burdens of AD neuropathologic changes at autopsy. // Design, Setting, and Participants: This cross-sectional postmortem study included 40 human brains from the Massachusetts Alzheimer Disease Research Center Brain Bank with Braak III to IV stages of tau pathology but divergent antemortem cognition (dementia vs resilient) and cognitively normal controls with negligible AD neuropathologic changes. The visual cortex, a region without tau tangle deposition at Braak III to IV stages, was assessed after expansion microscopy to analyze spatial relationships of synapses with microglia and astrocytes. Participants were matched for age, sex, and apolipoprotein E status. Evidence of Lewy bodies, TDP-43 aggregates, or other lesions different from AD neuropathology were exclusion criteria. Tissue was collected from July 1998 to November 2020, and analyses were conducted from February 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. // Main Outcomes and Measures: Amyloid-β plaques, tau neuropil thread burden, synapse density, tau oligomers in synapses, and internalization of tau oligomer–tagged synapses by microglia and astrocytes were quantitated. Analyses were performed using 1-way analysis of variance for parametric variables and the Kruskal-Wallis test for nonparametric variables; between-group differences were evaluated with Holm-Šídák tests. // Results: Of 40 included participants (mean [SD] age at death, 88 [8] years; 21 [52%] male), 19 had early-stage dementia with Braak stages III to IV, 13 had resilient brains with similar Braak stages III to IV, and 8 had no dementia (Braak stages 0-II). Brains with dementia but not resilient brains had substantial loss of presynaptic (43%), postsynaptic (33%), and colocalized mature synaptic elements (38%) compared with controls and significantly higher percentages of mature synapses internalized by IBA1-positive microglia (mean [SD], 13.3% [3.9%] in dementia vs 2.6% [1.9%] in resilient vs 0.9% [0.5%] in control; P < .001) and by GFAP-positive astrocytes (mean [SD], 17.2% [10.9%] in dementia vs 3.7% [4.0%] in resilient vs 2.7% [1.8%] in control; P = .001). In brains with dementia but not in resilient brains, tau oligomers more often colocalized with synapses, and the proportions of tau oligomer–containing synapses inside microglia (mean [SD] for presynapses, mean [SD], 7.4% [1.8%] in dementia vs 5.1% [1.9%] resilient vs 3.7% [0.8%] control; P = .006; and for postsynapses 11.6% [3.6%] dementia vs 6.8% [1.3%] resilient vs 7.4% [2.5%] control; P = .001) and astrocytes (mean [SD] for presynapses, 7.0% [2.1%] dementia vs 4.3% [2.2%] resilient vs 4.0% [0.7%] control; P = .001; and for postsynapses, 7.9% [2.2%] dementia vs 5.3% [1.8%] resilient vs 3.0% [1.5%] control; P < .001) were significantly increased compared with controls. Those changes in brains with dementia occurred in the absence of tau tangle deposition in visual cortex. // Conclusion and Relevance: The findings from this cross-sectional study suggest that microglia and astrocytes may excessively engulf synapses in brains of individuals with dementia and that the abnormal presence of tau oligomers in synapses may serve as signals for increased glial-mediated synapse elimination and early loss of brain function in AD

    A clinical method for mapping and quantifying blood stasis in the left ventricle

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    In patients at risk of intraventrcular thrombosis, the benefits of chronic anticoagulation therapy need to be balanced with the pro-hemorrhagic effects of therapy. Blood stasis in the cardiac chambers is a recognized risk factor for intracardiac thrombosis and potential cardiogenic embolic events. In this work, we present a novel flow image-based method to assess the location and extent of intraventricular stasis regions inside the left ventricle (LV) by digital processing flow-velocity images obtained either by phase-contrast magnetic resonance (PCMR) or 2D color-Doppler velocimetry (echo-CDV). This approach is based on quantifying the distribution of the blood Residence Time (TR) from time-resolved blood velocity fields in the LV. We tested the new method in illustrative examples of normal hearts, patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and one patient before and after the implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). The method allowed us to assess in-vivo the location and extent of the stasis regions in the LV. Original metrics were developed to integrate flow properties into simple scalars suitable for a robust and personalized assessment of the risk of thrombosis. From a clinical perspective, this work introduces the new paradigm that quantitative flow dynamics can provide the basis to obtain subclinical markers of intraventricular thrombosis risk. The early prediction of LV blood stasis may result in decrease strokes by appropriate use of anticoagulant therapy for the purpose of primary and secondary prevention. It may also have a significant impact on LVAD device design and operation set-up

    Predictors of agreement between general practitioner detection of dementia and the revised Cambridge Cognitive Assessment (CAMCOG-R)

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia is a complex and variable condition which makes recognition of it particularly difficult in a low prevalence primary care setting. This study examined the factors associated with agreement between an objective measure of cognitive function (the revised Cambridge Cognitive Assessment, CAMCOG-R) and general practitioner (GP) clinical judgment of dementia. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 165 GPs and 2,024 community-dwelling patients aged 75 years or older. GPs provided their clinical judgment in relation to each of their patient's dementia status. Each patient's cognitive function and depression status was measured by a research nurse using the CAMCOG-R and the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), respectively. RESULTS: GPs correctly identified 44.5% of patients with CAMCOG-R dementia and 90% of patients without CAMCOG-R dementia. In those patients with CAMCOG-R dementia, two patient-dependent factors were most important for predicting agreement between the CAMCOG-R and GP judgment: the CAMCOG-R score (p = 0.006) and patient's mention of subjective memory complaints (SMC) to the GP (p = 0.040). A higher CAMCOG-R (p < 0.001) score, female gender (p = 0.005), and larger practice size (p < 0.001) were positively associated with GP agreement that the patient did not have dementia. Subjective memory complaints (p < 0.001) were more likely to result in a false-positive diagnosis of dementia. CONCLUSIONS: Timely recognition of dementia is advocated for optimal dementia management, but early recognition of a possible dementia syndrome needs to be balanced with awareness of the likelihood of false positives in detection. Although GPs correctly agree with dimensions measured by the CAMCOG-R, improvements in sensitivity are required for earlier detection of dementia.C. Dimity Pond, Karen E. Mate, Jill Phillips, Nigel P. Stocks, Parker J. Magin, Natasha Weaver and Henry Brodat

    Improving a Mother to Child HIV Transmission Programme through Health System Redesign: Quality Improvement, Protocol Adjustment and Resource Addition

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    Health systems that deliver prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services in low and middle income countries continue to underperform, resulting in thousands of unnecessary HIV infections of newborns each year. We used a combination of approaches to health systems strengthening to reduce transmission of HIV from mother to infant in a multi-facility public health system in South Africa.All primary care sites and specialized birthing centers in a resource constrained sub-district of Cape Metro District, South Africa, were enrolled in a quality improvement (QI) programme. All pregnant women receiving antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal infant care in the sub-district between January 2006 and March 2009 were included in the intervention that had a prototype-innovation phase and a rapid spread phase. System changes were introduced to help frontline healthcare workers to identify and improve performance gaps at each step of the PMTCT pathway. Improvement was facilitated and spread through the use of a Breakthrough Series Collaborative that accelerated learning and the spread of successful changes. Protocol changes and additional resources were introduced by provincial and municipal government. The proportion of HIV-exposed infants testing positive declined from 7.6% to 5%. Key intermediate PMTCT processes improved (antenatal AZT increased from 74% to 86%, PMTCT clients on HAART at the time of labour increased from 10% to 25%, intrapartum AZT increased from 43% to 84%, and postnatal HIV testing from 79% to 95%) compared to baseline.System improvement methods, protocol changes and addition/reallocation of resources contributed to improved PMTCT processes and outcomes in a resource constrained setting. The intervention requires a clear design, leadership buy-in, building local capacity to use systems improvement methods, and a reliable data system. A systems improvement approach offers a much needed approach to rapidly improve under-performing PMTCT implementation programmes at scale in sub-Saharan Africa

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy