54 research outputs found

    Eficacia del uso de vancomicina tópica en cirugía cardíaca en la prevención de complicaciones esternales

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    La complicación esternal engloba tanto la infección esternal superficial como la infección esternal profunda. La mediastinitis, o infección esternal profunda, a pesar de su baja incidencia (0,5 al 3,6%), continúa siendo una importante complicación de la esternotomía media en cirugía cardíaca, debido a su alta morbilidad y mortalidad (variable del 10 al 47%) y coste sanitario. La incidencia de infección esternal superficial varía según las series del 2,1% al 6,4%. Tiene una mortalidad menor (0,5-2,1%), aunque también alarga la estancia hospitalaria y el coste sanitario. En las últimas décadas se han empleado antibióticos locales como vancomicina o gentamicina para prevenir la aparición de complicación esternal. Diversos estudios han demostrado que con la aplicación tópica de antibióticos se alcanza mayor concentración local en hueso que con la administración de antibióticos sistémicos solos. Pacientes y Métodos Se trata de un estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo con 1263 pacientes intervenidos de cirugía cardíaca mediante esternotomía media de forma consecutiva desde el 01/01/2011 hasta el 31/12/2014 en el Hospital Virgen de la Victoria. Estos pacientes son divididos en dos grupos en función de la administración tópica de vancomicina en los bordes esternales tras la realización de la esternotomía: el grupo en el que se ha administrado la vancomicina tópica (grupo Vancomicina), con 659 pacientes, y el grupo de control, con 604 pacientes. El criterio de administración de vancomicina tópica no fue aleatorio, sino según la decisión del cirujano. . Resultados La incidencia de infección esternal superficial fue de 1,26%, similar en ambos grupos (1,36% en el grupo Vancomicina y 1,2% en el grupo Control). La incidencia de infección esternal profunda o mediastinitis fue de 1,58%, y resultó significativamente diferente en ambos grupos: 0,9% en el grupo Vancomicina y 2,3% en el grupo Control (p 0,045). Las variables que resultaron factores de riesgo independientes para el desarrollo de mediastinitis fueron la obesidad, la intubación prolongada, la reoperación por sangrado y la cirugía sobre la aorta torácica ascendente. Para la infección esternal superficial fueron la obesidad, el uso de mamaria bilateral, el tabaquismo y la cirugía sobre la aorta torácica. La vancomicina resultó un factor protector para mediastinitis en el análisis multivariante (p 0,041, OR 0,338). La incidencia de mortalidad en la complicación esternal fue del 8,33%. Los factores de riesgo relacionados con mortalidad en el análisis univariante fueron la intubación orotraqueal prolongada, la infección por gérmenes Gram negativos y la estancia en UCI y hospitalaria prolongadas, ninguna significativa en el análisis multivariante. En nuestra serie predominaron las infecciones por Gram negativos, en contra de lo publicado recientemente. En el grupo Vancomicina disminuyó la incidencia de infecciones por gérmenes Gram positivos. Conclusiones La incidencia de complicaciones esternales infecciosas en nuestro hospital es baja y comparable con la publicada en la literatura. La incidencia de infección esternal profunda es significativamente menor en el grupo Vancomicina, resultando el uso de vancomicina en el análisis multivariante un factor protector que reduce la aparición de infección esternal profunda casi en un 70% de los casos

    Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Cognitive and Combined Training on Cognition in Physically Inactive Healthy Late-Middle-Aged Adults: The Projecte Moviment Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Lifestyle interventions are promising strategies to promote cognitive health in aging. Projecte Moviment examines if aerobic exercise (AE), computerized cognitive training (CCT), and their combination (COMB) improves cognition, psychological health, and physical status compared to a control group. We assessed the moderating role of age and sex and the mediating effects of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), physical activity (PA), and psychological health on intervention-related cognitive benefits. Methods: This was a 12-week multi-domain, single-blind, proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial (RCT). 96 healthy adults aged 50-70 years were assigned to AE, CCT, COMB, and a wait-list control group. The per protocol sample, which completed the intervention with a level of adherence > 80%, consisted of 82 participants (62% female; age = 58.38 ± 5.47). We assessed cognition, psychological health, CRF, and energy expenditure in PA at baseline and after the intervention. We regressed change in each outcome on the treatment variables, baseline score, sex, age, and education. We used PROCESS Macro to perform the mediation and moderation analyses. Results: AE benefited Working Memory (SMD = 0.29, p = 0.037) and Attention (SMD = 0.33, p = 0.028) including the Attention-Speed (SMD = 0.31, p = 0.042) domain, compared to Control. COMB improved Attention (SMD = 0.30, p = 0.043), Speed (SMD = 0.30, p = 0.044), and the Attention-Speed (SMD = 0.30, p = 0.041) domain. CTT group did not show any cognitive change compared to Control. Sportive PA (S-PA) and CRF increased in AE and COMB. Age and sex did not moderate intervention-related cognitive benefits. Change in S-PA, but not in CRF, significantly mediated improvements on Attention-Speed in AE. Conclusion: A 12-week AE program improved Executive Function and Attention-Speed in healthy late-middle-aged adults. Combining it with CCT did not provide further benefits. Our results add support to the clinical relevance of even short-term AE as an intervention to enhance cognition and highlight the mediating role of change in S-PA in these benefits

    The population-based Barcelona-Asymptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerosis Study (ASIA) : rationale and design

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    Large-artery intracranial atherosclerosis may be the most frequent cause of ischemic stroke worldwide. Traditional approaches have attempted to target the disease when it is already symptomatic. However, early detection of intracranial atherosclerosis may allow therapeutic intervention while the disease is still asymptomatic. The prevalence and natural history of asymptomatic intracranial atherosclerosis in Caucasians remain unclear. The aims of the Barcelona- AS ymptomatic I ntracranial A therosclerosis (ASIA) study are (1) to determine the prevalence of ASIA in a moderate-high vascular risk population, (2) to study its prognostic impact on the risk of suffering future major ischemic events, and (3) to identify predictors of the development, progression and clinical expression of this condition. Cross-over and cohort, population-based study. A randomly selected representative sample of 1,503 subjects with a mild-moderate-high vascular risk (as defined by a REGICOR score ≥ 5%) and with neither a history of cerebrovascular nor ischemic heart disease will be studied. At baseline, all individuals will undergo extracranial and transcranial Color-Coded Duplex (TCCD) ultrasound examinations to detect presence and severity of extra and intracranial atherosclerosis. Intracranial stenoses will be assessed by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Clinical and demographic variables will be recorded and blood samples will be drawn to investigate clinical, biological and genetic factors associated with the presence of ASIA. A long-term clinical and sonographic follow-up will be conducted thereafter to identify predictors of disease progression and of incident vascular events. The Barcelona-ASIA is a population-based study aiming to evaluate the prevalence and clinical importance of asymptomatic intracranial large-artery atherosclerosis in Caucasians. The ASIA project may provide a unique scientific resource to better understand the dynamics of intracranial atherosclerosis from its early stages and to identify new potential therapeutic targets for this condition

    Genetic Variants at the 9p21.3 Locus Are Associated with Risk for Non-Compressible Artery Disease: Results from the ARTPER Study

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    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) and non-compressible artery disease (NCAD) constitute predictors of subclinical atherosclerosis easily assessed through the ankle brachial index (ABI). Although both diseases show substantial genetic influences, few genetic association studies have focused on the ABI and PAD, and none have focused on NCAD. To overcome these limitations, we assessed the role of several candidate genes on the ABI, both in its continuous distribution and in the clinical manifestations associated to its extreme values: PAD and NCAD. We examined 13 candidate genomic regions in 1606 participants from the ARTPER study, a prospective population-based cohort, with the ABI assessed through ultrasonography. Association analyses were conducted independently for individuals with PAD (ABI 1.4) vs. healthy participants. After including potential covariates and correction for multiple testing, minor alleles in the genetic markers rs10757278 and rs1333049, both in the 9p21.3 region, were significantly associated with a decreased risk of NCAD. Associations with the ABI showed limited support to these results. No significant associations were detected for PAD. The locus 9p21.3 constitutes the first genetic locus associated with NCAD, an assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis feasible for implementation in primary healthcare settings that has been systematically neglected from genetic studies

    Effects and Mechanisms of Cognitive, Aerobic Exercise, and Combined Training on Cognition, Health, and Brain Outcomes in Physically Inactive Older Adults: The Projecte Moviment Protocol

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    Introduction: Age-related health, brain, and cognitive impairment is a great challenge in current society. Cognitive training, aerobic exercise and their combination have been shown to benefit health, brain, cognition and psychological status in healthy older adults. Inconsistent results across studies may be related to several variables. We need to better identify cognitive changes, individual variables that may predict the effect of these interventions, and changes in structural and functional brain outcomes as well as physiological molecular correlates that may be mediating these effects. Projecte Moviment is a multi-domain randomized trial examining the effect of these interventions applied 5 days per week for 3 months compared to a passive control group. The aim of this paper is to describe the sample, procedures and planned analyses. Methods: One hundred and forty healthy physically inactive older adults will be randomly assigned to computerized cognitive training (CCT), aerobic exercise (AE), combined training (COMB), or a control group. The intervention consists of a 3 month home-based program 5 days per week in sessions of 45 min. Data from cognitive, physical, and psychological tests, cardiovascular risk factors, structural and functional brain scans, and blood samples will be obtained before and after the intervention. Results: Effects of the interventions on cognitive outcomes will be described in intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses. We will also analyze potential genetic, demographic, brain, and physiological molecular correlates that may predict the effects of intervention, as well as the association between cognitive effects and changes in these variables using the per protocol sample. Discussion: Projecte Moviment is a multi-domain intervention trial based on prior evidence that aims to understand the effects of CCT, AE, and COMB on cognitive and psychological outcomes compared to a passive control group, and to determine related biological correlates and predictors of the intervention effects.Clinical Trial Registration: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT03123900

    Neuropsychological Impairment in Post-COVID condition individuals with and without cognitive complaints

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    One of the most prevalent symptoms of post-COVID condition is cognitive impairment, which results in a significant degree of disability and low quality of life. In studies with large sample sizes, attention, memory, and executive function were reported as long-term cognitive symptoms. This study aims to describe cognitive dysfunction in large post-COVID condition individuals, compare objective neuropsychological performance in those post-COVID condition individuals with and without cognitive complaints, and identify short cognitive exams that can differentiate individuals with post-COVID symptoms from controls. To address these aims, the Nautilus project was started in June 2021. During the first year, we collected 428 participants' data, including 319 post-COVID and 109 healthy controls (18-65 years old) from those who underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological battery for cognitive assessment. Scores on tests assessing global cognition, learning and long-term memory, processing speed, language and executive functions were significantly worse in the post-COVID condition group than in healthy controls. Montreal Cognitive Assessment, digit symbol test, and phonetic verbal fluency were significant in the binomial logistic regression model and could effectively distinguish patients from controls with good overall sensitivity and accuracy. Neuropsychological test results did not differ between those with and without cognitive complaints. Our research suggests that patients with post-COVID conditions experience significant cognitive impairment and that routine tests like the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, digit symbol, and phonetic verbal fluency test might identify cognitive impairment. Thus, the administration of these tests would be helpful for all patients with post-COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of whether cognitive complaints are present or absent

    Neurocognitive profile of the post-COVID condition in adults in Catalonia. A mixed method prospective cohort and nested case-control study: Study Protocol

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    The diagnosis of the post-COVID condition is usually achieved by excluding other diseases; however, cognitive changes are often found in the post-COVID disorder. Therefore, monitoring and treating the recovery from the post-COVID condition is necessary to establish biomarkers to guide the diagnosis of symptoms, including cognitive impairment. Our study employs a prospected cohort and nested case-control design with mixed methods, including statistical analyses, interviews, and focus groups. Our main aim is to identify biomarkers (functional and structural neural changes, inflammatory and immune status, vascular and vestibular signs and symptoms) easily applied in primary care to detect cognitive changes in post-COVID cases. The results will open up a new line of research to inform diagnostic and therapeutic decisions with special considerations for cognitive impairment in the post-COVID condition

    Effects and Mechanisms of Cognitive, Aerobic Exercise, and Combined Training on Cognition, Health, and Brain Outcomes in Physically Inactive Older Adults : The Projecte Moviment Protocol

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    Altres ajuts: It has also been rewarded with three pre-doctoral fellowships ( FPU014/01460, FI-2016, and FI-2018).Introduction: Age-related health, brain, and cognitive impairment is a great challenge in current society. Cognitive training, aerobic exercise and their combination have been shown to benefit health, brain, cognition and psychological status in healthy older adults. Inconsistent results across studies may be related to several variables. We need to better identify cognitive changes, individual variables that may predict the effect of these interventions, and changes in structural and functional brain outcomes as well as physiological molecular correlates that may be mediating these effects. Projecte Moviment is a multi-domain randomized trial examining the effect of these interventions applied 5 days per week for 3 months compared to a passive control group. The aim of this paper is to describe the sample, procedures and planned analyses. Methods: One hundred and forty healthy physically inactive older adults will be randomly assigned to computerized cognitive training (CCT), aerobic exercise (AE), combined training (COMB), or a control group. The intervention consists of a 3 month home-based program 5 days per week in sessions of 45 min. Data from cognitive, physical, and psychological tests, cardiovascular risk factors, structural and functional brain scans, and blood samples will be obtained before and after the intervention. Results: Effects of the interventions on cognitive outcomes will be described in intention-to-treat and per protocol analyses. We will also analyze potential genetic, demographic, brain, and physiological molecular correlates that may predict the effects of intervention, as well as the association between cognitive effects and changes in these variables using the per protocol sample. Discussion: Projecte Moviment is a multi-domain intervention trial based on prior evidence that aims to understand the effects of CCT, AE, and COMB on cognitive and psychological outcomes compared to a passive control group, and to determine related biological correlates and predictors of the intervention effects. Clinical Trial Registration: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT03123900