16 research outputs found

    BIM in People2People and Things2People interactive process

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    In this research work, we present an IoT solution to environment variables using a LoRa transmission technology to give real-time information to users in a Things2People process and achieve savings by promoting behavior changes in a People2People process. These data are stored and later processed to identify patterns and integrate with visualization tools, which allow us to develop an environmental perception while using the system. In this project, we implemented a different approach based on the development of a 3D visualization tool that presents the system collected data, warnings, and other users’ perception in an interactive 3D model of the building. This data representation introduces a new People2People interaction approach to achieve savings in shared spaces like public buildings by combining sensor data with the users’ individual and collective perception. This approach was validated at the ISCTE-IUL University Campus, where this 3D IoT data representation was presented in mobile devices, and from this, influenced user behavior toward meeting campus sustainability goalsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D IoT dystem for environmental and energy consumption monitoring system

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    Energy consumption in buildings depends on the local climate, building characteristics, and user behavior. Focusing on user interaction, this research work developed a novel approach to monitoring and interaction with local users by providing in situ context information through graphic descriptions of energy consumption and indoor/outdoor environment parameters: temperature, luminosity, and humidity, which are routinely measured in real-time and stored to identify consumption patterns and other savings actions. To involve local users, collected data are represented in 3D color representation using building 3d models. A simplified color scale depicts environmental comfort (low/comfortable/high temperature/relative humidity) and energy consumption (above/below usual patterns). We found that these indices induced user commitment and increased their engagement and participation in saving actions like turning off lights and better management of air conditioning systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proveniências no Neolítico; arqueometria em contextos geológicos distintos

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    O projeto MEGAGEO visa correlacionar os materiais geológicos usados na construção das antas, durante o Neolítico, com o seu local de extração. Envolve 3 áreas de estudo com contextos geológicos distintos - Lisboa, Freixo-Redondo e Monforte, cuja diversidade de materiais permitiu a aplicação de diferentes metodologias e técnicas analíticas (DRX, ATG, FRX, ICP-MS, LAICP-MS, SEM-EDS, TIMS). Baseado nos resultados obtidos em amostras de antas e afloramentos, é avançada uma proveniência local para a generalidade dos esteios de antas das áreas de Lisboa e Freixo-Redondo (até 800m), aumentando esta distância (1000-1700m) na área de Monforte.The MEGAGEO project aims to correlate the geological materials used in the construction of dolmens during the Neolithic with the local of extraction. It involves three study areas - Lisbon, Freixo-Redondo and Monforte - with different geological contexts whose diversity of materials allowed the application of different methodologies and analytical techniques (XRD, ATG, LA -ICPMS, SEM-EDS, Raman and TIMS). The results obtained in samples of domens and outcrops, points to a local source for most of the dolmen slabs from the areas of Lisbon and Freixo-Redondo (circa 800m) increasing the distance (1000-1700m) in the Monforte area

    A spatial data warehouse to predict megaliths slabs sources: mixing geochemistry, petrology, cartography and archaeology for spatial analysis

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    MEGAGEO - Moving megaliths in the Neolithic is a project that aims to find the provenance of slabs used in the construction of dolmens. A multidisciplinary approach has been carried out with researchers from the several fields of knowledge involved. In this work it is presented a spatial data warehouse specially developed for the project, which comprises information from national archaeological databases, geographic and geological information and new geochemical and petrographic data obtained during the project. Redondo area is used as a case study for the application of the spatial data warehouse to analyze relationships between geochemistry, geology and the dolmens of the region.O projeto MEGAGEO tem como objetivo estabelecer a proveniência das lajes utilizadas na construção de antas. Nesse sentido foi constituída uma equipa multidisciplinar, com investigadores das diferentes áreas de conhecimento envolvidas. Neste trabalho é apresentado o armazém de dados espaciais criado especialmente para este projeto, constituido por informação dos arquivos arqueológicos nacionais, cartografia geológica e geográfica a diferentes escalas, e os novos dados geoquímicos e petrográficos obtidos durante o projeto. Usando a área do Redondo como um caso de estudo, são apresentados aqui os resultados obtidos e a aplicação do armazém de dados espaciais para analisar as relações entre geoquímica, geologia e as antas daquela região

    Digital twins para sustentabilidade e gestão de acidentes

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    Os modelos BIM são maioritariamente gerados e usados no contexto do projeto e construção. Contudo, a informação que contêm é cada vez mais utilizada na gestão dos edifícios e cidade. Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de ferramentas baseadas em modelos BIM que são enquadradas no conceito de Smart City. Estas aplicações contêm informação geométrica e funcional da construção e trocam dados com outras fontes tal como sensores ambientais, de consumo de energia ou água ou com os responsáveis técnicos e utilizadores, tornando-se em Gémeos Digitais/Digital Twins. São apresentadas duas aplicações onde são usados modelos BIM de pequena e grande escala como suporte de visualização e interação com os utilizadores. Em ambas são feitas integrações de informação de várias origens que são integradas numa plataforma agregadora. Nestas aplicações o modelo BIM é uma das peças do sistema que compreende sensores, bases de dados, algoritmos de filtragem e tratamento de dados, sendo por isso necessário recorrer a técnicas de extração, compatibilização de informação de várias fontes e apresentação ao utilizador em suportes acessíveis, o que aponta caminhos para a utilização do BIM em novos cenários.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tombs and Geology: Physical constraints and funerary choices during the 4th-3rd- millennia BCE in Central-South Portugal.

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    Within the project MEGAGEO (Moving Megaliths in the Neolithic) a review and inventory of the type of tombs has been conducted for the Central-South part of Portugal, crossing it with its geology background. This has highlighted that choices seem to have been conditioned to a certain level by physical conditions, as well as chronology of erection. Nevertheless, focusing the attention to some case studies of megalithic tombs and the provenance of its slabs it was possible to verify that availability of raw materials and agency might had different roles and importance in the moment of builder’s choices

    Provenances in the Neolithic: archaeometry in different geological contexts

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    O estudo de proveniências geológicas realizado em 3 áreas com contextos geológicos distintos - Lisboa, Freixo (Redondo) e Monforte, através da aplicação de diferentes metodologias e técnicas analíticas (DRX, ATG, FRX, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS, SEM-EDS, TIMS), permitiu verificar que a seleção dos esteios é condicionada pela diversidade e disponibilidade local dos materiais geológicos. O trabalho de campo desenvolvido a par com os dados obtidos (mineralógicos, petrográficos, geoquímicos, isotópicos) em amostras de antas e afloramentos indicam uma proveniência local para a generalidade dos esteios de antas das áreas de Lisboa e Freixo até 800 m, aumentando esta distância (1000-1700 m) na área de Monforte.The study of geologic provenances conducted in 3 areas with different geological contexts - Lisbon, Freixo (Redondo) and Monforte, through the application of different methodologies and analytical techniques (XRD, TGA, XRF, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS, SEM -EDS, TIMS), has shown that the selection of slabs is conditioned by the diversity and local availability of geological materials. The developed fieldwork with the obtained data (mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical, isotopic) in samples of dolmens and outcrops indicate a local source for most of the slabs in the areas of Lisbon and Freixo up to 800 m, increasing this distance to 1000-1700 m in Monforte area

    Um armazém de dados espaciais para prever as fontes de materiais líticos do Sul de Portugal: combinando geoquímica, petrologia, cartografia e arqueologia em análise espacial

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    MEGAGEO - Moving megaliths in the Neolithic is a project that intends to find the provenience of lithic materials in the construction of tombs. A multidisciplinary approach is carried out, with researchers from several of the knowledge fields involved. This work presents a spatial data warehouse specially developed for this project that comprises information from national archaeological databases, geographic and geological information and new geochemical and petrographic data obtained during the project. The use of the spatial data warehouse proved to be essential in the data analysis phase of the project. The Redondo Area is presented as a case study for the application of the spatial data warehouse to analyze the relations between geochemistry, geology and the tombs in this area.O projeto Megageo tem como objetivo encontrar a proveniência dos materiais líticos utilizados na construção de sepulcros. Nesse sentido foi constituída uma equipa multidisciplinar, com investigadores das diferentes áreas de conhecimento envolvidas. Neste trabalho é apresentado um armazém de dados espaciais criado especialmente para este projeto, constituído por informação dos arquivos arqueológicos nacionais, cartografia geológica e informação geográfica a diferentes escalas, assim como novos dados geoquímicos e petrográficos obtidos durante o projeto. A área de estudo do Redondo é apresentada como um caso de estudo, da aplicação do armazém de dados espaciais e com ele são analisadas as relações entre a geoquímica, a geologia e os sepulcros presentes nesta área

    The Composition of the São Brás Copper Hoard in Relation to the Bell Beaker Metallurgy in the South-western Iberian Peninsula

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    A large ceramic vessel was discovered at São Brás (southern Portugal) containing a metallic hoard from the Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age period. These weapons and tools were characterized by microanalytical techniques as being composed of copper with varying arsenic contents (2.2± 1.6 wt%) and minor amounts of lead, bismuth and iron. The collection shows a clear association between daggers and copper with a higher arsenic content, which can be explained by the high status of these silvery alloys. Finally, the compositional distribution of the hoard was compared with the metallurgy of the Bell Beaker and non–Bell Beaker communities inhabiting the south-western Iberian Peninsula.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Stone-working and the earliest steel in Iberia: Scientific analyses and experimental replications of final bronze age stelae and tools

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    The south-western Iberian stelae from the Final Bronze Age (FBA) and Early Iron Age (EIA) have long been the centre of archaeological interest. These monuments show representations of human and animal figures, objects such as weapons, ornaments and chariots. Moreover, they provide insights into prehistoric stone working and sculpting techniques. On the downside, petrological studies of the rocks and consequent reflections on suitable tools are still the exception. Due to the lack of analysis and technological studies, this research will put emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach involving petrographic and metallurgic analyses, complemented by experimental archaeology. Firstly, an accurate lithological determination of stelae from Capilla (Spain) has been established with petrographic methods. According to the results, two slabs for replications of stelae were obtained from the identified mono-mineral quartz-sandstone (“quartzite”) outcrop. The experiment involved the trial of chisels made from all expedient materials that were available in the FBA-EIA by a professional stonemason. Considering that such extremely hard rocks require robust tools for carving, a long ignored iron chisel from the FBA site of Rocha do Vigio (Portugal) was studied with metallography and exposed heterogeneous, however surprisingly high-carbon steel. The analysed rocks are amongst the hardest that can be used for sculpting, and in the course of the experiment, bronze and lithic tools could be discarded. The only tool that showed an effect was the replication of the steel chisel from Rocha do Vigio with a hardened edge. The distinct work traces were compared to the original monuments. We hypothesize that the production of carbon steel as well as its hardening were possibly already known at the FBA-EIA transition in Iberia. Hence, only the access to iron technology allowed for the making of stelae from the lithotypes that were frequently used in the Zújar basin around the municipality of Capilla.This research received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG, project AR 1305/2–1).Peer reviewe