193 research outputs found

    Pengaruh standard profesionalisme dan latihan terhadap komitmen pentadbir Sekolah Menengah Teknik di Malaysia

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    Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh standard profesionalisme yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pentadbir berkaitan dengan komitmen terhadap organisasi khususnya dalam elemen-elemen yang berkaitan dengan standard profesionalisme iaitu pengetahuan, nilai, amalan dan latihan. Kajian tinjauan ini melibatkan sampel seramai 235 orang pentadbir Sekolah Menengah Teknik di Malaysia. Pemboleh ubah kajian telah diuji menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensi yang melibatkan korelasi Pearson, regresi linear dan regresi berganda. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa standard profesionalisme mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi serta kaitan dengan latihan yang diterima. Pengetahuan profesionalisme pula telah menyumbang sebanyak 34% terhadap komitmen organisasi. Hasil kajian juga mendapati bahawa nilai menyumbang 9.2% dan amalan menyumbang sebanyak 2.3% terhadap komitmen organisasi. Analisis lanjut mendapati bahawa komponen latihan merupakan elemen yang penting untuk mencapai tahap komitmen terhadap organisasi. Umumnya latihan perlu mengalami proses penambahbaikan yang berterusan supaya pentadbir dapat input baru dalam mentadbir berdasarkan standard profesionalisme dan pendekatan yang lebih sistematik serta berfokus. Sehubungan dengan itu, dapatan kajian ini mencadangkan pihak-pihak yang berkenaan dapat mempertimbangkan peluang yang lebih luas kepada pentadbir yang baru berkhidmat untuk mengalami persekitaran pentadbiran dan pengurusan yang dapat membantu mereka membina kepercayaan kendiri

    Infected area by major pests of paddy in MADA region / Siti Salbiah Mat Desa

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    Pests are one of the major biotic constraints in rice production throughout the world. Pests potentially damaging plants by feeding of a plant part, chewing on plant tissues, boring into stems or sucking fluid sap from stem and grains. Their diverse invasions in paddy field and the capability of damaging various plant parts is a concern to farmers on their rice production. Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), white-backed planthopper (Sogatella fucifera), yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas), rice leaf roller (Cnaphalocrosis medinalis), green leafhopper (Nephotettix viresens), and thrips (Stenchaetothrips biformis) are listed as the insect pests of paddy. Meanwhile, golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) and rice field rat (Rattus argentiventer) are gastropod and vertebrate pests also deliberated as destructive pests in a rice field. The aims of these studies are to determine the total infected area by major pests of paddy in MADA regions as well as identifying the highest infected area by the pests between the regions. Secondary data on pests invasions were collected in two plant-ing seasons starting from April 2015 to September 2015 (Season 1/2015) and October 2015 to April 2016 (Season 2/2015) from MADA. Outcomes of the study show the highest infected area (17.30%) by rice leaf roller (Cnaphalocrosis medinalis) in Season 1 for Region 2 (Jitra). Meanwhile, for Season 2, the highest infected areas (12.34%) by golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) also reported for Region 2 (Jitra). Concisely, golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) remains as the major rice pest in all regions with its persistency is recorded in both seasons at MADA regions. Close monitoring and control management should be focused at Region 2 (Jitra) with emphasized on golden apple snail attacks

    Modelling Bottleneck Factors In A Production Line Using Hybrid Approach

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    A bottleneck can occur in almost all business organizations, either services or manufacturing operations. In manufacturing sector, bottleneck normally occurs due to repetitive failures in the flow of production system. Besides that, there are several factors that can cause bottleneck events in the production line, such as long waiting time, huge backlog and high stress level. These bottleneck factors can reduce the throughput rate in the production line and negatively affect the production costs. Therefore, it should be tackled for a high production system performance and a smooth flow of products. Because of that, there is a need for the manufacturers to find ways in managing the bottleneck factors. In general, bottlenecks can be caused by tangible and intangible factors. However, the intangible factors have received less attention by the previous researchers. Most previous works had focused on tangible factor such as number of throughput but lack in intangible such as on workers stress level. Thus, this research investigates the intangible factors which emphasizes on human factor particularly in understanding the effect of absenteeism in the production line. In addition, this study also identifies causes of bottleneck in illustrating the relationship between human factors and production line. Absenteeism refers to a situation when the available manpower is less than the number of manpower needed on the production line. This human factor plays an important role in determining the production rate. In this thesis, a hybrid simulation model is used to analyse the absenteeism problem in an aircraft composite manufacturing by integrating a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and a System Dynamics (SD) models which namely as Hybrid Simulation Based Bottleneck Management (HSBBM). To analyse the effect of absenteeism, the amount of throughput, waiting time, work in process (WIP) and cycle time are analysed in various scenarios of production planning. The result shows the number of absentees at production line increase the workload to the available worker and gives effect to the production rate. By considering the absenteeism, the number of throughput decrease 12.67% compared to the production plan indicating that the hybrid model is able to represent more realistic situation when involving human factor. In conclusion, the developed hybrid model can be used to visualise and quantify the impacts of human behaviour that lead to bottlenecks and able to assist the management to generate more relevant production plan

    Residual control chart for monitoring pediatrics hospital admission performances

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    This paper aims to demonstrate the use of pre whitening (PW) technique to handle the presence of autocorrelation on the statistical control charts, for 3-year (2008-2010) daily pediatrics (less than 4 years old) hospital admission.The PW technique has been implemented as an alternative procedure to obtain residuals series which are statistically uncorrelated to each other.Results showed that there is a reduction in the number of out-of–control signals in residual series control chart as compared to the amount of the out-of–control signals on traditional statistical control chart before the use of PW technique.Thus, it is suggested that statistical control chart using residual series performs better when the original pediatric hospital admission series are auto-correlated. In addition, it can be concluded that the Phase II (monitoring period) performance process is likely to follow the similar pattern of the Phase I (baseline period) process except for only one day on the 13th October 2009 that exceeds the upper control limit.This means that the pediatrics hospital admission on that particular day has not improved and fundamentally changed from what are expected in stable process

    Leadership Behavior And Job Satisfaction Among Bank Officers: The Impact Of Task Characteristics

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership behavior and job satisfaction of bank officers in Penang and Kedah as perceived by the subordinates. The study chose three leadership styles as proposed by Sinha (1980) namely autocratic, participative and nurturant. The task characteristics performed by subordinates namely task structure, task autonomy and task variety were included as moderators to see the impact on the relationship between leadership behavior and job satisfaction

    Meninjau kehadiran mikroorganisma pada alat galipot dan cecair yang digunakan untuk prosedur sedutan tiub endotrakea dan trakeostomi

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    Pengenalan: Strategi yang mantap dalam menghalang terjadinya kolonisasi bakteria pada secincin trakea dan paru-paru bukan hanya kos-efektif mafah adalah kunci kepada penurunan kadar mortaliti klien dan jumlah hari mereka berada dalam wad. Terdapat beberapa laporan dan semakan penyelidikan tentang usaha untuk mendapatkan data saintifik yang konkrit tentang faktor penyebab dan yang berhubungkait dengan terjadinya "hospital infection" dan peradangan paru-paru khususnya yang berhubungkait dengan prosedur "endotracheal intubation". Prosedur sedutan merupakan prosedur yang perlu dalam jagarawatan klien yang berada datam unit kritikal seperti ICU. Prosedur ini dilakukan untuk memastikan salur udara yang sentiasa paten dan berfungsi. Dipercayai peralatan yang digunakan untuk melakukan prosedur ini boleh menjadi alat transmisi patogen nosokomial.Tujuan kajian: Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk meninjau kemungkinan wujud mikroorganisma pada peralatan dan cecair yang digunakan dalam prosedur sedutan bagi klien yang memerlukan, bagi memastikan satu protokol jagarawatan yang asepsis dan memenuhi piawaian digunapakai di HUSM. Metodologi: Sampel swab diambil langsung dari galipot dan cecair yang telah digunakan untuk prosedur sedutan bagi subjek yang telah dikenal pasti pada waktu-waktu yang berbeza {jam pertama, ketiga dan kelima). Seterusnya pengkulturan mikroorganisma dilakukan ke atas sampel yang diambil dan dibiarkan selama 24 jam sebelum bacaan dibuat. Data yang dikumpul dianalisamenggunakan SPSS versi ke 10.0 untuk analisis variabel frekuensi berhubungkait dengan demografi, penggunaan antibiotik dan jenis mikroorganisma yang dapat dikultur. Keputusan: Hasil daripada sampel swab didapati 30 sampel menunjukkan pertumbuhan "gram negative bacilli" dan "mixed growth of GNB,. Selain itu terdapat juga pertumbuhan mikroorganisma yang terdiri dari basil us gram negatif, spesis klebsiella dan spesis enterobacter hasil pengkulturan sampel yang diambil dari peralatan dan cecair yang telah digunakan dalam prosedur sedutan di wad 2 Delima dan ICU HUSM. Mikroorganisma ini mungkin hadir dalam persekitaran ataupun dari kawasan endotrakea atau trakeostomi subjek. Rumusan: Penggunaan alatan secara berulangkali boleh menyebabkan kontaminasi terjadi dan ianya merupakan faktor penyokong utama tersebamya infeksi. Keputusan kajian ini menyarankan agar tidak dipraktikkan penggunaan alatan secara berulangkali apatah lagi dengan cecair yang sama dalam tempoh masa yang agak lama. Jagarawatan dengan protokol peralatan dan cecair yang dibiarkan yang didapati dalam kajian ini berhubungkait dengan prosedur sedutan boleh menjadi alat hubungkait transmisi patogen nosokomial. Diharapkan akan te~adi anjakan paradigma dalam teknik jagarawatan berhubungkait dengan prosedur sedutan

    Synthetic seed: a study on labisia pumila / Sopiah Mat Desa

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    Synthetic seed are useful tool for micropropagation and delivery of aseptic plantlets from one place to another. Nevertheless, the synthetic seed technology has not widely applied to the Labisia pumila plant. In this present study, synthetic seeds were produced by encapsulating nodal segments of in vitro Labisia pumila in the calcium alginate gel. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of various concentrations of sodium alginate and calcium chloride solution in order to produce good quality of beads and to study the survival rate of Labisia pumila using synthetic seed technology. The results of this study showed that 5% sodium alginate solution and 5% calcium chloride solution combinations are the optimum value for producing good quality of beads. Firm and rounded beads were observed by the encapsulation with 5% sodium alginate solution and exposed to 5% calcium chloride solution. The produced synthetic seeds were then tested for their germination ability by culturing on MS medium supplemented with cytokoninins; BAP and zeatin each at the concentrations of 3.0 mg/L. However there is no growth observed after 4 weeks of incubation. Beside that the contamination rate also very high in this experiment

    Analisis penggunaan kaedah Istinbāṭ dalam pensabitan hukum fatwa: kajian di Jabatan Mufti Negeri Kedah Darulaman

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    The method of istinbāṭ is very important in the process of issuing the rulings. This is because the accuracy of the fatwa issued is based on the methods how it was produced. There are three main objectives of this study: first, to examine the consistency of the istinbāṭ methods used in the process of producing fatwa; second, to study the tendencies of influences by the sect in the process of producing fatwa; and third, to examine the compliance of beneficiaries and 'urf or local customs in the designation of fatwa. Fatwa that have been istinbāṭ and issued were analyzed based on those three approaches. The data was gathered based on the minutes of the meeting and some set of books related to fatwa issued by Department of Mufti . The research was conducted using a qualitative approach. The findings of the research indicated that the consistency of the methods of istinbāṭ used in the process of producing a ruling is in accordance with rules outlined by Islam, while the tendency of influences by the sect in the process of producing a fatwa showed that it is not directly tied to the Shafie sect except in some cases excluded by other sects. Besides, it is found that the compliance of welfare and 'urf or custom in setting ruling is in accordance with the local beneficiaries. In addition, the study found that of the use of evidence and arguments are from the Quran, Sunnah, Ijma', Qiyās or others indicated less emphasis is given to the methods used in istinbāṭ. Similarly, the wisdom behind the fatwa was also given less emphasis. The results of this study may provide valuable implications to the Muslim community in the State of Kedah in particular. Fatwa institution should therefore concerned with the method and process in producing fatwa in using istinbāṭ and take an appropriate action so that the institution of fatwa and how the fatwa are issued can make a contribution to the understanding and the development of the quality generation of the Muslims

    The Importance of Ecological and Spiritual Approaches in Chemical Engineering towards Practical Conception of Sustainable Development

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    The issues in sustainable development are of two kinds; the interdependent of three principle pillars of sustainable development-environment, social, and economy development and human spiritual development. The main objective of this paper is to discuss on the importance of spiritual enhancement and ecological approach in chemical engineering to develop a notion of conception for sustainability. We elaborate and discuss contemporary Islamic principle named “Jurisprudence of Priorities” ( Fiqh Al-Aulawiyyat) and what it suggests for sustainability and concurrently delineate the need for ecological approach in chemical engineering. The study was conducted based on available published articles from books, handbooks, journals, and other online reliable sources related to environment and sustainability. The study concentrates on both Islamic jurisprudence principle in conserving the nature and ecological approach in chemical engineering. The examples presented in this article provide new information on the importance of spiritual development and ecological considerate in chemical engineering towards successful sustainable development. This study is perhaps one of the first to address the incorporation of spiritual enhancement (Islamic principle) and ecological approach in chemical engineering to create environmental awareness among world community