19 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Penugasan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Perubahan Wujud Benda Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV SDN 21 Ampana

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN 21 Ampana pada materi Perubahan wujud benda melalui penerapan metode pembagian tugas. Rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, tiap siklus terdiri 1 pertemuan yang dilaksanakan dalam 4 tahap, yaitu: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) observasi, dan (4) refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN 21 Ampana, tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa yang memperoleh nilai di bawah standar Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal pada pelaksanaan tes awal. Data Penelitian data kuantitatif dengan memberikan tes akhir, dan data kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode pembagian tugas menunjukkan bahwa siklus 1 diperoleh persentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 77,27% dengan 17 orang siswa yang tuntas, dan 5 orang siswa yang tidak tuntas, dari keseluruhan jumlah siswa sebanyak 22 orang. Hasil tes tindakan siklus 1 mengalami peningkatan dari tes awal, namun belum memenuhi standar ketuntasan klasikal yaitu 80%. Sedangkan pada siklus 2 diperoleh persentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 86,36% dengan 19 orang siswa yang tuntas, dan 3 orang siswa yang tidak tuntas dari keseluruhan jumlah siswa sebanyak 22 orang. Perolehan persentase ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus 2 ini meningkat sebesar 9,09% dari perolehan persentase ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus 1


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    Dermatitis kontak adalah dermatitis yang disebabkan oleh bahan kimia atau substansi yang menempel pada kulit dan ditandai dengan kemerahan, gatal, dan peradangan. Gejalanya dapat memengaruhi bagian tubuh mana pun tetapi yang paling umum adalah tangan dan wajah. Penelitian surveilans di Amerika menyebutkan bahwa 80 penyakit kulit akibat kerja adalah dermatitis kontak. Diantara dermatitis kontak, dermatitis kontak iritan menduduki urutan pertama dengan 80 % dan dermatitis kontak alergi menduduki urutan kedua dengan 14%-20%. Dermatitis kontak merupakan penyakit yang paling banyak terjadi pada Negara beriklim tropis, termasuk Indonesia. Prevalensinya pada Negara berkembang dapat berkisar antara 20-80% Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko terhadap pencegahan dermatitis kontak akibat kerja pada pekerja percetakan di Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pekerja percetakan di Kota Makassar khusunya pada percetakan spanduk dan sablon yang berjumlah 225 orang yang diambil secara simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil: hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan usia (p=0,017), jenis kelamin (p=0,087), tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,000), higiene perorangan (p=0,000). Disarankan bagi pekerja yang berusia muda sebaiknya lebih memperhatikan kebersihan perorangan dengan rajin mencuci tangan pakai sabun setelah bekerja, dan mandi setelah pulang bekerja. Setiap perusahaan percetakan sebaiknya sesekali melakukan penyuluhan terkait dermatitis kontak dan bahaya dari bahan kimia yang digunakan pada percetakan

    Analisis Kebijakan Penanaman Modal Asing di Kabupaten Bantaeng

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    : This study aims to define the model of investing their foreign investment and know its prospects in Bantaeng. Teknnik analysis used is qualitative, ie by outlining and explaining the results of research in the form of words spoken or written. Data is collected using techniques sttudi literature, ob-servasi, interviews and search data online. Based on the results of this study indicate that the model of investment in capital planting Bantaeng ie direct cooperation with Joint Venture (a joint venture) which manages the Industrial Zone Bantaeng. Based on the advantages and disadvantages that exist, the prospect of foreign investment is manifested by the Industrial Zone Bantaeng the labor sector is very promising because it can open up employment opportunities for the people of Bantaeng

    Hubungan Asupan Zat Gizi Makro (Energi, Protein, Lemak, Karbohidrat) terhadap Status Gizi Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Rawat Jalan dengan Hemodialisis di RSUD dr. Moewardi

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    Introduction : The most used replacement therapy for chronic renal failure patients in Indonesia is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure has impacts, including a decrease in food intake that can cause malnutrition in patients. Objective : The purpose of this research was to asses the correlations between macro nutrient intakes and nutritional status of chronic renal failure with hemodialysis outpatients at dr. Moewardi State Hospital. Research Method : This research used analytic observational with cross-sectional design. The respondents were selected through by consecutive sampling method. There were 46 chronic renal failure patients participated in this study. Nutritional status data were obtained through Body Mass Index measurements, macro nutrient intake data were obtained using 24 hour food recall form. Result : Most patients had poor energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intakes which were 41 patients (89,1%), 40 patients (87%), 40 patients (87%), and 43 patients (93,5%), respectively. There was not any correlation between nutritional status and intakes of energy (p=0,163), protein (p=1,000), fat (p=0,390), and carbohydrate (p=0,585). Conclusion : There was not any correlation between macro nutrient intakes and nutritional status of chronic renal failure with hemodialysis outpatients ar dr. Moewardi State Hospital. Further research needs to be done with due regard to all factors that may affect the incidence of malnutrition in chronic renal failure with hemodialysis patients. Keywords : chronic renal failure, macro nutrient intake, nutritional status Bibliography : 51 : 1990-201

    Effect of poster and video intervention on the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) level of personal hygiene among food handlers in 24 hours Mamak restaurants in Sungai Petani, Kedah

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    This study assesses the knowledge, attitude and practice on personal hygiene among foodhandlers at 24 hours Mamak operation restaurants before and after poster and video intervention. A survey and observation checklist was conducted among 100 food handlers selected from Mamak restaurants. 77% of respondents were aware on personal hygiene during the pre-intervention and the percentage has slightly escalated to 100% after intervention. Similarly, the percentage of good personal hygiene practice was increase after the intervention (42% to 73% respectively). It was observed that there was no significant correlation between knowledge and practice (r= -0.082, p=0.415) similarly there was no significant correlation observed between knowledge and attitude (r= -0.009, p=0.930). The finding adds to the growing body of evidence on the effectiveness of poster and video intervention.Keywords: KAP; poster and video intervention; personal hygiene; food handlers; 24 hoursMamak restaurants

    Efek Samping Penggunaan Hidroksiklorokuin Dalam Terapi Kasus Covid-19

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    ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF HYDROXYCHLOROQUNE IN COVID-19 TREATMENT Eva Yulyasti, Riandini Aisyah, Nur Mahmudah, Listiana Masyita Dewi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Background: The results of in vitro studies show that hydroxychloroquine is better at treating Covid-19. However, in the course of Covid-19 therapy using hydroxychloroquine, several side effects were found. Several articles mention different side effects, so an analysis will be carried out to determine the most frequent effects. Purpose: This review aims to analyze articles that state the side effects that are often caused by using hydroxychloroquine in the management of Covid-19. Methods: A total of 10 articles were obtained after screening. Results: There are several effects that are often caused by the use of hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 patients. Hydroxychloroquine does not provide benefit to Covid-19 therapy and side effects occur during therapy. Conclusion: The most common side effects are gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) and heart (arrhythmia, QT prolongation). Keyword : Side effects, Hydroxychloroquine, SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-1

    Pengaruh Ketuban Pecah Dini Dan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Usia Kehamilan Aterm Terhadap Kejadian Asfiksia

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    Background: The incidence of asphyxia has an impact on the baby in the form of CO2 buildup and acidosis. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016 around the world there were 75% of cases of neonatal deaths after childbirth due to asphyxia (WHO, 2018). Predisposing causes of asphyxia are prematurity, intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR), gemelli, high congenital parity abnormalities which can cause complications in labor and pregnancy that interfere with oxygen transport and premature rupture of membranes. Objective: To determine the effect of premature rupture of membranes and hemoglobin levels at term gestational age on the incidence of asphyxia. Methods: Observational analytic with a cross sectional approach. The sampling method with purposive sampling technique was 100 respondents infants who had KPD and hemoglobin level < 11 g/dL and born with asphyxia in PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital. Result: From 100 respondents wa as significant correlation between mothers giving birth of membranes at term gestational age to the incidence of asphyxia (p=0,022; OR=0,368), and there was no significant relationship between hemoglobin levels at term geastational age with asphyxia (p=0,515;OR=0,748). Keywords: KPD, Hemoglobin Level, Asphyxi

    The Effect of Spirituality in the Workplace and Spiritual Leadership on the Performance of Workers in the Production Part of PT. Makassar Tene

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    Human resources as production support must be considered. Problems related to HR that often occur can hinder the performance of an organization. This study aims to see the effect of spirituality at work and spiritual leadership on performance through job satisfaction. Quantitative research method with cross sectional design with 62 respondents. The data was conducted by means of interviews. Bivariate analysis using the person Chi Square test, and Multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression. The results of this study indicate that spirituality in the workplace has an effect on job satisfaction (p = 0,000), spirituality at work has an effect on performance (p = 0.022), spirituality has an effect on performance (p = 0.003), and spiritual leadership has no effect on job satisfaction. (p = 0.264), job satisfaction has no effect on performance (p = 0.606), job satisfaction does not mediate between spirituality and performance (t count = 0.431), and job satisfaction does not mediate between spiritual leadership and performance (t count = 0.009). Spirituality at work has an effect on job satisfaction, spirituality in the workplace has an effect on work performance, spiritual leadership has an effect on performance, spiritual leadership has no effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction does not affect performance, job satisfaction does not radiate between spirituality at work and performance and satisfaction. work does not mediate between spiritual leadership and performance of workers in the production section of PT. Makassar Tene

    In train air quality analysis of the public railway transit and public perception on in-train air quality in Malaysia

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    This study analyze the trend of in-train air quality in KTM Commuter in upstream anddownstream lines, identify public’s perception and knowledge on in-train air quality. Realtime monitoring was conducted by measuring five indoor air parameters (CO2, CO, PM10,temperature and humidity) along Klang Valley Line from SgBuloh until PelabuhanKlangstation for five consecutive days, together with a survey on IAQ facts and symptoms relatedto indoor air pollutants among 129 KTM commuter passengers. Descriptive and correlationtests were performed using SPSS version 23. CO2and PM10 concentration in most of thetime have exceeded permissible limit (max = 1449ppm and &gt;0.15mg/m3). CO concentrationwas below permissible limit (&lt;10ppm) whilsttemperature and humidity were mostly in anacceptable range (23-26°C; 40-70%rh).Keywords: In-train air quality (IAQ); KTM commuter carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide;particulate matter (PM); public perceptio

    Gambaran struktur histologik tulang ekor pada tikus ovarektomi dan non-ovarektomi

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