38 research outputs found

    Identifikasi USAha Bumdes Berdasarkan Aspek Sosial dan Ekonomi (Studi Kasus di Bumdes Tugujaya, Lempuing, Ogan Komering Ilir)

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    Regional development that involves an important role of the village has set out  in the  government regulations about the Village. In the law of regional development, the village must angage actively partisipant in regional development. The important position of the village in development was managing its household in improving the village economy which became a reference in the assessment of the success of village development. Economic problems of the vilage need to be resolved by handling throughly, starting from the construction of infrastructure facilities, up to the development of village potential to be optimized into business opportunities the business opportunity the villager prosper. Village businesses that have set in law and ratified legally as BUMDes, became one of the important mandate contained in the Village Law. The certainty of BUMDes defined in the ordinance of the ministry of the village numbers 4 year 2015. The existence of BUMDes is expected to be a driving force of the economy of the village, which means that the establishment of BUMDes is not only an orientation to profit institutions, but the essence is the establishment of BUMDes must be able to provide economic and social benefits to residents of the village. The research used a descriptive qualitative type, for the purpose of identifying and analyzing feasibility aspect of BUMDes in the social and economic aspects. The research results led to the conclusion BUMDes Tugujaya gives a positive impact economically and socially for the population directly or indirectly. The main business sector of BUMDes is management of the animal market business in Tugujaya Village which has an impact the residents around the region of Tugujaya, in the form of additional income from the tourism effects of multiplayer. The direct impact of employe engagement in the management of BUMDes es activities and community involvement the business local food producers such as BUMDes which is packed with BUMDes and community-based homestay managers. Keywords: BUMDes, Social and Economi

    Sinkronisasi Source Dan Sink Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Biji Pada Tanaman Jarak Pagar

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    Saat ini dunia sedang menghadapi masalah penurunan cadangan minyak dan dampak lingkungannya. Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) merupakan sumber bahan baku biodiesel yang potensial. Pengembangan jarak pagarsaat ini masih terbatas disebabkan USAha tani yang belum menguntungkan terutama disebabkan produktivitas tanaman rendah. Makalah dimaksudkan untuk membahas pendekatan source dan sink untuk peningkatan produktivitas tanaman jarak pagar. Strategi penelitian untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dilakukan dengan peningkatan produksi biologi (biomassa) dan ekonomi (biji dan minyak). Produktivitas dapat meningkat jika terjadi sinergi antara source dan sink. Peningkatan source dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kemampuan tanaman dalam memanen energi cahaya melalui peningkatan produksi asimilat dengan peningkatan laju fotosintesis daun individual, perbaikan arsitektur kanopi, serta memperpanjang umur produktif daun terutama selama pembentukan biji. Perbaikan sink dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan proporsi bunga betina, meningkatkan proporsi buah jadi, serta meningkatkan laju dan lama pembentukan biji melalui dukungan source. Perbaikan source dan sink tersebut dilakukan melalui pemilihan genotipe tanaman dengan sifat-sifat source dan sink optimal untuk dijadikan bahan perakitan varietas. Perbaikan teknologi budi daya dapat dilakukan dengan pengaturan jarak tanam yang tepat, pemangkasan, pemupukan, pengairan, dan penggunaan ZPT yang tepat baik untuk mendukung kanopi yang produktif sebagai pemasok asimilat, maupun untuk memperbesar kemampuan biji sebagai sink utama dalam memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin pasokan asimilat untuk sintesis biji dan lemak. Dengan demikian, diharapkan diperoleh tanaman jarak pagar dengan produktivitas tinggi sebagai hasil dari produksi biomassa dan indeks panen tinggi. Nowadays, the world is facing problem of lowering petroleum fuel stocks and its environmental impact. Physic nuts (Jatropha curcas L.) is a plant that can be used as biodiesel feedstock. Extention problem of physic nuts cropping area and its role as biodiesel source is still limited due to low economical value and low productivity. This paper elucidates source and sink and their correlation to productivity based on research. Research strategies are directed to study increase biological yield (biomass) and economical yield (seed and oil content) of physic nut. The yield can be increased by synergizing between source and sink. Alleviating source could be done byincreasing the ability of plant in increasing photoshinthesis rate, arranging canopy architecture, and prolonging the age leaves especially during seed development. Sink process could be optimized through promoting numberof female flower, number of seeds, and increasing seed initiation and development. The source and sink improvement can be implemented through genotype selection for breeding materials. Cultivation technologyimprovement can be conducted plant optimum spacing and population arrangement, prunning, fertilizing, watering/irrigation, and plant growth regulator application to support productive canopy as assimilat supplier, and also enlarge seed capacity and strength as main sink trough optimum use assimilate for seed and lipid biosynthesis. Therefore, it will be achieved high productivity of physic nuts as a consequences of high biomass and highharvest index

    Respon Fisiologis Tanaman Tebu Terhadap Kekeringan

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    Produksi tebu nasional sering terhambat oleh adanya masalah kekeringan. Tujuan dari penulisan tinjauan ini adalah untuk membahas hasil-hasil penelitian tentang respon fisiologi tanaman tebu terhadap kekeringan sebagai dasar bagi pengelolaannya baik secara genetik maupun teknologi budi daya. Melalui tinjauan ini diharapkan kegiatan perakitan varietas unggul toleran kekeringan dan teknologi budi daya untuk penurunan dampak kekeringan lebih efektif. Kekeringan menyebabkan Perubahan aktivitas fisiologis penting dimulai dari penutupan stomata untuk menekan transpirasi, penurunan input karbondioksida, penurunan jumlah klorofil, dan pada akhirnya penurunan laju fotosintesis netto. Akar merespon kekeringan dengan mensintesis dan mengirimkan sinyal asam absisat (ABA) yang mengakibatkan penutupan stomata sehingga menurunkan transpirasi dan serapan CO2. Kekeringan menyebabkan penurunan kandungan klorofil a, b, dan nisbah klorofil a/b. Penurunan laju fotosintesis dan kegiatan fisiologis lain menurunkan pertumbuhan tanaman tebu, dan akhirnya produktivitas gula. Genotipe yang toleran kekeringan menunjukkan kemampuan untuk meminimalkan pengaruh buruk kekeringan. Tingkat kerugian dari kekeringan paling besar pada fase perpanjangan, karena fase kebutuhan air yang besar untuk meningkatkan bobot tebu, terutama untuk pemanjangan batang. Fase pemasakan membutuhkan air paling sedikit, namun sangat penting karena menentukan rendemen gula. Konsentrasi senyawa osmoprotektan, yang membantu mengatasi peningkatan potensial osmosis sel, pada genotipe tanaman toleran kekeringan meningkat tinggi pada kondisi kekeringan. Senyawa osmoprotektan dapat berupa kelompok asam amino, gula atau amonium kuarter, seperti prolin, trehalosa, dan glisin betain. Senyawa lain untuk ketahanan kekeringan adalah larutan kompatibel yang memiliki bobot molekul rendah, mudah larut dan non-toksik dalam sitosol. Pemahaman biosintesis dan fungsi senyawa tersebut merupakan dasar dari upaya pemanfaatannya untuk penelitian dan pengelolaan kekeringan terutama melalui pemuliaan bioteknologi, konvensional, maupun produksi senyawa osmoprotek-tan untuk aplikasi eksogen. National sugarcane production is often inhibited by drought problem. The objective of this review is to discuss research findings on physiological responses of sugarcane to drought as a base for genetic and cultivation management. Through this review drought tolerance breeding activities and cultivation technology for mitigationimpact will be coped with more effectively. Drought influencesesimportant physiological activities from stomata closure to minimize transpiration, reducing carbon dioxide input, chlorophylland nettphotosynthesis. Plant roots respond to drought througoutbiosynthesis and send signalto abscisic acid (ABA) for closing stomata to reduce transpiration and CO2 absorption. Drought reduces chlorophyll a, b, and a/b ratio. Reducing photosynthesis rate and other physiological activities inhibit sugarcanegrowth, and finally sugar productivity. Drought tolerance genotype hasabilityto minimize these negative impacts. The most lost productivity caused by drought is taking place during elongation phase, especially stalk elongation. Ripening phase requires least water, but it is very important to sucrose accumulation. Concentration of osmoprotectant compounds, which helps to cope with increasing cell osmosis potential on drought tolerance plant genotypes, increases during drought condition, however, it is high during drought, especially in tolerance genotype, Osmoprotectant compounds are amino acid, sugar, or quartenary ammonium, such as proline, trehalosa, and glicine betain. Other compounds for plant tolerance to drought is compatible solute which has low molecular weight, high solable, and nontoxic cytosolic. Understanding on biosynthesis and function of osmoprotectant are required as a base for further research on drought tolerance mechanism and managing drought especially in biotechnology plant breeding, conventional, and producttion of osmoprotectant for exogenous application

    Peran Dan Pengelolaan Hara Nitrogen Pada Tanaman Tebu Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Tebu

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    Role and Management of Sugarcane Nitrogen Nutrient to Increase ProductivityEfforts to increase sugarcane productivity requires sugarcane with high sucrose yielding potency completed by proper cultivation method. Effective and efficient N management require on understanding physiological role and its responses. This review is aimed to discuss research findings and its implication on nutrient absorption and uptake, reduction, and amino acid biosynthesis, responses and N effects and its interaction, and supply aspect such as dossage, application method in relation to productivity and sucrose content to increase sugarcane productivity and its sucrose content. Through this review will be gotten proper N management to increase sugar productivity. Nitrate uptake needs energy and nitrate reductase. It is not for ammonium, but it need excess availability promoted toxicity., Nitrate will be reduced in roots or leaves to be ammonium, and then utilize for amino acid synthesis. Nitrogen enters to plants through fertilizer as nitrate or ammonium with other ion in fertilizer such as sulphate ammonium, chlorida ammonium, nitrate ammonium, nitrate calsium, and also urea. Proper N application wiil raise vegetative growth (LAI and tillering), photoshynthetic rate, flowering delay, lodging, and productivity rise. Response on N depend on N form and its pairs. N fertilizer dosage lower than 150 kg N/ha recomended once, at early growth phase, but dossage the higher one, supplemental application at 3 months. Right N dossage is significantly increasing sugarcane productivity, but its effect on sucrose content generally is not significantly

    Teknik Konservasi Untuk Menekan Erosi Dan Penyakit Lincat Pada Lahan Tembakau Temanggung

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    Soil conservation technique to reduce erosion and soilpathogens of temanggung tobacco landMostly area cropping of temanggung tobacco is located in hilly land, sothat erosion and accumulation of disease are the main problems. To minimizeerosion and disease attacks, research had been done in Glapansari Village,Parakan District, Temanggung in 2002 at site with slope of 43%. The aim wasto know the effect of soil conservation which was combined with soil diseasecontrol techniques on soil erosion, eroded soil element, soil physics, soilpathogens population, percentage of dead tobacco plant, and tobacco yield.The treatments are soil conservation technique, planting of setaria grass andflemingia in ridge terrace and digging of ditch pitch on the base of ridgeterrace. All of the treatments was established in 2000. The soil conservationtreatments were combined with application of antagonistic microbes (A.fumigatus) and cropping of resistant tobacco line (BC3-C51). RandomizedBlock Design with 6 replicates was used in this research. In each treatment of22 m x 4 m plots, two units soil erosion collector were set, one unit was forcontrol treatment (without soil conservation and soil disease control techniquesor local farmer technology treatment) and the other for soil conservationtechniques. Results showed that soil conservation technique reduced soilerosion from 30.22 to 16.67 tones/ha/year or 44.84%. Tobacco land that wastreated with soil conservation and soil pathogen control techniques had less soilpathogen population and death tobacco plant than tobacco land withouttreatments (control). Tobacco yield planted in land with soil conservation washigher 42% than that planted in control land


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    Lokasi Penelitian PT Sulenco Wibawa Perkasa di Desa Peniraman Kecamatan Sungai Pinyuh Kabupaten Mempawah Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan berapa besar produktifitas mesin bor, mengetahui persentase ketersediaan mesin bor (ketersediaan mekanik, fisik, efektif, pemakaian ketersediaan) dan menentukan rancangan geometri peledakan dengan metode RL. Ash dalam rangka optimalisasi produktivitas pengeboran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survey dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja dan tahap penelitian dalam menghitung produktifitas pengeboran aktual, ketersediaan alat, rancangan geometri usulan menggunakan metode perhitungan RL Ash. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, didapatkan produktifitas aktual net peneteration rate sebesar 98,92 m3/jam, dan produktifitas aktual gross peneteration rate sebesar 68,31 m3/jam, dan untuk produktifitas usulan net peneteration rate sebesar 138,91 m3/jam, produktifitas usulan gross peneteration rate sebesar 85,52 m3/jam, ketersediaan alat bor ketersediaan mekanik 72,98%, ketersediaan fisik 74,98 %, penggunaan efektif 64,77 %, pemakaian ketersediaan 86,38%. Geometri aktual dengan ukuran spasi 2,02 meter, burden 1,82 meter, kedalaman lubang ledak 6 meter sebanyak 124 lubang. Geometri usulan menggunakan metode RL Ash menggunakan spasi 3,4 meter, burden 1,7 meter, kedalaman lubang 5,3 meter sebanyak 89 lubang. Kata Kunci : pengeboran, mesin bor, geometri, produktifitas, RL As

    Diseminasi Teknologi Pembuatan Pakan Berbasis Kulit Buah Kakao Fermentasi Untuk Mendukung Usaha Penggemukan Sapi Bali Yang Ramah Lingkungan

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    Kegiatan diseminasi dilakukan di Kelompok peternak sapi Baru Sadar Dusun Cupek Desa Sigar Penjalain Kecamatan Tanjung Lombok Utara NTB, dan Kelompok Remaja Masjid Nurul Yakin. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota kelompok peternak dan kelompok remaja masjid melalui program penggemukan sapi ramah lingkungan. Permasalahan kelompok peternak:1) Usaha penggemukan sapi masih bersifat peternakan rakyat  (belum berorientasi bisnis), 2) Dukungan terhadap penerapan IPTEK rendah, 3) Penataan kandang dan lingkunganya  belum ditangani secara optimal. Permasalahan kelompok remaja masjid: belum adanya unit usaha yang berorientasi bisnis. Solusi penyelesaian permasalahan:1)Melakukan pelatihan anggota kelompok peternak tentang manajemen industri peternakan rakyat dan pengolahan kotoran ternak sistem biokonversi menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik padat, 2) Demplot penerapan TTG pembuatan pakan sapi berbasis kulit buah kakao fermentasi, penerapan TTG pupuk organik padat dan biogas, dan 3) Menata kandang sapi dengan system “Ala Lesehan”. Hasil kegiatan: Pemanfaatan pakan berbasis kulit buah kakao fermentasi  dalam bentuk konsentrat dan Wafer memberikan pertambahan bobot badan sapi Bali sebesar 0,568 kg/ekor/hari, instalasi biogas dengan kapasitas 4 m3  dapat memproduksi biogas sebesar 1,08 m3/hari, dan produksi bio-slurry 31,033 liter/hari. Pendapatan kelompok remaja masjid dari penjualan  pupuk organik padat sebesar 1.461.600/bulan. Luaran non ilmiahnya: produk pakan dalam bentuk konsentrat dan wafer kulit kakao. Luaran ilmiahnya: Publikasi  pada Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan  Fakultas Peternakan Unram, artikel populer dalam koran Lombok Post dan paten sederhan

    Character education strategies in improving students' spiritual intelligence

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    Education is an effort to foster student character. Purpose Want to know the character education management strategy in increasing the spiritual intelligence of students. The research method used qualitative instruments, namely (1). Focus (2). Observation and interviews (4) Data analysis collection. Conclusion: (1). Environmental observations at three schools have conducted a SWOT analysis (2). Formulation of a strategy regarding the vision and mission, based on the values of faith (3). Strategy implementation with intra and curricular based programs (4). Strategy evaluation serves to monitor learning (5). The learning strategy management process is very conducive. Implication (1). Strategic application has implications for the awareness of all school residents (2). The process of positive habituation has implications for school culture (3). The implementation of full-day school has implications for the creation of a school with character (4). Enforcement of discipline has implications for the commitment to school management

    The Effect of Ameliorants on Improvement of Soil Fertility in Post Gold Mining Land at West Kalimantan

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    The application of ameliorant has been suggested to improve soil fertility and crop growth in post illegal gold mining (PIGM) lands. This study evaluated the effect of ameliorant types and semi-permeable layer on properties of soil in PIGM lands and growth of sorghum. A field experiment employed two treatments, i.e. type of ameliorant and semi-permeable layer. There were four ameliorant types applied i.e., without ameliorant (M0); coastal sediment at a dose of 40 t/ha (M1); biochar at a dose of 4 t/ha (M2), and coastal sediment at a dose of 30 t/ha + 4 t biochar/ha(M3). The second treatment consisted of two levels, namely: without a semi-permeable layer (S0) and the semi-permeable layer of 20 cm depth from the soil surface (S1). The results showed that types of ameliorant gave different effect to soil properties. Application of coastal sediment at a dose of 40 t/ha significantly increased the contents of Ca and Mg, whereas application of biochar at a doses of 4 t/ha increased soil CEC. The semi-permeable layer did not significantly affect plant height and stem diameter of sorghum. The highest of sorghum growth was reached by application of coastal sediment at a dose of 30 t/h + biochar at a dose of 4 t/ha. The combination of coastal sediment and biochar from banana peels could complement each other to improve soil fertility in PIGM lan