416 research outputs found

    Ottimizzazione del condensatore di un congelatore domestico: messa a punto della strumentazione per le prove sperimentali e primi risultati

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    Ottimizzazione del condensatore di un congelatore domestico: messa a punto della strumentazione per le prove sperimentali e primi risultat


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    R22, the HCFC most widely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems in the last years, is phasing-out. R422D, a zero ozone-depleting mixture of R125, R134a and R600a (65.1%/31.5%/3.4% by weight, respectively), has been recently proposed as a drop-in substitute. For energy consumption calculations and temperature control, it is of primary importance to estimate operating conditions after substitution. To determine pressure drop in the evaporator and piping line to the compressor, in this paper the experimental adiabatic pressure gradients during flow boiling of R422D are reported for a circular smooth horizontal tube (3.00 mm inner radius) in a range of operating conditions of interest for dry-expansion evaporators. The data are used to establish the best predictive method for calculations and its accuracy: the Moreno-Quibèn and Thome method provided the best predictions for the whole database and also for the segregated data in the annular flow regime. Finally, the experimental data have been compared with the adiabatic pressure gradients of both R22 and its much used alternative R407C available in the literature

    Carbon Dioxide Heat Transfer Coefficients And Pressure Drops During Flow Boiling: Assessment Of Predictive Methods

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    Among the alternatives to the HCFCs and HFCs, carbon dioxide emerged as one of the most promising environmentally friendly refrigerants. In past years many works were carried out about CO2 flow boiling and very different two-phase flow characteristics from conventional fluids were found. In order to assess the best predictive methods for the evaluation of CO2 heat transfer coefficients and pressure gradients in macro-channels, in the current article a literature survey of works and a collection of the results of statistical comparisons available in literature are furnished. In addition the experimental data from University of Naples are used to run a deeper analysis. Both a statistical and a direct comparison against some of the most quoted predictive methods are carried out. Methods implemented both for low–medium pressure refrigerants and specifically developed for R744 are used in the comparison. Some general indications about the choice of the predictive methods dependently on the operating conditions are given

    Performances of thermostatic and electronic valves controlling the compressor capacity

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    The performance of the energy consumption of an electronic valve and a classical thermostatic valve has been compared when these expansion valves are adopted in a vapour compression plant subjected to a cold store. The main aim is to verify experimentally which type of expansion valve would be preferable from energy point of view when a classical thermostat or a fuzzy logic algorithm are used as the control system for the refrigeration capacity. The fuzzy logic-based control is able to modulate continuously the compressor speed through an inverter. The results show that with a fuzzy algorithm, the thermostatic expansion valve allows an energy saving of about 8% in comparison with the electronic valve. When on–off control is used, the electric energy consumption obtained both with the electronic valve and with the thermostatic valve is comparable

    Determination of the compressor optimal working conditions

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    The replacement of environmentally unfriendly refrigerants and the energy saving demand have recently caused changes of the components and operation of the vapour compression plants; in particular, the compressors have been experiencing upgrades and modifications. The compression systems are usually designed for working under maximum load conditions, but most of the time these plants work under partial load conditions with compressor on–off cycles regulated by a thermostat. As for the variable speed compressor, the speed is continuously controlled to match the compressor capacity to the load required; this allows to save energy when compared to the thermostatic control. The aim of this paper is to identify the compressor current frequency that optimizes the energy, exergy and economy aspects. The determination of the optimum frequency for each working condition is key to build a control algorithm that allows the compressor speed to be continuously regulated by an inverter. This analysis has been applied to the reciprocating and scroll compressors and high energy savings have been achieved

    Exergy analysis of a cooling system: experimental investigation on the consequences of the retrofit of R22 with R422D

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    In this article, the performances of a walk-in air cooler working with R22 and its substitute R422D are experimentally studied. To define a full comparison on the performance characteristics of R22 and R422D, both an energetic and an exergetic analyses are proposed. The experimental investigation was carried out considering four levels of refrigeration capacity: 920, 1340, 1925 and 2250 W. All tests were run at steady-state conditions and by keeping the value of the external air temperature equal to 22°C. The experimental analysis allowed the determination of the COP, the exergetic efficiency, the exergy flow destroyed in each component and other variables characterizing the working of the plant. The results demonstrated that COP of R422D is, on average, 20% lower than that of R22. Furthermore, for plant whose condenser is air cooled, R422D could lead to increase the fan speed or to adopt bigger blowers

    Flow boiling of carbon dioxide: Heat transfer for smooth and enhanced geometries and effect of oil. state of the art review

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    This paper presents a state-of-the-art review on flow boiling of carbon dioxide, including experimen- tal studies and correlations for smooth and enhanced tubes, with pure CO 2 and CO 2 /lubricant mixtures. Specifically, 5223 CO 2 heat transfer coefficient data in smooth tubes are collected, and the effect of the operating conditions is discussed. Additional 883 data points in microfin tubes and 1184 experimental heat transfer coefficients in smooth tubes with CO 2 /oil mixture are also collected, and the influence of the microfin structure and of the oil presence on the heat transfer mechanism is analyzed. The statistical analysis has highlighted that the CO 2 -based correlation of Fang et al. is very accurate ( MAE = 5.1%) for the smooth tube database, whereas the heat transfer coefficients in microfin tubes are satisfactorily predicted ( MAE = 30.5%) with the model of Mehendale. Among the available cor- relations for CO 2 /oil mixture in smooth tubes, the method of Gao et al. provides the highest accuracy ( MAE = 63.2%)

    Flow boiling of R452A: Heat transfer data, dry-out characteristics and a correlation

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    This paper presents an experimental investigation on two-phase heat transfer and dry-out occurrence for refrigerant R452A in a single horizontal circular stainless-steel tube having an internal diameter of 6.0 mm. The effects of mass flux (from 150 to 600 kg/m2s), saturation (bubble) temperature (from 23 to 55 °C) and heat flux (from 10 to 65 kW/m2) are investigated and discussed. Heat transfer coefficient and dry-out vapor quality data are then compared to R404A results in the same operating conditions, observing that the nucleate boiling contribution of the new blend is penalized by its very high temperature glide during evaporation. The assessment of some dry-out and flow boiling heat transfer coefficient prediction methods is finally carried-out and a correction factor on the nucleate boiling term is proposed to take into account the negative effect of the temperature glide difference on the mass diffusion in the liquid. By implementing this modification on two chosen asymptotic models, the statistical error analysis is considerably improved

    A thermoeconomic model of a photovoltaic heat pump

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    In this paper the model of a heat pump whose evaporator operates as a photovoltaic collector, is studied. The energy balance equations have been used for some heat pump components, and for each layer of the photovoltaic evaporator: covering glaze, photovoltaic modules, thermal absorber plate, refrigerant tube and insulator. The model has been solved by means of a program using proper simplifications. The system input is represented by the solar radiation intensity and the environment temperature, that influence the output electric power of the photovoltaic modules and the evaporation power. The model results have been obtained referring to the photovoltaic evaporator and the plant operating as heat pump, in terms of the photovoltaic evaporator layers temperatures, the refrigerant fluid properties values in the cycle fundamental points, the thermal and mechanical powers, the efficiencies that characterize the plant performances from the energy, exergy and economic point of view. This study allows to realize a thermoeconomic comparison between a photovoltaic heat pump and a traditional heat pump under the same working conditions
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