47 research outputs found
Effect of diet, statin, and ômega-3 fatty acids on the blood pressure and lipidemia in humans
As doenças cardiovasculares são responsáveis pela alta taxa de mortalidade nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, assim, têm sido alvo de vários estudos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as concentrações de colesterol e suas frações, triglicérides e pressão arterial em humanos. O estudo foi dividido em três tratamentos - dieta (placebo), estatina e ácidos graxos ômega-3 com dieta de 1200 kcal por dia para todos os grupos com oito pacientes cada, e vários parâmetros foram avaliados no tempo zero e 30 dias. Conclui-se que para o tratamento dieta houve diminuição de peso, colesterol total, HDL-c, triglicérides, Pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), Pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e aumento no LDL-c. No tratamento estatina, houve redução de peso, colesterol total, LDL-c, triglicérides, PAS, PAD e aumento do HDL-c. Já no tratamento com ômega-3, constatou-se a diminuição de peso, colesterol total, LDL-c, triglicérides; aumento de PAS e PAD e níveis de HDL-c iguais.Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for the high mortality rate in many countries, therefore, they have been widely studied recently. The objective of this research was to evaluate the concentration of cholesterol and its fractions, triglycerides and blood pressure in humans. This study was divided into three treatments (placebo, statin, and ômega-3) with a 1200 calorie diet per day for all groups of eight patients. The following parameters were evaluated on day 0 and day 30: anthropometry (weight); clinical assessment (arterial pressure), and biochemistry (total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides). The findings show that in the diet treatment there was weight loss, decrease of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, SAP, and DAP, and increase of LDL-cholesterol. In the statin treatment there was weight loss, decrease of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, SAP, and DA, and increase of HDL-cholesterol. In the ômega-3 treatment it was verified weight loss, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides; increase of values of SAP and DAP, and the levels of HDL-cholesterol remained constant
Lipid profile of dehydrated eggs with emphasis on the contents of trans fatty acids
O presente trabalho objetivou a determinação do perfil lipídico de ovos integrais desidratados, bem como de gemas desidratadas, a fim de enfatizar seu conteúdo de ácidos graxos de configuração trans. A fração lipídica das amostras foi extraída com hexano/isopropanol e, a seguir, metilada. Os ácidos graxos foram identificados via cromatografia gasosa. Constatou-se que a natureza lipídica dos ovos tem caráter predominantemente insaturado: 63,65% dos lipídios totais nos ovos integrais e 62,63% nas gemas. Além disso, foram identificados apenas traços de gorduras trans (0,24% nos ovos integrais e 0,27% nas gemas).The objective of this work was to determine fatty acids composition in dehydrated eggs and egg yolks emphasizing its contents of trans fatty acids. The fatty acids fraction of the samples was extracted with hexane/isopropanol (3:2) and then methylated. The profile of the fatty acids was identified by gas chromatography with predominant evidence of insaturated character: 63.65 and 62.63% of the lipids were unsatureted in the eggs and in the egg yolks, respectively. Traces of trans fatty were also identified (0.24% in the hole eggs and 0.27% in the egg yolks).Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP
Thermolysed and active yeast to reduce the toxicity of aflatoxin
Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus on a number of agricultural commodities. This research was carried out to evaluate the ability of thermolysed and active Saccharomyces cerevisiae to attenuate liver damage caused by aflatoxin. Diets were prepared containing 0 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of dehydrated active yeast, and 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of thermolysed yeast. A bioassay with Wistar rats was conducted for 28 days, and body organs were weighted and analyses of the liver tissue of the animals were performed. The relative weight of heart, kidneys and liver from animals submitted to the different treatments did not show any difference, and liver tissue of animals feeding on the aflatoxin-free diet was adopted as a toxicity-free pattern. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on diets containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin or the diet supplemented with 1% thermolysed yeast showed clear signs of toxicity and damage. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on the diet containing 1% of dehydrated active yeast showed less toxicity signs and damage than those receiving the diet containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin. Active, dehydrated yeast had the ability to reduce toxic effects caused by aflatoxin, but thermolysed yeast was not able to alleviate the effects of aflatoxin toxicity.As aflatoxinas são metabólitos hepatotóxicos produzidos por algumas linhagens de Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus e, eventualmente, por A. nomius sobre grande número de produtos agrícolas. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida para avaliar a capacidade de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, nas formas termolisada e desidratada viva, em reduzir os danos causados por aflatoxinas. Para tal, foi preparada uma dieta básica e desta se obtiveram quatro formulações: uma como controle; as demais contaminadas com aflatoxinas na concentração de 400 mig kg-1, sendo duas com posterior adição de 1% de leveduras, uma na forma termolisada e outra como desidratada viva. Um bioensaio com duração de 28 dias foi efetuado com ratos Wistar. Foram realizados os estudos do peso relativo de órgãos internos e a análise do tecido hepático dos animais. Os pesos relativos de órgãos internos de animais submetidos aos diferentes tratamentos não diferiram estatísticamente entre si; o tecido do fígado dos animais submetidos à dieta livre de aflatoxinas foi adotado como padrão de isento de toxidez; o tecido hepático dos animais que receberam dieta controle com aflatoxinas apresentaram sinais claros de toxicidade; os animais que receberam dieta com aflatoxinas + 1% de levedura termolisada apresentaram sinais de toxicidade semelhantes ao controle com aflatoxinas; o tecido hepático dos animais que receberam dieta com aflatoxinas + 1% de levedura viva apresentaram sinais de toxicidade menores do que os animais que receberam a dieta controle com aflatoxinas. As leveduras termolisadas não foram capazes de suprimir os efeitos das aflatoxinas; as leveduras vivas apresentaram habilidade de reduzir os efeitos promovidos por aflatoxinas
Formas termolisada e viva de leveduras na redução de toxicidade causada por aflatoxinas
Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus on a number of agricultural commodities. This research was carried out to evaluate the ability of thermolysed and active Saccharomyces cerevisiae to attenuate liver damage caused by aflatoxin. Diets were prepared containing 0 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin; 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of dehydrated active yeast, and 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin plus 1% of thermolysed yeast. A bioassay with Wistar rats was conducted for 28 days, and body organs were weighted and analyses of the liver tissue of the animals were performed. The relative weight of heart, kidneys and liver from animals submitted to the different treatments did not show any difference, and liver tissue of animals feeding on the aflatoxin-free diet was adopted as a toxicity-free pattern. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on diets containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin or the diet supplemented with 1% thermolysed yeast showed clear signs of toxicity and damage. Hepatic tissue of animals feeding on the diet containing 1% of dehydrated active yeast showed less toxicity signs and damage than those receiving the diet containing 400 mug kg-1 aflatoxin. Active, dehydrated yeast had the ability to reduce toxic effects caused by aflatoxin, but thermolysed yeast was not able to alleviate the effects of aflatoxin toxicity.As aflatoxinas são metabólitos hepatotóxicos produzidos por algumas linhagens de Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus e, eventualmente, por A. nomius sobre grande número de produtos agrícolas. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida para avaliar a capacidade de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, nas formas termolisada e desidratada viva, em reduzir os danos causados por aflatoxinas. Para tal, foi preparada uma dieta básica e desta se obtiveram quatro formulações: uma como controle; as demais contaminadas com aflatoxinas na concentração de 400 mig kg-1, sendo duas com posterior adição de 1% de leveduras, uma na forma termolisada e outra como desidratada viva. Um bioensaio com duração de 28 dias foi efetuado com ratos Wistar. Foram realizados os estudos do peso relativo de órgãos internos e a análise do tecido hepático dos animais. Os pesos relativos de órgãos internos de animais submetidos aos diferentes tratamentos não diferiram estatísticamente entre si; o tecido do fígado dos animais submetidos à dieta livre de aflatoxinas foi adotado como padrão de isento de toxidez; o tecido hepático dos animais que receberam dieta controle com aflatoxinas apresentaram sinais claros de toxicidade; os animais que receberam dieta com aflatoxinas + 1% de levedura termolisada apresentaram sinais de toxicidade semelhantes ao controle com aflatoxinas; o tecido hepático dos animais que receberam dieta com aflatoxinas + 1% de levedura viva apresentaram sinais de toxicidade menores do que os animais que receberam a dieta controle com aflatoxinas. As leveduras termolisadas não foram capazes de suprimir os efeitos das aflatoxinas; as leveduras vivas apresentaram habilidade de reduzir os efeitos promovidos por aflatoxinas.25726
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Combined with Physical Activity Reduces Body Fat Accumulation But Does Not Modify Lean Body Mass in Male and Female Wistar Rats
Several biological and clinical studies have suggested that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) prevents body fat accumulation and increases lean body mass. CLA is available as a concentrated dietary supplement and is purported to provide the aforementioned benefits for people who perform physical activity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a CLA-supplemented diet combined with physical activity on the body composition of Wistar rats. Two groups of Wistar rats of both sexes, between 45 and 60 days old, were fed a diet containing 5.5% soybean oil (control group) or a CLA-supplemented diet (0.5% CLA and 5.0% soybean oil) (test group). Half the rats in both groups were assigned to exercise by running on a treadmill. The biochemical and anatomical body compositions were analyzed. In both groups, CLA had no effect on the dietary consumption or the weight of the liver, heart, and lungs. However, it did influence the overall weight gain of exercised male rats and the chemical and anatomical body composition in exercised and sedentary rats of both sexes. The results confirm that a CLA-supplemented diet with and without physical activity reduced body fat accumulation in rats of both sexes. However, there is no evidence of an increase in the lean body mass of the exercised rats.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao PauloFundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paul