106 research outputs found

    Optimized organometal halide perovskite solar cell fabrication through control of nanoparticle crystal patterning

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    The addition of Hydrogen Iodide to organometal halide perovskite precursor solution at 1% by volume leads to a significant enhancement in power conversion efficiency (PCE) in inverted solar cell devices, increasing from 7.7% to 11.9% and 6.1% to 10.0% in spin-cast and spray-cast devices respectively. We directly attribute this improved device performance to increased thin-film surface coverage coupled with higher optical density. X-ray diffraction studies also reveal that the HI additive facilitates full conversion of the precursor material to the crystalline perovskite phase. From solution studies, we relate these changes in device performance to the presence and distribution of precursor aggregates that effectively pattern the formation of perovskite crystals during film formation

    Galaxy Zoo : Building the low-mass end of the red sequence with local post-starburst galaxies

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    We present a study of local post-starburst galaxies (PSGs) using the photometric and spectroscopic observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the results from the Galaxy Zoo project. We find that the majority of our local PSG population have neither early- nor late-type morphologies but occupy a well-defined space within the colour-stellar mass diagram, most notably, the low-mass end of the 'green valley' below the transition mass thought to be the mass division between low-mass star-forming galaxies and high-mass passively evolving bulge-dominated galaxies. Our analysis suggests that it is likely that local PSGs will quickly transform into 'red', low-mass early-type galaxies as the stellar morphologies of the 'green' PSGs largely resemble that of the early-type galaxies within the same mass range. We propose that the current population of PSGs represents a population of galaxies which is rapidly transitioning between the star-forming and the passively evolving phases. Subsequently, these PSGs will contribute towards the build-up of the low-mass end of the 'red sequence' once the current population of young stars fade and stars are no longer being formed. These results are consistent with the idea of 'downsizing' where the build-up of smaller galaxies occurs at later epochs.Peer reviewe

    Angle selective backscattered electron contrast in the low-voltage scanning electron microscope: Simulation and experiment for polymers

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    AbstractRecently developed detectors can deliver high resolution and high contrast images of nanostructured carbon based materials in low voltage scanning electron microscopes (LVSEM) with beam deceleration. Monte Carlo Simulations are also used to predict under which exact imaging conditions purely compositional contrast can be obtained and optimised. This allows the prediction of the electron signal intensity in angle selective conditions for back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging in LVSEM and compares it to experimental signals. Angle selective detection with a concentric back scattered (CBS) detector is considered in the model in the absence and presence of a deceleration field, respectively. The validity of the model prediction for both cases was tested experimentally for amorphous C and Cu and applied to complex nanostructured carbon based materials, namely a Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate (PNIPAM/PEGDA) semi-interpenetration network (IPN) and a Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) film, to map nano-scale composition and crystallinity distribution by avoiding experimental imaging conditions that lead to a mixed topographical and compositional contras

    An accurate device for apparent emissivity characterisation in controlled atmospheric conditions up to 1423 K

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    Emissivity is a material property that must be measured before an accurate non-contact temperature measurement can be made. We have developed a novel instrument for measuring apparent emissivity under a controlled atmosphere, providing data for applications in radiation thermometry. Our instrument employs a split furnace, a sample-blackbody component, two custom designed radiometers and a controlled atmospheric system. We measure across the temperature range from 973 to 1423 K and spectral range from 0.85 to 1.1 lm; this range is matched to the majority of high temperature radiation thermometers. The sample and reference approximate-blackbody are heated and maintained in thermal equilibrium, with a temperature difference of better than 1 K at 1423 K. The combined standard uncertainty of the system is lower than 0.0590 (at k=2) over the whole temperature range. Apparent emissivity of type 304 stainless steel (SS304) was studied under different oxidising procedures. Nitrogen and compressed air were input into the system to control the oxidisation process. We elucidated the relationship between the apparent emissivity variations and the surface composition changes of SS304 during oxidisation. Our study aims towards accurate and traceable apparent emissivity data, with well investigated uncertainty, for use in radiation thermometry

    Novel organic photovoltaic polymer blends: A rapid, 3-dimensional morphology analysis using backscattered electron imaging in the scanning electron microscope

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    Finding the optimal morphology of novel organic photovoltaic (OPV) polymer blends is a major obstacle slowing the development of more efficient OPV devices. With a focus on accelerating the systematic morphology optimisation process, we demonstrate a technique offering rapid high-resolution, 3-dimensional blend morphology analysis in the scanning electron microscope. This backscattered electron imaging technique is used to investigate the morphological features and lengthscales defining the promising PffBT4T-2OD:PC70BM blend system and show how its photovoltaic performance is related to the nature of its phase separation. Low-voltage backscattered electron imaging can be used to probe for structure and domain stacking through the thickness of the film, as well as imaging surface morphology with highly competitive spatial resolution. For reference, we compare our results with equivalent images of the widely studied P3HT:PC60BM blend system. Our results also demonstrate that backscattered electron imaging offers significant advantages over conventional cross-sectional imaging techniques, and show that it enables a fast, systematic approach to control 3-dimensional active layer morphology in polymer:fullerene blends

    Galaxy Zoo Builder: Four-component Photometric Decomposition of Spiral Galaxies Guided by Citizen Science

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    Multicomponent modeling of galaxies is a valuable tool in the effort to quantitatively understand galaxy evolution, yet the use of the technique is plagued by issues of convergence, model selection, and parameter degeneracies. These issues limit its application over large samples to the simplest models, with complex models being applied only to very small samples. We attempt to resolve this dilemma of "quantity or quality"by developing a novel framework, built inside the Zooniverse citizen-science platform, to enable the crowdsourcing of model creation for Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies. We have applied the method, including a final algorithmic optimization step, on a test sample of 198 galaxies, and examine the robustness of this new method. We also compare it to automated fitting pipelines, demonstrating that it is possible to consistently recover accurate models that either show good agreement with, or improve on, prior work. We conclude that citizen science is a promising technique for modeling images of complex galaxies, and release our catalog of models

    Application of low-voltage backscattered electron imaging to the mapping of organic photovoltaic blend morphologies

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    With organic photovoltaic (OPV) technology moving towards commercialisation, high-throughput analytical techniques are required to study the nanoscale morphology of OPV blends. We demonstrate a low-voltage backscattered electron imaging technique in the SEM that combines a solid-state backscattered electron detector with stage biasing to produce a rapid overview of the phase-separated surface morphology of an organic photovoltaic (P3HT:PCBM) blend. Aspects of obtaining the best possible results from the technique are discussed along with the possibility of probing the sub-surface morphology by altering the primary electron beam landing energy

    Allan Sandage and the Cosmic Expansion

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    This is an account of Allan Sandage's work on (1) The character of the expansion field. For many years he has been the strongest defender of an expanding Universe. He later explained the CMB dipole by a local velocity of 220 +/- 50 km/s toward the Virgo cluster and by a bulk motion of the Local supercluster (extending out to ~3500 km/s) of 450-500 km/s toward an apex at l=275, b=12. Allowing for these streaming velocities he found linear expansion to hold down to local scales (~300 km/s). (2) The calibration of the Hubble constant. Probing different methods he finally adopted - from Cepheid-calibrated SNe Ia and from independent RR Lyr-calibrated TRGBs - H_0 = 62.3 +/- 1.3 +/- 5.0 km/s/Mpc.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, Submitted to Astrophysics and Space Science, Special Issue on the Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale in the Gaia Er

    Comprehensive analysis of epigenetic clocks reveals associations between disproportionate biological ageing and hippocampal volume

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    The concept of age acceleration, the difference between biological age and chronological age, is of growing interest, particularly with respect to age-related disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Whilst studies have reported associations with AD risk and related phenotypes, there remains a lack of consensus on these associations. Here we aimed to comprehensively investigate the relationship between five recognised measures of age acceleration, based on DNA methylation patterns (DNAm age), and cross-sectional and longitudinal cognition and AD-related neuroimaging phenotypes (volumetric MRI and Amyloid-β PET) in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Significant associations were observed between age acceleration using the Hannum epigenetic clock and cross-sectional hippocampal volume in AIBL and replicated in ADNI. In AIBL, several other findings were observed cross-sectionally, including a significant association between hippocampal volume and the Hannum and Phenoage epigenetic clocks. Further, significant associations were also observed between hippocampal volume and the Zhang and Phenoage epigenetic clocks within Amyloid-β positive individuals. However, these were not validated within the ADNI cohort. No associations between age acceleration and other Alzheimer’s disease-related phenotypes, including measures of cognition or brain Amyloid-β burden, were observed, and there was no association with longitudinal change in any phenotype. This study presents a link between age acceleration, as determined using DNA methylation, and hippocampal volume that was statistically significant across two highly characterised cohorts. The results presented in this study contribute to a growing literature that supports the role of epigenetic modifications in ageing and AD-related phenotypes
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