203 research outputs found

    Current and future role of echocardiography in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy

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    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited progressive cardiomyopathy, clinically characterized by ventricular arrhythmias and increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Echocardiography has a role in the diagnosis and prognosis of ARVD/C. However, in the current era of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the role of echocardiography in ARVD/C patients and family member screening is subject to debate. Relatively novel echocardiographic techniques, such as three-dimensional right ventricular (3D-RV) imaging and tissue deformation imaging, may improve the diagnostic and prognostic performance of echocardiography in these patients. 3D-RV imaging provides more insights on RV anatomy and global function compared to conventional echocardiography. Subtle RV regional wall motion abnormalities, and mechanical dyssynchrony, are accurately measured by tissue deformation imaging. Several studies suggest an incremental value of novel echocardiographic parameters in addition to conventional measurements. Moreover, new parameters indicating subtle RV dysfunction, and mechanical dyssynchrony, are of predictive value and could help in risk stratification of ARVD/C patients. New robust parameters, derived from 3D-RV echocardiography and RV tissue deformation imaging, in combination with established conventional parameters, suggest that there is a current and future role for echocardiography in ARVD/C supplementing MRI

    NM-300 Silver Characterisation, Stability, Homogeneity

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    This report describes the characteriation of NM-300, a nano-silver reference material used in the context of risk and exposure assessment studies. The material was produced in the context of the JRC IHCP activity on nano-materials. A representative set test items was handed over to the JRC IES analytical laboratory for further characterisation. First, inorganic chemical characterisation of the total silver content and the homogeneity of the Ag-distribution was done using ICP-AES. To this end, a dedicated method was developed and validated according to the requirements laid down in ISO 17025. This works were completed by different types of microscopy analyses (Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis) performed in close collaboration with the German Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. (IUTA), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) and Belgium Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (VAR). This report summarises all technical details and discusses the assessments made.JRC.DG.I.5-Nanobioscience

    TV vs. YouTube: TV Advertisements Capture More Visual Attention, Create More Positive Emotions and Have a Stronger Impact on Implicit Long-Term Memory

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    In an experiment, effects of commercials that are either shown within a TV program or embedded in YouTube videos were compared. These two media environments have not yet been compared empirically in terms of their advertising impact. A within-subjects design and a multi-method approach were used (N = 36). Eye tracking data show that more attention is allocated to advertisements that appear within a TV program compared to the YouTube-condition and the viewing experience elicited more positive emotions in the TV-condition. Two days after reception, no difference in recognition, likeability, and purchase intention occurred, but in terms of implicit long-term memory: In the TV condition, brands that were previously advertised but no longer remembered elicited stronger skin conductance change than brands for which no advertisements had previously been shown. In terms of advertising impact, TV seems to still be the better choice for advertisers. Presentation mode should be considered in future evaluation of advertisement potential

    Development of an algorithm for automatic classification of right ventricle deformation patterns in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Different disease stages of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) can be identified by right ventricle (RV) longitudinal deformation (strain) patterns. This requires assessment of the onset of shortening, (systolic) peak strain, and postsystolic index, which is time-consuming and prone to inter- and intra-observer variability. The aim of this study was to design and validate an algorithm to automatically classify RV deformation patterns. Methods: We developed an algorithm based on specific local characteristics from the strain curves to detect the parameters required for classification. Determination of the onset of shortening by the algorithm was compared to manual determination by an experienced operator in a dataset containing 186 RV strain curves from 26 subjects carrying a pathogenic plakophilin-2 (PKP2) mutation and 36 healthy subjects. Classification agreement between operator and algorithm was solely based on differences in onset shortening, as the remaining parameters required for classification of RV deformation patterns could be directly obtained from the strain curves. Results: The median difference between the onset of shortening determined by the experienced operator and by the automatic detector was 5.3 ms [inter-quartile range (IQR) 2.7–8.6 ms]. 96% of the differences were within 1 time frame. Both methods correlated significantly with ρ = 0.97 (P <.001). For 26 PKP2 mutation carriers, there was 100% agreement in classification between the algorithm and experienced operator. Conclusion: The determination of the onset of shortening by the experienced operator was comparable to the algorithm. Our computer algorithm seems a promising method for the automatic classification of RV deformation patterns. The algorithm is publicly available at the MathWorks File Exchange

    TV vs. YouTube: TV Advertisements Capture More Visual Attention, Create More Positive Emotions and Have a Stronger Impact on Implicit Long-Term Memory

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    In an experiment, effects of commercials that are either shown within a TV program or embedded in YouTube videos were compared. These two media environments have not yet been compared empirically in terms of their advertising impact. A within-subjects design and a multi-method approach were used (N = 36). Eye tracking data show that more attention is allocated to advertisements that appear within a TV program compared to the YouTube-condition and the viewing experience elicited more positive emotions in the TV-condition. Two days after reception, no difference in recognition, likeability, and purchase intention occurred, but in terms of implicit long-term memory: In the TV condition, brands that were previously advertised but no longer remembered elicited stronger skin conductance change than brands for which no advertisements had previously been shown. In terms of advertising impact, TV seems to still be the better choice for advertisers. Presentation mode should be considered in future evaluation of advertisement potential

    The Netherlands Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Registry:design and status update

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical research on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is typically limited by small patient numbers, retrospective study designs, and inconsistent definitions. AIM: To create a large national ACM patient cohort with a vast amount of uniformly collected high-quality data that is readily available for future research. METHODS: This is a multicentre, longitudinal, observational cohort study that includes (1) patients with a definite ACM diagnosis, (2) at-risk relatives of ACM patients, and (3) ACM-associated mutation carriers. At baseline and every follow-up visit, a medical history as well information regarding (non-)invasive tests is collected (e. g. electrocardiograms, Holter recordings, imaging and electrophysiological studies, pathology reports, etc.). Outcome data include (non-)sustained ventricular and atrial arrhythmias, heart failure, and (cardiac) death. Data are collected on a research electronic data capture (REDCap) platform in which every participating centre has its own restricted data access group, thus empowering local studies while facilitating data sharing. DISCUSSION: The Netherlands ACM Registry is a national observational cohort study of ACM patients and relatives. Prospective and retrospective data are obtained at multiple time points, enabling both cross-sectional and longitudinal research in a hypothesis-generating approach that extends beyond one specific research question. In so doing, this registry aims to (1) increase the scientific knowledge base on disease mechanisms, genetics, and novel diagnostic and treatment strategies of ACM; and (2) provide education for physicians and patients concerning ACM, e. g. through our website ( www.acmregistry.nl ) and patient conferences