797 research outputs found


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    Lack of evidence does not justify neglect. how can we address unmet medical needs in calciphylaxis

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    Calcific uraemic arteriolopathy (CUA), or calciphylaxis, is a rare disease predominantly occurring in comorbidity with dialysis. Due to the very low frequency of CUA, prospective studies on its management are lacking and even anecdotal reports on treatment remain scarce. Therefore, calciphylaxis is still a challenging disease with dismal prognosis urgently requiring adequate strategies for diagnosis and treatment.In an attempt to fill some of the current gaps in evidence on various, highly debated and controversial aspects of dialysis-associated calciphylaxis, 13 international experts joined the 1st Consensus Conference on CUA, held in Leuven, Belgium on 21 September 2015. The conference was supported by the European Calciphylaxis Network (EuCalNet), which is a task force of the ERA-EDTA scientific working group on Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders (CKD-MBD). After an intense discussion, a 9-point Likert scale questionnaire regarding 20 items on calciphylaxis was anonymously answered by each participant. These 20 items addressed unsolved issues in terms of diagnosis and management of calciphylaxis. On the one hand, the analysis of the expert opinions identified areas of general consensus, which might be a valuable aid for physicians treating such a disease with less experience in the field. On the other hand, some topics such as the pertinence of skin biopsy and administration of certain treatments revealed divergent opinions. The aim of the present summary report is to provide some guidance for clinicians who face patients with calciphylaxis in the current setting of absence of evidence-based medicin

    Merkkeuze bij consumenten

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    Bij iedere aankoop van een produkt waarvan meer dan één merk wordt aangeboden, moet de consument een keuze doen uit de beschikbare merken. Welk merk wordt gekozen is afhankelijk van: eerder gekochte merken, de winkel waarin wordt gekocht en marketing variabelen zoals prijs en reclame. De invloed van eerder gekochte merken kan worden weergegeven door merkkeuzemodellen, waarvan er in het artikel enkele worden besproken. Deze modellen worden vervolgens toegepast op empirische gegevens. Hierdoor wordt inzicht verkregen in de aard van het merkkeuzeproces. Voor dezelfde empirische gegevens wordt ook de invloed op de merkkeuze onderzocht van winkelkeuze en marketing variabelen

    Mutation of the Mouse Syce1 Gene Disrupts Synapsis and Suggests a Link between Synaptonemal Complex Structural Components and DNA Repair

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    In mammals, the synaptonemal complex is a structure required to complete crossover recombination. Although suggested by cytological work, in vivo links between the structural proteins of the synaptonemal complex and the proteins of the recombination process have not previously been made. The central element of the synaptonemal complex is traversed by DNA at sites of recombination and presents a logical place to look for interactions between these components. There are four known central element proteins, three of which have previously been mutated. Here, we complete the set by creating a null mutation in the Syce1 gene in mouse. The resulting disruption of synapsis in these animals has allowed us to demonstrate a biochemical interaction between the structural protein SYCE2 and the repair protein RAD51. In normal meiosis, this interaction may be responsible for promoting homologous synapsis from sites of recombination

    Chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined by persistent urine abnormalities, structural abnormalities or impaired excretory renal function suggestive of a loss of functional nephrons. The majority of patients with CKD are at risk of accelerated cardiovascular disease and death. For those who progress to end-stage renal disease, the limited accessibility to renal replacement therapy is a problem in many parts of the world. Risk factors for the development and progression of CKD include low nephron number at birth, nephron loss due to increasing age and acute or chronic kidney injuries caused by toxic exposures or diseases (for example, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus). The management of patients with CKD is focused on early detection or prevention, treatment of the underlying cause (if possible) to curb progression and attention to secondary processes that contribute to ongoing nephron loss. Blood pressure control, inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system and disease-specific interventions are the cornerstones of therapy. CKD complications such as anaemia, metabolic acidosis and secondary hyperparathyroidism affect cardiovascular health and quality of life, and require diagnosis and treatmen
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