311 research outputs found

    Flame retardant spandex type polyurethanes

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    Flame retardant elastomeric compositions were developed, comprised of: (1) spandex type polyurethane having incorporated into the polymer chain, halogen containing polyols; (2) conventional spandex type polyurethanes in physical admixture flame retardant additives; and (3) fluoroelastomeric resins in physical admixture with flame retardant additives. Methods of preparing fibers of the flame retardant elastomeric materials are presented and articles of manufacture comprised of the elastomeric materials are mentioned

    Flame resistant elastic elastomeric fiber

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    Compositions exhibit elastomeric properties and possess various degrees of flame resistance. First material polyurethane, incorporates halogen containing polyol and is flame resistant in air; second contains spandex elastomer with flame retardant additives; and third material is prepared from fluorelastomer composition of copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and hexafluoropropylene

    Non-flammable elastomeric fiber from a fluorinated elastomer and containing an halogenated flame retardant

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    Flame retardant elastomeric compositions are described comprised of either spandex type polyurethane having incorporated into the polymer chain halogen containing polyols, conventional spandex type polyurethanes in physical admixture with flame retardant additives, or fluoroelastomeric resins in physical admixture with flame retardant additives. Methods are described for preparing fibers of the flame retardant elastomeric materials and articles of manufacture comprised of the flame retardant clastomeric materials and non elastic materials such as polybenzimidazoles, fiberglass, nylons, etc

    Architecture of Virtual Power Plant for Ancillary Services

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    The increased penetration of distributed energy resources opens up issues in power system as a whole. This creates markets opportunities for ancillary services; particularly TSO deals with the issues of congestion management, reserves, reactive power control etc. Literature suggests different techniques where TSO and DSO interact with each other, and in this way, DSO can offer flexibility to TSO in terms of provision of ancillary services. The paper discusses the issues that the current power system face due to the profound effects of new generating resources, and then examines in detail the way these issues are resolved in a conventional manner. Then, the paper discusses some literature proposals for the interaction between TSO-DSO for solving the issues in an efficient manner, and finally presents the architecture where a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is developed to facilitate DSO with a platform for the provision of ancillary services

    Development of a flameproof elastic elastomeric fiber

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    Various flexible polyurethane structures containing halogen were synthesized from polyesters derived from aliphatic or aromatic polyols and dibasic acids. Aliphatic halide structures could not be used because they are unstable at the required reaction temperatures, giving of hydrogen halide which hydrolyzes the ester linkages. In contract, halogen-containing aromatic polyols were stable and satisfactory products were made. The most promising composition, a brominated neopentyl glycol capped with toluene disocyanate, was used as a conventional diisocyanate, in conjunction with hydroxy-terminated polyethers or polyesters to form elastomeric urethanes containing about 10% bromine with weight. Products made in this manner will not burn in air, have an oxygen index value of about 25, and have tensile strength values of about 5,000 psi at 450% elongation. The most efficient additives for imparting flame retardancy to Spandex urethanes are aromatic halides and the most effective of these are the bromide compounds. Various levels of flame retardancy have been achieved depending on the levels of additives used

    An Efficient Method to Take into Account Forecast Uncertainties in Large Scale Probabilistic Power Flow

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    The simulation of uncertainties due to renewable and load forecasts is becoming more and more important in security assessment analyses performed on large scale networks. This paper presents an efficient method to account for forecast uncertainties in probabilistic power flow (PPF) applications, based on the combination of PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and PEM (Point Estimate Method), in the context of operational planning studies applied to large scale AC grids. The benchmark against the conventional PEM method applied to large power system models shows that the proposed method assures high speed up ratios, preserving a good accuracy of the marginal distributions of the outputs

    A Risk-Based Methodology and Tool Combining Threat Analysis and Power System Security Assessment

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    A thorough investigation of power system security requires the analysis of the vulnerabilities to natural and man-related threats which potentially trigger multiple contingencies. In particular, extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent due to climate changes and often cause large load disruptions on the system, thus the support for security enhancement gets tricky. Exploiting data coming from forecasting systems in a security assessment environment can help assess the risk of operating power systems subject to the disturbances provoked by the weather event itself. In this context, the paper proposes a security assessment methodology, based on an updated definition of risk suitable for power system risk evaluations. Big data analytics can be useful to get an accurate model for weather-related threats. The relevant software (SW) platform integrates the security assessment methodology with prediction systems which provide short term forecasts of the threats affecting the system. The application results on a real wet snow threat scenario in the Italian High Voltage grid demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with respect to conventional security approaches, by complementing the conventional "N - 1" security criterion and exploiting big data to link the security assessment phase to the analysis of incumbent threat

    Effects of miRNA-15 and miRNA-16 expression replacement in chronic lymphocytic leukemia : implication for therapy

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    This work was supported by: Associazione Italiana Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) Grant 5 x mille n.9980, (to M.F., F.M. A. N., P.T. and M.N.) ; AIRC I.G. n. 14326 (to M.F.), n.10136 and 16722 (A.N.), n.15426 (to F.F.). AIRC and Fondazione CaRiCal co-financed Multi Unit Regional Grant 2014 n.16695 (to F.M.). Italian Ministry of Health 5x1000 funds (to S.Z. and F.F). A.G R. was supported by Associazione Italiana contro le Leucemie-Linfomi-Mielomi (AIL) Cosenza - Fondazione Amelia Scorza (FAS). S.M. C.M., M.C., L.E., S.B. were supported by AIRC.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Microenvironmental regulation of the IL-23R/IL-23 axis overrides chronic lymphocytic leukemia indolence

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    Although the progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) requires the cooperation of the microenvironment, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms involved are still unclear. We investigated the interleukin (IL)-23 receptor (IL-23R)/IL-23 axis and found that circulating cells from early-stage CLL patients with shorter time-to-treatment, but not of those with a more benign course, expressed a defective form of the IL-23R complex lacking the IL-12R beta 1 chain. However, cells from both patient groups expressed the complete IL-23R complex in tissue infiltrates and could be induced to express the IL-12R. 1 chain when cocultured with activated T cells or CD40L(+) cells. CLL cells activated in vitro in this context produced IL-23, a finding that, together with the presence of IL-23 in CLL lymphoid tissues, suggests the existence of an autocrine/paracrine loop inducing CLL cell proliferation. Interference with the IL-23R/IL-23 axis using an anti-IL-23p19 antibody proved effective in controlling disease onset and expansion in xenografted mice, suggesting potential therapeutic strategies