2,470 research outputs found

    Popularizing Spanish Cancioneros in Rome (III): Ms. Corsini 970

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    Il Ms. Corsini 970 (olim 44.A.21) conservato all’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei fornisce interessanti spunti di riflessione sui rapporti letterari fra Spagna e Italia in età tardorinascimentale e barocca. Confezionato con ogni probabilità a Roma, in seno alla corte del cardinal Ascanio Colonna tra la fine del xvi e gli inizi del XVII secolo, risulta nel suo insieme inedito. È costituito da un totale di 137 testi, di cui alcuni sono componimenti di tipo tradizionale, romances, quintillas e redondillas. Il componimento qui preso in esame, la Carta General de amor de Gaetán, è stato attribuito sia al Vicentino a che a Vozmediana, famoso per la traduzione della prima parte delle novelle di Giraldi Cinzio (Toledo, 1590).Manuscript Corsini 970 (olim 44.A.21) of the Library of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei offers interesting causes for reflection about literary relations between Spain and Italy during the late Renaissance and Early Baroque. Copied probably in Rome in the court of the influent cardinal Ascanio Colonna between the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries, it is mostly unedited. It consists of 137 titles, some of them of traditional imprint such as romances, quintillas and redondillas. The poem that is analyzed here, the Carta general de amor de Gaetán, has been attributed to both de la Serna y Vozmediana, who reached his fame due to the translation into Spanish of the novels of Giraldi Cinzio (Toledo, 1590).Il presente lavoro si inserisce nell’ambito del progetto PRIN 2012, Canzonieri spagnoli tra Rinascimento e Barocco (prot. 2012H7X9SX), coordinato da Antonio Gargano, in particolare nella ricerca dell’unità di Roma «La Sapienza» su Canzonieri spagnoli popolareggianti conservati a Roma, coordinata da Patrizia Botta (partecipanti: Aviva Garribba, Massimo Marini, Debora Vaccari; membri esterni: M. Teresa Cacho Palomar e Francesco Zimei)

    El "Cancionero de Zaragoza" (92VC y 95VC): estudio material e interno

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    Thanks to the identification of new copies of the Cancionero de Zaragoza (two of the edition of 1492 and one of 1495) it is now possible to establish the essential guidelines of its material and internal structure. The data now available contribute to a more careful bibliographical description, which in turn leads to a correct chronological distribution of the copies and a more accurate reconstruction of their historical development. On the basis of the materiality of these precious incunabula, it is possible to delve deeper into questions that cover not only the dimension of the copy as an individual element, as a specific object or piece of a specific collection, but also, through these material features, it is possible to approach the model of the edition as the product of a cultural design or plan, animated by a specific intention and aimed at a specific public. This process of analysis, which goes from the copy to the edition, allows us to reconstruct the ideal copy of of this songbook and to shed light on its organisation and the aims of this editorial project, which is an important piece in the history of Castilian literature at the end of the 15th century.Gracias a la identificación de nuevos ejemplares del Cancionero de Zaragoza (dos de la edición de 1492 y uno de la de 1495) es hoy posible fijar de forma más concreta las pautas esenciales de su estructura material e interna. Los datos de los que hoy se dispone contribuyen a una descripción bibliográfica más cuidada, que a su vez comporta una correcta distribución cronológica de los ejemplares y una reconstrucción más exacta de sus avatares históricos. A partir de la materialidad de estos preciosos testimonios poéticos incunables, se puede profundizar en cuestiones que abarcan no solo la dimensión del ejemplar como elemento individual, como objeto o pieza concreta de una colección determinada, sino que, a través de esos rasgos materiales, es posible acercarse al modelo de la edición en cuanto producto de un diseño o plan cultural, animado por un intento específico y dirigido a un público concreto. Este proceso de análisis que va del ejemplar a la edición, permite reconstruir la copia ideal del Cancionero de Zaragoza y arrojar luz sobre su organización y las perspectivas de este proyecto editorial, que marca un hito en la historia de la literatura castellana de finales del siglo xv

    Authorial variants in the lyric poems of Pedro de Padilla, between manuscript and printed transmission

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    La obra de Pedro de Padilla ha suscitado gran interés, gracias a la edición de muchos de los manuscritos e impresos que conservan su poesía. Sabemos que algunos de estos testimonios estuvieron al cuidado del propio autor: contamos con un cartapacio autógrafo suyo (Madrid, Real Biblioteca, Ms. II/1579), y con manuscritos destinados a la imprenta (Palma de Mallorca, Biblioteca March, Ms. MA16-6-10), además de los impresos supervisados directamente por él. El artículo tantea la viabilidad de la aplicación de los principios de la filología de autor a la poesía de Pedro de Padilla. Como botón de muestra de las posibilidades que brinda este método, se eligen dos sonetos que presentan variantes de autor. Gracias a un cotejo puntual de los testimonios, es posible plantear problemas ecdóticos y proponer modelos de edición que se ajusten a las distintas exigencias de representación genética y evolutiva de sus poemas.The works of Pedro de Padilla have sparked significant scholarly interest, thanks to editions of both manuscript and print collections of his poetry. We know that some of these witnesses were controlled by the author himself: we have an autograph (Madrid, Real Biblioteca, MS II/1579), some manuscripts used by the printers of his poetry collections (Palma de Mallorca, Biblioteca March, MS MA16-6-10), and some printed books that the author directly supervised. This paper demonstrates the possibilities of applying authorial philology to the poems of Padilla. We focus on two of the author’s sonnets, in order to highlight problems of textual criticism found therein. Another aim of this paper is to suggest some text editing models useful for the genetic and evolutive representation of these poems.Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación (PRIN) «La tradizione del testo letterario in area iberica nel Secolo d’Oro, tra varianti d’autore e redazioni plurime» (prot. n° 2017T2SK93)

    Evaluation of geothermal resources in a hotspot realm: Mauritius Island (Indian Ocean)

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    Geochemical and geothermal investigations were performed in the Mauritius Island, located along the Seychelles-Mascarene Plateau, aimed at the preliminary assessment of possible geothermal resources. The central part of the island may be the most suitable as characterized by the most recent volcanic activity (0.03 Ma). Geochemical analyses of water samples collected from this area indicate no mature water and the chemical features are ascribable to short-term water-rock interaction in shallow hydrogeological circuits. A gradient borehole was drilled and thermal logs performed after complete thermal equilibration to evaluate the thermal gradient in central part of the island. A value of 43 \ub0C km-1 was measured and a similar result was obtained by logging a deep well no longer used for water extraction. The results point to a weak or null deep-seated thermal anomaly beneath Mauritius. This might mean that the deep thermal processes (mantle plume) invoked to occur in the hotspot area do not likely yield any particular thermal signature

    Perinatal depression and patterns of attachment: a critical risk factor?

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    Background. This study aims to verify if the presence and severity of perinatal depression are related to any particular pattern of attachment. Methods. The study started with a screening of a sample of 453 women in their third trimester of pregnancy, who were administered a survey data form, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Experience in Close Relationship (ECR). A clinical group of subjects with perinatal depression (PND, 89 subjects) was selected and compared with a control group (C), regarding psychopathological variables and attachment patterns. Results. The ECR showed a prevalence of “Fearful-Avoidant” attachment style in PND group (29.2% versus 1.1%, < 0.001); additionally, the EPDS average score increases with the increasing of ECR dimensions (Avoidance and Anxiety). Conclusion. The severity of depression increases proportionally to attachment disorganization; therefore, we consider attachment as both an important risk factor as well as a focus for early psychotherapeutic intervention

    Las tres Silvas de Romances

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