325 research outputs found

    Research Advances for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage

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    Because European Cultural Heritage is an invaluable legacy, the Ministry for Science and Innovation funded the Spanish Network on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (TechnoHeritage), which began its activities in March 2011.Currently seventy five groups participate in the Network, including Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Spanish universities teams, cultural institutions, foundations and museums, and private companies. One of the activities of the Network is the organization of annual meetings. This International Congress—organised on behalf of TechnoHeritage by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela— has a goal of creating an interdisciplinary forum for discussion on all aspects of cultural heritage conservation while providing an up-to-date and comprehensive picture of the state-of-the-art investigations in this field

    What Fate for Plastics in Artworks? An Overview of Their Identification and Degradative Behaviour

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    This review is conceived as a guide for material science researchers and conservators aiming to face the problem of deterioration of contemporary artworks entirely or partially made of plastics. It initially illustrates the analytical approaches for identifying polymeric material components in 3D art objects, such as sculptures and installations, and provides a perspective of their limits and advantages. Subsequently, the methodologies used for studying the deterioration of contemporary art plastics are reviewed, emphasising the main effects of the different types of degradation (i.e., migration of additives, oxidation and hydrolysis) and suggesting the appropriate techniques for their detection. Finally, the application of artificial ageing tests is critically assessed. All the concepts are elaborated through case studies and examplesThis work was funded by the European Union H2020 project Nanorestart (646063) and the Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022 ED431G 2019/03, Consolidación e estructuración ED431B 2018/16, and the European Regional Development Fund—ERDF)S

    A Global View on Block Copolymers

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    In this systematic review, a total of 45,143 publications on block copolymers, issued between 1952 and 2019, are analyzed in terms of number, source, language, institution, country, keywords, and block copolymer type, to find out their evolution and predict research trends. The number of publications devoted to block copolymers has been growing for over six decades, maintaining a consistent level throughout the last few years. In their majority, documents came out of the United States, although more recently, Chinese institutions are those displaying the largest production. Keywords analysis indicated that one-third of the publications concerned synthesis, around 20% explored self-assembly and morphological aspects, and another 20% referred to block copolymer applications in solution. In particular, 2019 confirmed the expansion of studies related to drug delivery, and in minor extent, to a deeper view of self-assembling. Styrene–butadiene–styrene block copolymer was the most popular in studies covering both basic and industrially oriented aspects. Other highly investigated copolymers are PEO-b–PPO-b–PEO (Pluronic©) and amphiphilic block copolymers based on polycaprolactone or poly(lactic acid), which owed their success to their potential as delivery vehicles. Future trending topics will concern nanomedicine challenges and technology-related applications, with a special attention toward the orientation and ordering of mesophase-separated morphologiesThis research was funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PGC2018-101047). M.L. also acknowledges the Xunta de Galicia (Grupo con Potencial de Crecemento ED431B 2018/1 and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022, ED431G 2019/03) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF)S

    IABP versus Impella Support in Cardiogenic Shock: “In Silico” Study

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    Cardiogenic shock (CS) is part of a clinical syndrome consisting of acute left ventricular failure causing severe hypotension leading to inadequate organ and tissue perfusion. The most commonly used devices to support patients affected by CS are Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP), Impella 2.5 pump and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. The aim of this study is the comparison between Impella and IABP using CARDIOSIM© software simulator of the cardiovascular system. The results of the simulations included baseline conditions from a virtual patient in CS followed by IABP assistance in synchronised mode with different driving and vacuum pressures. Subsequently, the same baseline conditions were supported by the Impella 2.5 with different rotational speeds. The percentage variation with respect to baseline conditions was calculated for haemodynamic and energetic variables during IABP and Impella assistance. The Impella pump driven with a rotational speed of 50,000 rpm increased the total flow by 4.36% with a reduction in left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) by ≅15% to ≅30%. A reduction in left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV) by ≅10% to ≅18% (≅12% to ≅33%) was observed with IABP (Impella) assistance. The simulation outcome suggests that assistance with the Impella device leads to higher reduction in LVESV, LVEDV, left ventricular external work and left atrial pressure-volume loop area compared to IABP support

    How can LVAD support influence ventricular energetics parameters in advanced heart failure patients? A retrospective study

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    Background and objective: Here we present a retrospective analysis of six heart failure patients previously discussed at a multidisciplinary team meeting. Only three out of six patients underwent LVAD insertion as the most appropriate management option. Methods: We sought to reproduce the baseline conditions of these patients on hospital admission using our cardiovascular software simulator (CARDIOSIM ©). Subsequently, we simulated the effects of LVAD support and drug administration on left and right ventricular energetics parameters. LVAD assistance was delivered by CARDIOSIM ©based on the module reproducing the behaviour of the Berlin Heart INCOR pump. Results: The results of our simulations were in agreement with the multidisciplinary team meeting out- come. The analysis of ventricular energetics parameters based on external work and pressure volume area confirmed LVAD support as a beneficial therapeutic option for the three patients considered eligible for this type of treatment. The effects induced by LVAD support and drugs administration showed specific patterns between the two groups of patients. Conclusion: A quantitative approach with the ability to predict outcome during patient’s assessment may well be an aid and not a substitute for clinical decision-making

    Some Guidelines for the Synthesis and Melting Characterization of Azide Poly(ethylene glycol) Derivatives

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    We provide fundamental guidelines in the form of a tutorial to be taken into account for the preparation and characterization of a specific class of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) derivatives, namely azide-terminated PEGs. Special attention is given to the effect of these chain end groups and their precursors on properties affecting the PEGylation of proteins, nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces. Notwithstanding the presence of 13C satellite peaks, we show that 1H NMR enables not only the routine quantitative determination of chain-end substitution, but is also a unique method to calculate the absolute number average molecular weight of PEG derivatives. In the use of size exclusion chromatography to get molecular weight distributions, we highlight the importance of distinguishing between eventual secondary reactions involving molecular weight changes and the formation of PEG complexes due to residual amounts of metal cations from reactants. Finally, we show that azide end groups affect PEG melting behavior. In contrast to oxygen-containing end groups, azides do not interact with PEG segments, thus inducing defect formation in the crystal lattice and the reduction of crystal sizes. Melting temperature and degree of crystallinity decrease become especially relevant for PEGs with very low molecular weight, and its comprehension is particularly important for solid-state applicationsThis research was funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PGC2018-101047). M.L. also acknowledges the Xunta de Galicia (Grupo con Potencial de Crecemento ED431B 2018/1 and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022, ED431G 2019/03) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF)S

    La Telecardiologia

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    Telemedicine is a form of real-time sharing of patient information, so that the contribution of more health workers at the same time can ensure a higher level of care, reducing hospitalization costs and transport . This work is the fruit of a "handful" of traders, who for some time dealing with this issue and are often made promoters of cultural and scientific experiences to sensitize decision makers to bring up a new Health how to manage the patient...

    Química orgánica e química macromolecular

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    Titulación: Grao en Física -- Materia: QuímicaA materia Química do Grao en Física forma parte con Bioloxía e Informática para científicos do módulo de Formación básica de contido transversal e, á par destas, ten unha duración de 6 créditos ECTS. Impártese no segundo cuadrimestre do primeiro curso da titulación, polo que os alumnos dispoñen, na mellor das hipóteses, só dos coñecementos básicos de Química adquiridos no bacharelato (sempre que cursasen a modalidade “ciencia e tecnoloxía”) o só se enfrontaron a ela na introdución a Física e a Química en terceiro, e eventualmente en cuarto, de educación superior obrigatoria. Elixiuse, polo tanto, un desenvolvemento dos contidos desde os temas máismáis sinxelos e básicos ata os máis prácticos e máis facilmente relacionables coa vida cotiá. Despois de estudar na primeira unidade algúns conceptos básicos e terminolóxicos da química e das propiedades da materia, introdúcense as reaccións químicas e o concepto de enlace químico (respectivamente nas unidades no. 2 e 3), para pasar finalmente as últimas catro unidades, que poñen as bases dos alicerces de la química como son o equilibrio químico, a electroquímica e a química orgánica e macromolecular. Esta unidade didáctica dedicada á introdución dos compostos orgánicos e dos polímeros está deseñada para ser desenvolvida en 7 sesións presenciais de 55 minutos cada unha. Delas, 4 sesións dedicaranse a clases expositivas, nas que se explican os contidos, 2 sesións utilizaranse para resolver exercicios e problemas e 1 sesión de titorías para aclarar cuestións puntuais. O alumno deberá dedicar unhas 12 horas adicionais de traballo persoal, fundamentalmente para a realización de exercicios e problemas adicionaisUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic