25 research outputs found

    The Scope of Open Licenses in Cultural Contents Production and Distribution

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    This paper aims to explore the impact of ex-ante legal status of creator on ex-post open license choice. It first describes the emergents Creative Commons licenses in Open Cultural Contents production and distribution. It introduces the two open models of diffusion and production, followed by creators. It orders the licenses according with their degree of openness in production as well as in diffusion. Then the paper presents an empirical analysis of the impact of legal status of creators on open license choice using an original database of video under Creative Commons licenses, created from the Internet Archive. The results show the existence of two models, Open Diffusion model and Open Production, that the creator has to balance when he/she decides the license. The results also show that in order to obtain benefit from the community, the For-Profit actors are more likely to adopt a high degree of openness in license.Open Production, Open Diffusion, Creative Commons, Open Licenses, Extrinsic, Intrinsic, Monetary, Non-Monetary, Motivations, Institutional Analysis and Development Framework, Common Goods, Digital Goods, For-Profit, Non-Profit

    Seven non-melanoma features to rule out facial melanoma

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    Facial melanoma is difficult to diagnose and dermatoscopic features are often subtle. Dermatoscopic non-melanoma patterns may have a comparable diagnostic value. In this pilot study, facial lesions were collected retrospectively, resulting in a case set of 339 melanomas and 308 non-melanomas. Lesions were evaluated for the prevalence (> 50% of lesional surface) of 7 dermatoscopic non-melanoma features: scales, white follicles, erythema/reticular vessels, reticular and/or curved lines/fingerprints, structureless brown colour, sharp demarcation, and classic criteria of seborrhoeic keratosis. Melanomas had a lower number of non-melanoma patterns (p < 0.001). Scoring a lesion suspicious when no prevalent non-melanoma pattern is found resulted in a sensitivity of 88.5% and a specificity of 66.9% for the diagnosis of melanoma. Specificity was higher for solar lentigo (78.8%) and seborrhoeic keratosis (74.3%) and lower for actinic keratosis (61.4%) and lichenoid keratosis (25.6%). Evaluation of prevalent non-melanoma patterns can provide slightly lower sensitivity and higher specificity in detecting facial melanoma compared with already known malignant features

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Convergence des télécommunications et des médias? : les transformations des modes de production et de distribution des contenus audiovisuels

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    Dans ces dernières années nous assistons à l’émergence de nouvelles licences, les Creative Commons (CC), qui dérivent du monde du logiciel libre et qui ont pour but de partager les œuvres artistiques (vidéos, musique, etc.) entre les utilisateurs. Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des vidéos qu'utilisent ces licences. En particulier cette thèse se concentre sur trois aspects de la production de vidéos sous licences CC : les choix judicieux du degré d'ouverture de la licence, la stratégie de financer et de mener l’innovation et le chemin qui détermine le succès des projets. Tout d’abord, pour enquêter sur ce qui est le choix judicieux entre les différents degrés d'ouverture dans les licences CC, nous avons conduit une analyse économétrique (approche quantitative) sur des vidéos sous licences CC stockées sur l'Internet Archive. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que, dans le but d'attirer les contributions des utilisateurs, les producteurs utilisent différents degrés d'ouverture de licences en fonction de leur statut organisationnel. Ensuite, pour étudier la stratégie de financer et de diriger l’innovation générée par les utilisateurs, nous avons conduit une étude de cas (approche qualitative) concernant un vidéo produite sous licence CC, Big Buck Bunny. Les résultats suggèrent que les utilisateurs peuvent être utilisés en tant que source de financement de la production et comme partenaires pour innover. Enfin, pour étudier le chemin et les caractéristiques des projets qui arrivent à être produit, nous avons crée un modèle multi-agent, capable de reproduire les faits stylisés de la production de vidéos sous CC stockées sur une plate-forme en ligne.Recently Creative Commons (CC ) licenses emerged. CC are a set of licenses which derive from the free/open source software world. The aim of CC licenses is to share the artistic works (videos , music, etc.) among users . This thesis is devoted to the study of videos under these licenses. In particular, the thesis focuses on three aspects of video production under CC licenses: the successful choice of the degree of openness of the license , the strategy to fund and conduct innovation and the way that determine the success of the projects. First, to investigate the appropriate choice among different degrees of openness in the CC licenses, we conducted an econometric analysis (quantitative approach) on video under CC licenses stored on the Internet Archive . The results suggest that in order to attract contributions of users, producers use different opening licenses based on their organizational status degrees. Then, to study the strategy to fund and manage the innovation generated by users, we conducted a case study (qualitative approach ) of a video under CC license, Big Buck Bunny. The results suggest that users can be used as a source of funding for the production and as partners to innovate. Finally, to study the path and the characteristics of projects that succeed, we created an agent-based model that is able to reproduce the stylized facts of the production of videos under CC license stored on an on-line platform

    Study of the influence of the processing rate on the directionally solidified YBaCuO Melt Textured

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    Directional solidification technique with sample transport in a thermal gradient is used for fabrication of melt textured superconducting YBaCuO bars. Recent developments of the processing for this material are reported. The paper will analyze the influence of the high processing rates (in particular using pulling rate in the furnace up to 4 cm/h) both on the microstructure and on the superconducting properties. Morphological and structural analyses show aligned grains also for samples fabricated with such high pulling rates. From characterizations performed by ac susceptibility measurements and de magnetization curves results that the onset of superconductivity is 91 K and the critical current density at T = 77 K and at zero magnetic field is about 5000 A/cm(2). These preliminary results indicate that the quality of these Y123 samples appears comparable to (Nd,Sm)-based superconductors grown using similar processing condition

    Tough and adhesive nanostructured calcium phosphate thin films deposited by the pulsed plasma deposition method

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    Calcium phosphate thin films were deposited at room temperature by the pulsed plasma deposition method. After annealing at 600 °C, film mechanical properties and adhesion to the titanium substrate strongly improved.</p

    Migrainous Infarction in a Patient With Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine and Cystic Fibrosis: A 99mTc-HMPAO Brain SPECT Study

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    Genetic mutations of sporadic hemiplegic migraine (SHM) are mostly unknown. SHM pathophysiology relies on cortical spreading depression (CSD), which might be responsible for ischemic brain infarction. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by a monogenic mutation of the chlorine transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), possibly altering brain excitability. We describe the case of a patient with CF, who had a migrainous stroke during an SHM attack. A 32-year-old Caucasian male was diagnosed with CF, with heterozygotic delta F508/unknown CFTR mutation. The patient experiences bouts of coughing sometimes triggering SHM attacks with visual phosphenes, aphasia, right-sided paresthesia, and hemiparesis. He had a 48-hour hemiparesis triggered by a bout of coughing with hemoptysis, loss of consciousness, and severe hypoxia-hypercapnia. MRI demonstrated transient diffusion hyperintensity in the left frontal-parietal-occipital regions resulting in a permanent infarction in the primary motor area. Later, a brain perfusion SPECT showed persistent diffuse hypoperfusion in the territories involved in diffusion-weighted imaging alteration. Migrainous infarction, depending on the co-occurrence of 2 strictly related phenomena, CSD and hypoxia, appears to be the most plausible explanation. Brain SPECT hypoperfusion suggests a more extensive permanent neuronal loss in territories affected by aura. CF may be then a risk factor for hemiplegic migraine and stroke since bouts of coughing can facilitate brain hypoxia, triggering auras