242 research outputs found

    Presence and correlates of autistic traits among patients with social anxiety disorder

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    Introduction: Due to their similar behavioral presentation, it can sometimes be challenging to distinguish between a social anxiety disorder (SAD) and the social avoidance that is frequently described in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Moreover, a growing body of evidences is reporting that a significant proportion of subjects with ASD also meet the requirements for SAD and, vice versa, subjects with SAD tend to exhibit a higher prevalence of autistic traits. Aim: In this framework, the current study aims to evaluate prevalence and correlates of autistic traits in a sample of adult subjects diagnosed with SAD and healthy controls (HC), also evaluating which autism spectrum dimensions may statistically predict higher SAD symptoms. Methods: 56 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of SAD and 56 gender and age matched HC were recruited from the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Pisa. Subjects were assessed with the SCID-5, the Social Anxiety Spectrum – Short Version (SHY- SV) and the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum). Results: SAD group scored significantly higher in all AdAS Spectrum and SHY-SV domains and total score compared to the HC group with no significant gender difference. SHY-SV total and domain scores, were strongly and positively and strongly correlated with all AdAS Spectrum domains and total score. AdAS Spectrum total score and Childhood/Adolescence, Non-Verbal Communication, Empathy and Restricted interests and Rumination domain scores score were significant predictors of higher SHY-SV score. Conclusion: Our results confirm the link between SAD and autistic traits also in adult population, describing not only high levels of autistic traits in SAD adults, but also significant correlations between many core features of the two disorders and a predictive role of autistic traits on higher SAD symptoms

    Effect of Valproate and Antidepressant Drugs on Clozapine Metabolism in Patients With Psychotic Mood Disorders

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to appraise retrospectively the influence of valproate (VPA) and antidepressants (ADs) on the steady-state plasma concentrations of clozapine (CLZ), the prototype of various second-generation antipsychotics, norclozapine (NCLZ, its main metabolite), and their ratio (NCLZ:CLZ). METHODS: Sixty-seven psychotic patients with a prevalent diagnosis of bipolar disorder were studied. We then analyzed data altogether and subdivided them into 4 groups, according to pharmacological treatments: #1 CLZ (n = 21), #2 CLZ plus ADs (n = 13), #3 CLZ plus VPA (n = 16), and #4 CLZ plus ADs plus VPA (n = 17). RESULTS: First, significant positive between CLZ and NCLZ plasma levels (in nanograms/milliliter) and the drug daily dosages (in milligrams/kilogram of body weight) (n = 67) were observed (Spearman: rCLZ = 0.49; rNCLZ = 0.61; P < 0.001). We then normalized by given doses CLZ and NCLZ plasma levels, natural log transformed them, and performed analysis of variance factor analyses followed by pairwise comparisons, performed on the 4 groups and the 3 CLZ parameters. We identified significant drug effects on (1) CLZ plasma levels, significantly higher in group #2 versus group #1, and (2) NCLZ:CLZ ratio, lower in group #2 versus groups #1 and #3. Significant drug × gender interactions were observed in group #3, showing higher NCLZ levels and NCLZ:CLZ ratios in men compared with women. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its inherent limitations, this observational study confirms the significant increase in plasma CLZ concentrations and reduction in NCLZ:CLZ ratio when this drug was coadministered with ADs (group #2), an effect apparently counteracted by VPA (group #4). The drug × gender interactions in patients taking both CLZ and VPA (group #3) warrant further prospective study

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Trauma and Loss Spectrum Self-Report (TALS-SR): A Study on Healthcare Workers Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The present study aimed at reporting about the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Trauma and Loss Spectrum-Self Report (TALS-SR), an instrument based on a multidimensional approach to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), including a range of threatening or traumatic experiences and significant losses, besides the spectrum of peri-traumatic stress reactions and post-traumatic stress symptoms that may occur. Methods: A sample of 87 Health Care Workers (HCWs) employed in the COVID-19 Emergency Department at the Virgen de la Arrixaca and Reina Sofia Hospitals (Murcia, Spain) during the pandemic, was consecutively recruited and fulfilled the TALS-SR. Assessments also included the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), to examine post-traumatic stress symptoms and probable PTSD. Nineteen HCWs fulfilled the TALS-SR again after three weeks from baseline for test–retest reliability. Results: This study provides evidence of good internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the Spanish version of the TALS-SR. Strong support for the internal validity structure was obtained, with positive and significant correlations between the five symptoma- tologic domains and the symptomatologic total score. Significant and good correlations between the TALS-SR symptomatologic domains and the IES-R total and single domains’ scores were found. The Questionnaire also demonstrated to discriminate between subjects with and without PTSD, with subjects with PTSD showing significantly higher mean scores in each domain of the TALS-SR. Conclusion: This study validates the Spanish version of TALS-SR, providing a useful instrument for a spectrum approach to PTSD and confirms the potential utility of this psychometric tool in both clinical practice and research settings

    Volcanic CO2 tracks the incubation period of basaltic paroxysms

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    The ordinarily benign activity of basaltic volcanoes is periodically interrupted by violent paroxysmal explosions ranging in size from Hawaiian to Plinian in the most extreme examples. These paroxysms often occur suddenly and with limited or no precursors, leaving their causal mechanisms still incompletely understood. Two such events took place in summer 2019 at Stromboli, a volcano otherwise known for its persistent mild open-vent activity, resulting in one fatality and damage to infrastructure. Here, we use a post hoc analysis and reinterpretation of volcanic gas compositions and fluxes acquired at Stromboli to show that the two paroxysms were preceded by detectable escalations in volcanic plume CO2 degassing weeks to months beforehand. Our results demonstrate that volcanic gas CO2 is a key driver of explosions and that the preparatory periods ahead of explosions in basaltic systems can be captured by precursory CO2 leakage from deeply stored mafic magma

    Excess degassing drives long-term volcanic unrest at Nevado del Ruiz

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    This study combines volcanic gas compositions, SO2 flux and satellite thermal data collected at Nevado del Ruiz between 2018 and 2021. We find the Nevado del Ruiz plume to have exhibited relatively steady, high CO2 compositions (avg. CO2/ST ratios of 5.4 ± 1.9) throughout. Our degassing models support that the CO2/ST ratio variability derives from volatile exsolution from andesitic magma stored in the 1–4&nbsp;km depth range. Separate ascent of CO2-rich gas bubbles through shallow (&lt; 1&nbsp;km depth), viscous, conduit resident magma causes the observed excess degassing. We infer that degassing of ~ 974 mm3 of shallow (1–4&nbsp;km) stored magma has sourced the elevated SO2 degassing recorded during 2018–2021 (average flux ~ 1548 t/d). Of this, only &lt; 1 mm3 of magma have been erupted through dome extrusion, highlighting a large imbalance between erupted and degassed magma. Escalating deep CO2 gas flushing, combined with the disruption of passive degassing, through sudden accumulation and pressurization of bubbles due to lithostatic pressure, may accelerate volcanic unrest and eventually lead to a major eruption

    Mood symptoms and suicidality across the autism spectrum

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    Abstract Background Autism spectrum is a psychopathological dimension which encompasses a wide range of clinical presentations: from subthreshold forms and autistic traits (AT), that can be found in the general population, to full-blown autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many studies reported high rates of comorbidity between both ASD and AT and mood disorders, as well as a high prevalence of suicidal ideation among patients with ASD/AT. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of mood symptoms and suicidal ideation and behaviors in patients with full-blown ASD and in subjects with AT, as well in a healthy control (HC) group, with a specific focus on which of the autistic features may be predictive of suicidal ideation and behaviors. Methods We recruited 262 adult subjects: 34 with ASD without intellectual impairment or language disability (ASD group), 68 fulfilling only one symptom criterion for ASD according to DSM-5 but who do not meet criteria for a full-blown diagnosis of ASD (AT group), and 160 HC. All subjects were assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5); in addition, they were asked to fill two questionnaires: The Mood Spectrum, Self-report (MOODS-SR) and the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum). Results ASD subjects reported significantly higher AdAS Spectrum and MOODS-SR total scores, as well as higher MOODS-SR depressive component total scores, when compared with AT and HC subjects. AT subjects scored significantly higher than the HC group. No significant differences were reported between ASD and AT subjects for the suicidality score according to MOODS-SR, despite both groups scored significantly higher than the HC group. The strongest predictor of suicidality score were MOODS-SR depressive component score and AdAS Spectrum Restricted interests and rumination domain score. Conclusions Our results highlight a correlation between autism and mood spectrum, as well as between suicidality and both ASD and AT. Subthreshold forms of ASD should be accurately investigated due to their relationship with suicidal thoughts and behaviors

    The Clinical Impact of Methotrexate-Induced Stroke-Like Neurotoxicity in Paediatric Departments: An Italian Multi-Centre Case-Series

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    Introduction: Stroke-like syndrome (SLS) is a rare subacute neurological complication of intrathecal or high-dose (≥500 mg) Methotrexate (MTX) administration. Its clinical features, evoking acute cerebral ischaemia with fluctuating course symptoms and a possible spontaneous resolution, have elicited interest among the scientific community. However, many issues are still open on the underlying pathogenesis, clinical, and therapeutic management and long-term outcome. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed clinical, radiological and laboratory records of all patients diagnosed with SLS between 2011 and 2021 at 4 National referral centers for Pediatric Onco-Hematology. Patients with a latency period that was longer than 3 weeks between the last MTX administration of MTX and SLS onset were excluded from the analysis, as were those with unclear etiologies. We assessed symptom severity using a dedicated arbitrary scoring system. Eleven patients were included in the study. Results: The underlying disease was acute lymphoblastic leukemia type B in 10/11 patients, while fibroblastic osteosarcoma was present in a single subject. The median age at diagnosis was 11 years (range 4–34), and 64% of the patients were women. Symptoms occurred after a mean of 9.45 days (± 0.75) since the last MTX administration and lasted between 1 and 96 h. Clinical features included hemiplegia and/or cranial nerves palsy, paraesthesia, movement or speech disorders, and seizure. All patients underwent neuroimaging studies (CT and/or MRI) and EEG. The scoring system revealed an average of 4.9 points (± 2.3), with a median of 5 points (maximum 20 points). We detected a linear correlation between the severity of the disease and age in male patients. Conclusions: SLS is a rare, well-characterized complication of MTX administration. Despite the small sample, we have been able to confirm some of the previous findings in literature. We also identified a linear correlation between age and severity of the disease, which could improve the future clinical management

    Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum): Validation of a questionnaire investigating subthreshold autism spectrum.

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    Aim Increasing literature has shown the usefulness of a dimensional approach to autism. The present study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum), a new questionnaire specifically tailored to assess subthreshold forms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adulthood. Methods 102 adults endorsing at least one DSM-5 symptom criterion for ASD (ASDc), 143 adults diagnosed with a feeding and eating disorder (FED), and 160 subjects with no mental disorders (CTL), were recruited from 7 Italian University Departments of Psychiatry and administered the following: SCID-5, Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale 14-item version (RAADS-14), and AdAS Spectrum. Results The AdAS Spectrum demonstrated excellent internal consistency for the total score (Kuder–Richardson's coefficient=.964) as well as for five out of seven domains (all coefficients>.80) and sound test–retest reliability (ICC=.976). The total and domain AdAS Spectrum scores showed a moderate to strong (>.50) positive correlation with one another and with the AQ and RAADS-14 total scores. ASDc subjects reported significantly higher AdAS Spectrum total scores than both FED (p<.001) and CTL (p<.001), and significantly higher scores on the Childhood/adolescence, Verbal communication, Empathy, Inflexibility and adherence to routine, and Restricted interests and rumination domains (all p<.001) than FED, while on all domains compared to CTL. CTL displayed significantly lower total and domain scores than FED (all p<.001). A significant effect of gender emerged for the Hyper– and hyporeactivity to sensory input domain, with women showing higher scores than men (p=.003). A Diagnosis Gender interaction was also found for the Verbal communication (p=.019) and Empathy (p=.023) domains. When splitting the ASDc in subjects with one symptom criterion (ASD1) and those with a ASD, and the FED in subjects with no ASD symptom criteria (FED0) and those with one ASD symptom criterion (FED1) a gradient of severity in AdAS Spectrum scores from CTL subjects to ASD patients, across FED0, ASD1, FED1 was shown. Conclusions The AdAS Spectrum showed excellent internal consistency and test–retest reliability and strong convergent validity with alternative dimensional measures of ASD. The questionnaire performed differently among the three diagnostic groups and enlightened some significant effects of gender in the expression of autistic traits

    Ground deformation reveals the scale-invariant conduit dynamics driving explosive basaltic eruptions

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    The mild activity of basaltic volcanoes is punctuated by violent explosive eruptions that occur without obvious precursors. Modelling the source processes of these sudden blasts is challenging. Here, we use two decades of ground deformation (tilt) records from Stromboli volcano to shed light, with unprecedented detail, on the short-term (minute-scale) conduit processes that drive such violent volcanic eruptions. We find that explosive eruptions, with source parameters spanning seven orders of magnitude, all share a common pre-blast ground inflation trend. We explain this exponential inflation using a model in which pressure build-up is caused by the rapid expansion of volatile-rich magma rising from depth into a shallow (&lt;400m) resident magma conduit. We show that the duration and amplitude of this inflation trend scales with the eruption magnitude, indicating that the explosive dynamics obey the same (scale-invariant) conduit process. This scale-invariance of pre-explosion ground deformation may usher in a new era of short-term eruption forecasting

    Ground deformation reveals the scale-invariant conduit dynamics driving explosive basaltic eruptions

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    The mild activity of basaltic volcanoes is punctuated by violent explosive eruptions that occur without obvious precursors. Modelling the source processes of these sudden blasts is challenging. Here, we use two decades of ground deformation (tilt) records from Stromboli volcano to shed light, with unprecedented detail, on the short-term (minute-scale) conduit processes that drive such violent volcanic eruptions. We find that explosive eruptions, with source parameters spanning seven orders of magnitude, all share a common pre-blast ground inflation trend. We explain this exponential inflation using a model in which pressure build-up is caused by the rapid expansion of volatile-rich magma rising from depth into a shallow (&lt;400 m) resident magma conduit. We show that the duration and amplitude of this inflation trend scales with the eruption magnitude, indicating that the explosive dynamics obey the same (scale-invariant) conduit process. This scale-invariance of pre-explosion ground deformation may usher in a new era of short-term eruption forecasting
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