193 research outputs found

    Lower Cretaceous Microsolenina (Scleractinia) from Provence (southern France)

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    In the Lower Cretaceous (Urgonian) limestones of the Provence region (South France) shallow-water scleractinian corals are very common. This paper concentrates on corals from the suborder Microsolenina. They represent 34 taxa (including 5 new species) belonging to 14 genera from two families: Microsolenidae and Latomeandridae. This coral assemblage is representative for the late Early Cretaceous Tethyan realm but also shows some endemism. Its characteristic feature is the abundance of hydnophoroid specimens from the genus Hydnophoromeandraraea Morycowa. The Barremian–Early Aptian age of the studied corals is based on forami- nifera (mainly orbitolinids), dasycladale algae and rudists, and agrees with that of the whole studied coral fauna

    Hauterivian shallow marine calcareous biogenic mounds: S.E. Spain

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    Hauterivian biogenic deposits from the Prebetic northern margin near Caudete (Albacete Province, southeastern Spain) are represented by low domed bodies, less than 10 m thick, surrounded by bioclastic sediments and capped by siliciclastics. They consist of a coral, stromatoporoid and microbial framework with cavities filled by mud, rapidly lithified. Intermound bioclastics, derived from the mound organic community, reflect high energy conditions and shallow water settings. Mound growth and architecture were controlled by nutrient fluxes and internal light gradients. Comparisons with closely related structures from the Palaeozoic and the Recent show some similarities but also significant differences; the example documented here also departs from other Cretaceous occurrences

    Health Club Attendance, Expectations and Self-control

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    Using a unique dataset on health club attendance from Quebec, we look at the relationship between actual and expected attendance and how these relate to a reported measure of self-control problems at the time of contract signing. We find that a large majority of contract choices appear inconsistent purely on financial grounds: 47.5% of members would be better off paying the fee for a single visit each time they go to the gym rather than signing a long-term contract. The median total cost of making a mistake on this decision is $262. We then compute that almost all members have made the right decision once we use subjective expectations of the number of visits per week at the time of contract choice. Next, we study how actual attendance following contract choice is related to baseline reports of self-control. We find that reports of self-control problems at baseline are associated with low future attendance and that attendance decreases faster, in particular after New Year. Finally, those with a large gap between expected and realized attendance have a much lower probability of contract renewal. Our results are consistent with a model of health club participation where agents underestimate the severity of their self-control problems

    L'altermondialisme au prisme de l'exceptionnalisme : les effets du 11 septembre 2001 sur le mouvement social européen

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    A la suite des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 de nombreux Etats dont la France ont adopté une série de mesures dites d'exceptions pour prévenir et lutter contre les menaces terroristes. Progressivement, dans les discours comme dans les pratiques, elles se sont élargies pour englober des formes de contestation et des espaces sociaux auxquels elles n'étaient ni préalablement ni officiellement destinées. On peut alors se demander, notamment à travers l'exemple du mouvement antiglobalisation, dans quelle mesure cette exception peut-elle renforcer ou au contraire fragiliser la cohésion sociale ? On peut alors émettre l'hypothèse que cette exception peut se lire au sens de pratiques illibérales exercées dans un régime libéral au nom de la protection des libertés. Ceci s'appuie notamment sur l'adoption de multiples lois dans divers domaines, dans plusieurs pays européens, au cours des dernières années. En s'appuyant sur l'étude des textes législatifs produits, des documents émanant du mouvement antiglobalisation et des entretiens avec différents acteurs, cette étude aura pour but d'étudier le mouvement antiglobalisation au prisme de l'exceptionnalisme et de la cohésion sociale, en insistant plus particulièrement sur l'émergence de nouvelles pratiques policières et aux atteintes aux lois fondamentales constitutives de la démocratie et aux libertés publiques que cela à produit.Following the attacks of September 11 2001, many States whose France adopted a series of measurements known as of exceptions to prevent and fight against the terrorist threats. Gradually, in the speeches as in the practices, they widened to include forms of dispute and spaces social for which they neither beforehand nor were officially intended. Then, in particular through the example of the antiglobalization movement, we can wonder to what point can this exception reinforce or on the contrary weaken the social cohesion ? One can then put forth the assumption that this exception can be read within the meaning of illiberal practices exerted in a liberal mode in the name of the protection of freedoms. This is based in particular on the adoption of multiple laws in various fields, in several European countries, during last years. While being based on the study of the produced legislative texts, of the documents emanating of the antiglobalization movement and the discussions with various actors, the purpose of this research will be to study the antiglobalization movement with the prism of the exceptionnalism and social cohesion, while insisting more particularly on the emergence of new police practices and the attacks with the fundamental laws constitutive of the democracy and public freedoms that produced

    Petites impressions génoises. Chroniques quotidiennes d'une mobilisation anti-mondialisation

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    A journal of experiences protesting globalisation at the Genoa summit begins with recollections of a grassroots mobilization and of strategies for crossing carefully guarded borders. A daily chronicle begins with 17 July 2001. Impressions are of a militarised city, initial tensions with the first demonstrations supporting immigration and free circulation, and a series of demonstrations and violent confrontations with police. The authorities are blamed for provoking conflict in order to discredit anti-globalisation protesters

    L'altermondialisme au prisme de l'exceptionnalisme : les effets du 11 septembre 2001 sur le mouvement social européen

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    A la suite des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 de nombreux Etats dont la France ont adopté une série de mesures dites d'exceptions pour prévenir et lutter contre les menaces terroristes. Progressivement, dans les discours comme dans les pratiques, elles se sont élargies pour englober des formes de contestation et des espaces sociaux auxquels elles n'étaient ni préalablement ni officiellement destinées. On peut alors se demander, notamment à travers l'exemple du mouvement antiglobalisation, dans quelle mesure cette exception peut-elle renforcer ou au contraire fragiliser la cohésion sociale ? On peut alors émettre l'hypothèse que cette exception peut se lire au sens de pratiques illibérales exercées dans un régime libéral au nom de la protection des libertés. Ceci s'appuie notamment sur l'adoption de multiples lois dans divers domaines, dans plusieurs pays européens, au cours des dernières années. En s'appuyant sur l'étude des textes législatifs produits, des documents émanant du mouvement antiglobalisation et des entretiens avec différents acteurs, cette étude aura pour but d'étudier le mouvement antiglobalisation au prisme de l'exceptionnalisme et de la cohésion sociale, en insistant plus particulièrement sur l'émergence de nouvelles pratiques policières et aux atteintes aux lois fondamentales constitutives de la démocratie et aux libertés publiques que cela à produit.Following the attacks of September 11 2001, many States whose France adopted a series of measurements known as of exceptions to prevent and fight against the terrorist threats. Gradually, in the speeches as in the practices, they widened to include forms of dispute and spaces social for which they neither beforehand nor were officially intended. Then, in particular through the example of the antiglobalization movement, we can wonder to what point can this exception reinforce or on the contrary weaken the social cohesion ? One can then put forth the assumption that this exception can be read within the meaning of illiberal practices exerted in a liberal mode in the name of the protection of freedoms. This is based in particular on the adoption of multiple laws in various fields, in several European countries, during last years. While being based on the study of the produced legislative texts, of the documents emanating of the antiglobalization movement and the discussions with various actors, the purpose of this research will be to study the antiglobalization movement with the prism of the exceptionnalism and social cohesion, while insisting more particularly on the emergence of new police practices and the attacks with the fundamental laws constitutive of the democracy and public freedoms that produced

    Caracterización secuencial y bioestratigráfica del Aptiense-Albiense p. p. en la Sierra de Sopalmo, Prebético Interno (Prov. de Murcia).

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    Se analizan las unidades litoestratigráficas y las principales facies de los materiales correspondientes al Aptiense-Albiense p.p. en la Sierra de La Solana del Sopalmo (Jumilla, Murcia). así como su contenido fosilífero, fundamentalmente foraminíferos bentónicos y rudistas, con el que se determina su edad. Se reconocen cinco secuencias principales, caracterizando en cada una de ellas tanto su evolución vertical como las variaciones específicas de las mesosecuencias que las componen. Al mismo tiempo, se relacionan con las secuencias de depósito establecidas a escala regional. Finalmente, se destaca la importante tasa de sedimentación que presenta este afloramiento durante todo el Cretácico Inferior, lo que le hace comparable con el de la Sierra del Carche, mientras que, por el contrario, no existe una continuidad paleogeográfica con el de Sierra Larga


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    Within the "Calcare di Bari" Formation (Valanginian p.p.-Cenomanian) the Aptian is characterized by three lithostratigraphic members: the Palorbitoline limestone Member and the Corato limestone Member, mainly early Aptian in age (Bedoulian); the Bisceglie limestone Member mainly corresponding to almost the whole Upper Aptian (Gargasian- Clansayesian) yielding microfaunas of early Gargasian and later Gargasian to Clansayesian age. The Bedoulian is marked by a rich and diverse micropaleontological (Algae, Foraminifera) as well as macropaleontological (Rudists) communities, which include several age diagnostic species. A decreases in taxonomic diversity is observed close to the Bedoulian-Gargasian transition. It is related to paleoenvironmental changes, i.e. increasing restriction and/or emersions. The uppermost Aptian is marked by a new phase of normal marine conditions. Nevertheless no Rudist communities have been recorded. These paleoenvironmental changes are coeval with those known from the Southern Apennine successions which contain similar micropaleontological assemblages, especially during the Late Aptian


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    Tiré de: Prospectives, vol. 11, no 1, février 1975.Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 24 janv. 2013

    Características hidro-planctónicas y su relación con las distribuciones de sardina y anchoa en la plataforma francesa del Golfo de Vizcaya

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    The spatial pattern in hydro-plankton and fish distributions and their relationship were analysed based on the spring 2000 fisheries acoustic survey. The importance of this survey was that it was a multi-disciplinary platform which collected an extensive set of parameters in the hydro-plankton leading to a potentially finer description of hydro-plankton conditions and fish habitats. More than 50 variables were measured on a grid of stations, in four compartments of the ecosystem: hydrology, nutrients, primary producers and meso-zooplankton. First, a joint analysis of all hydro-plankton compartments was performed using multiple factor analysis (MFA). The method was used to estimate a compromise factorial space common to all compartments in which the stations were grouped by hierarchical clustering. The groups were represented spatially and a strong spatial pattern was evidenced. The fish and their spawned eggs were sampled along transect lines using acoustics and CUFES (continuous underway fish egg samplers). The distribution of the fish and their eggs was analysed in relation to the hydro-plankton groups of stations and difference in fish density across hydro-plankton conditions was tested by a pair-wise multiple comparison procedure. Anchovy was associated with a lesser number of hydro-plankton conditions than sardine. Eggs of both species were also associated with a lesser number of conditions than the fish. Finally, the gain provided by using the extensive set of hydro-plankton parameters for mapping large-scale hydro-plankton conditions was analysed in comparison with the situation in which a small set of parameters was available. The extensive set of parameters allowed more hydro-plankton conditions to be identified but only in the coastal area and not on the shelf. Size fractionated chlorophyll was determinant for tracking river plume hydro-plankton condition. However, the fish did not respond to the variety of the coastal hydro-plankton conditions.Este artículo analiza la relación espacial entre los peces pelágicos y su medio ambiente utilizando datos de la campaña acústica francesa del año 2000. Esta campaña fue multidisciplinaria y permitió la colección de una lista extensa de parámetro en el hidro-plancton. Mas de 50 variables fueron muestreadas sobre la misma red de estaciones. Estas variables se agrupan en cuatro compartimientos del ecosistema: hidrología, nutrientes y materia en suspensión, bacterias y fitoplancton, mesozooplancton. En primer lugar se hizo una análisis conjunto a todas las variables reagrupadas en los cuatros compartimientos aplicando el método MFA (Análisis Factorial Múltiple). El método permitió estimar el espacio factorial común a todos los compartimientos en el que se hizo un agrupamiento de las estaciones. Los grupos tenían una distribución espacial bien estructurada. Durante la campaña, los peces fueron muestreados sobre líneas de muestreo usando el método acústico y sus huevos fueron muestreado al mismo tiempo con la bomba CUFES (continuous underway fish egg sampler). Las diferencias de abundancia de peces y de sus huevos, relativas a los grupos del hidro-plancton, se comprobaron estadísticamente. La anchoa estaba limitada a grupos de hidro-plancton particulares mientras que la sardina no lo estaba. Las puestas de las dos especies estaban limitadas a menos grupos que los adultos. El beneficio de usar una lista extensiva de variables en el hidro-plancton fue analizado. La clorofila por clases de tamaño era determinante en identificar grupos de hidro-plancton relacionados con las plumas de los ríos. Pero el pez no estaba relacionado solamente con estos grupos