161 research outputs found

    Le informazioni geografiche dei social network (SMGI) a supporto della pianificazione del turismo. L’esempio di Cagliari.

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    Il contributo propone una discussione sul possibile utilizzo delle informazioni geografiche provenienti dai social network nell’ambito della pianificazione del turismo su scala regionale e locale. Il crescente utilizzo dei social network da parte degli utenti in tutto il mondo ha fatto si che queste piattaforme, e soprattutto l’informazione derivante da esse, sia utile per i turisti, che possono facilmente ottenere dati adeguati sulle destinazioni e sui servizi offerti, grazie alle recensioni liberamente condivise dagli altri utenti, e per gli operatori turistici, i quali possono utilizzare queste informazioni per migliorare le proprie strategie di marketing e promozione. Questi dati, comunemente definiti Social Media Geographic Information (SMGI), possono inoltre offrire nuove opportunità per supportare le fasi decisionali nella pianificazione del turismo. Purtroppo la ricchezza di contenuti sulle percezioni e sulle opinioni degli utenti, resa disponibile dalle SMGI, non viene ancora adeguatamente utilizzata dai pianificatori per le analisi territoriali. Lo studio propone un nuovo approccio per analizzare, qualitativamente e quantitativamente, attraverso l’uso delle SMGI, le relazioni che insistono tra il gradimento dei turisti, le località geografiche e l’offerta turistica in Sardegna. La metodologia adottata include la raccolta di dati da Booking.com e TripAdvisor, la loro integrazione ed elaborazione con i dati ufficiali in ambiente GIS, e l’applicazione di tecniche di analisi di statistica spaziale per identificare e valutare i fattori che possono determinare il successo di una destinazione turistica. La metodologia viene applicata alla scala regionale, individuando le aree maggiormente apprezzate dai turisti, ed alla scala locale per la destinazione di Cagliari, per la quale vengono identificati e valutati i principali fattori che ne determinano il successo come destinazione turistica. I risultati ottenuti possono essere utilizzati come base conoscitiva per guidare ulteriori specifiche analisi e per sviluppare strategie di sviluppo sostenibile nell’ambito della pianificazione territoriale e del turismo tramite processi decisionali informati

    Effect of anisotropy on the onset of convection in rotating bi-disperse Brinkman porous media

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    AbstractThermal convection in a horizontally isotropic bi-disperse porous medium (BDPM) uniformly heated from below is analysed. The combined effects of uniform vertical rotation and Brinkman law on the stability of the steady state of the momentum equations in a BDPM are investigated. Linear and nonlinear stability analysis of the conduction solution is performed, and the coincidence between linear instability and nonlinear stability thresholds in theL2L^2L2-norm is obtained

    Solitary Fibrous Tumours of the Pleura

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    Solitary fibrous tumours of the pleura (SFTP) are rare neoplasms originating from one of the components of the sub-mesothelial connective layer underlying the pleura. They are the most common non-mesothelial primary pleural neoplasms but still remain relatively rare. Their behaviour is mostly indolent; however, some may de-differentiate into malignant and aggressive tumours. Surgical resection is the mainstay treatment for SFTP, even more so in case of voluminous masses, due to compression onto lung, mediastinum and great vessels. In this chapter, we discuss the disease characteristics reported in the literature with respect to clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment; also, we will discuss the results of patients treated for SFTP who underwent a surgical treatment in our unit of thoracic surgery

    Structure-activity relationship studies on new DABOS: effect of substitutions at pyrimidine C-5 and C-6 positions on anti-HIV-1 activity.

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    Several 5-alkyl, 5-alkenyl, 5-iso-alkyl, 5-halo, 5-aminomethyl and 5-carboxy derivatives of S-DABOs (dihydro-alkyl (or cyclo-alkyl)thio-benzyloxopyrimidines), DATNOs (dihydro-alkylthionaphthylmethyl-oxopyrimidines) and F2-S-DABOs (dihydro-alkyl (or cyclo-alkyl)thio-2,6-difluorobenzyl-oxopyrimidines) have been prepared and tested as anti-HIV-1 agents. S-DABO derivatives bearing at C-6 position monosubstituted phenylmethyl or heteroarylmethyl units have also been synthesized. 2-Alkylthio-3,4-dihydropyrimidin-4(3 H)-one derivatives of F2- S-DABO series bearing small alkyl groups at C-5 proved to be potent inhibitors of HIV-1 replication in vitro with selectivity indexes ranging from 250 to <2500

    Key performance indicators for monitoring the integrated care pathway in breast cancer: the E.Pic.A. project

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    Introduction: Due to its high incidence, evaluating performance of care delivered to breast cancer patients is a crucial issue. The multidisciplinary panel E.Pic.A. (Economic Appropriateness of an Integrated Care Pathway) defined a set of key performance indexes (KPIs) to evaluate economic waste in breast cancer healthcare interventions. Methods: The E.Pic.A. panel identified the principal KPIs that are crucial within the breast cancer care pathway to evaluate the performance of care. KPIs were defined taking into account their reliability, validity, usability and feasibility of measurement through the linkage between multiple routine healthcare data sources. Results: 7 KPIs were identified: 3 on instrumental diagnostics, 2 on surgery and 2 on treatment. The 3 KPIs regarding instrumental diagnostics are aimed at assessing the inappropriateness of diagnostic tests performed before and after the index surgery. The 2 KPIs regarding surgery measure the inappropriateness of possible repeated interventions considering the time elapsed from the index surgery. The 2 KPIs regarding oncologic therapy measure the inappropriateness about the administration time of adjuvant therapy and radiotherapy considering the time elapsed from the index surgery. Conclusion: E.Pic.A methodology could help to evaluate economic waste in healthcare interventions with the objective of redirecting resources to interventions with greater value

    Immigrazione in Piemonte. Rapporto 2010

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    Contributi di ricerca ; n.245/2011- Indice #2- Introduzione #3- La domanda di lavoro rivolta ai cittadini stranieri nel 2010 #16- Gli studenti piemontesi con cittadinanza straniera #26- Immigrazione e credito. Un rapporto in divenire #4

    Can Urine Metabolomics Be Helpful in Differentiating Neuropathic and Nociceptive Pain? A Proof-of-Concept Study

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    The diagnosis of pain nature is a troublesome task and a wrong attribution often leads to an increase of costs and to avoidable pharmaceutical adverse reactions. An objective and specific approach to achieve this diagnosis is highly desirable. The aim of this work was to investigate urine samples collected from patients suffering from pain of different nature by a metabolomics approach based on 1 H NMR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis. We performed a prospective study on 74 subjects: 37 suffering from pain (12 with nociceptive and 25 with neuropathic pain), and 37 controls not suffering from any kind of chronic pain. The application of discriminant analysis on the urine spectral profiles allowed us to classify these two types of pain with high sensibility and specificity. Although the classification relies on the global urine metabolic profile, the individual contribution in discriminating neuropathic pain patients of metabolites such as choline and phosphocholine, taurine and alanine, suggests potential lesions to the nervous system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a urine metabolomics profile is used to classify these two kinds of pain. This methodology, although based on a limited sample, may constitute the basis for a new helpful tool in the clinical diagnosis
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