38 research outputs found

    Vegetable Production Systems Component Tests

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    As long-term spaceflight missions become ever more imminent, astronaut nutrition and diet require further investigation and development. Dehydrated or stabilized food sources are currently used for spaceflight, but growing fresh produce aboard spacecraft can potentially supplement the astronauts diets. Further, having astronauts work with plants while in space can provide psychological benefits by serving as a tangible passage of time and representing a living component aboard an otherwise mechanical environment. As spaceflight duration will lengthen as missions head back to the Moon and to Mars, having the ability and knowledge to grow fresh produce will become even more vital. The following experiments were conducted in the late summer and fall of 2018. The purpose of these studies were to examine potential off-gas from a system component that could potentially inhibit plant germination, optimizing lighting methods and protocol for mizuna production, determining a fertilizer method that best promotes healthy mizuna yields, and troubleshooting tomato production for the next generation of the Vegetable Production System

    NCERA-101 Station Report from Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA

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    This is our annual report to the North Central Extension Research Activity, which is affiliated with the USDA and Land Grant University Agricultural Experiment Stations. I have been a member of this committee for 25 years. The presentation will be given by Dr. Gioia Massa, Kennedy Space Cente

    NCERA-101 STATION REPORT - KENNEDY SPACE CENTER: Large Plant Growth Hardware for the International Space Station

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    This is the station report for the national controlled environments meeting. Topics to be discussed will include the Veggie and Advanced Plant Habitat ISS hardware. The goal is to introduce this hardware to a potential user community

    Researching Plant Growth in Amended Martian Regolith Simulant, Photosynthetic Rates of Plants, Seed Surface Decontamination by Plasma Methods, New Crop Development, and Porous Concrete Media

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    Plant growth research for food production at Kennedy Space Center looks at how future residents of Mars and the Moon will enjoy the sight, smell, taste, and nutrition of plants. Overall, the goal is to provide a sustainable source of healthy food, on long-duration space flights, so astronauts can get the nutrition they need and produce food. The sustainable production of food will aid in the efforts of closed life support. Plants have a vital application for bio regenerative life support as demands for food and oxygen can be provided through photosynthesis, while the carbon dioxide from human respiration is removed. Transpiration is also used in life support processes as waste water that can be recycled through plant systems with the resultant humidity then condensed as clean water. Selected crops will provide the nutrient requirements needed for long duration space flight. Currently, projects in food production are investigating how plants grow in Martian regolith simulant, new crops testing with tomato and pepper cultivars, acquiring real-time photosynthetic data on crops, assessing plant growth in porous concrete media, and the use of plasma for surface decontamination of seeds

    Veggie Hardware Validation Test Preliminary Results and Lessons Learned

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    The Veggie hardware validation test, VEG-01, was conducted on the International Space Station during Expeditions 39 and 40 from May through June of 2014. The Veggie hardware and the VEG-01 experiment payload were launched to station aboard the SpaceX-3 resupply mission in April, 2014. Veggie was installed in an Expedite-the-Processing-of-Experiments-to-Space-Station (ExPRESS) rack in the Columbus module, and the VEG-01 validation test was initiated. Veggie installation was successful, and power was supplied to the unit. The hardware was programmed and the root mat reservoir and plant pillows were installed without issue. As expected, a small amount of growth media was observed in the sealed bags which enclosed the plant pillows when they were destowed. Astronaut Steve Swanson used the wet/dry vacuum to clean up the escaped particles. Water insertion or priming the first plant pillow was unsuccessful as an issue prevented water movement through the quick disconnect. All subsequent pillows were successfully primed, and the initial pillow was replaced with a backup pillow and successfully primed. Six pillows were primed, but only five pillows had plants which germinated. After about a week and a half it was observed that plants were not growing well and that pillow wicks were dry. This indicated that the reservoir was not supplying sufficient water to the pillows via wicking, and so the team reverted to an operational fix which added water directly to the plant pillows. Direct watering of the pillows led to a recovery in several of the stressed plants; a couple of which did not recover. An important lesson learned involved Veggie's bellows. The bellows tended to float and interfere with operations when opened, so Steve secured them to the baseplate during plant tending operations. Due to the perceived intensity of the LED lights, the crew found it challenging to both work under the lights and read crew procedures on their computer. Although the lights are not a safety hazard, for visual comfort crewmembers were advised to wear sunglasses when working with the plants and then they can lift glasses to read procedures. Steve Swanson had already trail-blazed this procedure when he initiated VEG-01. The temperature and humidity data logger was relocated mid-experiment to provide measurements on both sides of the unit. Images of the plants were downlinked weekly, and videos of installation and harvest were recorded. This imaging frequency was not sufficient to monitor and respond to changes in plant growth. Plants, samples, and data loggers will be returned on SpaceX-4, scheduled to return the fall of 2014. Lessons learned will be translated into hardware and operational modifications for future Veggie payloads

    VEGGIE Pillow Testing: Microbial Analysis of Cut-and-Come-Again Species Testing

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    With NASA focused on researching and developing technology for deep space missions, the need for a reliable supplementary food source must also be considered. For the ISS, resupplying the food source is more practical and cost effect since the facility is in low Earth orbit. However, as NASA attempts to push the frontier in space, the costs and distance for resupply will surely increase. Plants would contribute to the proportion of food and reduce the dependency on food from Earth. In addition, plants would provide oxygen production, carbon dioxide removal, and psychological benefits. As a result, a vegetable production system, VEGGIE, was developed for NASA to produce salad crops with minimal resources and study the beneficial effects. The VEGGIE pillow is a single use bag for growing crops that is used with the VEGGIE hardware. The VEGGIE pillow was tested with four different species of plants with the cut-and-come-again harvest method to determine the greatest yield. Instead of harvesting the entire plant, the harvest consisted of cutting leaves to allow the plant to regrow leaves. The harvest methods included cutting the plants weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. A fifth plant species, radishes, was also harvested and replanted. Microbial load analysis and an ANOVA significance test were utilized. The data suggest that the two Brassica plants have the greatest yields; however, the microbial load is also greatest for the two plants per gram of fresh weight. Furthermore, the results support the reuse of pillows for multiple harvests as shown by the replanted radishes

    FY 2017 Center Innovation Fund Annual Report - Highlights/Abstract section

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    This project evaluated the feasibility of low pressure cold plasma (CP) for two applications: disinfection of produce grown in space and sterilization of medical equipment in space. Currently there is no ISS capability for disinfecting pick and eat crops, food utensils, food production areas, or medical devices. This deficit is extended to projected long duration missions. Small, portable, cold plasma devices would provide an enhanced benefit to crew health and address issues concerning microbial cross contamination. The technology would contribute to the reduction of solid waste since currently crews utilize benzalkonium chloride wet wipes for cleaning surfaces and might use PRO-SAN wipes for cleaning vegetables. CP cleaning/disinfection/sterilization can work on many surfaces, including all metals, most polymers, and this project evaluated produce. Therefore CP provides a simple system that has many different cleaning application in space: produce, medical equipment, cutlery, miscellaneous tools

    From Kennedy, to Beyond: Growing Plants in Space

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    Astronauts cannot have their cake and eat it too, but what about growing a salad and eating it? As NASA continues to push the envelope on Space exploration and inhabitance the need for a fresh food source becomes more vital. The Life Support team at NASA is using a system developed by ORBITEC the VEGGIE, in which astronauts aboard the ISS, and potentially the Moon and Mars, will be capable of growing food. The introduction of plants not only gives astronauts a means of independently supplying food, but also recreation, oxygen replenishment and psychological benefits. The plants were grown in "pillows", the system used for growing plants within the VEGGIE. This test included 4 types of media mixtures that are composed of a clay based media called Arcilite and Fafard #2, which is a peat moss-based media ( <1 mm Arcilite, 1-2 mm of Arcilite, 1:1 <1 mm & 1-2 mm mixture and 1:1 Arcilite & Fafard mixture). Currently, 3 lettuce cultivars are being grown in 4 mixtures of media. Tests were being conducted to see which form of media has the ratio of best growth and least amount of microbes that are harmful. That is essential because a person's body becomes more susceptible to illness when they leave Earth. As a result, test must be conducted on the "pillow" system to assess the levels of microbial activity. The cultivars were tested at different stages during their growing process for microbes. Datum show that the mix of Fafard and Arcilite had the best growth, but also the most microbes. This was due to the fact that Fafard is an organic substance so it contains material necessary for microbes to live. Data suggest that the <1 mm Arcilite has an acceptable amount of growth and a lower level of microbes, because it is non-organic

    Identification of Fungal Colonies on Ground Control and Flight Veggie Plant Pillows

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    The Veggie system focuses on growing fresh produce that can be harvested and consumed by astronauts. The microbial colonies in each Veggie experiment are evaluated to determine the safety level of the produce and then differences between flight and ground samples. The identifications of the microbial species can detail risks or benefits to astronaut and plant health. Each Veggie ground or flight experiment includes six plants grown from seeds that are glued into wicks in Teflon pillows filled with clay arcillite and fertilizer. Fungal colonies were isolated from seed wicks, growth media, and lettuce (cv. 'Outredgeous') roots grown in VEG-01B pillows on ISS and in corresponding ground control pillows grown in controlled growth chambers. The colonies were sorted by morphology and identified using MicroSeq(TM) 500 16s rDNA Bacterial Identification System and BIOLOG GEN III MicroPlate(TM). Health risks for each fungal identification were then assessed using literature sources. The goal was to identify all the colonies isolated from flight and ground control VEG-01B plants, roots, and rooting medium and compare the resulting identifications

    Large Plant Growth Chambers: Flying Soon on a Space Station near You!

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    The International Space Station (ISS) now has platforms for conducting research on horticultural plant species, and those capabilities continue to grow. The Veggie vegetable production system will be deployed to the ISS in Spring of 2014 to act as an applied research platform with goals of studying food production in space, providing the crew with a source of fresh food, allowing behavioral health and plant microbiology experimentation, and being a source of recreation and enjoyment for the crew. Veggie was conceived, designed, and constructed by Orbital Technologies Corporation (ORBITEC, Madison, WI). Veggie is the largest plant growth chamber that NASA has flown to date, and is capable of growing a wide array of horticultural crops. It was designed for low energy usage, low launch mass and stowage volume, and minimal crew time requirements. The Veggie flight hardware consists of a light cap containing red (630 nanometers), blue, (455 nanometers) and green (530 nanometers) light emitting diodes. Interfacing with the light cap is an extendable bellows baseplate secured to the light cap via magnetic closures and stabilized with extensible flexible arms. The baseplate contains vents allowing air from the ISS cabin to be pulled through the plant growth area by a fan in the light cap. The baseplate holds a Veggie root mat reservoir that will supply water to plant pillows attached via elastic cords. Plant pillows are packages of growth media and seeds that will be sent to ISS dry and installed and hydrated on orbit. Pillows can be constructed in various sizes for different plant types. Watering will be via passive wicking from the root mat to the pillows. Science procedures will include photography or videography, plant thinning, pollination, harvesting, microbial sampling, water sampling, etcetera. Veggie is one of the ISS flight options currently available for research investigations on plants. The Plant Habitat (PH) is being designed and constructed through a NASA-ORBITEC collaboration, and is scheduled to fly on ISS around 2016. This large plant chamber will control light quality, level, and timing, temperature, CO2, relative humidity, and irrigation, while scrubbing ethylene. Additional monitoring capabilities include leaf temperature sensing and root zone moisture and oxygen sensing. The PH light cap will have red (630 nanometers), blue (450 nanometers), green (525 nanometers), far red (730 nanometers) and broad spectrum white light emitting diodes. There will be several internal cameras to monitor and record plant growth and operations