1,723 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of the R290 Variable Geometry Gas Ejector Application for Other Refrigerants

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    Ejector refrigeration systems are promising alternative to standard vapour compression refrigeration systems. They can be driven with low-grade heat or solar systems, which make them even more renewable solution aligned with global energy transition. By implementing the controllable ejector, it can adapt to variable operating conditions, ensuring the high efficiency of both the device and the overall performance of the system. However, as it is fluid-driven device, its geometry has to be designed for particular fluid and typically requires redesigning when being applied for new applications. The R290 variable geometry gas ejector has been thoroughly tested for various spindle positions which ensured its highly efficient operation at different conditions. In this study, the same geometry was tested for other natural refrigerants of similar thermodynamic properties, i.e.R600a and R1270. The CFD analysis was based on a set of operating points for ejector-based air conditioning system working during the summer period with characteristic temperatures at evaporator and condenser. The controllable ejector was simulated for all the points with similar motive and suction nozzle parameters and the critical temperature at the outlet was determined. The analysis showed that the ejector can be used with other refrigerants maintaining high efficiency without any changes in geometry but for lower number of spindle positions. The obtained critical temperature indicates that with all the tested refrigerants the ejector-based cycle is able to work for cooling purposes during typical summer conditions for a wide range of temperatures

    Rochester Fair, September 1930

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    Trott\u27s Official Score Card for the Friday, September 26, 1930 Rochester Fair race at Cold Spring Park, Rochester, N.H. The card includes the names of race officials and Guy Kendall\u27s handwritten notes recording race details, as well as a photo mounted inside the score card. The score card was printed by Frank G. Trott, an agent with Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co., selling insurance coverage for race horses but was also a reporter covering harness racing for The Boston Globe from 1896-1949

    Biochemical studies of the tracheobronchial epithelium.

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    Tracheobronchial epithelium has been a focus of intense investigation in the field of chemical carcinogenesis. We have reviewed some biochemical investigations that have evolved through linkage with carcinogenesis research. These areas of investigation have included kinetics of carcinogen metabolism, identification of carcinogen metabolites, levels of carcinogen binding to DNA, and analysis of carcinogen-DNA adducts. Such studies appear to have provided a reasonable explanation for the susceptibilities of the respiratory tracts of rats and hamsters to carcinogenesis by benzo(a)pyrene. Coinciding with the attempts to understand the initiation of carcinogenesis in the respiratory tract has also been a major thrust aimed at effecting its prevention both in humans and in animal models for human bronchogenic carcinoma. These studies have concerned the effects of derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids) and their influence on normal cell biology and biochemistry of this tissue. Recent investigations have included the effects of retinoid deficiency on the synthesis of RNA and the identification of RNA species associated with this biological state, and also have included the effects of retinoids on the synthesis of mucus-related glycoproteins. Tracheal organ cultures from retinoid-deficient hamsters have been used successfully to indicate the potency of synthetic retinoids by monitoring the reversal of squamous metaplasia. Techniques applied to this tissue have also served to elucidate features of the metabolism of retinoic acid using high pressure liquid chromatography. In brief, formidable strides have been made in biochemistry specific to this important target tissue, despite the inability to acquire tracheobronchial epithelium in large quantities

    Ultraviolet Complete Quantum Gravity

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    An ultraviolet complete quantum gravity theory is formulated in which vertex functions in Feynman graphs are entire functions and the propagating graviton is described by a local, causal propagator. The cosmological constant problem is investigated in the context of the ultraviolet complete quantum gravity.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Changes to text. Results remain the same. References added. To be published in European Physics Journal Plu


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    The article presents the results of the diagnosis of mastitis using California mastitis test (KMT), the treatment of the cows sick of a mastitis conducted the latest modern drugs offered in antimastitis program, which was developed by the company «Simedika» – namely antimastitisy drug «Klokserat plus MS», which was administered intracisternally and antibiotic «Norostrep». Mastitis prophylaxis performed using «Startvak» vaccine. Reducing the number of somatic cells corresponded to improve the quality of milk after mastitis treatment and prevention. At several times reduced the number of cows sick of mastitis.В статье представлены результаты диагностики маститов с помощью Калифорнийского маститного теста (КМТ), лечение коров, больных маститом, проводились новейшими современными препаратами, предлагаемыми в противомаститной программе, которую разработала компания «Симедика», а именно – противомаститный препарат «Клоксерат плюс МС», который вводили интрацистернально, и антибиотик «Норостреп». Профилактику маститов проводили с помощью вакцины «Стартвак». Уменьшение количества соматических клеток соответствовало улучшению качества молока после лечения и профилактики маститов. В несколько раз уменьшилось количество коров, больных маститом.У статті представлено результати діагностики маститів за допомогою Каліфорнійського маститного тесту (КМТ), лікування корів, хворих на мастит, проводилися новітніми сучасними препаратами, що пропонуються у протимаститній програмі, яку розробила компанія «Симедіка», а саме – протимаститний препарат «Клоксерат плюс МС», який вводили інтрацистернально, та антибіотик «Норостреп». Профілактику маститів проводили за допомогою вакцини «Стартвак». Зменшення кількості соматичних клітин відповідало покращенню якості молока після лікування і профілактики маститів. В декілька разів зменшилась кількість корів, хворих на мастит

    Preoperative Predictors of Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy Outcomes: The APM Index Score

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    Problem Statement: - Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) has been shown to be the most common meniscal surgical treatment in the United States - Pre-op risk factors known to contribute to poor outcomes after APM: Symptom duration and radiographic OA at baseline - Factors with no conclusive effect on post-op outcomes: Baseline knee functional score, location of meniscal tear, BMI, activity level, age, sex, and chondral damage on MRI Project AIM: To create an index score using easily available preoperative risk factors such as Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grade, age, duration of symptoms, BMI, activity level, and preoperative outcome scores to predict the likelihood of favorable outcomes after APM.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/aoa_research_symposium_posters/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring Coral Calcification by Calcium Carbonate Overgrowth Experiments

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    The Scleractinia coral biomineralization process is a representative example of a heterogeneous process of nudeation and growth of biogenic CaCO3 over a mineral phase. Indeed, even if the biomineralization process starts before settlement, the bulk formation of the skeleton takes place only when the larvae attach to a solid substrate, which can be Mg-calcite from coralline algae, and the following growth proceeds on the Mg-calcite surface of the formed baseplate of the planula. Despite this peculiarity and central role of the Mg-calcite substrate, the in vitro overgrowth of CaCO3 on single crystals of Mg-calcite, or calcite, in the presence of magnesium ions and the soluble organic matrix (SOM) extracted from coral skeletons has not been performed until now. In this study, the SOMs from Stylophora pistillata and Oculina patagonica skeletons were used in a set of overgrowth experiments. The overgrown CaCO3 was characterized by microscopic, diffractometric, and spectroscopic techniques. Our results showed that CaCO3 overgrowth in the presence of S. pistillata or O. patagonica SOM produces different effects. However, there appears to be a minor distinction between samples when magnesium ions are present in solution. Moreover, the Mg-calcite substrate appears to be a favorable substrate for the overgrowth of aragonite, differently from calcite. These observations fit with the observed settling of coral larvae on Mg-calcite-based substrates and with the in vivo observation that in the planula aragonite forms on first-formed Mg-calcite crystals. The overall results of this study highlight the importance of magnesium ions, either in the solution or in the substrate, in defining the shape, morphology, and polymorphism of biodeposited CaCO3. They also suggest a magnesium-dependent biological control on the deposition of coral skeletons

    A Golf Programme for People with Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems

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    This article reports a pioneering golf programme for people with severe and enduring mental health problems. Following a discussion of the problems and possibilities of golf as a form of physical activity for this group, we outline the structure, organisation, and ethos of the golf programme. Through an analysis of qualitative case study data collected during the programme, we discuss the response to the programme from service users and mental health professionals. We conclude by highlighting aspects of the programme which were critical to its success and offering suggestions for further initiatives in this area