1,070 research outputs found

    Development of a renewable hybrid power plant with extended utilization of pumped storage unit equipment

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    The scheme of a renewable hybrid power plant with the extended use of the installed equipment of the pumped storage unit for the conversion of the photovoltaic and wind generators direct current to the alternating one is proposed. The scheme is based on existing components with widely used proven technology. To output the power of solar and wind generators to the grid and for DC to AC conversion, a synchronous generator of the pumped storage unit is used in addition to grid inverters. An induction motor, powered through a variable frequency drive from a common DC bus, is used together with a hydraulic turbine to rotate the generator. In addition, batteries and capacitors banks are connected to the DC bus. The possibility of using various types of electric machines to drive a synchronous generator is analyzed and the preference of an induction motor is shown. The response of an induction motor to rotational speed fluctuations is modeled and its capability to participate in the network frequency regulation is shown. With the example of a typical daily load and generation profile, it is shown that the proposed solution for DC to AC conversion has an efficiency close to that of the grid inverter. The proposed scheme of the hybrid power plant can increase the reliability of renewable energy sources and the stability of the network frequency. This is achieved due to increasing the inertia of the rotating masses in the power system, the power factor control capabilities of the synchronous generator and the proper response of induction motor to rapid fluctuations of the rotation speed. The creation of such hybrid power plants opens the way for a further increase in the share of renewable energy sources in the power system.Запропоновано схему гібридної відновлюваної електричної станції з розширеним використанням встановленого обладнання гідроакумулюючого блока для перетворення постійного струму фотоелектричних та вітрових генераторів в змінний. Схема базується на наявних компонентах з широко використовуваною відпрацьованою технологією. Для видачі потужності та перетворення постійного струму сонячних та вітрових генераторів в змінний окрім мережевих інверторів використовується синхронний генератор гідроакумулюючого блоку. Для обертання генератора крім гідротурбіни також використовується асинхронний двигун, підключений через частотно-регульований привод до загальної шини постійного струму станції. Крім того, до шини постійного струму підключені електрохімічні акумулятори і батареї конденсаторів. Проаналізовано можливість використання різних типів електричних машин для приводу синхронного генератора і показано перевагу асинхронного двигуна. Змодельовано реакцію асинхронного двигуна на коливання швидкості обертання і показано його здатність брати участь в регулюванні частоти мережі. На прикладі типового добового графіка навантаження і генерації показано, що запропоноване рішення по перетворенню постійного струму в змінний має ККД, близький до ККД мережевого інвертора. Запропонована схема гібридної станції дозволяє підвищити надійність роботи відновлюваних джерел енергії і стабільність частоти мережі. Це досягається завдяки збільшенню інерції обертових мас в енергосистемі, можливості управління коефіцієнтом потужності синхронного генератора і властивій асинхронному двигуну реакції на коливання швидкості обертання. Створення таких гібридних станцій відкриває шлях до подальшого збільшення частки відновлюваних джерел в енергосистемі

    Identification of nonlinear vibrating structures: Part I -- Formulation

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    A self-starting multistage, time-domain procedure is presented for the identification of nonlinear, multi-degree-of-freedom systems undergoing free oscillations or subjected to arbitrary direct force excitations and/or nonuniform support motions. Recursive least-squares parameter estimation methods combined with nonparametric identification techniques are used to represent, with sufficient accuracy, the identified system in a form that allows the convenient prediction of its transient response under excitations that differ from the test signals. The utility of this procedure is demonstrated in a companion paper

    Identification of nonlinear vibrating structures: Part II -- Applications

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    A time-domain procedure for the identification of nonlinear vibrating structures, presented in a companion paper, is applied to a "calibration" problem which incorporates realistic test situations and nonlinear structural characteristics widely encountered in the applied mechanics field. The "data" set is analyzed to develop suitable, approximate nonlinear system representations. Subsequently, a "validation" test is conducted to demonstrate the range of validity of the method under discussion. It is shown that the procedure furnishes a convenient means for constructing reduced-order nonlinear nonparametric mathematical models of reasonably high fidelity in regard to reproducing the response of the test article under dynamic loads that differ from the identification test loads

    Potensi Objek Wisata Toraja Utara Berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Sumber Materi Geografi Pariwisata

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    This research focused on the tourism potential of North Toraja based on local wisdom. The method of this study implemented qualitative using ethnography approach. The results showed that (1) the tourism objects in North Toraja are potential in the aspect of culture, nature and history (2) the tourism areas in North Toraja must be under supervised and controlled by Foundations, Farmers, Local Government, and family. (3) Development of tourism objects in the basis of local wisdom supports the continuation of tourism in North Toraja. (4) Tourism in North Toraja based on local wisdom can be used as a source of learning materials for Tourism Geography courses in the Department of Geography, State University of Makassar. The implication of this study will be used a source of support materials Tourism Geography subjects particularly in Tourism Potential Local Content.Penelitian tentang potensi obyek wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal. Hasil dari penelitian digunakan sebagai sumber materi pendukung matakuliah Geografi Pariwisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, bertujuan menghasilkan laporan etnografi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) kawasan obyek wisata Toraja Utara memiliki potensi wisata budaya, alam dan sejarah (2) Pengelola kawasan wisata Toraja Utara diantaranya: Yayasan, Petani, Pemda, dan Keluarga. (3) Pengembangan Objek wisata berbasis kearifan lokal setempat mendukung kelangsungan wisata di Toraja Utara. (4) Wisata Toraja Utara berbasis kearifan lokal dapat digunakan sebagai sumber materi belajar M.k Geografi Pariwisata Jurusan Geografi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar yakni Materi Potensi Wisata lokal

    Evaluation of on-line pulse control for vibration suppression in flexible spacecraft

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    On-line pulse control for vibration suppression in a flexible spacecraft was evaluated. A continuous beam vs. a truss was modeled. A linear finite element model was used to determine the truss characteristics. Control issues outlined are ED pulse actuator development, pseudo pulse algorithm development, and large nonlinear simulation problems

    The Readiness of Government Schools to Deal with the Emergency and Crisis Situations from School Administrators View Point

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    The study aimed to identify the readiness of government schools to deal with emergency situations and crises from the viewpoint of their administrators. Totaling (326) male and female administrators, the sample was randomly chosen during the first semester (2018/2019), and a tool was developed consisting of (26) items distributed in three domains. The results showed that the estimates of the sample members on all domains came with a high degree of readiness, and showed that there are statistically significant differences attributable to the variable of the school gender and in favor of males, and the presence of statistically significant differences attributable to variable years of experience and in favor (from 10-5 years, and more than 10 years), and the absence of statistically significant differences attributable to the variable of the academic qualification with the exception of the domain of preparedness and prevention and in favor of postgraduate, and the presence of statistical differences due to the variable of the school level and in favor of the (secondary) schools. The study recommends employing early warning devices to detect any emergency occurring in educational institutions

    Classical generalized constant coupling model for geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets

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    A generalized constant coupling approximation for classical geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets is presented. Starting from a frustrated unit we introduce the interactions with the surrounding units in terms of an internal effective field which is fixed by a self consistency condition. Results for the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat are compared with Monte Carlo data for the classical Heisenberg model for the pyrochlore and kagome lattices. The predictions for the susceptibility are found to be essentially exact, and the corresponding predictions for the specific heat are found to be in very good agreement with the Monte Carlo results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 columns. Discussion about the zero T value of the pyrochlore specific heat correcte


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    Porous Asphalt (PA) is known as a highly permeable asphalt surface that design to be permeable pavements for stormwater control and reduce the stormwater runoff. However, the structure is subjected to damage from cracking, rutting, stripping, and rapid aging under the effects of repeated vehicle loading, hot climates, and heavy rainfall. To overcome this, PA needs to modify using high tensile strength like steel fiber. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the performance of PA with the addition of steel fiber and overcome the issue that is related to PA. A mixture contains varying percentages of steel fiber were assessed to check which samples gives the best performance as per the requirement by using laboratory tests which are LA Abrasion, Resilient Modulus, Marshall Stability, and Density. The results show that the additions of 0.6% steel fiber give the lowest value of abrasion, while 0.5% fiber content contributes the highest value of Resilient Modulus and Marshall Stability respectively. PA mixtures modified with steel fiber produce the performance enhancement of PA as a road surfacing material. It is concluded that the asphalt mixtures containing steel fibers could increase the stability and strength of the mix

    Nanomagnetic-Mediated Drug Delivery for The Treatment of Dental Disease

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    Maintaining the vitality of the dental pulp, the highly innervated and highly vascular, innermost layer of the tooth, is a critical goal of any dental procedure. Upon injury, targeting the pulp with specific therapies is challenging because it is encased in hard tissues. This project describes a method that can effectively deliver therapeutic agents to the pulp. This method relies on the use of nanoparticles that can be actively steered using magnetic forces to the pulp, traveling through naturally occurring channels in the dentin (the middle layer of the tooth). This method can reduce the inflammation of injured pulp and improve the penetration of dental adhesives into dentin. Such a delivery method would be less expensive, and both less painful and less traumatic than existing therapeutic options available for treatment of injured dental pulp. This technique would be simple and could be readily translated to clinical use