36 research outputs found

    Applying a set of orthogonal basis functions in numerical solution of Hallen's integral equation for dipole antenna of perfectly conducting material

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    The focus of this paper is on solving Hallen’s integral equation for a diploe antenna of perfectly conduct- ´ing material. A special representation of orthogonal triangular basis functions is used to implement aneffective numerical method for solving this equation. The Hallen’s formulation is treated in detail and ´illustrative computations are given for current distributions and radiation patterns

    Clinical manifestations, comorbidities, psoriasis type I & II: similarities, differences and correlation with HLA and single nucleotide polymorphisms

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    Psoriasis subtypes are defined by the morphology of lesions and by the age at disease onset, with type 1 appearing before and type 2 after the age of 40 years. Psoriasis also has extracutaneous manifestations such as psoriatic arthritis and nail involvement. In this study we sought to replicate systematically robust findings from psoriasis GWAS in a substantial Greek cohort and to assess the effect of these variants in relevant subphenotypes and comorbidities. .Οι υπότυποι της ψωρίασης καθορίζονται από την μορφολογία των βλαβών και την ηλικία εμφάνισης με την τύπου Ι να είναι πριν και την τύπου ΙΙ μετά την ηλικία των 40 ετών. Η ψωρίαση έχει επίσης και εξωδερματικές εκδηλώσεις όπως η ψωριασική αρθρίτιδα και η ονυχία. Στην παρούσα μελέτη έγινε προσπάθεια να μελετηθούν πολυμορφισμοί που έχουν προκύψει από μελέτες τύπου GWAS(Genome wide association studies) σε ένα σημαντικό αριθμό ασθενών του Ελληνικού πληθυσμού και να βρεθούν τυχόν συσχετίσεις με τους υπότυπους της νόσου και τις συνοσηρότητες της

    Συγκρούσεις γονέων - εφήβων σε σχέση με την ψυχολογική ευημερία και σχολική επίδοση: Μία διαχρονική μελέτη

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    Η εφηβεία είναι μία περίοδος αλλαγών τόσο στη ζωή του εφήβου όσο και στα δυναμικά της οικογένειάς του. Η ανάγκη του εφήβου για αυτονομία έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τις έντονες συγκρούσεις ανάμεσα σε εκείνον και τους γονείς του. Οι έφηβοι μετανάστες έρχονται αντιμέτωποι τόσο με αναπτυξιακές όσο και με επιπολιτισμικές προκλήσεις. Στην παρούσα εργασία θα πραγματοποιήσουμε μία ανασκόπηση των υπαρχουσών ερευνών σχετικά με τα ζητήματα της σύγκρουσης εφήβων και γονέων καθώς και πώς αυτές επηρεάζουν την ψυχολογική ευημερία των εφήβων και τις σχολικές τους επιδόσεις. Για την συλλογή των δεδομένων χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ερωτηματολόγια αυτοαναφοράς για την μέτρηση των συγκρούσεων γονέων - εφήβων, της αυτοεκτίμησης αλλά και ο μέσος όρος της βαθμολογίας των μαθητών για την μεταβλητή της σχολικής επίδοσης. Για την στατιστική ανάλυση πραγματοποιήθηκαν αρχικά κάποιες συσχετιστικές αναλύσεις μεταξύ των μεταβλητών, και κατόπιν αναλύσεις διακύμανσης και η μέθοδος της ιεραρχικής παλινδρόμησης. Τα κυριότερα ευρήματα αφορούν στο ότι η καταγωγή επηρεάζει την ψυχολογική ευημερία και την σχολική επίδοση και όχι οι συγκρούσεις γονέων – εφήβων, όπως αναμενόταν, τουλάχιστον σε ένα οριακό επίπεδο μη στατιστικής σημαντικότητας. Τέλος, συζητούνται τα ευρήματα της μελέτης καθώς και πιθανοί περιορισμοί και μελλοντικές ερευνητικές προτάσεις.Adolescence is a period of change both in the life of the teenager and in the dynamics of his family. The teen's need for autonomy results in intense clashes between him and his parents. Adolescent immigrants face both developmental and cultural challenges. In this paper we will review the existing research on the issues of teenagers and parents' conflict and how they affect the adolescent psychological well-being and school performance.For the collection of data, self-referral questionnaires were used to measure parent-teen conflicts, self-esteem, and the average score of pupils for the school performance variable. For the statistical analysis, some correlation analyzes were initially performed between the variables, then fluctuation analyzes and the hierarchical regression method.The main findings relate to the fact that origin affects psychological well-being and school performance rather than parent-teen conflicts, as expected, at least at a marginal level of non-statistical significance. Finally, the findings of the study, as well as possible limitations and future research proposals, are discussed

    Surveying the low dose topical Mitomycine-C in the treatment of severe vernal keratoconjunctivitis refractory to conventional therapy

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    Background: Vernal keratoconjunctivitis is a recurrent seasonal bilateral disease and poorly respond to conventional therapies. Present study reveal our experience with the low dose topical mitomycine-c in the treatment of sever vernal keratoconjunctivitis refractory to conventional therapy in Shiraz in 2000. Materials and Methods: In this placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial 58 patients were randomly assigned to treatment with topical 0.01% mitomycine-c eye drops (n=31) and placebo (n=27) three times daily for 2 weeks. Symptoms (Including itching photophobia tearing mucous discharge, foreign body sensation) and signs (Conjunctival hyperemia, epithelial conjunctival giant papillae) of vernal keratoconjunctivitis recorded at the day of enrollment and at the end of the treatment period. Results: There was a statistically significant decrease in the signs and symptoms 2 weeks following the mitomycine-c administration. In addition one of the treated patient and 26 of the subjects of the placebo group required medication during the first 4 weeks following the treatment (P<0.001). Therapy was discontinued in two patients because of drug side effects. Conclusion: Short term low dose topical mitomycine-c may considered in the acute exacerbation periods of patients with severe vernal keratoconjunctivitis refractory to conventional treatment

    Applying a set of orthogonal basis functions in numerical solution of Hallen's integral equation for dipole antenna of perfectly conducting material

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    The focus of this paper is on solving Hallen’s integral equation for a diploe antenna of perfectly conduct- ´ing material. A special representation of orthogonal triangular basis functions is used to implement aneffective numerical method for solving this equation. The Hallen’s formulation is treated in detail and ´illustrative computations are given for current distributions and radiation patterns

    Η νομική προστασία της βιοποικιλότητας

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    Η παρούσα εργασία πραγματεύεται το ζήτημα της νομικής προστασίας της βιοποικιλότητας και αποτελεί μία βιβλιογραφική έρευνα με αντικείμενο την περιγραφή και ανάλυση του βασικού νομικού πλαισίου που ισχύει στη χώρα μας. Στο πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας εξετάζονται τα βασικότερα νομοθετήματα του διεθνούς, ευρωπαϊκού και εθνικού δικαίου που εγγυώνται την προστασία της βιοποικιλότητας, ενώ στο δεύτερο μέρος παρατίθενται ομαδοποιημένες ορισμένες υποθέσεις που απασχόλησαν τα δικαστήρια τα τελευταία χρόνια, με κριτήριο το αντικείμενο της δραστηριότητας που έθιγε τη βιοποικιλότητα.This study deals with the issue of the legal protection of biodiversity and is a bibliographic research aimed at the description and analysis of the basic legal framework that applies in our country. In the first part of the work, the main pieces of legislation of international, European and national law that guarantee the protection of biodiversity are examined, while in the second part some cases that have occupied the courts in recent years are grouped together, based on the object of the activity that affected biodiversity

    Applying a set of orthogonal basis functions in numerical solution of Hallen's integral equation for dipole antenna of perfectly conducting material

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    The focus of this paper is on solving Hallen’s integral equation for a diploe antenna of perfectly conduct- ´ing material. A special representation of orthogonal triangular basis functions is used to implement aneffective numerical method for solving this equation. The Hallen’s formulation is treated in detail and ´illustrative computations are given for current distributions and radiation patterns

    Comparative Study on Purposes and Structure of Occupational Diseases Information System in America, Finland, French and Iran

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    Background and Aim: Occupational diseases are certain types of diseases that have been caused by special jobs and subject to special circumstances. There are several factors that can intensify these diseases. Various countries have indicated that they have played an effective role in decreasing exposures and its economic costs and attracting optimal resources through establishment of a comprehensive information system for occupational diseases with a appropriate structure. Health improvement is considered as the first aim of the health system which requires a comprehensive, complete and integrated information system on occupational disease.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive Comparative study which was conducted in 2008 during which information systems in countries such as US, Finland, France and Iran have been studied based on their objectives and structures. Main instrument of this research was articles, books, magazines, valid internet sites in English language. Then, the gathered data were classified and analyzed. Results: All the three selected countries had an electronic information system and database in the field of occupational disease. In Finland, data of occupational diseases as well as their damages are kept in separate databases; while US lacks a comprehensive system. There are countless systems in these countries in this field. In France, supervision on laboratories is a priority. In Iran, there is no certain comprehensive system for registering diseases.Discussion and Conclusion: All of these countries have the same objectives. Structure of occupational diseases information system, in Finland, is more comprehensive. Iran lacks such a system, so it is recommended to make use of the experiences of other countries and establish electronic comprehensive disease system in this country

    Prospective evaluation of incobotulinumtoxina in the management of the masseter using two different injection techniques

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    Background: IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin Cosmetic) has been used previously in the management of masseteric hypertrophy. However, a standardized injection technique has not been established. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two injection techniques in the management of masseteric hypertrophy using incobotulinumtoxinA. Methods: Thirty female patients with masseteric hypertrophy were recruited and evenly randomized to receive bilateral treatments of either a single-injection technique (SIT) or a multiinjection technique (MIT). Improvement of masseteric hypertrophy was assessed at week 16 using standardized measurements and photographs. Patients completed a 5-point satisfaction questionnaire while physicians completed the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) and 10-point photonumeric masseter prominence rating scale. Results: There were no significant differences in physician ratings on the photonumeric scale and GAIS between the SIT and MIT groups. Results of the standardized measurements also revealed no significant difference between injection techniques. Majority of patients at every visit reported being “satisfied” with treatment results. Clinically, the number and severity of adverse events were similar between groups. Conclusion: This study supports the noninferiority of both SIT and MIT with regard to efficacy and safety in the management of masseteric hypertrophy, using incobotulinumtoxinA. © 2018 Nikolis et al