5 research outputs found

    Cytotoxicity of Nanoliposomal Cisplatin Coated with Synthesized Methoxypolyethylene Glycol Propionaldehyde in Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line A2780CP

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    Purpose: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of pegylated nanoliposomal cisplatin on human ovarian cancer cell line A2780CP.Methods: Synthesized methoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) propionaldehyde was characterized by 1Hnuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and used as coating agent for the preparation of liposomal nanodrug formulation by reverse phase evaporation method. The characteristics of the nanoparticles were evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Encapsulation efficiency was determined spectrometrically at 214.42 nm by inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The cytotoxicity of both pegylated nanoliposomal and free cisplatin were evaluated by 3- [4, 5 dimethyl-2-thiazolyl] -2, 5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and expressed as half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50).Results: The mean diameter and zeta potential of drug-loaded liposomal particles and empty nanoliposomes were 125 ± 2.9 nm and -16.6 mV, 108 ± 2.2 nm and -27.2 mV, respectively, while the cytotoxicity (IC50) of free cisplatin and nanodrug formulation were 93.6 ± 3.1 μg/mL and 67.8 ± 2.3 μg/mL, respectively. In vitro toxicological results indicate that the formulation exhibited approximately 1.4-fold cytotoxicity compared with the free drug. Drug encapsulation efficiency of the nanoliposomes was approximately 98 ± 1 %.Conclusion: The findings show that the cytotoxicity of pegylated nanoliposomal cisplatin is higher than that of free cisplatin in human ovarian cancer cell line A2780CP. In vivo studies are, however, required to ascertain its therapeutic potentials.Keywords: Liposome, Nanodrug, Ovarian cancer, Polyethylene glycol, Cisplatin, Drug delivery, Cytotoxicit

    The role of polyethylene glycol size in chemical spectra, cytotoxicity, and release of PEGylated nanoliposomal cisplatin

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    This study aimed to synthesize methoxy polyethylene glycol propionaldehyde (mPEG20,000-ALD) for the preparation of PEGylated nanoliposomal cisplatin. Nanocarriers such as liposomes are developed for a wide range of drug delivery systems. PEG with high molecular weight (Mw) is used to coat the liposomes. In this study, simulated Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of mPEG-ALD were obtained using density functional theory (DFT) calculations and then compared with actual FTIR spectrum of mPEG20,000-ALD (Mw = 20 kDa). We found that the intensity of C = O stretching vibration at 1,700 cm−1 related to the carbonyl functional group of mPEG20,000-ALD was very weak. The results of DFT calculations of mPEG-ALD showed that by increasing the Mw of mPEG-ALD, the intensity of C = O stretching vibration related to the carbonyl functional group of mPEG-ALD was decreased, so we concluded the hypothesis of decreasing the intensity of C = O stretching vibration at 1,700 cm−1 as a result of increasing the Mw of mPEG-ALD. In vitro release of cisplatin showed that the percentages of released cisplatin from PEGylated nanoliposomal cisplatin and free cisplatin were determined to be 46 ± 2% and 97 ± 3% after 35 h, respectively. Cytotoxicity of free cisplatin and PEGylated nanoliposomal cisplatin was evaluated and related half-maximal inhibitory concentration on human ovarian cancer cell line A2780CP was obtained to be 76.6 ± 3.1 and 46.6 ± 2.3 μg/mL, respectively

    بررسی رضایت شغلی و عوامل تنش زای شغلی در پرسنل عملیاتی اورژانس پیش بیمارستانی شهرستان رشت درسال 1396

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    Introduction: The concept of job satisfaction is an important phenomenon in the field of health care. Lack of job satisfaction will have negative effects on the performance of people. Pre-hospital emergency personnel face a lot of stressful situations during their work day. These stresses will definitely affect the quality of their work. In this study, the relationship between job satisfaction and occupational stressors was assessed among the pre-hospital emergency personnel of Rasht city in 2017. Methods: This research was a cross-sectional descriptive study and the study population of the present investigation consisted of all technicians of Rasht’s urban emergency stations. The required information in the study was obtained from individuals using 3 questionnaires. In this study, demographic data, job satisfaction, and occupational stress questionnaires were used.   Results: Most of the studied participants were in the age group of 31 to 40 years and in terms of education level, the majority had a bachelors’ degree (52.2%). The highest level of satisfaction was observed in the field of colleagues with a mean of 3.71 and a median of 3.75. The lowest level of satisfaction was observed in the field of salary. The highest level of stressors was related to the field of patient care with a mean of 3.04 and the median of 3.16 and the lowest level of stressors was related to interpersonal stressors with a mean of 2.62. Conclusions: From the findings of this study, it can be concluded that pre-hospital emergency personnel will be more satisfied if they face less occupational stress, so the level of satisfaction of pre-hospital emergency personnel can be improved by reducing these factors. Health system policymakers can increase pre-hospital emergency personnel’s job satisfaction by paying more attention to their salaries and benefits. They can also help emergency technicians increase the quality of their working life and improve their performance by providing solutions to reduce their occupational stress.مقدمه: مفهوم رضايت شغلي پديده‌اي حائز اهميت درحوزه بهداشت و درمان است. نبود رضايت از كار تأثيرات منفي به نحوه عملكرد افراد خواهد داشت .اورژانس 115 در طول يك روز كاري خود با موقعيت‌هاي تنش‌زاي زيادي رو به رو هستند به يقين اين فشارهاي روحي در كيفيت كاري آنها تأثير خواهد گذاشت. بررسي ارتباط رضايت شغلي و عوامل تنش‌زاي شغلي در پرسنل عملياتي اورژانس پيش بيمارستاني شهرستان رشت در سال 1396 در این مطالعه انجام شد. مواد و روش­ها:  اين پژوهش مطالعه توصيفي مقطعي است و جامعه آماري تحقيق حاضر شامل كليه تكنيسين‌هاي پايگاه‌‌هاي شهري اورژانس رشت در نظر گرفته شده است. اطلاعات مورد نياز در مطالعه با استفاده از 3 پرسشنامه از افراد كسب شده است. در اين تحقيق از پرسشنامه‌هاي دموگرافيك افراد مورد مطالعه و پرسشنامه رضايت شغلي و پرسشنامه ارزيابي تنش شغلي استفاده شده است.  یافته‌ها: نمونه‌هاي مورد مطالعه در گروه سني 31 تا 40 سال و از لحاظ سطح تحصيل اكثريت ليسانس (2/52) بوده‌اند بيشترين ميزان رضايتمندي در حيطه همكاران با ميانگين 71/3 و ميانه  75/3 بوده است. كمترين ميزان رضايتمندي در حيطه رضايت از حقوق بوده است. بيشترين ميزان عوامل تنش‌زا مربوط به حيطه مراقبت از بيمار با ميانگين 04/3 و ميانه 16/3 و كمترين ميزان عوامل تنش‌زا مربوط به عوامل تنش‌زاي بين فردي با ميانگين 62/2 مي‌باشد. نتیجه‌گیری: از يافته‌هاي اين مطالعه مي‌توان چنين نتيجه گرفت چنانچه پرسنل 115 با تنش‌هاي شغلي كمتري روبرو شوند رضايت‌مندي بيشتري خواهد داشت لذا با كاهش اين عوامل می توان سطح رضايتمندي پرسنل 115 را بهبود بخشيد. سياست‌گذاران سيستم بهداشتي درماني مي‌توانند با توجه بيشتر به حقوق و مزايا باعث افزايش رضايت شغلي اين افراد شوند و با ارايه راهكارهايي در جهت كاهش تنش شغلي تكنيسين‌هاي اورژانس به افزايش كيفيت زندگي كاري و بهبود عملكرد آنان كمك نمايد

    Anesthesia and analgesia for common research models of adult mice

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    Abstract Anesthesia and analgesia are major components of many interventional studies on laboratory animals. However, various studies have shown improper reporting or use of anesthetics/analgesics in research proposals and published articles. In many cases, it seems “anesthesia” and “analgesia” are used interchangeably, while they are referring to two different concepts. Not only this is an unethical practice, but also it may be one of the reasons for the proven suboptimal quality of many animal researches. This is a widespread problem among investigations on various species of animals. However, it could be imagined that it may be more prevalent for the most common species of laboratory animals, such as the laboratory mice. In this review, proper anesthetic/analgesic methods for routine procedures on laboratory mice are discussed. We considered the available literature and critically reviewed their anesthetic/analgesic methods. Detailed dosing and pharmacological information for the relevant drugs are provided and some of the drugs’ side effects are discussed. This paper provides the necessary data for an informed choice of anesthetic/analgesic methods in some routine procedures on laboratory mice