34 research outputs found

    School and community partnership in promoting elementary education: A case study of union council Chountra, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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    The local communities and School Councils (SC) play a significant role in supporting the schools for successful and effective learning at the elementary level. This study examines the extent of community-school partnership in improving the functioning of elementary schools, and community development through the agency of SC. The main research question of the study was, how school and community mutually guide, interact and support each other for solving the burning issues faced to primary schools in their effective functioning.  The case study method with survey technique was applied to conduct this study. Thirteen elementary schools located in Union Council (UC) Chountra, a Sub-Tehsil of district Rawalpindi were taken as an integrated case. The quantitative and qualitative data was gathered through a checklist with five point Likert scale, and a semi-structured interview which were corroborated for analysis to draw findings and conclusions. Analysis revealed that schools are not fully successful in increasing the retention rate for the universalization of elementary education due to poor teachers’ commitment, unattractive school buildings, corporal punishment, and parents’ deteriorating trust in public schools. Participation of community through the agency of SC in academic, administrative, logistic matters of schools is almost non-functional

    Qualitative phytochemical analysis of some selected medicinal plants occurring in local area of Faisalabad, Pakistan

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    The Qualitative analysis is very essential to identify the phytochemical constituents present in medicinal plants. The medicinal value of plants is due to the presence of particular bioactive constituents. In present study qualitative analysis of seven medicinally important plants, namely Carica papaya (Papaya), Cichorium intybus (Cichory), Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel), Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco),  Rosa damascena (Red rose), Solanum nigrum (Makao) and Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) was done. Saponins, tannins, terpenoids, steroids, starch, total sugar, free reducing sugars, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, phenols, flavoniods and glycosoides were analyzed qualitatively by following the standard protocols. Rosa damascena and Foeniculum vulgare contained all tested constituents. Terpenoids and starch were present in all plant species except Nicotiana tobaccum. Saponins were present in all plants instead of Cichorium intybus

    Postictal Mania Versus Postictal Psychosis

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    PIM (postictal mania) or PIP (postictal psychosis) usually comes on after a single episode or a seizure cluster of generalized tonic-clonic or complex partial secondarily generalized seizures. Patients maintain a lucid interval of clear consciousness which precedes a psychotic episode. The symptoms may include insomnia, hallucinations, delusions, elated expansive mood, euphoria, and distractibility. We present a case of a 62-year-old male with PIP or mania preceding an episode of seizure. In the light of this case report, we illustrate the importance of being vigilant about the psychotic symptoms in a patient with epilepsy in order to minimize the morbidity

    DNA extraction and quantification from human saliva deposited on fruits with human bite

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    Background: Among important aspects of forensic science there stand recovery, preservation and analysis of stains originated by body fluid. DNA Isolated from evidence stains help to exclude an innocent suspect or to identify a perpetrator upon PCR-based typing. This study reports extraction and quantification of DNA from human saliva deposited on fruits. The research work was conducted at Department of Forensic Sciences, University of Health Sciences, Lahore and WTO laboratory of University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.Methodology: DNA from saliva deposited on bitten fruits. DNA from 55 samples were extracted by Chelax method, Quantifiler® DNA Quantification Kit was used for quantification of the extracted samples and amplification of DNA was done in 7500 Real-Time PCR systems (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Total 55 samples including controls (positive and negative controls) were collected from bitten fruits by sterile swabs.Results: All sample swabs with human saliva showed result for quantification. Overall good yield of DNA quantification obtained from all fruits and no sample showed internal inhibition. No sample showed non informative or incomplete quantification which occurs due to LCN (Low copy number) or lesser quantity of DNA extracted from saliva swab.Conclusion: This study has provided with optimized protocol to isolate DNA from saliva found in very minute quantity on organic surfaces like fruits. Adaptation of this method can play a vital role in establishing new trends in human forensics practiced in Pakistan. Moreover, for future work in human forensics, this study can provide important practical basis

    Assessment of antibacterial potential of Saccharum spontaneum Linn. (family: Poaceae), against different pathogenic microbes- an in vitro study.

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    In this study, Saccharum spontaneum (Family: Poaceae), was evaluated for its antibacterial potential against human pathogenic bacterial strains. In-vitro antibacterial tests were performed by disc diffusion method on nutrient agar, in order to analyze the percentage zone of inhibition. Whole plant’s extract showed the significant zone of inhibition (mm), against Staphylococcus aureus (17.00), Streptococcus pneumoniae (16.50), Bacillus cereus (15.90), Bacillus pumilus (15.45), Escherichia coli (18.00), Klebsiella pneumoniae (17.10), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15.20) and Citrobacter freundii (14.00), with relative percentages of inhibition of 76.90, 71.60, 57.40, 56.85, 70.40, 69.90, 61.05 and 54.30 respectively. Modified agar well diffusion method was used to measure the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and MIC values lies within the range of 75 to 300?g /ml for the G+ve strains while 75 to 600?g /ml for G-ve.  Due to presence of tannins and flavonoids, it inhibits the growth of bacteria on most regulatory levels such as peptidoglycan, DNA, RNA and protein synthesis

    Mitigating Salt-Induced Damages in Wheat with Foliar-Applied Nigella sativa Seed Extract: A Comprehensive Study

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    Nigella sativa, a medicinal plant, known for its diverse bioactive compounds, including antioxidants and phytohormones, have shown potential in mitigating salt stress in various plant species. Amongst naturally occurring plant growth stimulants, it has attained enormous attention being rich in thymoquinineand carvacrol in seeds for scavenging free radicals. This research aimed to investigate the effect of Nigella sativa seed extract (NSE) as foliar spray (0, 50, 100 and 150g seeds per liter each) on wheat growth under salt stress (0mM, 75mM and 150mM). Results revealed that salinity decreased growth attributes and accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. On the other hand, salinity stress boosted the contents of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, glycinebetaine, leaf free proline, Na+ and Cl-. Foliar application of NSEameliorated the negative effects of salinity to considerable extent by enhancing growth traits, chlorophyll contents, glycinebetaine and prolineand decreased Na+, Cl-,malondialdehyde andhydrogen peroxide. This research provides valuable insights into the potential use of NSE as natural and sustainable solution to alleviate salt stress in wheat crop. These findings contribute to the development of eco-friendly strategies for enhancing crop resilience in saline environments, ultimately addressing the global challenge of food security in the face of increasing soil salinity

    Preventive Role of Thymoquinone against Certain Chronic Health Issues: A Review

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    The seed of Nigella sativa commonly called ‘black seed’ has been used in different civilizations for centuries to treat various animal and human diseases. Thymoquinone is chemically 2-methyl-5-isopropyl-1, 4-benzoquinone monoterpene molecule and it is the main constituent in black seeds responsible for most of the pharmacological characteristics. The current review aims to discuss the effect of thymoquinone based on experimental evidence in reducing the risk of certain chronic issues such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, hepatopathy, hypertension, and obesity in the shadow of available literature. However, clinical trials are recommended to prove the studied effects of thymoquinone in humans.202

    Molecular detection, phylogenetic analysis and designing of siRNA against Potato Virus X

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    Background: As potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most liked food crops for human diet so increasing its production is an important goal for scientists to achieve. In this molecular study, we characterized the Coat Protein (CP) gene of Potato Virus X (PVX). CP gene is virulence mediator and integral part of viral structural assembly.Methodology: We tissue cultured the PVX positive potato plants for viral RNA extraction. Total RNA was converted to cDNA for priming CP gene in PCR for amplification. To get the complete sequence of gene, we cloned CP gene into pTZ57R/T cloning vector. Upon double digestion of recombinant plasmid with EcoRI and HindIII restriction enzymes, 710 bp fragment was obtained which confirmed cloning. Recombinant plasmid was sequenced with M13 primers.Results: Derived consensus sequence of 710 bp was found to be exact cds of CP gene showing 95% similarity with referenced genome. Phylogenetic analysis suggested Indian isolate of PVX as the nearest one. Multiple siRNA were designed against mentioned and optimized computationally to provide base for further studies.Conclusion: Following facts may be established upon findings of this research; i) CP gene of Pakistani isolate of PVX has high homology with other PVX isolates found around the world, ii) in determining target for efficient siRNA mediated approach to silence PVX genome, this conserved nature can be proved very promising. Thus, to develop PVX-resistant potato crop in Pakistan through siRNA mediated strategy, CP gene could be the best target

    Investigation of the anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant effects of wheat bread supplemented with onion peel extract and onion powder in diabetic rats

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    Aim Onion is one of the commonly cultivated and consumed vegetables rich in nutrients and phytochemicals. Various nutraceuticals are found in the outer fleshy layers and dry peel of onion which usually is treated as a common biowaste. Diabetes mellitus is a leading non communicable disease causing hyperglycemia and increased production of free radicals that potentially disrupts antioxidant enzymatic activity. Considering global consumption of wheat, the present study was designed to evaluate the anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant effects of wheat bread supplemented with onion peel extract (OPE) or onion powder (OP) on diabetic rats. Methods In this study, ethanolic extract of onion peel and onion bulb were prepared separately. Male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 7). Different regimens of supplemented wheat bread (OPE (1% and 3%) and OP (5% and 7%)) were given to diabetic rats for eight weeks, plain bread was used as the control. Blood glucose level, body weight and activities of SOD, CAT, GPx, GR, GSH and MDA in the liver and kidney tissues were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Version (25) and Dunnett's multiple comparison test. Results Bread supplemented with 1% and 3% onion peel extract and 7% onion powder significantly reduced blood glucose levels and MDA in the treated rats compared with the control group diabetic rats. Body weight of diabetic rats was reduced for control group, while onion supplemented diet improved the body weight of treated rats. Onion supplementation also brought significant improvement in antioxidant enzyme activities among the treated diabetic rats. Conclusion These findings suggested that onion supplementation is effective in lowering blood glucose and could potentially aid in protecting organs from oxidative stress.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence of syphilis in Pakistani blood donors

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    Abstract Background: Blood transfusion is one among the common sources for transmission of the infectious diseases. In Pakistan, a country of population about 1.8 billions, blood required for transfusion is approximately 1.5 million bags per year. So, evaluation of the prevalence of syphilis among the blood donors by a retrospective study is important and critical to give a vivid picture of current situation for both the donors involved and medical practitioners.  Method: A questioner was administered and consent was taken before obtaining the blood sample for the syphilis serology from all the blood donors. ARCHITECT syphilis Treponema Pallidum (TP) assay was performed to detect the syphilis.Results: There were 449 (3.1%) confirmed cases found to be syphilis positive out of total 14,352 tested individuals. We found that male population is at far higher risk than female population. Out of 179 females, only 3 (1.6%) were found to be syphilis positive and out of 14173 males, 446 (3.1%) were having syphilis infection.Conclusions: We report high prevalence of syphilis in blood donors which was unexpected as in accordance with the previous studies. This calls for mandatory syphilis screening test of donor before transfusion of blood.  As this high prevalence poses a great risk to public health, we strongly suggest that there should me be more public awareness campaign to fight against this infectious disease