11 research outputs found

    TrkA+ Neurons Induce Pathologic Regeneration After Soft Tissue Trauma

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    Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a dynamic, complex pathologic process that often occurs after severe polytrauma trauma, resulting in an abnormal mesenchymal stem cell differentiation leading to ectopic bone growth in soft-tissues including tendons, ligaments, and muscles. The abnormal bone structure and location induce pain and loss of mobility. Recently, we observed that NGF (Nerve growth factor)-responsive TrkA (Tropomyosin receptor kinase A)-expressing nerves invade sites of soft-tissue trauma, and this is a necessary feature for heterotopic bone formation at sites of injury. Here, we assayed the effects of the partial TrkA agonist Gambogic amide (GA) in peritendinous heterotopic bone after extremity trauma. Mice underwent HO induction using the burn/tenotomy model with or without systemic treatment with GA, followed by an examination of the injury site via radiographic imaging, histology, and immunohistochemistry. Single-cell RNA Sequencing confirmed an increase in neurotrophin signaling activity after HO-inducing extremity trauma. Next, TrkA agonism led to injury site hyper-innervation, more brisk expression of cartilage antigens within the injured tendon, and a shift from FGF to TGF beta signaling activity among injury site cells. Nine weeks after injury, this culminated in higher overall levels of heterotopic bone among GA-treated animals. In summary, these studies further link injury site hyper-innervation with increased vascular ingrowth and ultimately heterotopic bone after trauma. In the future, modulation of TrkA signaling may represent a potent means to prevent the trauma-induced heterotopic bone formation and improve tissue regeneration

    Systemic DKK1 neutralization enhances human adipose-derived stem cell mediated bone repair

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    : Progenitor cells from adipose tissue are able to induce bone repair; however, inconsistent or unreliable efficacy has been reported across preclinical and clinical studies. Soluble inhibitory factors, such as the secreted Wnt signaling antagonists Dickkopf-1 (DKK1), are expressed to variable degrees in human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), and may represent a targetable "molecular brake" on ASC mediated bone repair. Here, anti-DKK1 neutralizing antibodies were observed to increase the osteogenic differentiation of human ASCs in vitro, accompanied by increased canonical Wnt signaling. Human ASCs were next engrafted into a femoral segmental bone defect in NOD-Scid mice, with animals subsequently treated with systemic anti-DKK1 or isotype control during the repair process. Human ASCs alone induced significant but modest bone repair. However, systemic anti-DKK1 induced an increase in human ASC engraftment and survival, an increase in vascular ingrowth, and ultimately improved bone repair outcomes. In summary, anti-DKK1 can be used as a method to augment cell-mediated bone regeneration, and could be particularly valuable in the contexts of impaired bone healing such as osteoporotic bone repair

    Comprendre l'arthrose : analyse histomorphométrique de l'unité os-cartilage

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    The importance of subchondral bone in the pathogenesis and management of osteoarthritis retain the interest of clinicians and the scientific community. Indeed, there are strong links between the subchondral bone and the cartilage, maintaining the integrity of the latter resting on the subchondral bone to provide mechanical and nutritional support. Here, we investigated the relationship between bone and cartilage structures and vascular supply in human osteoarthritis.We collected 37 osteoarthritic tibial plates taken after total knee arthroplasty. In these same plates, several carrots were removed and scanned by microtomography. The resulting projections were reconstructed, then manually segmented to separate the subchondral bone from the trabecular bone and a microarchitectural analysis was done on both bone structures. The samples were decalcified, cut into 4 μm sections, stained in HES and classified into 6 groups according to the OARSI scale. The surface of the subchondral bone and the thickness and surface of the articular cartilage were measured. The number of vessels in the subchondral region was counted by two different operators and a VEGF immunofluorescent staining was performed. Finally, cartilage, subchondral and trabecular bone were used to measure ribonucleic and protein markers related to vascularization, innervation and inflammation.The microconstructure of the bone has evolved as osteoarthritis worsens. The subchondral bone has thickened and become more porous. Bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, spacing and number of trabeculae were positively correlated with the OARSI score. A significant decrease in the number of blood vessels was observed in the last stage of osteoarthritis. Finally, ribonucleic and protein markers related to vascularization, innervation and inflammation were modulated during the development of the pathology. Taken together, our data show dynamic interaction and support structures between subchondral bone and cartilage. Understanding of signaling pathways, the biochemical unity of cartilage in the joints and intercellular communication between cartilage and subchondral bone can lead to the development of more effective strategies for treating patients with osteoarthritis.L'importance de l'os sous-chondral dans la pathogenèse et la prise en charge de l'arthrose intéresse les cliniciens et la communauté scientifique. En effet, il existe des liens forts entre l'os sous-chondral et le cartilage, maintenant l'intégrité de ce dernier reposant sur l'os sous-chondral pour fournir un support mécanique et un soutien nutritionnel. Ici, nous avons étudié la relation entre les structures osseuses et cartilagineuses et l'approvisionnement vasculaire dans l'arthrose de la humaine.Nous avons recueilli 37 plateaux tibiaux arthrosiques prélevés après arthroplastie totale du genou. Dans ces mêmes plateaux, plusieurs carottes ont été prélevées et scannés par microtomographie. Les projections résultantes ont été reconstruites, puis segmentées manuellement pour séparer l'os sous-chondral de l'os trabéculaire et une analyse microarchitecturale a été développée sous les deux structures osseuses. Les échantillons ont été décalcifiés, coupés en sections de 16 heures, colorés dans de l'HES et classés en 6 groupes selon l'échelle OARSI. La surface de l'os sous-chondral et l'épaisseur et la surface du cartilage articulaire ont été cultivées. Le nombre de vaisseaux dans le sous-chondral a été compté par deux opérateurs différents et une coloration immunofluorescente avec du VEGF a été effectuée. Enfin, le cartilage, l'os sous-chondral et trabéculaire ont été utilisés pour mesurer les marqueurs ribonucléiques et protéiques liés à la vascularisation, l'innervation et l'inflammation.La microstructure de l'os a évolué au fur et à mesure que l'arthrose s'aggrave. L'os sous-chondral s'est épaissi et est devenu plus poreux. La fraction volumique osseuse, l'épaisseur trabéculaire, l'espacement et le nombre de trabécules ont été corrélés positivement avec le score OARSI. Une diminution significative du nombre de vaisseaux sanguins a été observée au dernier stade de l'arthrose. Enfin, les marqueurs ribonucléiques et protéiques liés à la vascularisation, à l'innervation et à l'inflammation ont été modulés au cours du développement de la pathologie. Pris ensemble, nos données montrent une interaction et des structures de soutien dynamiques entre l'os sous-chondral et le cartilage. La compréhension des voies de signalisation, l'unité biochimique du cartilage dans les articulations et la communication intercellulaire entre le cartilage et l'os sous-chondral peuvent mener à l'élaboration de stratégies plus efficaces pour traiter les patients souffrant d'arthrose

    Understanding Arthritis : histomorphometric analysis of the bone-cartilage unit

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    L'importance de l'os sous-chondral dans la pathogenèse et la prise en charge de l'arthrose intéresse les cliniciens et la communauté scientifique. En effet, il existe des liens forts entre l'os sous-chondral et le cartilage, maintenant l'intégrité de ce dernier reposant sur l'os sous-chondral pour fournir un support mécanique et un soutien nutritionnel. Ici, nous avons étudié la relation entre les structures osseuses et cartilagineuses et l'approvisionnement vasculaire dans l'arthrose de la humaine.Nous avons recueilli 37 plateaux tibiaux arthrosiques prélevés après arthroplastie totale du genou. Dans ces mêmes plateaux, plusieurs carottes ont été prélevées et scannés par microtomographie. Les projections résultantes ont été reconstruites, puis segmentées manuellement pour séparer l'os sous-chondral de l'os trabéculaire et une analyse microarchitecturale a été développée sous les deux structures osseuses. Les échantillons ont été décalcifiés, coupés en sections de 16 heures, colorés dans de l'HES et classés en 6 groupes selon l'échelle OARSI. La surface de l'os sous-chondral et l'épaisseur et la surface du cartilage articulaire ont été cultivées. Le nombre de vaisseaux dans le sous-chondral a été compté par deux opérateurs différents et une coloration immunofluorescente avec du VEGF a été effectuée. Enfin, le cartilage, l'os sous-chondral et trabéculaire ont été utilisés pour mesurer les marqueurs ribonucléiques et protéiques liés à la vascularisation, l'innervation et l'inflammation.La microstructure de l'os a évolué au fur et à mesure que l'arthrose s'aggrave. L'os sous-chondral s'est épaissi et est devenu plus poreux. La fraction volumique osseuse, l'épaisseur trabéculaire, l'espacement et le nombre de trabécules ont été corrélés positivement avec le score OARSI. Une diminution significative du nombre de vaisseaux sanguins a été observée au dernier stade de l'arthrose. Enfin, les marqueurs ribonucléiques et protéiques liés à la vascularisation, à l'innervation et à l'inflammation ont été modulés au cours du développement de la pathologie. Pris ensemble, nos données montrent une interaction et des structures de soutien dynamiques entre l'os sous-chondral et le cartilage. La compréhension des voies de signalisation, l'unité biochimique du cartilage dans les articulations et la communication intercellulaire entre le cartilage et l'os sous-chondral peuvent mener à l'élaboration de stratégies plus efficaces pour traiter les patients souffrant d'arthrose.The importance of subchondral bone in the pathogenesis and management of osteoarthritis retain the interest of clinicians and the scientific community. Indeed, there are strong links between the subchondral bone and the cartilage, maintaining the integrity of the latter resting on the subchondral bone to provide mechanical and nutritional support. Here, we investigated the relationship between bone and cartilage structures and vascular supply in human osteoarthritis.We collected 37 osteoarthritic tibial plates taken after total knee arthroplasty. In these same plates, several carrots were removed and scanned by microtomography. The resulting projections were reconstructed, then manually segmented to separate the subchondral bone from the trabecular bone and a microarchitectural analysis was done on both bone structures. The samples were decalcified, cut into 4 μm sections, stained in HES and classified into 6 groups according to the OARSI scale. The surface of the subchondral bone and the thickness and surface of the articular cartilage were measured. The number of vessels in the subchondral region was counted by two different operators and a VEGF immunofluorescent staining was performed. Finally, cartilage, subchondral and trabecular bone were used to measure ribonucleic and protein markers related to vascularization, innervation and inflammation.The microconstructure of the bone has evolved as osteoarthritis worsens. The subchondral bone has thickened and become more porous. Bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, spacing and number of trabeculae were positively correlated with the OARSI score. A significant decrease in the number of blood vessels was observed in the last stage of osteoarthritis. Finally, ribonucleic and protein markers related to vascularization, innervation and inflammation were modulated during the development of the pathology. Taken together, our data show dynamic interaction and support structures between subchondral bone and cartilage. Understanding of signaling pathways, the biochemical unity of cartilage in the joints and intercellular communication between cartilage and subchondral bone can lead to the development of more effective strategies for treating patients with osteoarthritis

    Divergent effects of distinct perivascular cell subsets for intra‐articular cell therapy in posttraumatic osteoarthritis

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    : Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells has shown benefit for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). However, mesenchymal stem/stromal cells at the origin of these clinical results are heterogenous cell populations with limited cellular characterization. Here, two transgenic reporter mice were used to examine the differential effects of two precisely defined perivascular cell populations (Pdgfrα+  and Pdgfrβ+  cells) from white adipose tissue for alleviation of OA. Perivascular mesenchymal cells were isolated from transgenic Pdgfrα-and Pdgfrβ-CreERT2 reporter animals and delivered as a one-time intra-articular dose to C57BL/6J mice after destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM). Both Pdgfrα+  and Pdgfrβ+  cell preparations improved metrics of cartilage degradation and reduced markers of chondrocyte hypertrophy. While some similarities in cell distribution were identified within the synovial and perivascular spaces, injected Pdgfrα+  cells remained in the superficial layers of articular cartilage, while Pdgfrβ+  cells were more widely dispersed. Pdgfrβ+  cell therapy prevented subchondral sclerosis induced by DMM, while Pdgfrα+  cell therapy had no effect. In summary, while both cell therapies showed beneficial effects in the DMM model, important differences in cell incorporation, persistence, and subchondral sclerosis were identified

    Divergent effects of distinct perivascular cell subsets for intra-articular cell therapy in posttraumatic osteoarthritis

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    : Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells has shown benefit for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). However, mesenchymal stem/stromal cells at the origin of these clinical results are heterogenous cell populations with limited cellular characterization. Here, two transgenic reporter mice were used to examine the differential effects of two precisely defined perivascular cell populations (Pdgfrα+  and Pdgfrβ+  cells) from white adipose tissue for alleviation of OA. Perivascular mesenchymal cells were isolated from transgenic Pdgfrα-and Pdgfrβ-CreERT2 reporter animals and delivered as a one-time intra-articular dose to C57BL/6J mice after destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM). Both Pdgfrα+  and Pdgfrβ+  cell preparations improved metrics of cartilage degradation and reduced markers of chondrocyte hypertrophy. While some similarities in cell distribution were identified within the synovial and perivascular spaces, injected Pdgfrα+  cells remained in the superficial layers of articular cartilage, while Pdgfrβ+  cells were more widely dispersed. Pdgfrβ+  cell therapy prevented subchondral sclerosis induced by DMM, while Pdgfrα+  cell therapy had no effect. In summary, while both cell therapies showed beneficial effects in the DMM model, important differences in cell incorporation, persistence, and subchondral sclerosis were identified

    CNTNAP4 signaling regulates osteosarcoma disease progression

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    Abstract Improved treatment strategies for sarcoma rely on clarification of the molecular mediators of disease progression. Recently, we reported that the secreted glycoprotein NELL-1 modulates osteosarcoma (OS) disease progression in part via altering the sarcomatous extracellular matrix (ECM) and cell-ECM interactions. Of known NELL-1 interactor proteins, Contactin-associated protein-like 4 (Cntnap4) encodes a member of the neurexin superfamily of transmembrane molecules best known for its presynaptic functions in the central nervous system. Here, CRISPR/Cas9 gene deletion of CNTNAP4 reduced OS tumor growth, sarcoma-associated angiogenesis, and pulmonary metastases. CNTNAP4 knockout (KO) in OS tumor cells largely phenocopied the effects of NELL-1 KO, including reductions in sarcoma cell attachment, migration, and invasion. Further, CNTNAP4 KO cells were found to be unresponsive to the effects of NELL-1 treatment. Transcriptomic analysis combined with protein phospho-array demonstrated notable reductions in the MAPK/ERK signaling cascade with CNTNAP4 deletion, and the ERK1/2 agonist isoproterenol restored cell functions among CNTNAP4 KO tumor cells. Finally, human primary cells and tissues in combination with sequencing datasets confirmed the significance of CNTNAP4 signaling in human sarcomas. In summary, our findings demonstrate the biological importance of NELL-1/CNTNAP4 signaling axis in disease progression of human sarcomas and suggest that targeting the NELL-1/CNTNAP4 signaling pathway represents a strategy with potential therapeutic benefit in sarcoma patients

    Acetabular Reaming Is a Reliable Model to Produce and Characterize Periarticular Heterotopic Ossification of the Hip

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    Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a pathologic process characterized by the formation of bone tissue in extraskeletal locations. The hip is a common location of HO, especially as a complication of arthroplasty. Here, we devise a first-of-its-kind mouse model of post-surgical hip HO and validate expected cell sources of HO using several HO progenitor cell reporter lines. To induce HO, an anterolateral surgical approach to the hip was used, followed by disclocation and acetabular reaming. Animals were analyzed with high-resolution roentgenograms and micro-computed tomography, conventional histology, immunohistochemistry, and assessments of fluorescent reporter activity. All the treated animals' developed periarticular HO with an anatomical distribution similar to human patients after arthroplasty. Heterotopic bone was found in periosteal, inter/intramuscular, and intracapsular locations. Further, the use of either PDGFR alpha or scleraxis (Scx) reporter mice demonstrated that both cell types gave rise to periarticular HO in this model. In summary, acetabular reaming reproducibly induces periarticular HO in the mouse reproducing human disease, and with defined mesenchymal cellular contributors similar to other experimental HO models. This protocol may be used in the future for further detailing of the cellular and molecular mediators of post-surgical HO, as well as the screening of new therapies