14 research outputs found

    Percepciones acerca del modelo de enseñanza bilingüe: valoración de las expectativas y experiencias de las partes implicadas

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es acercarnos un poco a la realidad de lo que sucede en las aulas de primaria que llevan a cabo una enseñanza bilingüe. Determinar si hasta ahora el bilingüismo dificulta o facilita el aprendizaje de los alumnos españoles y si es compatible o no con los alumnos que presentan necesidades educativas especiales. Es un hecho que en los últimos años hemos vivido la realidad en la que se ha apostado por el bilingüismo desde las etapas más tempranas y todo aquello ha creado una demanda profesional para los profesores. Hoy en día el maestro de primaria debe estar preparado para impartir la docencia en un segundo idioma lo cual ha contribuido a una mejor preparación de este colectivo, sobre todo en el idioma inglés y francés. Sin embargo, la siguiente cuestión no ha sido investigada en profundidad: ¿existen contraindicaciones a la hora de enseñar a los alumnos ACNEAE según el modelo bilingüe? El procedimiento llevado a cabo en este trabajo ha consistido en la profundización a cerca del concepto y modo de trabajar el bilingüismo y las necesidades especiales, a través de la revisión teórica y de las entrevistas realizadas a padres y alumnos pertenecientes a centros donde se lleva a cabo esta forma de enseñanza. Para obtener esta respuesta comienzo el trabajo realizando una revisión teórica, en la cual, nos adentramos en lo que es el bilingüismo, cómo funciona en España y en otros países de Europa. A continuación hago una breve exposición de las características que tiene que tener un alumno para considerarlo un ACNEAE (alumno con necesidad específica de apoyo educativo) y de los tipos de adaptaciones curriculares que se pueden llevar a cabo con él. Para concluir el trabajo, presento los resultados obtenidos de una pequeña entrevista que he realizado a cinco padres y madres cuyos hijos van a colegios bilingües y a cinco alumnos de centros con las mismas características

    La intervención en los trastornos de conducta en la escuela. Revisión bibliográfica

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    La categoría diagnóstica de Trastornos de conducta hace referencia al conjunto de conductas que violan los derechos de los demás o llevan al individuo a conflictos importantes frente a las normas de la sociedad o las figuras de autoridad. Pero no todos los comportamientos son iguales, ni tienen la misma intensidad, es muy compleja su delimitación debido a la multitud de factores implicados. Así, el DSM-V refleja tres trastornos característicos: Trastorno Negativista Desafiante, Trastorno Explosivo Intermitente y Trastorno de Conducta. Los abordo en este trabajo por ser los que poseen mayor repercusión social, siendo los más frecuentes en las unidades de salud mental infanto-juvenil. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer información actualizada sobre los trastornos de conducta, características, formas de presentación, etiología, evolución y la manera de evaluar e intervenir desde el ámbito educativo. Para ello se utilizaron artículos de revistas científicas pedagógicas, psicológicas y médicas, obtenidos en la biblioteca de la Facultad de Educación y bases de datos bibliográficos. Tras el análisis realizado, llego a la conclusión de la importancia de su evaluación e intervención precoz por profesionales (Maestros, Pedagogos, Pediatras y Médicos), debido a su complejidad y consecuencias negativas en los ámbitos familiar, escolar y social

    Areas of work-life in Spanish hostelry professionals: explanatory power on burnout dimensions

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    BackgroundResearchers have studied for decades workplace stress and burnout to identify their relationship to health and wellness. This research has focused on stress levels in people, as well as on environmental and personal factors that contribute to experiencing stress or burnout. In addition to the burnout measurement questionnaires (MBI-GS), Leiter and Maslach designed a model to evaluate the areas of work environment that relate to this construct (Areas of Worklife Scale-AWLS).The goal of the present research was to analyze the psychometric properties of a Spanish translation of the MBI (GS) and the AWLS with a Spanish-speaking population. This work makes a substantial contribution by addressing the need to use validated measures and methods when exploring the positive and negative aspects of organizations. These conditions provide a means to accurately evaluate the impact of interventions aimed to address stress and burnout.MethodCross-sectional study with self-report measures. The sample was comprised of 452 managers and employees (hotels, restaurants, catering) of Aragon (Spain). There were approximately equal numbers of women and men (45, 4% vs. 54, 6%). The average age of participants was 36.6years (SD=10.03). A battery of questionnaires was used: Socio-demographic and work characteristics, Scale of stress and health symptoms, Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), Areas of Worklife Scale (AWLS).ResultsThe results showed optimal psychometric properties in both questionnaires, especially in terms of the predictive capacity of the AWLS in each of the MBI-GS dimensions.ConclusionsThe best explained dimension is that of emotional exhaustion. The manageable load variable is the one that most contributes to predicting burnout levels. For future interventions, the results confirm the need to verify the levels of each area of work, in order to focus on the most deteriorated ones

    Social support as a mediator in the relationship between technostress or academic stress and health: analysis by gender among university students

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    IntroductionThis research aims to study the role of social support as a mediator in the relationship between technostress or academic stress and health in university students.MethodsA descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study has been carried out through a self-reported survey answered by 389 students during March and April 2022. The current level of health was the outcome variable. Technostress and academic stress were the criterion variables. Perceived social support was the mediator variable. The sociodemographic variables and ICT use at the educational level were the independent variables.ResultsWomen have higher levels of technostress and academic stress than men. Social support significantly and positively mediates the relationship between academic stress and self-perceived health in men.DiscussionThere is a clear need to develop new social management strategies that assist students in developing stable and long-lasting social networks, which can reduce stress during the student period and provide personal tools for later working life

    Value congruence, control, sense of community and demands as determinants of burnout syndrome among hospitality workers

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    Employees working in the hospitality industry are constantly exposed to occupational stressors that may lead employees into experiencing burnout syndrome. Research addressing the interactive effects of control, community and value congruence to alleviate the impact of workplace demands on experiencing burnout is relatively limited. The present study examined relationships among control, community and value congruence, workplace demands and the three components of burnout. A sample of 418 employees working in a variety of hospitality associations including restaurants and hotels in Spain were recruited. Moderation analyses and linear regressions analyzed the predictive power of control, community and value congruence as moderating variables. Results indicate that control, community and value congruence were successful buffers in the relationships between workplace demands and the burnout dimensions. The present findings offer suggestions for future research on potential moderating variables, as well as implications for reducing burnout among hospitality employees

    Relation of the Psychological Constructs of Resilience, Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion on the Perception of Physical and Mental Health

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    Purpose: Health factors that enhance an individual’s ability to perceive and maintain health and well-being are referred to as “health assets”. Of these assets, resilience, mindfulness and self-compassion are considered to be of special importance. The objective of this study was to analyze the association between these psychological constructs on the perception of physical and mental health in a general population. Patients and methods: A descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with 845 participating subjects. The outcome variable was the individual´s perception of physical and mental health, measured using the SF-36 questionnaire. The independent variables were: sociodemographic variables, medical information, physical activity performance (using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire), tobacco and alcohol consumption, anxiety and/or depression (using the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale), resilience (using the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale), mindfulness (with the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire Short Form) and self-compassion (using the Self-compassion scale-short form). A correlation analysis, simple linear regression and multiple linear regression were carried out, controlling for the influence of the distinct independent variables. Results: The constructs of resilience, mindfulness and self-compassion are significant, in the perception of both physical and mental health. Other factors appearing in the multiple regression are gender, age, educational level, physical activity and tobacco consumption, in a positive or negative sense. Conclusion: The study of these associations is fundamental for the understanding of underlying regulation processes of healthy lifestyles in the general population

    Prevalence of celiac disease in primary care: the need for its own code

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    Background: Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune chronic enteropathy of the small intestine caused by exposure to gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. CD is not easy to diagnose due to its unspecific symptomatology, especially in adults, a diagnosed/undiagnosed ratio of 1:7 is estimated. CD does not have its own code in the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) but it is coded under code D99 “Disease digestive system, other”, which hinders diagnosis, intervention and research. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of CD in Arago´n, Spain, using the information available from Primary Care, as well as to discuss the difficulties involved in determining prevalence of CD from data collected at this level of medical intervention. Methods: We designed an epidemiological cross-sectional study and analysed 26,964 electronic clinical records from the Aragonese Health Service under code ICPC D99 collected up to December 31st, 2016. The clinical records were classified by their editable field “descriptor” according to their probability of being related to CD. Analyses of gender, age, age at diagnosis, province and health sector were carried out. Results: We found 4534 clinical records under 293 different descriptors with a high probability of referring to CD. Prevalence in Arago´n was estimated to be 0.35% ranging from 0.24 to 0.81% with important differences among health sectors. Conclusions: The prevalence of 0.35% is a long way from the generally accepted 1% but within the usually considered ratio 1:7 of diagnosed:undiagnosed cases. Differences among sectors should be carefully analysed. Lacking its own ICPC code, diagnosis of CD in Primary Care Services is not included in a single category, but it is distributed under several descriptors, which makes it difficult to offer any firm diagnosis for treatment and hinders research. Finally, the high prevalence of CD justifies its own ICPC code and the need to withdraw CD from the generic D99 code “Disease digestive system other”

    Características basales y calidad de vida de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus incluidos en el ensayo clínico aleatorizado EIRA

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    Fundamentos: El estudio EIRA es un ensayo clínico aleatorizado multicéntrico que pretende evaluar la efectividad de una intervención compleja multirriesgo dirigida a personas de 45-75 años atendidas en Atención Primaria. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron describir las características basales de los pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus incluidos en la fase III del estudio EIRA, y analizar la relación que puedan tener las diferentes variables independientes con la calidad de vida. Métodos: Se analizaron los datos recogidos al inicio del estudio de todos los pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus que se incluyeron en la fase III del estudio EIRA. Se seleccionaron pacientes con dos o más estilos de vida no saludables: tabaquismo, baja adherencia a dieta mediterránea y/o bajo nivel de actividad física. La calidad de vida se midió con el cuestionario EQ-5D-5L. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y bivariante. Las variables no siguieron una distribución normal. Se utilizaron test estadísticos no paramétricos. Para identificar factores influyentes en la calidad de vida, se utilizó regresión lineal automatizada con SPSS v19. Resultados: Se incluyeron 694 pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus (356 controles, 338 en intervención, sin diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos). Control: 37,64% mujeres, edad (mediana) 60 años. Intervención: 37,87% mujeres, edad (mediana) 60 años. Comportamientos de riesgo más prevalentes en orden descendente: baja adherencia a dieta mediterránea, bajo nivel de actividad física y tabaquismo. Las variables que influyeron significativamente en la calidad de vida fueron: GAD-7, actividad laboral, HbA1c y CIDI. Conclusiones: No existen diferencias significativas motivadas por el diseño del estudio. Es destacable la influencia de la salud mental en el EQ-5D-5L

    Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Primary Care That Addresses Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Two or More Unhealthy Habits, Such as Diet, Physical Activity or Smoking: Multicenter Randomized Cluster Trial (EIRA Study)

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    Introduction: We evaluated the effectiveness of an individual, group and community intervention to improve the glycemic control of patients with diabetes mellitus aged 45–75 years with two or three unhealthy life habits. As secondary endpoints, we evaluated the inverventions’ effectiveness on adhering to Mediterranean diet, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and quality of life. Method: A randomized clinical cluster (health centers) trial with two parallel groups in Spain from January 2016 to December 2019 was used. Patients with diabetes mellitus aged 45–75 years with two unhealthy life habits or more (smoking, not adhering to Mediterranean diet or little physical activity) participated. Centers were randomly assigned. The sample size was estimated to be 420 people for the main outcome variable. Educational intervention was done to improve adherence to Mediterranean diet, physical activity and smoking cessation by individual, group and community interventions for 12 months. Controls received the usual health care. The outcome variables were: HbA1c (main), the Mediterranean diet adherence score (MEDAS), the international diet quality index (DQI-I), the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ), sedentary lifestyle, smoking ≥1 cigarette/day and the EuroQuol questionnaire (EVA-EuroQol5D5L). Results: In total, 13 control centers (n = 356) and 12 intervention centers (n = 338) were included with similar baseline conditions. An analysis for intention-to-treat was done by applying multilevel mixed models fitted by basal values and the health center: the HbA1c adjusted mean difference = −0.09 (95% CI: −0.29–0.10), the DQI-I adjusted mean difference = 0.25 (95% CI: −0.32–0.82), the MEDAS adjusted mean difference = 0.45 (95% CI: 0.01–0.89), moderate/high physical activity OR = 1.09 (95% CI: 0.64–1.86), not living a sedentary lifestyle OR = 0.97 (95% CI: 0.55–1.73), no smoking OR = 0.61 (95% CI: 0.54–1.06), EVA adjusted mean difference = −1.26 (95% CI: −4.98–2.45). Conclusions: No statistically significant changes were found for either glycemic control or physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and quality of life. The multicomponent individual, group and community interventions only showed a statistically significant improvement in adhering to Mediterranean diet. Such innovative interventions need further research to demonstrate their effectiveness in patients with poor glycemic control

    Multiple health behaviour change primary care intervention for smoking cessation, physical activity and healthy diet in adults 45 to 75 years old (EIRA study): a hybrid effectiveness-implementation cluster randomised trial

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    Methods: A cluster randomised effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial-type 2 with two parallel groups was conducted in 25 Spanish Primary Health Care (PHC) centres (3062 participants): 12 centres (1481 participants) were randomised to the intervention and 13 (1581 participants) to the control group (usual care). The intervention was based on the Transtheoretical Model and focused on all target behaviours using individual, group and community approaches. PHC professionals made it during routine care. The implementation strategy was based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Data were analysed using generalised linear mixed models, accounting for clustering. A mixed-methods data analysis was used to evaluate implementation outcomes (adoption, acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility and fidelity) and determinants of implementation success. Results: 14.5% of participants in the intervention group and 8.9% in the usual care group showed a positive change in two or all the target behaviours. Intervention was more effective in promoting dietary behaviour change (31.9% vs 21.4%). The overall adoption rate by professionals was 48.7%. Early and final appropriateness were perceived by professionals as moderate. Early acceptability was high, whereas final acceptability was only moderate. Initial and final acceptability as perceived by the participants was high, and appropriateness moderate. Consent and recruitment rates were 82.0% and 65.5%, respectively, intervention uptake was 89.5% and completion rate 74.7%. The global value of the percentage of approaches with fidelity ≥50% was 16.7%. Eight CFIR constructs distinguished between high and low implementation, five corresponding to the Inner Setting domain. Conclusions: Compared to usual care, the EIRA intervention was more effective in promoting MHBC and dietary behaviour change. Implementation outcomes were satisfactory except for the fidelity to the planned intervention, which was low. The organisational and structural contexts of the centres proved to be significant determinants of implementation effectiveness