68 research outputs found
Volumetric Change Calculation for a Landfill Stockpile Using UAV Photogrammetry
A growth in population and urbanization is the major factor of accretion in municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in Malaysia. The higher percentage of MSW particularly in Peninsular Malaysia, a quantity of 16,200 tons per day in 2001 increase to 19,100 tons per day in 2005 which make an average of 0.8 kg/capita/day. The amount continues expanding yearly and approximately 8 million tons per day especially in urban areas. Hence, the landfill management has to design a landfill using basic design parameters method which use past record to complement with the correlation factor during the situation. However, this method will exert more time before producing the result. This research aims to consider the calculation of volumetric change calculation for a landfill stockpile using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and predict the targeted life span as an alternative method. The case study is located at Rimba Mas, Mukim Titi Tinggi, Perlis. The process involved throughout this study are planning and preparation before the flight, data collection using UAV, image processing and analyzing data from the image. This study focusses more on the method to calculate the volume using UAV photogrammetry and generate the data into Pix4dmapper. This observation took 2 months periodically to oversee the changes in volume at the landfill site. The result of analysis showed that, there were differences and increasing in the volume of waste for each months. The volume information obtained from UAV photogrammetry and the Pix4dmapper software can help in future for better plan in managing the landfill and MSW
Kenosis as Liberation: The Kenotic Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar as a Critical Foundation for African Liberation Theology
Item does not contain fulltextRadboud University, 1 oktober 2019Promotores : Hübenthal, C.H., Erp, S.A.J. va
The Relationship of Behavioral Activation and Inhibition Systems (BAS/BIS), Difficulty of Emotional Regulation and Shyness with Social Anxiety Disorder in Normal Adolescents
ز زمینه و هدف: اختلال های اضطرابی یکی از شایع ترین اختلال های دوران نوجوانی هستند و از مهم ترین انواع این اختلال ها می توان به اختلال اضطراب اجتماعی اشاره کرد. هدف این پژوهش، پیش بینی اضطراب اجتماعی، از طریق سه عامل سیستم های فعال ساز و بازداری رفتاری ، دشواری در تنظیم هیجانی و کمرویی بود. روش بررسی: روش پژوهش حاضر غیر آزمایشی و طرح آن از نوع همبستگی می باشد. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه دانش آموزان دختر و پسر پایه اول دبیرستان های شهرکرد در سال تحصیلی 94- 1393 بود که با روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای از میان آن ها نمونه ای به حجم1000نفر (500 پسر و500 دختر) بر اساس جدول کرجسی و مورگان انتخاب شد. جمع آوری داده های پژوهش با استفاده از پرسشنامه های سیستم فعال ساز و بازداری رفتاری(BIS/BAS)، تنظیم هیجانی(ERS) ، اضطراب اجتماعی(SPIN) و کمرویی انجام گرفت. داده ها با استفاده از آمار توصیفی(میانگین و انحراف معیار) و استنباطی(ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندگانه به روش گام به گام) با نرم افزار SPSS-20 مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: یافته ها نشان دادند، بین اختلال اضطراب اجتماعی با سیستم بازداری رفتاری(05/0>P) ، با دشواری در تنظیم هیجانی(05/0>P) و با کمرویی(05/0>P) ارتباط مثبت معنی دار وجود دارد. ولی بین سیستم فعال ساز رفتاری با اختلال اضطراب اجتماعی ارتباط معنی داری یافت نشد(05/
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya prevalensi lulusan anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan yang belum siap bekerja dan kembali lagi ke sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan draf program kesiapan sekolah dalam menyiapkan lulusan anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan pada dunia kerja di SLB X melalui upaya pengembangan program vokasional, dukungan sekolah secara psikologis, penyiapan pengalama kerja, maupun hambatan yang dialami oleh sekolah, sehingga dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat tersusunnya program yang efektif dalam memberikan kesiapan kerja pada anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 3 anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan ringan SMALB X, dengan informan kepala sekolah dan guru keterampilan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) upaya kesiapan sekolah dalam menyiapkan anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan di SLB X dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan keterampilan vokasional yang beragam sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa dan asesmen lingkungan sekitar sekolah, 2) upaya sekolah dalam memberikan kesiapan kerja secara psikologis dilakukan dengan memberikan support, motivasi, dan reinforcement pada anak secara terus menerus baik secara verbal maupun konkret, 3) memberikan pengalaman kerja pada siswa melalui pelatihan secara rutin di sekolah, mendatangkan tenaga ahli pada bidang keterampilan tertentu dan mengikutsertakan peserta didik pada kursus di luar sekolah 4) hambatan yang dialami sekolah dalam menyiapkan lulusan anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal 5) program kesiapan sekolah dalam menyiapkan lulusan anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan yang sudah dirancang dan divalidasi diharapkan dapat membantu sekolah dalam menyiapkan kesiapan kerja peserta didik.
Kata kunci: Anak dengan hambatan kecerdasan, program, kesiapan kerja.
This research is motivated by the large prevalence of child graduates with intellectual disabilities who are not ready to work and return to school. The purpose of this study was to find a draft of school readiness programs in preparing child graduates with intellectual disabilities in the world of work in SLB X through the development of vocational programs, psychological school support, preparation of work experiences, and obstacles experienced by schools, so that from this research It is hoped that an effective program can be structured in providing work readiness to children with intellectual barriers. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation studies. Subjects in this study were 3 children with mild intellectual disabilities at SMALB X, with the principal informant and skills teacher. The results showed that 1) school readiness efforts to prepare children with intellectual disabilities in SLB X were carried out by providing various vocational skills training according to students' abilities and assessment of the environment around the school, 2) the school's efforts to provide psychological work readiness were carried out by providing support , motivation, and reinforcement to children continuously both verbally and concretely, 3) providing work experience to students through regular training at school, bringing in experts in certain skill areas and involving students in courses outside of school 4) obstacles that experienced by schools in preparing child graduates with intellectual disabilities influenced by internal and external factors 5) school readiness programs in preparing child graduates with intelligence barriers that have been designed and validated are expected to help schools in preparing participants' work readiness students.
Keywords: Children with intellectual disabilities, programs, job readiness
Development of microscale wind maps for Phaluay Island, Thailand
AbstractPhaluay Island (9o 31’ 30.27” N 99o 41’ 19.66” E), located in the Gulf of Thailand, was selected by the Ministry of Energy of Thailand as a pilot model to demonstrate the development of a ‘Green Island’. Renewable energy including wind energy has been promoted as an energy resource for the island. In this study, a microscale wind map with a resolution of 90 m x 90 m was developed from a mesoscale wind data with the resolution of 3 x 3 km2 using Meteodyn WT wind resource assessment software. The results revealed the spatial variation of the microscale wind over the island. The high wind speed was found mostly in the mountainous area and finally the potential site for the installation of wind turbine on Phaluay Island was identified
Governance strategies in sustainable campus using Rasch model
In moving towards sustainability, university needs to establish a good governance strategy which practices to transform a positive sustainable culture toward successful green campus. Howe ver, due to constraint of knowledge and commitment regarding sustainability integration has caused weakness in the implementation of green concept in majority of Malaysian universities. This paper is presents one of the five dimensions of a developed hypot hetical integrated sustainable campus model which is university governance. The university governance dimension consists of 5 constructs and 23 items which are strategies for the university to be complied. These strategies were uncovered using questionnair e survey with 35 selected experts who are currently active in sustainable campus activities and researches. Collected data from this survey was analysed using Rasch method in Winstep software to measure items reliability, separation index, items polarity, item fit and item person map. Results from the analysis indicated that 19 strategies were significant to be implemented. Thus, it provides good information for universities to adopt these sustainable campus strategies in making their campus as a role mode l for a sustainable and conducive living environment
Construction of an Integrated Social Vulnerability Index to Identify Spatial Variability of Exposure to Seismic Hazard in Pahang, Malaysia
Devastating effects of natural disasters dynamically depends on the vulnerability components of a specific area. Therefore, assessing vulnerability is necessary to estimate the earthquake risk. This paper argues for a multidisciplinary method that integrates social vulnerability into the seismic risk analysis in Pahang. The methodology specifically relies on; (1) the development on a set of social indicators using multivariate data analysis to identify and evaluate the local characteristics that contribute to the vulnerability and risk of inhabitants of district space; and (2) the application of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology for generating and mapping the spatial pattern of social vulnerability index for seismic hazard in Pahang, Malaysia that was based on the classification of its exposure level. The classes of a social vulnerability index map were overlaid with a seismic hazard map that was proposed by JMG (Mineral and Geoscience Department Malaysia) through the use of map algebra functions in GIS tools. Results for social vulnerability map showed that, majority of the study area are in relatively low to moderate level except for Kuantan district, which is highly vulnerable. Meanwhile, the combination of the social vulnerability map and seismic hazard map reveals that, districts in the central parts of the region are the most highly exposed to earthquake threats, whereas in the eastern part it demonstrates the low level of exposure to seismic hazard (with the exception for the Kuantan district, where it is highly vulnerable). The proposed method provides useful information on the spatial variability of exposure vulnerability to seismic hazard that could enhance the earthquake preparedness and mitigation
Earthquake Risk Assessment of Sabah, Malaysia Based on Geospatial Approach
Sabah is located in the northeast region of East Malaysia and recognized as the most active seismic areas in Malaysia. The scalability and frequency of earthquakes are growing due to the existence of both local and distant ground motions from active faults, with more than 100 earthquake events have been recorded since 1923. On the other hand, the skewed socio-economic development process associated with the rapid population growth and changes in the family structure, inequality issues, and the lack of adaptation measures would intensify the vulnerability of the earthquakes. Key elements linked to socio-economic vulnerability need to be address in order to reduce the risk of earthquake. Based on previous studies, we identified vulnerabilities from a multi-dimensional perspective consisting of exposure, resilience and capacity across districts. Subsequently, a holistic indicators system with 18 variables was constructed to assess the potential earthquake vulnerability in Sabah, Malaysia. The accumulated data will present an earthquake vulnerability classification using a Geographical Information System (GIS) approach. Finally, the earthquake risk was derived by integrating the earthquake vulnerability map with earthquake hazard map proposed by the Department of Mineral and Geoscience (JMG) Malaysia. The results of the analysis revealed that the highest levels of earthquake risk accounts for 15.5% were concentrated in the eastern part of the Sabah region; the high-risk areas accounts for 7.7%; the moderate-risk areas accounts for 11.3%; and the area of low to very low risk accounts for 65.4%. Accordingly, it is expected that the derived earthquake vulnerability and risk map will allow the policymakers and response teams to improve the earthquake disaster mitigation and management in Sabah
Earthquake Risk Assessment of Sabah, Malaysia Based on Geospatial Approach
Sabah is located in the northeast region of East Malaysia and recognized as the most active seismic areas in Malaysia. The scalability and frequency of earthquakes are growing due to the existence of both local and distant ground motions from active faults, with more than 100 earthquake events have been recorded since 1923. On the other hand, the skewed socio-economic development process associated with the rapid population growth and changes in the family structure, inequality issues, and the lack of adaptation measures would intensify the vulnerability of the earthquakes. Key elements linked to socio-economic vulnerability need to be address in order to reduce the risk of earthquake. Based on previous studies, we identified vulnerabilities from a multi-dimensional perspective consisting of exposure, resilience and capacity across districts. Subsequently, a holistic indicators system with 18 variables was constructed to assess the potential earthquake vulnerability in Sabah, Malaysia. The accumulated data will present an earthquake vulnerability classification using a Geographical Information System (GIS) approach. Finally, the earthquake risk was derived by integrating the earthquake vulnerability map with earthquake hazard map proposed by the Department of Mineral and Geoscience (JMG) Malaysia. The results of the analysis revealed that the highest levels of earthquake risk accounts for 15.5% were concentrated in the eastern part of the Sabah region; the high-risk areas accounts for 7.7%; the moderate-risk areas accounts for 11.3%; and the area of low to very low risk accounts for 65.4%. Accordingly, it is expected that the derived earthquake vulnerability and risk map will allow the policymakers and response teams to improve the earthquake disaster mitigation and management in Sabah
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